Music and motion

Created a motion piece to use as the backdrop for my menu. I want the music to play after the motion completes its action. I have checked the Still option, put the music in the appropriate place so that it will play with the motion piece but it stops when motion completes the animation. Is there something I have missed? Accroding to the procare folks, when you have selected music and placed it in the area for the menu, it should play for the duration of the song and then loop with no connection to the motion piece. This is the last aspect of the clients DVD that I working in which I am stumped. Help

As David saud, there is no way to loop Music and Auido independently. You motion menu loop ends when your motion backgrouns ends . . . and loop.
You must work both music and video togheter i.e. in FCP to get the same lenght&sync and take care of the Menu loop point, because you motion menu will jump to that time, and your audio could again get "weird" playback.
Hope it helps!

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    Hi Bijou09,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    Your issue has been addressed in the update to FCPX 10.1.1 which was released January 18.  Click on the articles below for more information:
    Final Cut Pro X: Version 10.1.1 release notes
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    Final Cut Pro X Help: Add music and sound
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    spencer c

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    The easiest and most efficient way to copy your music is to follow the steps under the External drive section. Make sure that you have organized the iTunes library first before you copy it over. Then put the copied iTunes folder in the same Music folder on your computer.
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
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    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Message was edited by: michael08081

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