Muvo n200 radio record

I have a Muvo N200. When recording from the radio there is a high pitched 'whine' on the recorded file.
This is present even when the recording has been burned onto a cd.
Does anyone else have this problem and if they have has it been fixed by any firmware upgrades. I have not upgraded the firmware since purchasing the product.
Your help is appreciated.
Thank you

Hi, yes, the N200 radio recording is notoriously (on this forum) not all that great.
I have the latest firmware on mine, and have, if not a high pitched whine, then a sort of constant 'white noise' in the background of recordings that wasn't there on the original radio transmission.
Hopefully it will be fixed by a future firmware upgrade, (please Creative!) but for now, it looks like it's just something we'll have to li've with.
Sorry, x

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    quozzbat wrote:
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