Muvo Slim - music cuts

Hi!I've been using my MuVo Slim for a while now. The main problem I have is that some tracks cut off and on during listening. Not all tracks, just some. It's very irritating. I tried checking other posts to find out if others had this problem. I tried re-installing tracks but it doesn't help, and they sound fine on the pc. Did I record the songs incorrectly or install them wrong on the muvo? Help!?Tracy

Is it the same songs that cause a problem or does it vary from time to time?Are the songs the same bitrate and format?in your pc the same as in the mp3 player? If so, then the firmware in the player might be corrupt, and a firmware update might be a good idea.

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    Can you give us some more details about why it doesn't work? Do you get any errors?
    What version of Windows are you using?

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    You didn't wait very long for any responses!
    Did you try a full reformat and firmware update? Have you spoken to Customer Support yet to see if they can help?
    Did you try creating a folder on the player, and copying some MP3 files into it's

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    Make sure you have the latest firmware.
    Also try the player on another PC to see if the issue is with your PC, or some incompatibility with your PC and the Slim.

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    I had the same problem, less then 48 hrs after buying a Slim.
    I had reformatted it and did so in Fat32. I then had that error. Reformat it as FAT and it will work agian.
    (To Reformat ...
    Open "My Computer". Find the "Removable Storage Dri've" the Muvo made, and right click it. You will see this:<IMG src="">
    Select the option "Format".
    <IMG src="">
    Select the dropdown box option of "FAT".
    Click "Start" and it will reformat. For a faster reformat you can select "Quick Format".
    SECONDLY ..... the new "Scroll" feature works by HOLDING THE JOG WHEEL LEFT OR RIGHT to 'ff' or 'rw' thru the song, like you would with an old CD Player, tape deck or VHS machine.Message Edited by kmodorex on -3-2004 03:23 AM

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    Please help.

    Well, as I have said ,the problem seems to go away after I have done the firmware update again.But after a while the problem start again with no apparent reason
    I always download the firmware from the creative website.
    so at least I'm sure the firmware file I have is not corrupt.

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    I am almost sure that the MuVo Slim will not need a plug in for MMJB. My MuVo?4 appears as a removeable dri've under Windows and also as a library location in MMJB (or MediaMonkey as well ... shameless plug for a great alternati've music manager!).
    If you have a look at the MMJB Plugins page you will see on the right hand side that the MuVo and MuVo NX are listed as not needing a plug in. I would just give it a try with the Slim connected ... I bet it will work just fine!
    good luck with it,

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    WinterSafe InnovationsMessage Edited by WinterSafe on 0-0-2006 09:39 AM

    Please remove the battery and connect the unit to a PC.
    Any data and/or music on the unit is to be lost. Do not continue unless you can accept that the unit will be erased.
    Download the following firmware file: ic=9425&Product_Name=MuVo+Slim&OSName=Windows+XP
    Be sure to select "Format Data Area" before you start the upgrade process. Once the Close button becomes acti've, click it. Now, go into My Computer, right click on the MuVo 'removable dri've' and select Format.
    Format the dri've in the FAT32 file system.
    Use the safe hardware removal icon (green arrow near the clock). Once unplugged, you can replace the battery. The player should now operate normally.
    If this is not the case, please contact customer support and request an RMA. Note that this only applies if the player is under 2 months old.

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    I had previously downloaded the firmware update in January to address another issue, which it did. I formatted the MP3 player and re-installed the firmware, but I still can't read the LCD.
    Thanks for your help.Mike B.

    If you've updated the firmware and it hasn't returned then unfortunately it has failed. You'll need to contact Creative Support.

  • Muvo Slim Mp3 songs skipp

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    You mention that MP3 ripped from Audio CD works fine but not downloaded music files. Where does those come from? From the way I see it, I don't really think the player is faulty since it plays fine from those MP3 ripped from your own CD. My guess would be those downloaded files are corrupted.

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    This feature works, that is, it randomly selects from the 5 tracks (i.e., starts at 26, 49, , 7, 0, 24, 28, , etc.).
    But, when the unit is turned off (holding down the play/pause button) and then back on, the unit will start the music playing at the last track played (say , for example...which is perfect), but then it will jump back to the first randomly selected track 26 and will continue in the previous order (i.e., 26, 49, , 7, etc.). As a result, most tracks are never actually heard because the list always starts back at the begining. Very frustrating.
    I've tried the different random options, but nothing seems to get the unit to deviate from it's defined random list.

    Thanks. I just downloaded the latest firmware for my MuVo Slim (..03 -- previous version was .02.0) and it has corrected the problem! Perfect!

  • MuVo Slim Cannot Play w

    I bought a MuVo Slim 256MB but apparently i can't play the music stored in it... The other functions are working fine. Can someone help me ASAP. Thank you.

    Do these WMA files have Digital Rights Management protection? e.g. are they from an online store. If so, you must transfer them with MediaSource or Windows Media Player.

  • Need help - Error while updating the firmware of Muvo Slim using the recovery t

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    While I am trying to update my Muvo slim firmware using the recovery tool it throwd up an error. And from then onwards if I am trying to power it up it won't.
    If I again try to update the firmware, it throws up the error that "Unable to Write to Device: Device Time out".
    I am afraid that my Muvo slim got bricked. Can you please help me in recovering the same.
    PS: My PC OS is Windows XP.
    Thank & Regards

    On my XP system, the last time I wanted to reload the firmware, I had to remove all of my Creative software programs,?and then revert my Windows Media Player back to 0 and then use The Recovery Tool. It is a bit of a pain, but does seem to work when you are getting errors with the firmware download.
    Almost forgot. Make sure your player is fully charged or has a fresh battery before starting any firmware download.
    Message Edited by luvmyrescuedogs on 06-4-2008 :6 AM

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