Multiple webcams composite video streaming

I am relatively new to media foundation and I had just finished building my first single webcam streaming application using 'Developing Microsoft Media foundation Applications'. I have multiple dynamic webcam sources(the webcam number can change) and I need
to combine them using the video mixer to form a composite video stream much like how multiple CCTV live streaming working on one screen. And yet at the same time I can access individual video stream and highlight/bring in to focus/zoom in when the cursor is
hovering over to a particular video stream(event listening on video stream). 
I need a set of guidelines to work with media session, topology, video mixer and video presenter to implement the functionality above. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am not looking into directX to achieve the functionality above. I am into the native
media foundation architecture.

Camera are WVC54GCA
Router is a WRT300N.
Like I stated earlier, one of these cams I can stream fine to my backberry storm,(Port 554 is forward to the ip address of the camera) but can't seem to configure the other for cell phone viewing.
All cameras can be viewed via http via computers.

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    Camera are WVC54GCA
    Router is a WRT300N.
    Like I stated earlier, one of these cams I can stream fine to my backberry storm,(Port 554 is forward to the ip address of the camera) but can't seem to configure the other for cell phone viewing.
    All cameras can be viewed via http via computers.

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    Looks like the connector that goes into the iPad doesn't precisely connect all pins and lock the whole thing in place as well as we would think an Apple-branded product would. I discovered after four hours that if I pull my AV composite cable from the iPad without turning the iPad off (not the Apple recommended way - perhaps there's a better way, like replugging with it off?) and plugging it back in, *poof* I get video again. Now, Netflix still isn't working, but U-Tubes and photo slideshows are back with awesome-quality sound. I believe I'll get similar results when I try this on my iPhone 4.
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    Thanks for the reply but i think u misunderstood my problem.
    I am not receiving any RTP Stream but RTMP stream.RTMP is a proprietary protocol of Adobe For Streaming Flash video from Flash Media Server (FMS).
    I again state the problem.
    I am getting an RTMP Stream now i want to convert it into an RTP Stream so that i can process or transmit it further.I want to convert this RTMP Stream to RTP format.
    Anyone plz help me out.I am stuck into this for past 2 days and it is very critical for my project. :-(

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    Best regards

    I want to do the same thing ... I was able to stream audio through the socket but could not stream video.
    I posted my question at
    and presented a sketch of my implementation design. But until now no one has answered my question.
    This is how you should hook up the components on the transmitter side
    Webcam --> Processor --> Custom DataSink --> PushBufferStream --> PushBufferHandler --> Socket --> Network.
    You can implement the transferData() method of the PushBufferHandler to write to a socket.
    And on the Receiver side the components should be hooked up like this
    Network --> Socket --> PullBufferStream --> custom DataSource --> Player
    Now as I mentioned in
    the audio works fine but the video does not. The video does not render on the receiver side.
    Note: I tried TCP sockets with audio and it is terrible (not practical at all) so I reverted to UDP datagrams and the result was better than I expected. I didn't take care of the ordering of received packet at the receiver but it still worked fine.
    I am still looking waiting for some help in why video is not rendering and how can I sovle this problem.
    I am workning on a project and time is running out.
    Any help?

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    C. Barker

    What the client is asking for is PiP (Picture in Picture), and Colin has outlined the method for creating the PiP.
    I also find it easiest, when doing a lot of PiP work, to use alignment grids, to help me with both the Scaling and the Position. This ARTICLE goes into a bit more detail. For PiP, I will usually create a custom alignment grid, similar to this:
    Good luck, and hope that this helps,

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    Thank you

    You can use this demo from valentin :
    it could help
    Brahim AYI

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    My old video professor from school did a lot of video installations. He often had trouble keeping multiple DVD players in sync with one another, they would drift over time. If you are thinking about the DVD player route, make sure you're using the exact same model for each player, and make sure to run tests over a long period of time.
    Of course, using an external genlock would probably prevent that, too.

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    Hello everybody,
    Glad to be in this forum.
    I got to do a program in java doing :
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    Could anyone help me to progress on my project ?
    thx a lot

    Hi agussi, yes, it's possible to do that in Java using JMF.
    I'm not a JMF expert, but I've found this code very useful:
    This piece of code shows the webcam stream and you can take snapshots with it. With a little tweak you can do what you are expecting.
    I hope this helps.

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    ...well I did follow that article on playing an h264/mpeg4
    video in flash. It works well, but how would you add playback
    FLVPlayback component only allows you to source an FLV video
    not h264/mpeg4.
    This is probably a simple as3 answer...but I am not
    knowledgeable on as3 to know what code to add.
    Any suggests or direction that I should look would be great.
    In the meantime I am researching actionscript 3 to find and anwer.

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    After reading the features and documentation I have a doubt:
    Can I have multiple live video streams with FMSS at the same time?
    E.g.: Different TV stations broadcast to a single server, and
    then the user chooses what station wants to watch.

    Contact them and ask them which video streaming standards they use.  The most popular are:
    Windows Media, Windows Media with DRM enabled, MPEG-4, Realplayer, Adobe Flash, and Silverlight. Microsoft has released a Silverlight update for Lion. allows native non-DRM Windows Media.  Alternatively, you may need virtualization*. Realplayer's latest update is Lion compatible.  MPEG-4 make sure the version of Quicktime you have installed is the latest.  Adobe's Flash, the same thing.  Also ask them if their website depends on ActiveX.  Again, with ActiveX, virtualization may be your only solution.

  • HELP: Is it possible to record from multiple video streams using iMovie?

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    I want to record a presenter on a greenscreen and also his powerpoint slides at the same time and cut from one to other.
    Can imovie record from screen and camera at same time?
    If so is there a link to somewhere explaining how to do so?
    If not, what is the most efficient way to do so, without having to learn a whole complex program?
    Please advise asap.
    Very many thanks

    Alan and Anthony,
    Thanks for the quick responses. Unfortunately, there is no backup :(.
    I will ask if they get logged into the global zone, but one thing I forgot to mention is that this zone (as are all our non-global zones and the global zone also) are configured for ldap logins.
    Assuming that they can even try to login to the global zone, can they even see the directory structure in the non-global zone (sorry, I haven't worked with Zones much thus far) from the global zone?
    Also, if they can see the non-global zones directory structure, what should they then try?
    Also, I've been searching and I've seen some suggestions of running a "pkgcheck -af" which might restore the directory permissions to what the various packages expect. Assuming that they can get to the point that they can at least log into the zone, is that something that would work?
    I'm setting up a new test Solaris box now, with a zone, to try to reproduce the problem. If I can reproduce the problem, I'll post back whether or not I see the same thing.
    In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions, please post them.
    P.S. In case you're wondering, the box/zone that got messed up was a test/integration zone, and they were in the process of installing some software when this chmod happened.

  • Adobe cirrus and multiple video streams

    Actually, I would like to know - is there a way from one machine to publish two or more video streams, creating the necessary number of connections and cells (with different qualities)?
    At the moment, this trick does not work, but I am using a developer key for multiplesimultaneous connections, with returns only the last published data stream.
    I would be very grateful for the clarification!

    That's actually exactly how I have it, I just added an extra option so you can, in theory, switch between the two versions on the fly.
    In the track viewer both video streams are the exact same length, the only issue is when I switch the video angles. I guess I could just erase the second video stream and avoid the problem altogether (don't want that showing up in my final school project now do I), but I really want to figure this out.

  • Multiple Video Streams not synced

    Long story short;
    I have a track with two video streams or angles. They are the exact same in terms of timecode down to the last frame (it's basically the same video but one stream has a color filter for visual effect).
    My problem is this: whenever I switch between the two videos, the second video is not synced with the audio. It seems to be a few seconds off, and I'm hoping to get this issue resolved. The first video stream is synced properly regardless, but it's just the second stream that isn't working properly.
    If it makes any difference, I'm using .m2v video format and only one audio stream. Anybody have any ideas?

    That's actually exactly how I have it, I just added an extra option so you can, in theory, switch between the two versions on the fly.
    In the track viewer both video streams are the exact same length, the only issue is when I switch the video angles. I guess I could just erase the second video stream and avoid the problem altogether (don't want that showing up in my final school project now do I), but I really want to figure this out.

  • Video stream sharing?

    Does anyone know if there is a way to have multiple video applications share a single web cam (iSight, on a Mac) video stream at one time? Or, even better yet, to have one application be able to process, apply a filter to the video input, and then to hand it off to another application? What I'm imagining is something along the lines of having PhotoBooth or WebCam Tweeker apply a distortion filter to the iSight video before it gets passed into iChat or Yahoo and then on out to the net.
    MacBook, iMac CoreDuo, iBook G3 "Stinky", Powerbook G3 "Pismo", iMac (the original)   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Does anyone know if there is a way to have multiple
    video applications share a single web cam (iSight, on
    a Mac) video stream at one time?
    No, not simultaneously.
    ... have one application be able to process, apply a
    filter to the video input, and then to hand it off to
    another application?
    If the actions you want to do are scriptable, you might be able to create an AppleScript to perform your sequential actions. You can check which actions are scriptable in the AppleScript Dictionary for the applications you want to use. If you need more help with AppleScript, look in Forum: AppleScript.
    If your actions are not scriptable, buying other applications, writing your own, or commissioning custom software are the only alternatives I know.
    ... along the lines of having PhotoBooth or WebCam
    Tweeker apply a distortion filter to the iSight video
    before it gets passed into iChat or ...
    ChatFX will add special effects to iChat.
    In addition to several other features, ShowMacster will show, via iChat, the "effects" videos you have already made with WebcamTweaker or other applications.
    Some of the other add-ons on Ralph's page may be of interest, too:
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)    G5 DP 1.8  External iSight

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