MWI Issues

I have been trying to get the MWI stutter tone working on my system. Voicemail is working but when you pick up the handest you do not get the stutter tone to indicate there is a new message. I have attached my unity conf and router conf.
clock timezone America/New_York
hostname se-192-168-2-30
line console
system language preferred "en_US"
ntp server prefer
software download server url "" credentials hidden "6u/dKTN/hsEuSAEfw40XlF2eFHnZfyUTSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
license agent max-sessions 9
privilege ViewHistoricalReports create
privilege ViewRealTimeReports create
privilege ViewPrivateList create
privilege ManagePrompts create
privilege manage-users create
privilege manage-passwords create
privilege vm-imap create
privilege local-broadcast create
privilege ManagePublicList create
privilege broadcast create
groupname Broadcasters create
username FRCUNITY create
privilege ViewHistoricalReports description "Privilege to view historical reports"
privilege ViewRealTimeReports description "Privilege to view realtime reports"
privilege ViewPrivateList description "Privilege to view private list"
privilege ManagePrompts description "Privilege to create, modify, or delete system prompts"
privilege manage-users description "Privilege to create, modify, and delete users and groups"
privilege manage-passwords description "Privilege to reset user passwords"
privilege vm-imap description "Privilege to manage personal voicemail via IMAP client"
privilege local-broadcast description "Privilege to send local broadcast messages"
privilege ManagePublicList description "Privilege to manage public lists"
privilege broadcast description "Privilege to send local or remote broadcast messages"
privilege ViewHistoricalReports operation report.historical.view
privilege ViewRealTimeReports operation report.realtime
privilege ViewPrivateList operation voicemail.lists.private.view
privilege ManagePrompts operation prompt.modify
privilege ManagePrompts operation system.debug
privilege manage-users operation user.mailbox
privilege manage-users operation user.remote
privilege manage-users operation user.configuration
privilege manage-users operation group.configuration
privilege manage-users operation user.notification
privilege manage-users operation
privilege manage-users operation user.password
privilege manage-users operation system.debug
privilege manage-passwords operation
privilege manage-passwords operation user.password
privilege manage-passwords operation system.debug
privilege vm-imap operation voicemail.imap.user
privilege local-broadcast operation broadcast.local
privilege local-broadcast operation system.debug
privilege ManagePublicList operation voicemail.lists.public
privilege ManagePublicList operation system.debug
privilege broadcast operation broadcast.local
privilege broadcast operation broadcast.remote
privilege broadcast operation system.debug
groupname Administrators member FRC
groupname Broadcasters privilege broadcast
username FRC3008 phonenumber "3008"
username FRC3000 phonenumber "3000"
username FRC3010 phonenumber "3010"
username FRC3005 phonenumber "3005"
username FRC2002 phonenumber "2002"
username FRC3002 phonenumber "3002"
username FRC3012 phonenumber "3012"
username FRC3004 phonenumber "3004"
username FRC3009 phonenumber "3009"
username FRC2001 phonenumber "2001"
username FRC3011 phonenumber "3011"
username FRC3006 phonenumber "3006"
username FRC2000 phonenumber "2000"
username FRC3001 phonenumber "3001"
username FRC3003 phonenumber "3003"
username FRC3007 phonenumber "3007"
restriction msg-notification create
restriction msg-notification min-digits 1
restriction msg-notification max-digits 30
restriction msg-notification dial-string preference 1 pattern * allowed
backup server url "" credentials hidden "EWlTygcMhYmjazXhE/VNXHCkplVV4KjescbDaLa4fl4WLSPFvv1rWUnfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
calendar biz-schedule systemschedule
open day 1 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 2 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 3 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 4 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 5 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 6 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 7 from 00:00 to 24:00
end schedule
ccn application autoattendant aa
description "autoattendant"
maxsessions 6
script "aa.aef"
parameter "dialByExtnAnytime" "false"
parameter "busOpenPrompt" "AABusinessOpen.wav"
parameter "dialByExtnAnytimeInputLength" "4"
parameter "operExtn" "0"
parameter "welcomePrompt" "AAWelcome.wav"
parameter "disconnectAfterMenu" "false"
parameter "dialByFirstName" "false"
parameter "busClosedPrompt" "AABusinessClosed.wav"
parameter "allowExternalTransfers" "false"
parameter "holidayPrompt" "AAHolidayPrompt.wav"
parameter "businessSchedule" "systemschedule"
parameter "MaxRetry" "3"
end application
ccn application autoattendant aa
description "Cisco Auto-Attendant"
maxsessions 4
script "aa.aef"
parameter "busClosedPrompt" "AABusinessClosed.wav"
parameter "holidayPrompt" "AAHolidayPrompt.wav"
parameter "welcomePrompt" "AAWelcome.wav"
parameter "disconnectAfterMenu" "false"
parameter "dialByFirstName" "false"
parameter "allowExternalTransfers" "false"
parameter "MaxRetry" "3"
parameter "dialByExtnAnytime" "false"
parameter "busOpenPrompt" "AABusinessOpen.wav"
parameter "businessSchedule" "systemschedule"
parameter "dialByExtnAnytimeInputLength" "4"
parameter "operExtn" "2020"
end application
ccn application ciscomwiapplication aa
description "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 4
script "setmwi.aef"
parameter "CallControlGroupID" "0"
parameter "strMWI_OFF_DN" "8001"
parameter "strMWI_ON_DN" "8000"
end application
ccn application msgnotification aa
description "msgnotification"
maxsessions 4
script "msgnotify.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "DelayBeforeSendDTMF" "1"
end application
ccn application promptmgmt aa
description "promptmgmt"
maxsessions 1
script "promptmgmt.aef"
end application
ccn application voicemail aa
description "Cisco Voicemail"
maxsessions 4
script "voicebrowser.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "uri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/login.vxml"
end application
ccn engine
end engine
ccn reporting historical
database local
description "se-192-168-2-30"
end reporting
ccn subsystem email
end subsystem
ccn subsystem fax
end subsystem
ccn subsystem sip
gateway address ""
end subsystem
ccn trigger http urlname msgnotifytrg
application "msgnotification"
maxsessions 2
end trigger
ccn trigger http urlname mwiapp
application "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 1
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 3030
application "autoattendant"
maxsessions 4
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 3333
application "voicemail"
maxsessions 4
end trigger
service phone-authentication
end phone-authentication
service voiceview
end voiceview
voicemail broadcast recording time 300
voicemail default messagesize 240
voicemail notification restriction msg-notification
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC2000" size 300
description "FRC2000's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC2001" size 300
description "FRC2001's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC2002" size 300
description "FRC2002's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3000" size 300
description "FRC3000's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3001" size 300
description "FRC3001's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3002" size 300
description "FRC3002's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3003" size 300
description "FRC3003's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3004" size 300
description "FRC3004's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3005" size 300
description "FRC3005's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3006" size 300
description "FRC3006's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3007" size 300
description "FRC3007's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3008" size 300
description "FRC3008's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3009" size 300
description "FRC3009's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3010" size 300
description "FRC3010's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3011" size 300
description "FRC3011's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "FRC3012" size 300
description "FRC3012's Mailbox"
messagesize 120
end mailbox
Router#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 14556 bytes
! Last configuration change at 14:07:39 EST Sun Oct 14 2012 by FRC
version 15.0
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
card type t1 1 1
logging buffered 3000000
no logging console
no logging monitor
enable secret 5 $1$hM/T$ZNOt8gmyjeXUI2b3xc7aD/
enable password FRC2080
no aaa new-model
clock timezone EST -5
network-clock-participate slot 1
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool sdm-pool1
   option 150 ip
ip domain name
ip name-server
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
stcapp ccm-group 1
stcapp feature access-code
stcapp supplementary-services
port 0/0/0
  fallback-dn 3001
port 0/0/1
  fallback-dn 3002
port 0/0/2
  fallback-dn 3003
port 0/0/3
  fallback-dn 3004
port 0/1/0
  fallback-dn 3005
port 0/1/1
  fallback-dn 3006
port 0/1/2
  fallback-dn 3007
port 0/1/3
  fallback-dn 3008
port 0/2/0
  fallback-dn 3009
port 0/2/1
  fallback-dn 3010
port 0/2/2
  fallback-dn 3011
port 0/2/3
  fallback-dn 3012
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
voice-card 1
dsp services dspfarm
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1983637694
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1983637694
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1983637694
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1838547803
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1838547803
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1838547803
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1151342093
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1151342093
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1151342093
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1983637694
certificate self-signed 01
  3082024F 308201B8 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
  31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
  69666963 6174652D 31393833 36333736 3934301E 170D3132 30333138 32303238
  30315A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
  4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D31 39383336
  33373639 3430819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
  81008A6B C3D9D0F8 1A777EDA E7B10D20 1104EBDF 9F57E6AC 4CCBDD72 884A72C7
  A3525386 8C4B8B4A 36CAB2D3 16293787 8AC8D3EA 225F9C19 5AC45920 211E1821
  3955515D 80A6AF6F 53636D47 08A858A2 DEC93852 124E75B3 ABB8D189 B1CA6891
  4C19A1C1 BD8D2A4E 80BF4CB6 428B23B5 335F038A 3DC6606E BC91C5D9 0D5AAED7
  4A7F0203 010001A3 77307530 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30220603
  551D1104 1B301982 17796F75 726E616D 652E796F 7572646F 6D61696E 2E636F6D
  301F0603 551D2304 18301680 1464E091 1D44AFDA FA04BA75 318751E0 189E1E8E
  84301D06 03551D0E 04160414 64E0911D 44AFDAFA 04BA7531 8751E018 9E1E8E84
  300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050003 8181002B ED2F2C39 ED89C6C2 5E142DBE
  D6B54EB6 7124072B 2B5F7319 1013ED04 F9A01B3E D04DD11C 5F5D019E 62574C14
  13D8FBCF ACA51664 CBE61E5B 7490C38C 317D4A61 B02E3FE7 1FFB37A8 EDDB192E
  4DE67B9D CF5FA599 29C55A08 005B1D21 546073C8 A9C8B5B3 F86BC9F7 F2F90399
  DFFFBD1C F7C0086C DD10F435 EEA8163B 2F8DA7
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1838547803
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1151342093
license udi pid CISCO2811 sn FTX1504AKG6
log config
username FRC privilege 15 password 0 FRC2800
controller T1 1/0
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-16,24
ip ftp username FRC
ip ftp password FRC2800
interface Tunnel1
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
description $ES_LAN$
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
no mop enabled
interface Service-Engine0/0
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial1/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http access-class 23
ip http authentication local
no ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
ip http path flash:/GUI
ip route Service-Engine0/0
access-list 23 permit
tftp-server flash:P00305000301.sbn
tftp-server flash:CVM41.72-1-0-1.sbn
tftp-server flash:Jar41.72-1-0-1.sbn
tftp-server flash:TERM41.7-0-2SR1S.loads
tftp-server flash:TERM41.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:TERM61.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:cnu41.72-1-0-1.sbn
voice-port 0/0/0
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/0/1
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/0/2
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/0/3
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/0
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/1
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/2
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/3
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/0
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/1
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/2
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/3
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/3/0
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/3/1
timeouts ringing infinity
caller-id enable
voice-port 1/0:23
mgcp fax t38 ecm
mgcp bind control source-interface FastEthernet0/0
mgcp bind media source-interface FastEthernet0/0
sccp local FastEthernet0/0
sccp ccm identifier 10 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 10 priority 1
switchback method graceful
dial-peer voice 3001 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/0
dial-peer voice 3002 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/1
dial-peer voice 3003 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/2
dial-peer voice 3004 pots
service stcapp
port 0/0/3
dial-peer voice 3005 pots
service stcapp
port 0/1/0
dial-peer voice 3006 pots
service stcapp
port 0/1/1
dial-peer voice 3007 pots
service stcapp
port 0/1/2
dial-peer voice 3008 pots
service stcapp
port 0/1/3
dial-peer voice 3009 pots
service stcapp
port 0/2/0
dial-peer voice 3010 pots
service stcapp
port 0/2/1
dial-peer voice 3011 pots
service stcapp
port 0/2/2
dial-peer voice 3012 pots
service stcapp
port 0/2/3
dial-peer voice 3013 pots
service stcapp
port 0/3/0
dial-peer voice 3014 pots
service stcapp
port 0/3/1
dial-peer voice 3015 pots
service stcapp
dial-peer voice 3016 pots
service stcapp
dial-peer voice 2000 pots
destination-pattern 2...
port 1/0:23
forward-digits 4
dial-peer voice 3333 voip
destination-pattern 3333
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 3030 voip
destination-pattern 3030
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 11 pots
destination-pattern 11
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 8 pots
destination-pattern 8
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 70 pots
destination-pattern 70
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 71 pots
destination-pattern 71
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 72 pots
destination-pattern 72
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 73 pots
destination-pattern 73
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 74 pots
destination-pattern 74
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 12 pots
destination-pattern 12
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
max-ephones 40
max-dn 100
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 144
cnf-file perphone
load 7961 term41.7-0-2SR1S
voicemail 3333
max-conferences 8 gain -6
web admin system name Kevin1 password Frc1
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
directory entry 3 2004 name C4ISR Space
directory entry 4 2005 name CO Cabin ROP
directory entry 5 3000 name Attendant Console
directory entry 6 2001 name Bridge Port Fwd
directory entry 7 2002 name Bridge Center Fwd
directory entry 8 2003 name Bridge Starboard Fwd
directory entry 9 2006 name Bridge MCMS Console
directory entry 10 2007 name Bridge Weapons Station
directory entry 11 2008 name XO Stateroom ROP
directory entry 12 2009 name Bridge Workstation
directory entry 13 2010 name Mess Deck
directory entry 16 2020 name CO Cabin STE
directory entry 17 2101 name SPP Net 1
directory entry 18 2102 name SPP Net 2
directory entry 19 3001 name 1-Person STBD Fwd
directory entry 20 3002 name 1-Person PORT Fwd
directory entry 21 3003 name 2-Person STBD Fwd
directory entry 22 3004 name 2-Person PORT Fwd
directory entry 23 3005 name 2-Person STBD Midship
directory entry 24 3006 name 2-Person PORT Midship
directory entry 25 3007 name 4-Person STBD Midship
directory entry 26 3008 name 4-Person PORT Midship
directory entry 27 3009 name EPO Stateroom
directory entry 28 3010 name OPS Stateroom
directory entry 29 3011 name XO Stateroom
directory entry 31 3030 name Automated Attendant
directory entry 30 2000 name Ship's Office Phone/Fax
directory entry 32 2011 name Engine Room
directory entry 33 3333 name Voicemail
ephone-dn  1  dual-line
number 3001
pickup-group 31
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  2  dual-line
number 3002
pickup-group 31
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  3  dual-line
number 3003
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  4  dual-line
number 3004
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  5  dual-line
number 3005
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  6  dual-line
number 3006
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  7  dual-line
number 3007
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  8  dual-line
number 3008
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  9  dual-line
number 3009
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  10  dual-line
number 3010
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  11  dual-line
number 3011
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  12  dual-line
number 3012
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  15  octo-line
number 3000
call-forward busy 3333
call-forward noan 3333 timeout 30
ephone-dn  80
number 8000....
mwi on
ephone-dn  81
number 8001....
mwi off
ephone  1
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8000
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:1
ephone  2
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8001
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:2
ephone  3
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8002
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:3
ephone  4
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8003
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:4
ephone  5
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8080
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:5
ephone  6
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8081
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:6
ephone  7
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8082
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:7
ephone  8
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8083
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:8
ephone  9
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8100
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:9
ephone  10
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8101
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:10
ephone  11
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8102
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:11
ephone  12
mac-address 64F9.CF52.8103
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button  1:12
ephone  13
mac-address DC7B.9477.D1DC
type 7962
button  1:15
banner exec ^CC
% Password expiration warning.
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) is installed on this device and
it provides the default username "cisco" for  one-time use. If you have already
used the username "cisco" to login to the router and your IOS image supports the
"one-time" user option, then this username has already expired. You will not be
able to login to the router with this username after you exit this session.
It is strongly suggested that you create a new username with a privilege level
of 15 using the following command.
username <myuser> privilege 15 secret 0 <mypassword>
Replace <myuser> and <mypassword> with the username and password you want to
banner login ^CC
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) is installed on this device.
This feature requires the one-time use of the username "cisco"
with the password "cisco". The default username and password have a privilege le
vel of 15.
Please change these publicly known initial credentials using SDM or the IOS CLI.
Here are the Cisco IOS commands.
username <myuser>  privilege 15 secret 0 <mypassword>
no username cisco
Replace <myuser> and <mypassword> with the username and password you want to use
For more information about SDM please follow the instructions in the QUICK START
GUIDE for your router or go to
line con 0
login local
line aux 0
line 194
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
line vty 0 4
access-class 23 in
exec-timeout 0 0
privilege level 15
password FRC2800
transport input telnet ssh
line vty 5 15
access-class 23 in
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet ssh
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp master

I have been told that the nortel is not using MWI ON/OFF numbers. I dont really understand the nortel side of the setup.
Below is what Cisco is sending accross the QSIG trunk to the Nortel. 8680 is the extension we are trying to light.
Nov 23 10:25:08.320 mst: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x0065
Nov 23 10:25:13.348 mst: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x0066
        Sending Complete
        Bearer Capability i = 0xA880
                Standard = ISO/IEC
                Transfer Capability = Unrestricted Digital
                Transfer Mode = Circuit
                Transfer Rate = Packet - not specified
        Channel ID i = 0xAC
                Exclusive, Channel 38
        Facility i = 0x9FAA06800100820100A11B0202F0D3060528F9120050300EA5090A01001204383638300A0120
        Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, N/A
                Plan:ISDN, Type:National
        Called Party Number i = 0xA1, '8680'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:National
Nov 23 10:25:13.472 mst: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 0x8066
        Channel ID i = 0xAC
                Exclusive, Channel 24
Nov 23 10:25:13.480 mst: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x8066
        Cause i = 0x8190 - Normal call clearing
        Facility i = 0x9FAA06800100820100A4070202F0D3810101
Nov 23 10:25:13.488 mst: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x0066

Similar Messages

  • Unity Connection Auto Attendant direct to voice mail, MWI issue

    First time encountering this issue with call transfer from AA and MWI.
    An Auto Attendant have been setup for a branch office.  All employees at  the Branch office phones are assigned a DID.
    Customers can dial the 10 digit or  dial the main line (auto attendant) and then dial the last 4 digit extension to reach the employee.
    Problem I am having is there is a range of numbers that when being transferred from AA, goes directly to voicemail.   Also when there is a message  left on the voicemail, the MWI is not lit.  It does show the envelope icon and the  message "you have vociemail" on the phone display.
    I can call the DID directly and it does not go directly to voicemail but MWI is still not on when a message is left.
    This only happens within a range of numbers..  for example, I have 50 DID assigned to this office from XXX-XXX-0100 to XXX-XXX-0150.   Only the phones within the range of XXX-XXX-0120 to XXX-XXX-0130 have this issue with the AA going directly to vociemail and MWI not on when a message is left.
    For phones outside this range of numbers, AA transfer works fine and MWI works.
    anyone ran into this issue before?
    thank in advance.

    The range in which you are facing issue is  XXX-XXX-0120 to XXX-XXX-0130, just try to open any  one of the extension in this range and go to edit -- transfer rules -- standard/alternate (if alternate is enabled) -- Transfer calls -- may be this is set to Greetings. If so the transferred call goes to voicemail directly. Try enabling Extension.
    Just try this for one extension and see...
    Hope this helps, i had the same issue.
    Jagadish G

  • Unity Connection 8.5.1 MWI issue with French Locale

    Hi There,
    I am experiencing issues with MWI while using french locale on CUC 8.5.1. While, it works perfectly fine with English (US).
    CUCM version is 8.0.3. Any ideas will be much appreciated.

    Hi Armin,
    You could be seeing this behavior due to this bug;
    Incorrect locale version cause VM outage
    Unity connection 8.5.1 installed with locales may experience the following issues
    1.When users try to leave message ,they get the fail safe message
    2.Sometimes they are able to leave message , message doesnt get delivered and no MWI
    When Locale version ES 24 is installed on UC 8.5(1) [ ES 16] or less
    please downgrade the locale version to ES 16  if you have 8.5(1)SU1 or use US English language.
    Though the Release notes of 8.5(1)
    clearly  mentions about the compatibility , Many customers think its good for  them to install the latest locale ES and hence end with this condition.
    This is the compatibility matrix for locales
    a) No locales are available for Connection 8.5(1) base version only.
    b) Locale SU1 is supported with Connection 8.5(1)SU1.
    c) Locale ES 24 is supported with Connection 8.5(1)ES 17 to ES 36 only.
    d) Locale ES 24 is not tested for Connection 8.5(1)ES 37 to ES46.
    e) Locale 8.5(1)SU2 is supported with Connection 8.5(1)SU2 only. Not all locales available as of now
    f)  Locale 8.5(1)SU3 is supported with Connection 8.5(1)SU3 only. Only Japanese is available as of now.
    g)  Locale 8.5(1)ES72 is supported with Connection 8.5(1)ES72 only. Only Brazilian-Portuguese is available as of now.
    "Your life is worth much more than gold." 
    - Bob Marley

  • Unity Connection MWI Issues ver 8.6.2ES25

    Hi Folks
    Can I just run this past you all please.
    Have just upgraded from unity 7 to connection 8.6.
    We have a hunt pilot number of 4136 with 4 hunt list member numbers in the hunt (1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933)
    4136 is configured as the unity connection number against the user which is working fine.
    however, the line members have been added as additonal mwi devices and are not working (see attached)
    any ideas please.

    Hi there,
    Did you try a re-sync?
    Synchronizing MWIs
    We recommend resynchronizing MWIs for the system in the following circumstances:
    •After a server is restored by using the Disaster Recovery System.
    •After upgrading a system.
    •After  a WAN outage in a system that has distributed voice messaging through  Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) routers or Cisco  Unified Communications Manager Express routers in SRST mode.
    Do the following procedure.
    To Synchronize MWIs for a Phone System Integration
    Step 1 In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, expand Telephony Integrations, then select Phone System.
    Step 2 On the Search Phone Systems page, select the name of the phone system for which you want to synchronize all MWIs.
    Step 3 On the Phone System Basics page, under Message Waiting Indicators, select Run.
    Note that synchronizing MWIs for the phone system may affect system  performance. We recommend that you do this task when phone traffic is  light
    "Show a little faith, there's magic in the night" - Springsteen

  • Unity 7 with cucm 8

    Hi all experts.
    Is unity 7 with domino supported with cucm 8 ?
    I checked the following link and it seemed confusing
    Kindly confirm

    Hello -
    I think this is a more clear document -
    At minimum, you may just need to update the Unity TSP (AVSkinnyTSP) to match it with CUCM - this is most often recommended to help with MWI issues.

  • Cisco Unity Connection 8.5(1) MWI/Notifications issue

    I think i got the bug CSCtn05523 because the MWI notification fail In a recurring way. Restart the connection notifier service solve this issue but it come back again randomly.
    I'm looking for a way to show if the SBR (split brain recovery) occurs.
    Thank for your help.

    Hi -
    You may have already seen this Cisco web link, but I think it is useful for diagnosing SBR -
    Regards, Ginger

  • Unity Issue in leaving message

    Hi Guys,
    i have a problem with unity connection 8.5
    I configured one users with voice mail box.
    I performed registration by entering name,pin...etc
    When i call and forwarded to voice mail system prompt me to leave a mmessage but when i leave message no MWI on and no message in user mail box.
    If i call MWI DN from phone i have light on/off.
    Any Idea?

    If the issue is with all the users then it could be an issue with the locale also. Make sure the version of the locale matches the version of Unity Connection server installed.

  • Issue with LPCOR on CME 10.5

    Dear All,
    I am facing issues with LPCOR configuration on CME 10.5. For International calls the Authentication Prompts triggers some times and some times doen not.
    Also when a local call is dialed the Authentication Prompt is triggered some times.Below is the config and debug logs. Need your help to resolve this.
    voice lpcor enable
    voice lpcor custom
     group 10 endusers
     group 11 pstn
    voice lpcor policy endusers
     service fac
     accept endusers fac
     accept pstn fac
    voice lpcor policy pstn
     service fac
     accept endusers fac
     accept pstn fac
     package auth
      param passwd-prompt
      param max-retries 0
      param abort-digit *
      param term-digit #
      param user-prompt
      param passwd 12345
      param max-digits 32
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1.1
     encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
     ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1.201
     encapsulation dot1Q 201
     ip address
    voice-port 0/0/0
     lpcor outgoing pstn
     trunk-group ALL_FXO 1
     supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call
     supervisory custom-cptone 2n-gsm
     no battery-reversal
     input gain -6
     output attenuation -3
     cptone SA
     timeouts call-disconnect 1
     timeouts wait-release 1
     timing sup-disconnect 50
     connection plar 5040
     caller-id enable
    dial-peer cor custom
     name local
     name longdistance
     name 911
     name Internal
     name fac-int
     name user-fac
    dial-peer cor list local
     member local
    dial-peer cor list call-local
     member local
    dial-peer cor list call-longdistance
     member longdistance
    dial-peer cor list user1
     member local
     member 911
    dial-peer cor list user2
     member local
     member longdistance
     member 911
     member user-fac
    dial-peer cor list user3
     member 911
    dial-peer cor list call-911
     member 911
    dial-peer cor list call-internal
     member Internal
    dial-peer cor list fac-int
     member local
     member 911
     member fac-int
    dial-peer cor list user-fac
     member user-fac
    dial-peer voice 96 pots
     trunkgroup ALL_FXO
     corlist outgoing call-911
     destination-pattern 9[2-6]......
     forward-digits 7
    dial-peer voice 901 pots
     trunkgroup ALL_FXO
     corlist outgoing call-911
     destination-pattern 901[2-4,6-8].......
     forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 800 pots
     trunkgroup ALL_FXO
     destination-pattern 9800T
     prefix 800
    dial-peer voice 900 pots
     destination-pattern 9T
     port 0/0/3
     prefix 9
    dial-peer voice 11 pots
     destination-pattern 901........
     port 0/0/3
     forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 9051 pots
     trunkgroup ALL_FXO
     corlist outgoing call-local
     destination-pattern 905........
     forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 19 pots
     trunkgroup ALL_FXO
     corlist outgoing fac-int
     destination-pattern 900T
     translate-outgoing called 1
     forward-digits all
    dial-peer voice 20 voip
     description International calling
     service clid_authen_collect
     destination-pattern 900T
     lpcor outgoing pstn
     session target ipv4:
     incoming called-number 9T
     dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
     codec g711ulaw
     no vad
    ephone-dn  1
     number 4121
     name John
     corlist incoming fac-int
    ephone  1
     lpcor type local
     lpcor incoming endusers
     mac-address E0D1.730A.21DE
     ephone-template 2
     type 7942
     button  1:1
    voice register dn  33
     number 4163
     call-forward b2bua busy 5000 
     call-forward b2bua noan 5000 timeout 20
     call-forward b2bua unregistered 5000 
     allow watch
     name Joseph
    voice register pool  33
     busy-trigger-per-button 4
     id mac BC67.1C31.C8AA
     type 7821
     number 1 dn 33
     cor incoming fac-int 1 4163
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711ulaw
     transfer max-length 4
    Debug Logs
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#DEBUg VOIce lpcor all
    voip lpcor all debugging is on
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#terminal i
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#terminal i
    Apr 12 16:22:39.825: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId F692C420E06611E4BB0CE7FDC5486EA5, SetupTime 16:22:35.615 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, PeerAddress 4130, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10  , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 16:22:39.825 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, DisconnectTime 16:22:39.825 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0
    Apr 12 16:22:39.825: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:04/12/2015 16:22:35.609,cgn:4130,cdn:,frs:0,fid:2599,fcid:F692C420E06611E4BB0CE7FDC5486EA5,legID:284C,bguid:F692C420E06611E4BB0CE7FDC5486EA5mon
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#terminal imon
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    Apr 12 16:22:44.089: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/LPCOR/lpcor_get_index_by_name:
       lpcor endusers
    Apr 12 16:22:44.089: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/LPCOR/lpcor_get_index_by_name:
       lpcor endusers index 10
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#show debug
      debug voip lpcor error call is ON (filter is OFF)
      debug voip lpcor error call informational is ON (filter is OFF)
      debug voip lpcor error software is ON
      debug voip lpcor error software informational is ON
      debug voip lpcor detail is ON (filter is OFF)
      debug voip lpcor function is ON (filter is OFF)
      debug voip lpcor inout is ON (filter is OFF)
    Apr 12 16:23:22.889: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId FBA1532AE06611E4BB10E7FDC5486EA5, SetupTime 16:22:44.089 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, PeerAddress 4130, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10  , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 16:23:02.009 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, DisconnectTime 16:23:22.889 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 1038, ReceiveBytes 166080
    Apr 12 16:23:22.889: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:04/12/2015 16:22:44.093,cgn:4130,cdn:,frs:0,fid:2600,fcid:FBA1532AE06611E4BB10E7FDC5486EA5,legID:284D,bguid:FBA1532AE06611E4BB10E7FDC5486EA5
    Apr 12 16:23:22.905: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId FBA1532AE06611E4BB10E7FDC5486EA5, SetupTime 16:22:57.795 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, PeerAddress 0097150107659, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10  , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 16:23:02.015 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, DisconnectTime 16:23:22.905 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 1038, TransmitBytes 174384, ReceivePackets 1043, ReceiveBytes 166880
    Apr 12 16:23:22.905: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:04/12/2015 16:22:57.785,cgn:4130,cdn:0097150107659,frs:0,fid:2601,fcid:FBA1532AE06611E4BB10E7FDC5486EA5,legID:284E,bguid:FBA1532AE06611E4BB10E7FDC5486EA5
    Apr 12 16:23:25.317: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/LPCOR/lpcor_get_index_by_name:
       lpcor endusers
    Apr 12 16:23:25.317: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/LPCOR/lpcor_get_index_by_name:
       lpcor endusers index 10
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#un all
    All possible debugging has been turned off
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#!ok just send me these logs
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#!i have to move from here
    Apr 12 16:24:02.153: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId 14343755E06711E4BB16E7FDC5486EA5, SetupTime 16:23:25.323 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, PeerAddress 4130, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10  , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 16:23:43.393 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, DisconnectTime 16:24:02.153 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, CallOrigin 2, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 930, ReceiveBytes 148800
    Apr 12 16:24:02.153: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:Tnow
    DAMAC-CME-ANOUD#\WC,ft:04/12/2015 16:23:25.321,cgn:4130,cdn:,frs:0,fid:2602,fcid:14343755E06711E4BB16E7FDC5486EA5,legID:2850,bguid:14343755E06711E4BB16E7FDC5486EA5
    Apr 12 16:24:02.169: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 1, ConnectionId 14343755E06711E4BB16E7FDC5486EA5, SetupTime 16:23:39.169 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, PeerAddress 0097150107659, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 10  , DisconnectText normal call clearing (16), ConnectTime 16:23:43.389 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, DisconnectTime 16:24:02.169 UTC Sun Apr 12 2015, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 930, TransmitBytes 156240, ReceivePackets 937, ReceiveBytes 149920
    Apr 12 16:24:02.169: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:TWC,ft:04/12/2015 16:23:39.169,cgn:4130,cdn:0097150107659,frs:0,fid:2603,fcid:14343755E06711E4BB16E7FDC5486EA5,legID:2851,bguid:14343755E06711E4BB16E7FDC5486EA5

    We have come across this issue today in 10.9.5 (so affects 10.9.4 as well) but it was occurring in Sydney as well with a client and for me in Melbourne.

  • CUC Voicemail Issue

    Hi all
    Currently running CUC 10.x. User voicemail box was working fine. However, configured Unified Messaging and I can leave a voicemail for several users which illuminates the MWI on the phone and appears in email format. Problem is that I get prompted with the "Hello" greeting when pressing the messages button on the phone instead of the user voicemail box.
    Any takers?

    Is this a new install? Has it ever worked?
    If your issue is simply that when you press the message button you get the hello greeting it means CUC does not recognise the extension number that is calling in so routes the call to the default hello greeting.
    If you use the RTMT tool and connect to CUC you can use port monitor to see what digits are being sent from CUCM. You may need to use a voicemail profile to manipulate the digits.
    Out of interest why are you using full E164 for your extension number!? If you want to call someone across your office you have to dial the full E164!?
    Hope that helps

  • Jabber for Windows client Voice Mail issue

    hi, cisco guys
        i have a collaboration test for my customer in resent days.
        the follow picture is the topo of my test system
       1.  cucm1 use ICT non-GK trunk to connected with cucm2 and the ip phones with dn 56xx registered on cm1
        the iphones and jabber clients with dn 54xx registered on cm2
       2. cm2 intergrated with Unity Connection server and  Cups server
           the version of cm1 and cm2 and unity connection is 8.6.2-21900
          the version of cups is 8.6.4
      3.  the issue occurrenced when the ip phone user 5412 call to 5411 but no answered, user 5412 sent a
          voice mail to user 5411,only MVI of the ip phone 9951 with dn 5411 turned on but jabber client wihtout any prompt message
          but when the user 5665 which  registered on cm1 called user 5411 and sent a voice mail , status in normal,
          mvi turned on , the jabber client also can  recived the prompt message and the the vocie mail could be played on the jabber client
          what's the issue  probably be caused by & how can i solve it
          need your help!!!!

    I don't know if you have a specific subnets permitted in the CUPS ACL
    This is dangerous and incorrect guidence. The Incoming ACL allows the addresses defined to bypass authentication. In other words, I could impersonate your CEO if I wanted to. There are only two common use cases where doing this is appropriate: 1) the CUxAC server IP; or 2) older versions of CCX where CAD didn't support DIGEST authentication.
    As for the original question: your English is difficult to understand. Is the following problem statement accurate?
    When 5412 on CM2 leaves a voicemail for 5411 on CM2, the MWI is lit for 5411 but Jabber does not reflect the waiting message?
    If this is accurate, is the message also shown in the Web Inbox? https:///inbox
    The serverIP should be the CUC server defined in the voicemail profile on CUPS for the user who owns 5411.
    Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

  • Unity Connection Voice Mail Issue

    I have a weird Unity Connection Voice Mail issue and would appriciate any help i can get. Many thanks in advance.
    I have Unity connection 7.0 and CUCM 7.0 integrated in a lab enviroment and here is what happens.
    When I place a call internally say from 2001 to 2002, things work as expected, 2002 rings and it goes to voicemail where I can leave voicemail and listen to it from 2002.
    However, if I place call from the PSTN to the same number 2002 (or any other number in other sites etc) the call again rings in 2002 and goes to voicemail, unity cnx plays the greetings for 2002 and says record your message as usual. Everything up to point is fine, then when the time on the PSTN phone is showing around 14 seconds into the call unity starts playing, "to send this message press one", if I press one nothing happens.
    I have rebuilt unity and cucm, even just configured the bare minimum in the lab and still getting the same result. I tried calling from E1 connection and T1 connection but with the same results.
    I have run out of ideas...
    Here is a call trace from an internal call:
    CallData, 1, CallerId=2003, CalledId=2002, RedirectingId=2002, Origin=16, Reason=4, CallGuid=8B7859FD6C16417A9A07F507418DD25B, CallerName=, LastRedirectingId=2002, LastRedirectingReason=4, PortDisplayName=PhoneSystem-1-001
    Application, 1, 2003, AttemptForward
    State, 1, 2003, State - AttemptForward.cde!Dummy
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [NULL]
    Application, 1, 2003, PHTransfer
    State, 1, 2003, State - PHTransfer.cde!LoadInfo
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [TrueEvent]
    Application, 1, 2003, PHGreeting
    State, 1, 2003, State - PHGreeting.cde!PlayGreeting
    Display, 1, 2003, Call answered if needed
    Display, 1, 2003, Playing greeting for Subscriber:  hq2
    Display, 1, 2003, No DTMF received
    Display, 1, 2003, Playing greeting for Subscriber:  hq2
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [RecordMsgEvent]
    State, 1, 2003, State - PHGreeting.cde!RecordMsg
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [NULL]
    State, 1, 2003, State - PHGreeting.cde!RunEditMsg
    Application, 1, 2003, -->MessageEditing
    State, 1, 2003, State - MessageEditing.cde!CheckMsgMenuOpt
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [EditMessageMenuEvent]
    State, 1, 2003, State - MessageEditing.cde!PlayEditMenu
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [HangupEvent]
    State, 1, 2003, State - MessageEditing.cde!CheckMsgLength
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [ManyEvent]
    State, 1, 2003, State - MessageEditing.cde!SendMsg
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [TrueEvent]
    State, 1, 2003, State - MessageEditing.cde!ConfirmSend
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [HangupEvent]
    Application, 1, 2003, <--MessageEditing
    State, 1, 2003, Event is [HangupEvent]
    Display, 1, 2003, Idle
    Display, 1, , Dialing (MWI) '2002'
    Display, 1, , Idle
    and here is a trace from an external (PSTN) call
    Trying, 5000 ... Open
    CallData, 1, CallerId=911, CalledId=2002, RedirectingId=2002, Origin=16, Reason=4, CallGuid=CA3DFD90846C4FE7B0D68298A7698287, CallerName=PSTN Emergency, LastRedirectingId=2002, LastRedirectingReason=4, PortDisplayName=PhoneSystem-1-001
    Application, 1, 911, AttemptForward
    State, 1, 911, State - AttemptForward.cde!Dummy
    State, 1, 911, Event is [NULL]
    Application, 1, 911, PHTransfer
    State, 1, 911, State - PHTransfer.cde!LoadInfo
    State, 1, 911, Event is [TrueEvent]
    Application, 1, 911, PHGreeting
    State, 1, 911, State - PHGreeting.cde!PlayGreeting
    Display, 1, 911, Call answered if needed
    Display, 1, 911, Playing greeting for Subscriber:  hq2
    Display, 1, 911, No DTMF received
    Display, 1, 911, Playing greeting for Subscriber:  hq2
    State, 1, 911, Event is [RecordMsgEvent]
    State, 1, 911, State - PHGreeting.cde!RecordMsg
    State, 1, 911, Event is [NULL]
    State, 1, 911, State - PHGreeting.cde!RunEditMsg
    Application, 1, 911, -->MessageEditing
    State, 1, 911, State - MessageEditing.cde!CheckMsgMenuOpt
    State, 1, 911, Event is [EditMessageMenuEvent]
    State, 1, 911, State - MessageEditing.cde!PlayEditMenu
    State, 1, 911, Event is [HangupEvent]
    State, 1, 911, State - MessageEditing.cde!CheckMsgLength
    State, 1, 911, Event is [NULL]
    Application, 1, 911, <--MessageEditing
    State, 1, 911, Event is [NULL]
    State, 1, 911, State - PHGreeting.cde!AfterMsg
    State, 1, 911, Event is [NULL]
    Display, 1, 911, Idle

    Sounds like one way audio from PSTN to your Unity Connection, couple of things to check:
    1. ensure your protocols are bound properly on the GW, i.e. SIP/H323/MGCP
    2. Make sure IP routing is OK between Unity and the voice gateway

  • How to configure mwi for GDM (general delivery mailbox)

    Hello everyone
    I'm trying to configure mwi for GDM and am not having much success. I tried a couple of different ways suggested in a discussion here: but don't think I,m doing this the right way.
    This is what the thread states:
    x511 is a shared line with a corresponding GDM mailbox   (mine is x1007)
    x512 is a blast group with members x501 (phone A), x502 (phone B), and x503 (phone C)  *****I took 1008
    x511 is call forward all to 512
    The blast group at 512 forwards on no answer to voicemail
    x511 is assigned as a button on each of phones A, B & C
    When an incoming call comes in to x511 it is immediately forwarded to the blast group at 512, and as a result, x501, x502, and x503 ring.  After 15 seconds (or whatever the no answer timer is set to), the call goes to voicemail.  Because the call went to x511 first, it winds up in mailbox 511.  After the message is left, an MWI ON message is generated for x511, which results in the envelope icon being displayed next to the x511 button on each of phones A, B and C.
    Therefore If I change this to my configurations I think it would go like this:
    When an incoming call comes in to x1007(GDM) it is immediately forwarded to the blast group at 1008, and as a result, x1001, x1002, and x1003 and 1004 ring.  After 15 seconds (or whatever the no answer timer is set to), the call goes to voicemail.  Because the call went to x1007 first, it winds up in mailbox 1007.  After the message is left, an MWI ON message is generated for x1007, which results in the envelope icon being displayed next to the x1007 button on each of phones A, B and C.
    Here is what I tried:
    1: Configured GDM at extension 1007 and shared the extension to phones ext: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 (instead of above mentionned x511). This extension works and can retrieve GDM no problem.
    dial-peer voice 1007 voip
    description [-[ General Delivery Mailbox ]-]
    destination-pattern 1007
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    ephone-dn  8  dual-line
    number 1007 no-reg both
    label GeneralMail- x1007
    description General Mail
    name General Mailbox
    call-forward busy 1999                   *****Should call forward all to 1008 which is the hunt-group
    call-forward noan 1999 timeout 3    *****Should call forward all 1008. Therefore remove both commands and add the call-forward all 1008 (Correct???)
    hold-alert 30 originator
    2: Not sure what a blast group is but I believe it to be a parallel hunt group. Is this correct???
    ex: voice hunt-group 2 parallel (This will make all included phones dial at same time correct???)
          list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
    voice hunt-group 2 parallel
    list 1001,1002,1003,1004
    pilot ???  (not sure what to put here, i think it should be the pilot number 1008 correct???)
    pilot 1008
    Therefore this is what i got:
    voice hunt-group 2 parallel
    list 1001,1002,1003,1004
    pilot 1008
    Now I believe I need to create the dial-peer 1008 correct???
    dial-peer voice 1008 voip
    description [-[ Hunt Blast Group ]-]
    destination-pattern 1008
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    Next I think I have to create ephone-dn for the hunt blast group correct???
    ephone-dn  9  dual-line
    number 1008 no-reg both
    description General Mail
    name General Mailbox
    call-forward busy 1999                   *****Should call forward all to 1999 which is my voice mail correct???
    call-forward noan 1999 timeout 3    *****Should call forward all 1999 which is my voice mail correct ???
    hold-alert 30 originator
    Then last I would configure lines on the phones pointing to the ephone-dn 9 on all listed phones correct??? or am I totally lost?
    ex: ephone  4
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 0018.19B9.35BE
    username "operator" password 1234
    codec g729r8
    type 7961
    button  1:3 2:5 3:8 4:9  ***4:9 is the one correct???
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

    Thanks very much for the help Rob. This command does indeed take care of having my GDM
    light up but now if I try to send a message to the main phone line x1001 and leave a
    message it only has the enveloppe now and doesn't light
    It is a great command to know though...thanks a lot
    Any chance you know if I can have both the main line and the GDM light up when they receive messages in their respective extensions?
    ephone 4
    device-security none
    mac-address aaaa.aaaa.aaaa
    username "operator"
    type 7961
    mwi-line 3   ****In my case this lights up the 1007 which is the GDM mailbox
    mwi-line 1   ***now my main x will light up but not the
    button 1:3 2:5 3:8     ***Now for the personal mailbox
    ephone-dn  3  dual-line
    number 1003 no-reg primary
    label Operator-x1003
    description Operator
    name Sylvie Bombardier
    call-forward busy 1999
    call-forward noan 1999 timeout 10   ****worst comes to worst i'll get rid of the operator personal mailbox and call-forward all to GDM 1007 on that phone
    translation-profile incoming no-prefix
    Thanks very much again for your help. If you have any other ideas please feel free to add. I am definitely close to wrapping this issue. Funny cisco didn't configure GDM to also light up the phone extensions included in the GDM like the personal mailboxes when they receive messages.
    Thanks very much again for the help. I really appreciate it.

  • CME SIP issue - Cisco 7821 phone not registering

    I am having issues with getting a Cisco 7821 phone to register.
    Current deployment is with Cisco 6921 phones SCCP registration
    SIP integration with CUE
    SIP integration with Mitel system
    c2951-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-3.M1.bin (CME 10.5)
    In flash:
    The 7821 phone gets IP address but fails to register. Please could somebody let me know why phone is not registering.
    Configuration below ( is CME address) .
    voice service voip
     allow-connections h323 to h323
     allow-connections h323 to sip
     allow-connections sip to h323
     allow-connections sip to sip
     fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw
     modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw redundancy maximum-sessions 5
      registrar server expires max 600 min 60
      options-ping 90
    voice class codec 1
     codec preference 1 g711alaw
     codec preference 2 g711ulaw
     codec preference 3 g729r8
    voice register global
     mode  cme
     source-address port 5060
     max-dn 30
     max-pool 10
     load 7821 sip78xx.10-1-1SR1-4
     authenticate register
     authenticate realm all
     timezone 22
     date-format D/M/Y
     voicemail 590
     tftp-path flash:
     create profile sync 0061443538560005
     network-locale GB
    voice register dn  1
     number 1010
     name user1
     label user1
    voice register pool  1
     busy-trigger-per-button 2
     id mac F09E.636E.63F2
     type 7821
     number 1 dn 1
     presence call-list
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     username 1010 password 123
     codec g711ulaw
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 391 voip
     description *** Auto Attendant ***
     destination-pattern 399
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:
     dtmf-relay sip-notify
     codec g711ulaw
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 392 voip
     description *** Administration Via Telephone ***
     destination-pattern 392
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:
     dtmf-relay sip-notify
     codec g711ulaw
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 393 voip
     description *** Extension Assigner ***
     service ea out-bound
     destination-pattern 393
     session target ipv4:
    dial-peer voice 590 voip
     description *** Voice Mail Pilot ***
     destination-pattern 590
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:
     dtmf-relay sip-notify
     codec g711ulaw
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
     description ** Match all incoming POTS calls **
     translation-profile incoming IncomingPSTNcalls
     incoming called-number .
    dial-peer voice 899 voip
     description Call to Mitel
     translation-profile incoming Prefix9
     translation-profile outgoing rem44
     destination-pattern [23]..
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:
     voice-class codec 1 
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     no vad
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
     description *** Connection to Mitel Phone System  ***
     ip address
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    interface ISM0/0
     description *** Connection to Cisco Unity Express ***
     ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/1
     service-module ip address
     !Application: CUE Running on ISM
     service-module ip default-gateway
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
     description *** Connection to IP Phone LAN ***
     ip address
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    ip http server
    ip http authentication local
    ip http secure-server
    ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
    ip http path flash:
    ip route
    ip route 255.255.2
    tftp-server flash:apps37sccp.1-4-4-0.bin
    tftp-server flash:sip78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.loads
    tftp-server flash:rootfs78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.sbn
    tftp-server flash:sboot78xx.10-1-1SR1-4.sbn
     mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp
     registrar ipv4: expires 600
     authentication credential cmeadmin c4p1ta2012
     xml user xmladmin password xmladmin 15
     extension-assigner tag-type provision-tag
     max-ephones 104
     max-dn 299
     ip source-address port 2000
     auto assign 101 to 105
     no service directed-pickup
     timeouts interdigit 5
     system message CFGS
     url services
     url authentication 
     cnf-file location flash:
     cnf-file perphone
     load 7931 SCCP31.9-2-1S
     load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-2-1-0
     time-zone 22
     date-format dd-mm-yy
     voicemail 590
     max-conferences 8 gain -6
     call-forward pattern .T
     moh enable-g711 ""
     web admin system name cmeadmin secret 5 $1$QmIK$46fDKVSudMxzI2bRp/Ef7/
     transfer-system full-consult
     transfer-pattern .T
     secondary-dialtone 9
     create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
    ephone-dn  298
     number 598...
     mwi on
    ephone-dn  299
     number 599...
     mwi off

    Page 7 of the following link recommends that you use option 150 with the Cisco 7800 series phones and use option 66 if you cannot use option 150
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
    DHCP dynamically allocates and assigns an IP address to network devices.
    DHCP enables you to connect an IP phone into the network and have the phone become operational without your needing to manually assign an IP address or to configure additional network parameters.
    DHCP is enabled by default. If disabled, you must manually configure the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and a TFTP server on each phone locally.
    Cisco recommends that you use DHCP custom option 150. With this method, you configure the TFTP server IP address as the option value. For additional supported DHCP configurations, go to the "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" chapter and the "Cisco TFTP" chapter in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide.
    If you cannot use option 150, you may try using DHCP option 66.

  • SPA9000 Configuration Issue with FXS Port(s)

    Successfully configured SPA9000 PBX with two VoIP providers setting Voice->Line 1/2 parameters. One phone set is connected to FXS 1 (or FXS 2) port and able to chose the proper VoIP provider when making outbound calls.
    Issue is that once outbound call is established, SPA9000 is not responding to additional numbers dialled for called party extension number. Same issue when dialling a number where voice prompt answers the call offering selection of activities to be chosen by dialling specific number. None of the entered selection works as nothing is entered on the dial.
    Located in Canada. VoIP providers: &
    SPA9000 configuration:
    Software version: 6.1.5; Hardware version: 1.0.5(a)
    Voice -> SIP -> PBX Parameters -> Call Routing Rule: (<:L1>9xx. | <:L2>8xx.)
    Voice -> SIP -> PBX Phone Parameters -> Phone Dial Plan: ([89],[3469]11S0 | [89],1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0 | [89],011xx. | [89],xx.)
    Voice -> FXS 1/2 -> Dial Plan: ([89],[3469]11S0 | [89],1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0 | [89],011xx. | [89],xx.)
    Voice -> Line 1 -> Dial Plan: (<9:>xx.)
    Voice -> Line 2 -> Dial Plan: (<8:>xx.)
    Voice -> Regional -> Call Progress Tones:
    Dial Tone: 350@-19,440@-19;10(*/0/1+2)
    Second Dial Tone: 420@-19,520@-19;10(*/0/1+2)
    Outside Dial Tone: 420@-16;10(*/0/1)
    Prompt Tone: 520@-19,620@-19;10(*/0/1+2)
    Busy Tone: 480@-19,620@-19;10(.5/.5/1+2)
    Reorder Tone: 480@-19,620@-19;10(.25/.25/1+2)
    Off Hook Warning Tone: 480@-10,620@0;10(.125/.125/1+2)
    Ring Back Tone: 440@-19,480@-19;*(2/4/1+2)
    Confirm Tone: 600@-16;1(.25/.25/1)
    SIT1 Tone: 985@-16,1428@-16,1777@-16;20(.380/0/1,.380/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
    SIT2 Tone: 914@-16,1371@-16,1777@-16;20(.274/0/1,.274/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
    SIT3 Tone: 914@-16,1371@-16,1777@-16;20(.380/0/1,.380/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
    SIT4 Tone: 985@-16,1371@-16,1777@-16;20(.380/0/1,.274/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
    MWI Dial Tone: 350@-19,440@-19;2(.1/.1/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)
    Cfwd Dial Tone: 350@-19,440@-19;2(.2/.2/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)
    Holding Tone: 600@-19;*(.1/.1/1,.1/.1/1,.1/9.5/1)
    Conference Tone: 350@-19;20(.1/.1/1,.1/9.7/1)
    Secure Call Indication Tone: 397@-19,507@-19;15(0/2/0,.2/.1/1,.1/2.1/2)
    Feature Invocation Tone: 350@-16;*(.1/.1/1)

    Hi @sglumac, it seems that your SPA9000 is a Cisco product. Please repost this to this link: for solutions.

  • UC-520 Voicemail Issues

    System was working without issues but now voicemail doesn't seem to be working.  Users call each other and their phones now just ring and never go to voicemail.  Was out on holiday when the issue started so my suspicion is that changes were made but I'm not seeing anything indicative of change...  Any initial thoughts of places to start looking?
    Mailboxes are enabled with a nice chunk of minutes.   Voicemail enabled for all users.  Etc.
    Much thanks for any ideas!

    Config as follows:
    version 15.1
    parser config cache interface
    no service pad
    service tcp-keepalives-in
    service tcp-keepalives-out
    service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service password-encryption
    service internal
    service compress-config
    service sequence-numbers
    hostname uc520-1
    boot system flash:uc500-advipservicesk9-mz.124-20.T.bin
    security authentication failure rate 3 log
    security passwords min-length 8
    logging buffered 4096
    logging console critical
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login local_authen local
    aaa authentication login sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_1 local
    aaa authorization exec local_author local
    aaa authorization network sdm_vpn_group_ml_1 local
    aaa session-id common
    clock timezone CST -6 0
    clock summer-time CDT recurring
    crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
    crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2155555563
    enrollment selfsigned
    subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2155555563
    revocation-check none
    crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-2155555563
    certificate self-signed 01
      30855549 308201B2 A0555201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04055550
      3155530 2D055555 04031326 4955532D 53555C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
      69666963 6175552D 32313539 33323038 3635551E 170D3133 30343239 31353436
      35555517 0D355030 31555530 30305530 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03155649
      4F555D53 656C662D 5355576E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D32 31355533
    dot11 syslog
    no ip source-route
    ip cef
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool phone
       option 150 ip
    no ip bootp server
    no ip domain lookup
    ip host
    ip inspect WAAS flush-timeout 10
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW cuseeme
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW dns
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW ftp
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW h323
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW https
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW icmp
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW imap
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW pop3
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW netshow
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW rcmd
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW realaudio
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW rtsp
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW esmtp
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW sqlnet
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW streamworks
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW tftp
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW tcp
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW udp router-traffic
    ip inspect name SDM_LOW vdolive
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    stcapp ccm-group 1
    stcapp feature access-code
    trunk group ALL_FXO
    max-retry 5
    voice-class cause-code 1
    hunt-scheme longest-idle
    voice call send-alert
    voice rtp send-recv
    voice service voip
    allow-connections h323 to h323
    allow-connections h323 to sip
    allow-connections sip to h323
    allow-connections sip to sip
    supplementary-service h450.12
      bind control source-interface Vlan100
      bind media source-interface Vlan100
      no update-callerid
    voice class codec 1
    codec preference 1 g711ulaw
    codec preference 2 g729r8
    voice class custom-cptone CCAleavetone
    dualtone conference
      frequency 400 800
      cadence 400 50 200 50 200 50
    voice class custom-cptone CCAjointone
    dualtone conference
      frequency 600 900
      cadence 300 150 300 100 300 50
    voice class cause-code 1
    voice register global
    max-dn 128
    max-pool 32
    voice translation-rule 1000
    rule 1 /.*/ //
    voice translation-rule 1111
    voice translation-rule 1112
    rule 1 /^6/ //
    voice translation-rule 2001
    voice translation-rule 2222
    voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    translate calling 1111
    voice translation-profile CallBlocking
    translate called 2222
    voice translation-profile OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    translate calling 1111
    translate called 1112
    voice translation-profile nondialable
    translate called 1000
    voice-card 0
    dsp services dspfarm
    license udi pid UC520-24U-8FXO-K9 sn xx
    log config
      logging enable
      logging size 600
    vtp version 2
    username admin privilege 15 secret 5 xx
    ip tcp synwait-time 10
    ip tftp source-interface FastEthernet0/0
    class-map match-any VoIP-Control-UnTrust
    match access-group name VoIP-Control
    class-map match-any VoIP-RTP-UnTrust
    match protocol rtp audio
    match access-group name VoIP-RTCP
    class-map match-any VoIP-Remark
    match ip dscp ef
    match ip dscp cs3
    match ip dscp af31
    policy-map Policy-UnTrust
    class VoIP-Remark
      set dscp default
    class VoIP-Control-UnTrust
      set dscp af31
    class VoIP-RTP-UnTrust
      set dscp ef
    class class-default
    crypto isakmp policy 1
    encr aes
    authentication pre-share
    group 2
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    hash md5
    authentication pre-share
    crypto isakmp key xx
    crypto isakmp key xx
    crypto isakmp client configuration group VPNClient
    key xxx
    pool EZVPN_POOL_1
    acl 150
    crypto ipsec transform-set AES esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
    crypto dynamic-map SDM_CMAP_1 99
    set transform-set AES
    crypto map clientmap client authentication list sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_1
    crypto map clientmap isakmp authorization list sdm_vpn_group_ml_1
    crypto map clientmap client configuration address respond
    crypto map clientmap 1 ipsec-isakmp
    set peer xx
    set transform-set AES
    match address 199
    crypto map clientmap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic SDM_CMAP_1
    interface Loopback0
    description $FW_INSIDE$
    ip address
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    interface Loopback1
    description *** used for GRE to site 2 ***
    ip address
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    interface Tunnel0
    description *** GRE Tunnel to Site2 ***
    bandwidth 1536
    ip address
    ip mtu 1420
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    delay 4999
    keepalive 10 3
    tunnel source Loopback1
    tunnel destination
    tunnel path-mtu-discovery
    service-policy output Policy-UnTrust
    interface Null0
    no ip unreachables
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    description $FW_OUTSIDE$
    ip address xxxx
    ip access-group Outside in
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip nat outside
    ip inspect SDM_LOW out
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    crypto ipsec df-bit clear
    interface Integrated-Service-Engine0/0
    description cue is initialized with default IMAP group
    ip unnumbered Loopback0
    no ip redirects
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    service-module ip address
    service-module ip default-gateway
    interface FastEthernet0/1/0
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/1
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/2
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/3
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/4
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/5
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/6
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/7
    switchport voice vlan 100
    macro description cisco-phone
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface FastEthernet0/1/8
    switchport mode trunk
    macro description cisco-switch
    interface Vlan1
    description $FW_INSIDE$
    ip address
    no ip unreachables
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    interface Vlan100
    description *** Voice VLAN ***
    ip address
    no ip unreachables
    no ip proxy-arp
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    h323-gateway voip interface
    h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
    ip local pool EZVPN_POOL_1
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    ip http authentication local
    ip http secure-server
    ip http path flash:/gui
    ip nat inside source list 106 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
    ip nat inside source static xx extendable
    ip nat inside source static xx extendable
    ip nat inside source static tcp 25 xx 25 extendable
    ip nat inside source static tcp 80 xx 80 extendable
    ip nat inside source static tcp 443 xx 443 extendable
    ip route xx
    ip route
    ip route Integrated-Service-Engine0/0
    ip route
    ip route
    ip route
    ip access-list extended OutsideIn
    remark *** BEGIN: xxxx ***
    permit ip xxxx any
    permit ip xxxx any
    permit ip xxxx any
    permit ip host xxxx any
    permit ip xxxx any
    remark *** END: xxxx ***
    remark *
    remark *** BEGIN: VPN ***
    permit udp any any eq non500-isakmp
    permit udp any any eq isakmp
    permit esp any any
    remark *** END: VPN ***
    remark *
    remark *** BEGIN: ping/traceroutes ***
    permit icmp any any echo-reply
    permit icmp any any time-exceeded
    permit icmp any any unreachable
    remark *** END: ping/traceroutes ***
    ip access-list extended VoIP-Control
    permit tcp any any eq 1720
    permit tcp any any range 11000 11999
    permit udp any any eq 2427
    permit tcp any any eq 2428
    permit tcp any any range 2000 2002
    permit udp any any eq 1719
    permit udp any any eq 5060
    ip access-list extended VoIP-RTCP
    permit udp any any range 16384 32767
    logging esm config
    logging trap debugging
    access-list 106 deny   ip
    access-list 106 deny   ip
    access-list 106 deny   ip
    access-list 106 deny   ip
    access-list 106 deny   ip
    access-list 106 deny   gre host host
    access-list 106 permit ip any
    access-list 106 deny   ip any any
    access-list 150 permit ip
    access-list 150 permit ip
    access-list 150 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list 199 permit gre host host
    access-list 199 permit ip
    access-list compiled reuse
    tftp-server apps11.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server apps31.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server apps41.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server apps70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cmterm_7936.3-3-13-0.bin
    tftp-server cnu11.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cnu31.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cnu41.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cnu70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server CP7902080002SCCP060817A.sbin
    tftp-server cvm11sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cvm31sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cvm41sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server cvm70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server dsp11.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server dsp31.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server dsp41.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server dsp70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server jar11sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server jar31sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server jar41sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server jar70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
    tftp-server P00308000500.bin
    tftp-server P00308000500.loads
    tftp-server P00308000500.sb2
    tftp-server P00308000500.sbn
    tftp-server S00105000200.sbn
    tftp-server SCCP11.8-2-2SR2S.loads
    tftp-server SCCP31.8-2-2SR2S.loads
    tftp-server SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S.loads
    tftp-server SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S.loads
    tftp-server term06.default.loads
    tftp-server term11.default.loads
    tftp-server term31.default.loads
    tftp-server term41.default.loads
    tftp-server term61.default.loads
    tftp-server term70.default.loads
    tftp-server term71.default.loads
    tftp-server flash:SCCP42.8-3-2S.loads
    tftp-server flash:SCCP45.8-3-2S.loads
    tftp-server flash:SCCP75.8-3-2S.loads
    tftp-server flash:apps42.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:apps45.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:apps75.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cnu42.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cnu45.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cnu75.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cvm42sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cvm45sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cvm75sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:dsp42.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:dsp45.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:dsp75.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:jar42sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:jar45sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:jar75sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn
    tftp-server flash:term42.default.loads
    tftp-server flash:term45.default.loads
    tftp-server flash:term62.default.loads
    tftp-server flash:term65.default.loads
    tftp-server flash:APPS-1.0.4.SBN
    tftp-server flash:CP7921G-1.0.4.LOADS
    tftp-server flash:GUI-1.0.4.SBN
    tftp-server flash:SYS-1.0.4.SBN
    tftp-server flash:TNUX-1.0.4.SBN
    tftp-server flash:TNUXR-1.0.4.SBN
    tftp-server flash:WLAN-1.0.4.SBN
    tftp-server flash:cp524g-08-01-07.bin
    tftp-server flash:AreYouThereF.raw
    tftp-server flash:Bass.raw
    tftp-server flash:CallBack.raw
    tftp-server flash:Chime.raw
    tftp-server flash:Classic1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Classic2.raw
    tftp-server flash:ClockShop.raw
    tftp-server flash:Drums1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Drums2.raw
    tftp-server flash:FilmScore.raw
    tftp-server flash:HarpSynth.raw
    tftp-server flash:Jamaica.raw
    tftp-server flash:KotoEffect.raw
    tftp-server flash:MusicBox.raw
    tftp-server flash:Piano1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Piano2.raw
    tftp-server flash:Pop.raw
    tftp-server flash:Pulse1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring2.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring3.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring4.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring5.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring6.raw
    tftp-server flash:Ring7.raw
    tftp-server flash:Sax1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Sax2.raw
    tftp-server flash:Vibe.raw
    tftp-server flash:Analog1.raw
    tftp-server flash:Analog2.raw
    tftp-server flash:AreYouThere.raw
    tftp-server flash:CampusNight.png
    tftp-server flash:CiscoFountain.png
    tftp-server flash:Fountain.png
    tftp-server flash:MorroRock.png
    tftp-server flash:NantucketFlowers.png
    tftp-server flash:TN-CampusNight.png
    tftp-server flash:TN-CiscoFountain.png
    tftp-server flash:TN-Fountain.png
    tftp-server flash:TN-MorroRock.png
    tftp-server flash:TN-NantucketFlowers.png
    tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x16/List.xml
    tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml
    tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x216x16/List.xml
    tftp-server flash:RingList.xml
    tftp-server flash:DistinctiveRingList.xml
    tftp-server flash:ATA030100SCCP040211A.zup
    tftp-server flash:term75.default.loads
    tftp-server flash:B016-1-0-3.SBN
    tftp-server flash:apps75.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cnu75.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:cvm75sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:dsp75.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:jar75sccp.8-4-1-23.sbn
    tftp-server flash:SCCP75.8-4-2S.loads
    voice-port 0/0/0
    timeouts ringing infinity
    voice-port 0/0/1
    timeouts ringing infinity
    voice-port 0/0/2
    timeouts ringing infinity
    voice-port 0/0/3
    timeouts ringing infinity
    voice-port 0/1/0
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/0-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/1/1
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/1-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/1/2
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/2-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/1/3
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/3-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/3/0
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/0-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/3/1
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/1-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/3/2
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/2-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/3/3
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 64
    connection plar opx 210
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/3-Custom
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 0/4/0
    signal immediate
    input gain auto-control -15
    description Music On Hold Port
    sccp local Loopback0
    sccp ccm identifier 1 version 4.0
    sccp ccm group 1
    associate ccm 1 priority 1
    associate profile 1 register confprof1
    dspfarm profile 1 conference
    description DO NOT MODIFY, active CCA conference profile- Using codec711
    codec g711ulaw
    codec g711alaw
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729abr8
    codec g729r8
    codec g729br8
    maximum sessions 6
    conference-join custom-cptone CCAjointone
    conference-leave custom-cptone CCAleavetone
    associate application SCCP
    dial-peer cor custom
    name internal
    name local
    name domestic
    name international
    name local-plus
    name national
    name national-plus
    name emergency
    name toll-free
    dial-peer cor list call-internal
    member internal
    dial-peer cor list call-local
    member local
    dial-peer cor list call-domestic
    member domestic
    dial-peer cor list call-international
    member international
    dial-peer cor list user-internal
    member internal
    member emergency
    dial-peer cor list user-local
    member internal
    member local
    member emergency
    member toll-free
    dial-peer cor list user-domestic
    member internal
    member local
    member domestic
    member local-plus
    member national
    member emergency
    member toll-free
    dial-peer cor list user-international
    member internal
    member local
    member domestic
    member international
    member local-plus
    member national
    member national-plus
    member emergency
    member toll-free
    dial-peer cor list user-local-plus
    member internal
    member local
    member local-plus
    member emergency
    member toll-free
    dial-peer cor list user-national
    member internal
    member local
    member domestic
    member local-plus
    member national
    member emergency
    member toll-free
    dial-peer cor list user-national-plus
    member internal
    member local
    member domestic
    member local-plus
    member national
    member national-plus
    member emergency
    member toll-free
    dial-peer cor list call-emergency
    member emergency
    dial-peer cor list call-national
    member national
    dial-peer cor list call-local-plus
    member local-plus
    dial-peer cor list call-national-plus
    member national-plus
    dial-peer cor list call-toll-free
    member toll-free
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
    service stcapp
    port 0/0/0
    dial-peer voice 2 pots
    service stcapp
    port 0/0/1
    dial-peer voice 3 pots
    service stcapp
    port 0/0/2
    dial-peer voice 4 pots
    service stcapp
    port 0/0/3
    dial-peer voice 5 pots
    description ** MOH Port **
    destination-pattern ABC
    port 0/4/0
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 2000 voip
    description ** cue voicemail pilot number **
    destination-pattern 50.
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 2001 voip
    description ** cue auto attendant number **
    translation-profile outgoing PSTN_CallForwarding
    destination-pattern 500
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 50 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/1/0
    dial-peer voice 51 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/1/1
    dial-peer voice 52 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/1/2
    dial-peer voice 53 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/1/3
    dial-peer voice 150 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/3/0
    dial-peer voice 151 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/3/1
    dial-peer voice 152 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/3/2
    dial-peer voice 153 pots
    description ** incoming dial peer **
    incoming called-number ^AAAA$
    port 0/3/3
    dial-peer voice 200 voip
    description interofficetransfers
    destination-pattern 4..
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    dtmf-relay sip-notify
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 57 pots
    trunkgroup ALL_FXO
    corlist outgoing call-local
    description **CCA*North American*Local Number**
    translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    preference 5
    destination-pattern 6[2-9]......
    forward-digits all
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 58 pots
    trunkgroup ALL_FXO
    corlist outgoing call-national
    description **CCA*North American*Long Distance**
    translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    preference 5
    destination-pattern 61[2-9]..[2-9]......
    forward-digits all
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 63 pots
    trunkgroup ALL_FXO
    corlist outgoing call-international
    description **CCA*North American*International Number**
    translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    preference 5
    destination-pattern 6011T
    forward-digits all
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 64 pots
    trunkgroup ALL_FXO
    corlist outgoing call-emergency
    description **CCA*North American*Emergency Number**
    translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    preference 5
    destination-pattern 6911
    forward-digits all
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 69 pots
    trunkgroup ALL_FXO
    corlist outgoing call-emergency
    description **CCA*North American*Emergency Number**
    preference 5
    destination-pattern 911
    forward-digits all
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 70 pots
    trunkgroup ALL_FXO
    corlist outgoing call-local
    description **CCA*North American*Service Number**
    translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
    preference 5
    destination-pattern 6[2-9]11
    forward-digits all
    no sip-register
    dial-peer voice 6 pots
    description "catch all dial peer for BRI/PRI"
    translation-profile incoming nondialable
    incoming called-number .%
    no dial-peer outbound status-check pots
    sdspfarm conference mute-on 111 mute-off 222
    sdspfarm units 5
    sdspfarm tag 1 confprof1
    conference hardware
    max-ephones 32
    max-dn 128
    ip source-address port 2000
    max-redirect 20
    auto assign 1 to 1 type bri
    caller-id block code *916
    calling-number initiator
    service phone videoCapability 1
    service dnis overlay
    service dnis dir-lookup
    timeouts interdigit 5
    system message xxxx
    url services
    url authentication
    load 7914 S00105000200
    load 7916-12 B016-1-0-3
    load 7916-24 B016-1-0-3
    load 7902 CP7902080002SCCP060817A
    load 7906 SCCP11.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7911 SCCP11.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7921 CP7921G-1.0.4
    load 7931 SCCP31.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7936 cmterm_7936.3-3-13-0
    load 7960-7940 P00308000500
    load 7941 SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7941GE SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7942 SCCP42.8-3-2S
    load 7945 SCCP45.8-3-2S
    load 7961 SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7961GE SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7962 SCCP42.8-3-2S
    load 7965 SCCP45.8-3-2S
    load 7970 SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7971 SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S
    load 7975 SCCP75.8-4-2S
    load ata ATA030100SCCP040211A
    load 521G-524G cp524g-08-01-07
    time-zone 8
    time-format 24
    voicemail 501
    max-conferences 8 gain -6
    call-forward pattern .T
    call-forward pattern 9.T
    call-forward pattern 9.......
    call-forward system redirecting-expanded
    multicast moh port 2000
    web admin system name admin secret 5 xx
    transfer-system full-consult dss
    transfer-pattern 9.T
    transfer-pattern .T
    transfer-pattern 6.T
    secondary-dialtone 6
    create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Apr 10 2013 10:45:46
    ephone-template  15
    softkeys remote-in-use  Newcall
    softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login
    softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
    softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Acct Park
    button-layout 7931 2
    ephone-template  16
    softkeys remote-in-use  Newcall
    softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login
    softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
    softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Acct Park
    ephone-template  17
    softkeys remote-in-use  CBarge Newcall
    softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login
    softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
    softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Acct Park
    ephone-template  18
    softkeys remote-in-use  CBarge Newcall
    softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login
    softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
    softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Acct Park
    button-layout 7931 2
    ephone-dn  1
    number 101 no-reg primary
    name IP-Paging1
    paging ip port 2000
    ephone-dn  2  dual-line
    number 219 no-reg primary
    label Cameron 219
    description Cameron
    name Cameron
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  5  dual-line
    number 291 no-reg primary
    label After Hours Ring
    description PhoneA Analog
    name PhoneA Analog
    ephone-dn  6  dual-line
    number 292 no-reg primary
    label 292
    description PhoneB Analog
    name PhoneB Analog
    ephone-dn  7  dual-line
    number 293 no-reg primary
    label 293
    description PhoneC Analog
    name PhoneC Analog
    ephone-dn  8  dual-line
    number 294 no-reg primary
    label 294
    description PhoneD Analog
    name PhoneD Analog
    ephone-dn  9
    number BCD no-reg primary
    description MoH
    moh out-call ABC
    ephone-dn  10  dual-line
    number 222 no-reg primary
    label Alan 222
    description Alan 222
    name AlanE
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 45 originator
    ephone-dn  13  dual-line
    number 220 no-reg primary
    label Alan 220
    description Alan
    name Alan
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 45 originator
    ephone-dn  16  dual-line
    number 216 no-reg primary
    label Jesse 216
    description Jesse
    name Jesse
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  23  dual-line
    number 208 no-reg primary
    label Daniel 208
    description Daniel
    name Daniel
    call-forward busy 210
    call-forward noan 210 timeout 30
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  26  dual-line
    number 213 no-reg primary
    label Christopher 213
    description Chris
    name Christopher
    call-forward busy 210
    call-forward noan 210 timeout 30
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  28  dual-line
    number 215 no-reg primary
    label RDPotter 215
    description Robert
    name Robert
    call-forward busy 210
    call-forward noan 210 timeout 30
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  33  dual-line
    number 221 no-reg primary
    label Sarah 221
    description Sarah
    name Sarah
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  51  dual-line
    number 299
    label After Hours
    description *** After Hours Ring ***
    name After Hours Ring
    preference 1
    huntstop channel
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  52  dual-line
    number 299
    label After Hours
    description *** After Hours Ring ***
    name After Hours Ring
    preference 2
    huntstop channel
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  53  dual-line
    number 299
    label After Hours
    description *** After Hours Ring ***
    name After Hours Ring
    preference 3
    huntstop channel
    ephone-dn  76  octo-line
    number 233 no-reg primary
    label Ben 233
    description Ben 233
    name BDW
    ephone-dn  77  dual-line
    number 225 no-reg primary
    label Randy Shop 225
    description Randy Shop
    name RandyR
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    ephone-dn  78  dual-line
    number 217 no-reg primary
    label 217
    description Time Clock
    name Time Clock
    ephone-dn  79  dual-line
    number 250 no-reg primary
    label Conference
    description Conference
    name Conference Phone
    hold-alert 15 originator
    ephone-dn  80  octo-line
    number 210 no-reg primary
    label Bobbi 210
    description Bobbi 210
    name Bobbi
    call-forward busy 203
    call-forward noan 203 timeout 10
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  81  dual-line
    number 402 no-reg primary
    label Kevin 402
    description Kevin 402
    name Kevin
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  82  dual-line
    number 403 no-reg primary
    label Lucas 403
    description Lucas 403
    name Lucas
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  83  dual-line
    number 202 no-reg primary
    label BEN 202
    description BEN 202
    name Ben
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  84  dual-line
    number 214 no-reg primary
    label Ricky 214
    description Ricky 214
    name Rick
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  85  dual-line
    number 224 no-reg primary
    label Jonathan 224
    description Jonathan 224
    name Jonathan
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  86  dual-line
    number 211 no-reg primary
    label Delana 211
    description Delana 211
    name Delana
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  87  octo-line
    number 203 no-reg primary
    label Cindy M 203
    description Cindy M 203
    name Cindy
    call-forward busy 221
    call-forward noan 221 timeout 10
    ephone-dn  88  dual-line
    number 205 no-reg primary
    label Jeremy 205
    description Jeremy 205
    name Jeremy
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  89  dual-line
    number 207 no-reg primary
    label Kent 207
    description Kent 207
    name Kent
    call-forward busy 210
    call-forward noan 210 timeout 45
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  90  octo-line
    number 218 no-reg primary
    label Randy 218
    description Randy 218
    name Randy
    call-forward busy 501
    call-forward noan 501 timeout 20
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn  91  dual-line
    number C008 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  92  dual-line
    number C008 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  93  dual-line
    number C008 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  94  dual-line
    number C008 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  95  dual-line
    number C007 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  96  dual-line
    number C007 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  97  dual-line
    number C007 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  98  dual-line
    number C007 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  99  dual-line
    number C006 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  100  dual-line
    number C006 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  101  dual-line
    number C006 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  102  dual-line
    number C006 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  103  dual-line
    number C005 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  104  dual-line
    number C005 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  105  dual-line
    number C005 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  106  dual-line
    number C005 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  107  dual-line
    number C004 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  108  dual-line
    number C004 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  109  dual-line
    number C004 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  110  dual-line
    number C004 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  111  dual-line
    number C003 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  112  dual-line
    number C003 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  113  dual-line
    number C003 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  114  dual-line
    number C003 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  115  dual-line
    number C002 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  116  dual-line
    number C002 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  117  dual-line
    number C002 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  118  dual-line
    number C002 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  119  dual-line
    number C001 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 3
    ephone-dn  120  dual-line
    number C001 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 2
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  121  dual-line
    number C001 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    preference 1
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  122  dual-line
    number C001 no-reg primary
    conference ad-hoc
    no huntstop
    ephone-dn  123
    number 704 no-reg primary
    ephone-dn  124
    number 703 no-reg primary
    ephone-dn  125
    number 702 no-reg primary
    ephone-dn  126
    number 701 no-reg primary
    ephone-dn  127
    number A801... no-reg primary
    mwi off
    ephone-dn  128
    number A800... no-reg primary
    mwi on
    ephone  1
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    mac-address B8FA.E412.0000
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    type anl
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    ephone  2
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    type anl
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    ephone  3
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    username "anal3" password xx
    type anl
    button  1:7
    ephone  4
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    type anl
    button  1:8
    ephone  5
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 0007.0EDD.1B1C
    type 7960
    ephone  6
    device-security-mode none
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    type ata
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    ephone  9
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    button  5m23 6m26 7m90 8m33
    button  9m87 10m77 11m84 12m28
    button  13m16 15m2 16m13 17m10
    button  18m85
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    type 7962 addon 1 7914
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    button  5m80 6m2 7m87 8m26
    button  9m23 10m86 11m88 12m16
    button  13m85 14m89 15m81 16m82
    button  17m90 18m28 19m33
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    type 7961
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    button  5m26 6m90
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    username "xx" password xx
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    type 7975 addon 1 7916-24
    button  1:80 2m83 3m13 4m10
    button  5m2 6m26 7m87 8m23
    button  9m86 10m88 11m16 12m85
    button  13m77 14m81 15m82 16m90
    button  17m84 18m28 19m33 30m79
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    button  1:76
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    button  15m13 16m10 17m85 18m81
    button  19m33 20m82
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    button  5m80 6m88
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    type 7961 addon 1 7914
    button  1:89 2m87 3m88 4m23
    button  5m80 7m84 8m16 9m90
    button  10m2 11m13
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    button  5m88 6m2
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    username "xx" password xx
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    button  1:78 3m13 4m10 5m80
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    username "xx" password xx
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    type 7961
    button  1:28 2m87 3m23 4m80
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    button  6m2 7m87 8m26 9m23
    button  10m86 11m88 12m16 13m85
    button  14m77 15m90 16m84 17m28
    button  18m33
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    username "xx" password xx
    paging-dn 1
    type 7961
    button  1:85 2m80 3m87 4m88
    button  5m13 6m90
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    username "xx" password xx
    type 7975 addon 1 7916-24
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    button  5m86 6m26 7m90 8m33
    button  9m13 10m10 11m2 12m87
    button  13m16 14m85 15m77 16m81
    button  17m82 18m84 19m28
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    type 7975 addon 1 7916-24
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    button  5m33 6m90 7m84 8m86
    button  9m13 10m10 11m2 12m26
    button  13m87 14m16 15m85 16m77
    button  17m81 18m82 19m28
    ephone  28
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    username "xx" password xx
    paging-dn 1
    type 7975 addon 1 7916-24
    button  1:33 2m83 3m88 4m80
    button  5m86 6m90 7m26 8m23
    button  9m13 10m10 11m2 12m87
    button  13m16 14m85 15m77 16m81
    button  17m82 18m84 19m28 30m79
    ephone  29
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 000F.F76E.36FB
    type 7960
    ephone  31
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 0012.80F3.A9D2
    ephone-template 16
    username "xx" password xx
    paging-dn 1
    type 7960 addon 1 7914
    missed-calls all
    button  1:82 2m87 3m88 4m77
    button  5m23 6m80 7m86 8m26
    button  9m84 10m28 11m16 12m78
    button  13m90 14m2 15m13 16m10
    button  17m33 18m85 19m81
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    username "xx" password xx
    paging-dn 1
    type 7975 addon 1 7916-24
    button  1:90 2m80 3m83 4m88
    button  5m23 6m86 7m26 8m33
    button  9m13 10m10 11m2 12m87
    button  13m16 14m85 15m77 16m81
    button  17m82 18m84 19m28
    ephone-hunt 1 peer
    pilot 505
    no-reg pilot
    statistics collect
    banner login
    line con 0
    login authentication local_authen
    no modem enable
    transport output telnet
    line aux 0
    login authentication local_authen
    transport output telnet
    line 2
    no activation-character
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
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    exec-timeout 0 0
    authorization exec local_author
    login authentication local_authen
    transport input telnet ssh
    transport output telnet ssh
    line vty 5 100
    authorization exec local_author
    login authentication local_authen
    transport input telnet ssh
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 0 0
    authorization exec local_author
    login authentication local_authen
    transport input telnet ssh
    transport output telnet ssh
    line vty 5 100
    authorization exec local_author
    login authentication local_authen
    transport input telnet ssh
    transport output telnet ssh
    scheduler allocate 4000 1000
    scheduler interval 500
    ntp master
    ntp update-calendar
    ntp server prefer
    ntp server

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