My greatest wish belonging to Forms: Stability!!!

Working with forms result often in a FRM-92101 (An unexpected server failure ...)
I'm solving this problem with an OK-Button in an alert at the coding where the error happens.
And the miracle is: Forms is working whithout error.
After removing the alert the next miracle: Forms is working with no error?!
That's very angry for me and my customers.
I'm working with:
Java Plug-in 1.5.0_06
Application Server
Best regards from

Thomas Morgan wrote:
We recently upgraded our application to 10g and sporadically we see some erratic behaviors in the application (i.e. freezes, queries that normally run in under a second take several minutes, etc). Do you have any opinion as to whether the fact that we store and compile in unix the fat fmb as you so accurately describe, may have a contribution into the erratic behavior or do you think this is an exclusively developer inconvenience issue by having to work with larger files?
I agree with Jan that these things need to be addressed individually. I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with fat fmbs. First thing I would look at with the seconds to minutes query problem: Is the form affected by rows locked by another user? Forms that accidentally lock rows when they are queried will cause a second user querying the same data with the same form to experience a lockup until the first user commits or rolls back. Of course that would have happened the same way with client/server forms.
Thomas Morgan wrote:
Would you care to elaborate on this? Were you still referring to the inconvenience to your developers of having to ftp the fat file?
The problem was this: During display processing, the forms called a stored procedure that returned some numbers to display, so the parameters were "number". Sometimes the form would display -0, or ##### (negative zero, or a number too large for the format mask). This happened with the forms stored containing compiled code (the fat fmb), even though we would click the Ctrl-T to compile the form (note this was NOT the shift-ctrl-K to "compile all"). Once we did the replace all semicolon process, the problem went away.
Note that the stored procedures were standalone -- not part of any package.
user505142: (Can't you get a real name to display? :-)
Although doing a Compile PL/SQL All won't reduce the physical size of the FMB, it does seem to remedy the compiler bug, and eliminates the need to repair referencing.
Yes, I agree. In that situation, I would NOT do the semicolon-semicolon replace all.
And your "forgotten holdover" theory sounds quite likely. Storing fmbs in the database along with compiled code might have been the beginning steps toward facilitating forms to be automatically recompiled whenever any table or package they used was changed. That would have been a nice feature.

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    Your question is a little unclear. The "HOST" command is an Oracle Forms built-in command which allows you to execute OS commands. So the only part of it that belongs to forms is the part that looks like HOST(). The contents within the parentheses would be the command you wanted to execute. For example:
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    this is the space
    SQL Developer (Not for general SQL/PLSQL questions)
    Your question most likely belongs to Forms
    so please mark this thread as answered and post agaim in the Forms forum.

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    If you installed the product following the instructions found in MOS Note 559067.1 the registry key will have already been created for you.  It will be a sub to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle\<???>
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    Please follow the below link if you wish to develop forms for web applications,

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    Create a form level trigger, ON-MESSAGE
    Trap the message code, that way you can
    suppress the message.
    Sample ON_MESSAGE trigger:
    v_message_code number := message_code;
    v_message_text varchar2(200) := substr(message_text,1,200);
    v_message_type varchar2(3) := substr(message_type,1,3);
    v_alert_button number;
    if v_message_code = 40400 then
    Message('Record saved.');
    v_message_code = 40000 then
    end if;

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    bad bind variable 'CG$CTRL.SE_CODE'
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    CG$CTRL are cerated when the forms are developed using the designer...
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    So try to find out in which form the above procedure /program unit is being called and then modify the pll accordingly....
    Rajesh Alex

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    If you are using a URL to open the new form then you can add the following parameter to the URL to redirect them to wherever you wish after the form closes: Source=URLToRedirectTo
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    Hi there,
    If you would like to insert embed code of forms or other components, then you can do so by going into object >insert html, paste the code there.
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    cfform name="login" action="/login/checkLogin.cfm" method="post">
      cfinput type="text" name="username" size="25" required="Yes" message="Please enter your username">
      cfinput type="password" name="password" size="25" required="Yes" message="Please enter you password">
       cfinput type="submit" value="Sign In">
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    Total Time Avg Time Count Template
    1 ms 1 ms 1 /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/templates/secure_profile_error.cfm
    0 ms 0 ms 1 top level /home/space/users/www/webdocsec/login/login.cfm
    red = over 250 ms average execution time
    10:08:08.008 - Template Exception - in : line -1
         Attribute validation error for tag CFINPUT.

    Using cfform
    To start with, leave cfform aside. You will find in the documentation that most developers are abandoning Coldfusion's native UI tags, for example, cfform, cfgrid, and so on. They are outdated and occasionally perform erratically. If you wish to validate forms, use a Javascript library such as jQuery.
    Implementing Site-Wide Error Handler
    By default, there is no site-wide error handler configured. It is advisable to create your own. Then register the path of the page in the Coldfusion Administrator.
    As the name implies, it is a CFM page which ColdFusion runs when it encounters an error on your site. Creating your own enables you to present a simple, customized, user-friendly page to your visitors.
    Alternatively, you may choose to implement a Secure Profile. This is available in the Administrator, on the page Security => Secure Profile.
    When you check the box, you configure Coldfusion to automatically implement all the security measures listed in the table. That includes Coldfusion's own the Site-Wide Error Handler. It is the system file, /CFIDE/administrator/templates/secure_profile_error.cfm.

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    I think there is some confusion here! The solution that has been outlined is the 'standard' way of achieving the result that a user has to change his/her password every xx days. BUT, this will only prompt them when they try to log in AFTER the xx days has expired.
    I think you are asking for a method of alerting the user xx days BEFORE the password is due to expire, like Windows for example.
    I am not an expert in technical changes to forms (e.g. forms personalisation), but I thought it might help if I clarified what I think you are asking. Others may have the actual answer!
    An alert would possibly achieve what you want, but consider this... if users don't read their emails, and they only log in occasionally, what use is alerting them on the system going to be? They will still only see the alert when they log in, and that may already be after the password has expired!
    If my interpretation is wrong, please update this thread so I don't confuse anybody.

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    Interesting... most people would not complain at NOT seeing ads! Are you asking as a web developer concerned that ads on your site are not showing up? If so, this is not the forum for you, since it's probably a problem with your site and not with Mac OS X.
    If, on the other hand, you are a twisted soul whose greatest wish is to be fully assaulted by the best weapons internet commerce has to offer, then I think more questions are in order. Do you have JavaScript enabled? Are you blocking image display? Are you accepting cookies? Are you behind some kind of content filter (such as the ones used at most public schools)?

  • R12 - Apps & DB services

    Can anybody let me know the steps to start DB and APPS services in R12 installed on OEL5?

    Database Tier Scripts in R12
    For Database tier you need to start database and database listener. Scripts are located in
    - For Database
    Use script
    - For Database Listener
    Use script
    or alternatively you can use
    lsnrctl startstop listener_name (For Database Listener)
    sqlplus “/as sysdba”
    SQL> startup shutdown immediate
    Middle/Application Tier Scripts in R12
    Scripts for Application Tier services in R12 are located in “
    where CONTEXT_NAME is of format SID_HOSTNAME
    Master script to start all components/services of middle tier or application tier. This script will use Service Control API to start all services which are enabled after checking them in context file (SID_HOSTNAME.xml or CONTEXT_NAME.xml)
    Master script to stop all components/services of middle tier or application tier.
    Script to start / stop apps listener (FNDFS and FNDFS). This listener will file will be in 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME (i.e. Forms & Reports Home)
    listener.ora file will be in $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/ora/10.1.2/network/admin directory
    Mostly similar to one in 11i with only change in ORACLE_HOME i.e. from 8.0.6 to 10.1.2
    Script to start/stop Web Server or Oracle HTTP Server. This script uses opmn (Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server) with syntax similar to opmnctl [startstop]proc ohs
    opmnctl stopproc ohs
    (In 11i this script directly used to call apachectl executable but now calls opmnctl which in turn calls apachectl. In 11i web server oracle home was but in R12 its 10.1.3)
    Script to start / stop concurrent manager, Similar to one in 11i. (This script in turn calls )
    Script to start / stop Forms OC4J from 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. This script will also use opmnctl to start/stop Forms OC4J like
    opmnctl stopproc type=oc4j instancename=forms
    This script is used only if you wish to start forms in socket mode. Default forms connect method in R12 is servlet.
    If started this will start frmsrv executable from 10.1.2 Oracle_Home in Apps R12
    This script will start/stop oacore OC4J in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. This scripts will also use opmnctl (similar to adapcctl & adformsctl) to start oacore instance of OC4J like
    opmnctl startproc type=oc4j instancename=oacore
    This script will start/stop oafm OC4J in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. This scripts will also use opmnctl (similar to above) to start oacore instance of OC4J like
    opmnctl startproc type=oc4j instancename=oafm
    This script will start/stop opmn service in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home. opmn will control all services in 10.1.3 Oracle_Home like web server or various oc4j instances. If any services are stopped abnormally opmn will/should start them automatically.
    This script will be used to start/stop one to one fulfilment server.
    To start / stop mwa telnet server where mwa is mobile application.
    Log File Location for Startup Shutdown Services in R12
    Log files for startup/shutdown scripts for application/mid tier in R12 are in $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/logs/appl/admin/log
    (adalnctl.txt, adapcctl.txt, adcmctl.txt, adformsctl.txt, adoacorectl.txt, adoafmctl.txt, adopmnctl.txt, adstrtal.log, jtffmctl.txt

  • OO event handling mechanism

    Java2 handles event with oo event handling mechanism , can anybody here tell me some deficiency of this mechanism , and some thing about in VC ++?

    Java2 handles event with oo event handling mechanism ,
    can anybody here tell me some deficiency of this
    mechanism , and some thing about in VC ++?They're all based on variations of the MVC architecture. This stands for Model, View and Controller. The principle is simple. The idea is that you separate the internal program logic (the models) from what the users actually see on the screen (the views). The controller is the mechanism which ties models and views together reacting to user wishes (in the form of events like mouse clicks and pressed keys). It's often also called a listener.
    You'll have to draw a picture of how MVC is implemented in Java Swing and Visual C++ and then compare the implementations. You only benefit from the exercise if you do it yourself. Remember that MVC isn't part of Java or C++ but rather an OO design patter implemented on top of the language to handle the GUI.

Maybe you are looking for