My i-chat is fixed!!  PLEASE DON'T E-MAIL ME.... THANKS ALL!!

Please do not e-mail me w/ anymore questions. I'm up and running.

Hi Roozzie,
Your other thread was here
I should mark this one as Solved or answered.
Edit out Prompt as other thread is marked Solved.
Thanks for the points.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Not clear no data for row?
    Did you try with Pivot table? that should take care of it.
    Let us know updates

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    Thanks for running that test on the brand new library, jfinch420. I can add that Home Sharing seems to be otherwise working. Yesterday, as a test I shut off Home Sharing and rebooted the AppleTV and my iPhone Remote app stopped working. I reenabled Home Sharing and the app began working again. The Remote App requires Home Sharing to work. This would seem to indicate that Home Sharing on my AppleTV seems to be working.  So the problem for me is very specifically that all network services work on my AppleTV except the ability to access my iTunes library.
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    In addition, my AppleTV frequently crashes and reboots when accessing preferences from time to time. It's likely related. In fact, last week I changed my library name to see if the AppleTV would notice. I did it again a moment ago and my AppleTV crashed every time I selected "Computers". I rebooted iTunes and the AppleTV and that fixed the crashing problem. I don't know what it means, but I'm throwing it out there for what it's worth.
    I will check the following things next:
    1) Connect iTunes & AppleTV via ethernet to rule out WiFi router issues.
    2) Use a different iCloud account to enable Home Sharing.
    3) Wait for the weekend when my friend can use his iCloud info to test home sharing between his laptop and my AppleTV.
    4) Call Apple. Maybe there is a component on the AppleTV motherboard that has gone bad causing the problems.
    BTW, I have an enormous library, too, but your test ruled out library size as an issue.

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    I've been mulling this over overnight and wanted to follow up.
    The only thing I can think of is if your email is set up using the older POP technology, you could do this one of two ways:
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     Dont be fooled. If you live in a rural location or more than two miles from the exchange, the chances are that if you are experiencing loss of BB speeds recently, whence before you had a reasonable service. Its down to the new BT adsl2 system they have brought in. Its not your fault, don't let the customer support advisors tell you otherwise! At least thats my experience!
     The new system is more sensitive to noise, true it may be marginally faster, but as it turns out at what cost?
     I have had a dozen engineers who have come round and each remarkably have "found and fixed the problem" then I get a reasonable speed for a few days before it drops again as of yet I have not had a pernament fix!
     The loss of speed issues have led to a series of 'knock on effects' including my wireless BB BT mobile going beserk leading to a £260.00 bill for one month!
    #Being charged £40.00 for Broadband phone calls I did not make - I had to call in the police for the theft of phone calls made before BT would take me seriously - they said there was no record and that it was impossible to hack BT broadband phones! In the end they found a 'mistake' but it was a **bleep** of a fight to get them to admit that!
    Even after that, they cut me off (for non payment of these calls) and are now trying to charge me a reconnection fee!
    Also I am paying for an 'unlimited' broadband package and broadband anywhere - which is a complete joke because I am lucky if I can get broadband anywhere at all!I know I really need to sort this out - but there is no one dpartment it seems that can deal with it all
    After my BT Broadband Anywhere phone freaked out (Down to issues related to my BT hub losing connections - I ended up asking BT Mobile to dissconect my gprs for fear of it happening again - even though I was paying for the 'unlimited 'gprs service) and the 'stolen' BB phone issues, I dissconected my wireless completely!
    So NO BB on my BT mobile, on average I am lucky if I get a week a month on maybe 1mbps, the other three weeks on 0.3mpps on my home broadband.
     The trouble is that I am so sick and tired of being pushed from department to department and repeating myself on a weekly or even daily basis. I can never get one individual who can deal with all my problems in one go, #I am absolutely fatigued with it all.
    Going somewhere else is not an option I am imformed where I live.
    I have written letters to the customer service department and they have phoned me back and said things often at times when I am off-guard , so its hard to remember the details.
    Now my policy is to have everything put in writing.
    Despite using BT's 'contact us' form to report the latest speed issues and ticking the box that says
    "respond by email" and stating "Please don't phone me" as well on my message body....I get a series of phone calls! Both on my mobile number and on my landline!
    No comprehensible message returned as requested by email but phone calls from polite and friendly Indian help advisors...and guess what?   The calls the BT staff have made on my landline, has knocked my profile down even further!
    Even though I headed my message with "Please do not phone me on my landline phone number"
    How ignorant is that?
    I have even asked for my landline calls to be diverted, but that costs £5.00 pm - I don't see why I should have to pay for this.
    What I would like is for one BT person who can sort out All of these problems for me
    (That'l be technical department, security department, billing department, sales department, customer service department and more and then back again - I hav'nt got the stomach or time for being pushed from pillar to post!)
    - but from BT that is probablly asking too much!
    I fell I have had so many problems with the BT Broadband service, with the time I have spent trying to get things sorted, BT should be paying me! And  they should take a good hard look at how their system works!
     Bt have a **bleep** cheek to charge me £150.00 per quarter for all this!
    My father pays £96.00 for this same service, gets 8.00mbpsm, can use his landline and hubphone, can use his wireless, plus BT vision as well - How fair is this?
    I think its time for Ofcom

    It would be Otello and not Ofcom but in my experience they are very much in the pocket of BT (not least since they are funded by the telcom companies).
    I suggest you try contacting the mods here and see if they can help
    If my post was helpful then please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the the reply answers your question fully then please select ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • After installing yosemite on my laptop, once I open the internet through Safari, it at times will freeze or discontinue working causing me to close the wifi and turn it back on then reload the internet page to get it to work again. How to fix please?

    After installing yosemite on my laptop, once I open the internet through Safari, it at times will freeze or discontinue working causing me to close the wifi and turn it back on then reload the internet page to get it to work again.  Is there any way to fix this?

    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem. But with the aid of the test results, the solution may take a few minutes, instead of hours or days.
    The test works on OS X 10.7 ("Lion") and later. I don't recommend running it on older versions of OS X. It will do no harm, but it won't do much good either.
    Don't be put off by the complexity of these instructions. The process is much less complicated than the description. You do harder tasks with the computer all the time.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. Backup is always a must, and when you're having any kind of trouble with the computer, you may be at higher than usual risk of losing data, whether you follow these instructions or not.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. As I wrote above, it changes nothing. It doesn't send or receive any data on the network. All it does is to generate a human-readable report on the state of the computer. That report goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. If you prefer, you can act on it yourself without disclosing the contents to me or anyone else.
    You should be wondering whether you can believe me, and whether it's safe to run a program at the behest of a stranger. In general, no, it's not safe and I don't encourage it.
    In this case, however, there are a couple of ways for you to decide whether the program is safe without having to trust me. First, you can read it. Unlike an application that you download and click to run, it's transparent, so anyone with the necessary skill can verify what it does.
    You may not be able to understand the script yourself. But variations of it have been posted on this website thousands of times over a period of years. The site is hosted by Apple, which does not allow it to be used to distribute harmful software. Any one of the millions of registered users could have read the script and raised the alarm if it was harmful. Then I would not be here now and you would not be reading this message. See, for example, this discussion.
    Nevertheless, if you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    4. Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed:
    ☞ Copy a line of text in this window to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Paste into the window of another application.
    ☞ Wait for the test to run. It usually takes a few minutes.
    ☞ Paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page.
    The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. You don't need to copy a second time. Details follow.
    5. Try to test under conditions that reproduce the problem, as far as possible. For example, if the computer is sometimes, but not always, slow, run the test during a slowdown.
    You may have started up in "safe" mode. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    6. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    7. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/libexec;clear;cd;p=(1310 ' 0.5 0.25 50 1000 15 5120 1000 25000 6 6 5 1 0 100 ' 51 25600 4 10 25 5120 102400 1000 25 1536 500 40 500 300 85 25 20480 262144 20 2000 524288 604800 5 1024 25 50 );k=({Soft,Hard}ware Memory Diagnostics Power FireWire Thunderbolt USB Bluetooth SerialATA Extensions Applications Frameworks PrefPane Fonts Displays PCI UniversalAccess InstallHistory ConfigurationProfile AirPort 'com\.apple\.' -\\t N\\/A 'AES|atr|udit|msa|dnse|ax|ensh|fami|FileS|fing|ft[pw]|gedC|kdu|etS|is\.|alk|ODSA|otp|htt|pace|pcas|ps-lp|rexe|rlo|rsh|smb|snm|teln|upd-[aw]|uuc|vix|webf' OSBundle{Require,AllowUserLoa}d 'Mb/s:Mb/s:ms/s:KiB/s:%:total:MB:total:lifetime:sampled:per sec' 'Net in:Net out:I/O wait time:I/O requests:CPU usage:Open files:Memory:Mach ports:Energy:Energy:File opens:Forks:Failed forks:System errors' 'tsA|[ST]M[HL]' PlistBuddy{,' 2>&1'}' -c Print' 'Info\.plist' CFBundleIdentifier );f=('\n%s'{': ','\n\n'}'%s\n' '\nRAM details\n%s\n' 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'L*/Ca*/'${k[21]}'Saf*/E* -d 2 -name '${k[32]} '~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \)' -i '-nl -print' '-F \$Sender -k Level Nle 3 -k Facility Req "'${k[21]}'('{'bird|.*i?clou','lsu|sha'}')"' "-f'%N: %l' Desktop {/,}L*/Keyc*" therm sysload boot-args status " -F '\$Time \$Message' -k Sender kernel -k Message CRne '0xdc008012|(allow|call)ing|Goog|(mplet|nabl)ed|ry HD|safe b|succ|xpm' -k Message CReq 'bad |Can.t l|corru|dead|fail|GPU |hfs: Ru|inval|Limiti|v_c|NVDA[(]|pa(gin|us)|Purg(ed|in)| err|Refus|s ful|TCON|tim(ed? ?|ing )o|trig|WARN' " '-du -n DEV -n EDEV 1 10' 'acrx -o%cpu,comm,ruid' "' syscall::recvfrom:return {@a[execname,uid]=sum(arg0)} syscall::sendto:return {@b[execname,uid]=sum(arg0)} syscall::open*:entry {@c[execname,uid,copyinstr(arg0),errno]=count()} syscall::execve:return, syscall::posix_spawn:return {@d[execname,uid,ppid]=count()} syscall::fork:return, syscall::vfork:return, syscall::posix_spawn:return /arg0<0/ {@e[execname,uid,arg0]=count()} syscall:::return /errno!=0/ {@f[execname,uid,errno]=count()} io:::wait-start {self->t=timestamp} io:::wait-done /self->t/ { this->T=timestamp - self->t;@g[execname,uid]=sum(this->T);self->t=0;} io:::start {@h[execname,uid]=sum(args[0]->b_bcount)} tick-10sec { normalize(@a,2560000);normalize(@b,2560000);normalize(@c,10);normalize(@d,10);normalize(@e,10);normalize(@f,10);normalize(@g,10000000);normalize(@h,10240);printa(\"1\f%@d\f%s\f%d\n\",@a);printa(\"2\f%@d\f%s\f%d\n\",@b);printa(\"11\f%@d\f%s\f%d\f%s\f%d\n\",@c);printa(\"12\f%@d\f%s\f%d\f%d\n\",@d);printa(\"13\f%@d\f%s\f%d\f%d\n\",@e);printa(\"14\f%@d\f%s\f%d\f%d\n\",@f);printa(\"3\f%@d\f%s\f%d\n\",@g);printa(\"4\f%@d\f%s\f%d\n\",@h);exit(0);} '" '-f -pfc /var/db/r*/'${k[21]}'*.{BS,Bas,Es,J,OSXU,Rem,up}*.bom' '{/,}L*/Lo*/Diag* -type f -regex .\*[cght] ! -name .?\* ! -name \*ag \( -exec grep -lq "^Thread c" {} \; -exec printf \* \; -o -true \) -execdir stat -f'$'\f''%Sc'$'\f''%N -t%F {} \;' '/S*/*/Ca*/*xpc*' '-L /{S*/,}L*/StartupItems -type f -exec file {} +' /\ kMDItemContentTypeTree=${k[21]}{bundle,mach-o-dylib} :Label "/p*/e*/{auto*,{cron,fs}tab,hosts,{[lp],sy}*.conf,mach_i*/*,pam.d/*,ssh{,d}_config,*.local} {/p*,/usr/local}/e*/periodic/*/* /L*/P*{,/*}/com.a*.{Bo,sec*.ap}*t {/S*/,/,}L*/Lau*/*{,/*} .launchd.conf" list '-F "" -k Sender hidd -k Level Nle 3' /Library/Preferences/${k[21]}alf\ globalstate --proxy '-n get default' vm.swapusage --dns -get{dnsservers,info} dump-trust-settings\ {-s,-d,} '~ "kMDItemKind=Package"' '-R -ce -l1 -n5 -o'{'prt -stats prt','mem -stats mem'}',command,uid' -kl -l -s\ / '--regexp --files '${k[21]}'pkg.*' '+c0 -i4TCP:0-1023' ${k[21]}dashboard\ layer-gadgets '-d /L*/Mana*/$USER' '-app Safari WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled' '-Fcu +c0 -l' -m 'L*/{Con*/*/Data/L*/,}Pref* -type f -size 0c -name *.plist.???????' kern.memorystatus_vm_pressure_level '3>&1 >&- 2>&3' '-F \$Message -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq "'{'n Cause: -','(a und|I/O |gnment |jnl_io.+)err|disk.+abo','USBF:.+bus'}'"' -name\ kMDItem${k[33]} -T\ hfs '-n get default' -listnetworkserviceorder :${k[33]} :CFBundleDisplayName $EUID {'$TMPDIR../C ','/{S*/,}'}'L*/{,Co*/*/*/L*/}{Cache,Log}s -type f -size +'${p[11]}'M -exec stat -f%z'$'\f''%N {} \;' \ /v*/d*/*/*l*d{,.*.$UID}/* '-app Safari UserStyleSheetEnabled' 'L*/A*/Fi*/P*/*/a*.json' users/$USER\ HomeDirectory '{/,}L*/{Con,Pref}* -type f ! -size 0 -name *.plist -exec plutil -s {} \;' ' -F "\$Time \$(Sender): \$Message" -k Sender Rne "launchd|nsurls" -k Level Nle 3 -k Facility R'{'ne "user|','eq "'}'console" -k Message CRne "[{}<>]|asser|commit - no t|deprec|done |ect pas|fmfd|Goog|ksho|ndum|obso|realp|rned f|/root|sandbox ex" ' getenv '/ "kMDItemDateAdded>=\$'${p[23]}')&&kMDItem'${k[33]}'=*"' -m\ / '' ' -F "\$Time \$(RefProc): \$Message" -k Sender Req launchd -k Level Nle 3 -k Message Rne "asse|bug|File ex|hij|Ig|Jet|key is|lid t|Plea|ship" ' print{,-disabled}\ {system,{gui,user}/$UID} '-n1 --show-initial-usage --show-process-energy' -r ' -F "\$Message" -k Sender nsurlstoraged -k Time ge -1h -k Level Nle 4 -k Message Req "^(ER|IN)" ' '/A* -type d -name *.app -prune ! -user 0' -vv '-D1 -IPRWck -s5 sleep 1' -o );N1=${#c2[@]};for j in {0..20};do c2[N1+j]=SP${k[j]}DataType;done;l=({Restricted\ ,Lock,Pro}files POST Battery {Safari,App,{Bad,Loaded}\ kernel,Firefox}\ extensions System\ load boot\ args FileVault\ {2,1} {Kernel,System,Console,launchd}\ log SMC Login\ hook 'I/O per process' 'High file counts' UID {System,Login,Agent,User}\ services\ {load,disabl}ed {Admin,Root}\ access Font\ issues Firewall Proxies DNS TCP/IP Wi-Fi 'Elapsed time (sec)' {Root,User}\ crontab {Global,User}' login items' Spotlight Memory\ pressure Listeners Widgets Parental\ Controls Prefetching Nets Volumes {Continuity,I/O,iCloud,HID,HCI}\ errors {User,System}\ caches/logs XPC\ cache Startup\ items Shutdown\ codes Heat Diagnostic\ reports Bad\ {plist,cache}s 'VM (GiB)' Bundles{,' (new)'} Trust\ settings Activity Free\ space Stylesheet Library\ paths{,' ('{shell,launchd}\)} Data\ packages Modifications CUPS );N3=${#l[@]};for i in {0..8};do l[N3+i]=${k[5+i]};done;F() { local x="${s[$1]}";[[ "$x" =~ ^([\&\|\<\>]|$) ]]&&{ printf "$x";return;};:|${c1[30]} "$x" 2>&-;printf "%s \'%s\'" "|${c1[30+$?]}" "$x";};A0() { Q=6;v[2]=1;id -G|grep -qw 80;v[1]=$?;((v[1]))||{ Q=7;sudo -v;v[2]=$?;((v[2]))||Q=8;};v[3]=`date +%s`;date '+Start time: %T %D%n';printf '\n[Process started]\n\n'>&4;printf 'Revision: %s\n\n' ${p[0]};};A1() { local c="${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}";shift 2;c="$c ` while [[ "$1" ]];do F $1;shift;done`";((P2))&&{ c="sudo $c";P2=;};v=`eval "$c"`;[[ "$v" ]];};A2() { local c="${c1[$1]}";[[ "$c" =~ ^(awk|sed ) ]]&&c="$c '${s[$2]}'"||c="$c ${c2[$2]}";shift 2;local d=` while [[ "$1" ]];do F $1;shift;done`;((P2))&&{ c="sudo $c";P2=;};local a;v=` while read a;do eval "$c '$a' $d";done<<<"$v";`;[[ "$v" ]];};A3(){ v=$((`date +%s`-v[3]));};export -f A1 A2 F;B1() { v=No;! ((v[1]))&&{ v=;P1=1;};};eval "`type -a B1|sed '1d;s/1/2/'`";B3(){ v[$1]="$v";};B4() { local i=$1;local j=$2;shift 2;local c="cat` while [[ "$1" ]];do F $1;shift;done`";v[j]=`eval "{ $c;}"<<<"${v[i]}"`;};B5(){ v="${v[$1]}"$'\n'"${v[$2]}";};B6() { v=` paste -d$'\e' <(printf "${v[$1]}") <(printf "${v[$2]}")|awk -F$'\e' ' {printf("'"${f[$3]}"'",$1,$2)} ' `;};B7(){ v=`egrep -v "${v[$1]}"<<<"$v"|sort`;};eval "`type -a B7|sed '1d;s/7/8/;s/-v //'`";C0() { [[ "$v" ]]&&sed -E "$s"<<<"$v";};C1() { [[ "$v" ]]&&printf "${f[$1]}" "${l[$2]}" "$v"|sed -E "$s";};C2() { v=`echo $v`;[[ "$v" != 0 ]]&&C1 0 $1;};C3() { B4 0 0 63&&C1 1 $1;};C4() { echo $'\t'"Part $((++P)) of $Q done at $((`date +%s`-v[3])) sec">&4;};C5() { sudo -k;pbcopy<<<"$o";printf '\n\tThe test results are on the Clipboard.\n\n\tPlease close this window.\n';exit 2>&-;};for i in 1 2;do eval D$((i-1))'() { A'$i' $@;C0;};';for j in 2 3;do eval D$((i+2*j-3))'() { local x=$1;shift;A'$i' $@;C'$j' $x;};';done;done;trap C5 2;o=$({ A0;D0 0 N1+1 2;D0 0 $N1 1;B1;C2 31;B1&&! B2&&C2 32;D2 22 15 63;D0 0 N1+2 3;D0 0 N1+15 17;D4 3 0 N1+3 4;D4 4 0 N1+4 5;D4 N3+4 0 N1+9 59;D0 0 N1+16 99;for i in 0 1 2;do D4 N3+i 0 N1+5+i 6;done;D4 N3+3 0 N1+8 71;D4 62 1 10 7;D4 10 1 11 8;B2&&D4 18 19 53 67;D2 11 2 12 9;D2 12 3 13 10;D2 13 32 70 101 25;D2 71 6 76 13;D2 45 20 52 66;A1 7 77 14;B3 28;A1 20 31 111;B6 0 28 5;B4 0 0 110;C2 66;B2&&D0 45 90 124;D4 70 8 15 38;D0 9 16 16 77 45;C4;B2&&D0 35 49 61 75 76 78 45;B2&&{ D0 28 17 45;C4;};B2&&{ A1 43 85 117;B3 29;B4 0 0 119 76 81 45;C0;B4 29 0 118 119 76 82 45;C0;    };D0 12 40 54 16 79 45;D0 12 39 54 16 80 45;D4 78 46 91;D4 74 25 77 15&&{ B4 0 8 103;B4 8 0;A2 18 74;B6 8 0 3;C3 75;};B2&&D4 19 21 0;B2&&D4 40 10 42;D2 2 0 N1+19 46 84;D2 44 34 43 53;D2 59 22 20 32;D2 33 0 N1+14 51;for i in {0..2};do A1 29 35+i 104+i;B3 25+i;done;B6 25 27 5;B6 0 26 5;B4 0 0 110;C2 69;D2 34 21 28 35;D4 35 27 29 36;A1 40 59 120;B3 18;A1 33 60 121;B8 18;B4 0 19 83;A1 27 32 39&&{ B3 20;B4 19 0;A2 33 33 40;B3 21;B6 20 21 3;};C2 36;D4 50 38 5 68;B4 19 0;D5 37 33 34 42;B2&&D4 46 35 45 55;D4 38 0 N1+20 43;B2&&D4 58 4 65 76 91;D4 63 4 19 44 75 95 12;B1&&{ D4 53 5 55 75 69&&D4 51 6 58 31;D4 56 5 56 97 75 98&&D0 0 N1+7 99;D2 55 5 27 84;D4 61 5 54 75 70;D4 14 5 14 96;D4 15 5 72 96;D4 17 5 78 96;C4;};D4 16 5 73 96;A1 13 44 74 18;C4;B3 4;B4 4 0 85;A2 14 61 89;B4 0 5 19 102;A1 17 41 50;B7 5;C3 8;B4 4 0 88;A2 14 24 89;C4;B4 0 6 19 102;B4 4 0 86;A2 14 61 89;B4 0 7 19 102;B5 6 7;B4 0 11 73 102;A1 42 86 114;j=$?;for i in 0 1 2;do ((i==2&&j==1))&&break;((! j))||((i))||B2&&A1 18 $((79+i-(i+53)*j)) 107+8*j 94 74||continue;B7 11;B4 0 0 11;C3 $((23+i*(1+i+2*j)));D4 $((24+i*(1+i+2*j))) 18-4*j 82+i-16*j $((112+((3-i)*i-40*j)/2));done;D4 60 4 21 24;D4 42 14 1 62;D4 43 37 2 90 48;D4 41 10 42;D2 48 36 47 25;A1 4 3 60&&{ B3 9;A2 14 61;B4 0 10 21;B4 9 0;A2 14 62;B4 0 0 21;B6 0 10 4;C3 5;};D4 9 41 69 100;D2 72 21 68 35;D2 49 21 48 49;B4 4 22 57 102;A1 21 46 56 74;B7 22;B4 0 0 58;C3 47;D4 54 5 7 75 76 69;D4 52 5 8 75 76 69;D4 57 4 64 76 91;D2 0 4 4 84;D2 1 4 51 84;D4 21 22 9 37;D0 0 N1+17 108;D4 76 24 38;A1 23 18 28 89;B4 0 16 22 102;A1 16 25 33;B7 16;B4 0 0 34;D1 31 47;D4 64 4 71 41;D4 65 5 87 116 74;C4;B4 4 12 26 89 23 102;for i in {0..3};do A1 0 N1+10+i 72 74;B7 12;B4 0 0 52;C3 N3+5+i;((i))||C4;done;A1 24 22 29;B7 12;B3 14;A2 39 57 30;B6 14 0 4;C3 67;A1 24 75 74;B4 1 1 122||B7 12;B4 0 0 123;B3 23;A2 39 57 30;B6 23 0 4;C3 68;B4 4 13 27 89 65;A1 24 23;B7 13;C3 73;B4 4 0 87;A2 14 61 89 20;B4 0 17;A1 26 50 64;B7 17;C3 6;A1 4 88;D5 77 44 89;D4 7 11 6;D0 0 N1+18 109;A3;C2 39;C4;} 4>&2 2>/dev/null;);C5
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    8. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste by pressing command-V. The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    9. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "Syntax error" or "Event not found," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    10. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, just press return three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    11. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, a series of lines will appear in the Terminal window like this:
    [Process started]
            Part 1 of 8 done at … sec
            Part 8 of 8 done at … sec
            The test results are on the Clipboard.
            Please close this window.
    [Process completed]
    The intervals between parts won't be exactly equal, but they give a rough indication of progress. The total number of parts may be different from what's shown here.
    Wait for the final message "Process completed" to appear. If you don't see it within about ten minutes, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, press the key combination control-C or command-period to stop it and go to the next step. You'll have incomplete results, but still something.
    12. When the test is complete, or if you stopped it because it was taking too long, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    At the top of the results, there will be a line that begins with the words "Start time." If you don't see that, but instead see a mass of gibberish, you didn't wait for the "Process completed" message to appear in the Terminal window. Please wait for it and try again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    13. When you post the results, you might see an error message on the web page: "You have included content in your post that is not permitted," or "You are not authorized to post." That's a bug in the forum software. Please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    14. This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak for themselves, not for me. The test itself is harmless, but whatever else you're told to do may not be. For others who choose to run it, I don't recommend that you post the test results on this website unless I asked you to.
    Copyright © 2014, 2015 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Use Agreement for the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • "Please don't reply to this email" Grr

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think it's really rude when people send emails with wording such as "Please don't reply to this email – it's been automatically generated by our computer. If you need to get in touch, please use the contact links below."?
    You can pretty much guarantee that none of the contact links will cover the subject of the original email. The impression it gives to me is one of a company that likes to tell me whatever they want, but isn't remotely interested in what I think as a customer.

    No, it's not just you
    But mine did have a link which (uniquely identified me) to a feedback survey
    And mine WAS because they were interested
    I received it on Saturday (21/08 at 21:05)
    It came from 'BT eContact Survey' (info@edigital********.***)
    Dear (my full name),
    You recently contacted BT and they'd like to hear what you thought about the way they fixed the problem, so much so they've asked us to ask you some questions. We really hope you can spare a few minutes as they're really keen to learn from your experience.
    Please click on the following link below to provide your feedback. The survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete.
    (link removed)
    Many thanks,
    eDigital ******** - on behalf of BT eCustomer Service
    Note: this email was sent from a notification-only email address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message
    This is an independent market research study conducted by eDigital******** on behalf of BT. All information is stored on a secure server.
    Personal information collected will never be sold, shared, or rented without prior consent. Please direct any queries with this research to bt@edigital********.com
    I have made contact with the CEO, a rep from BT, the mods and via an online help link.
    My guess is it's from the help link.
    I'll never do that again!!
    and the problem wasn't fixed!!!
    -+-No longer a forum member-+-

  • Help with smart fix please!

    I was putting a video in my time line and adobe said there were some thing wrong with my clip and would i like to change it with smart fix. i said yes adn dont show me message again.... needless to say my clip was eddited so much that i want to see that message again or i need a way to trun off smart fix. please need some help cant find an answer anywhere!

    No need to bump 45 minutes after you post, Luke. We don't sit 24/7 on this forum, so please be patient and someone will eventually address your question. (In fact, all of these questions are addressed in my book if you're interested in a ready reference.)
    Under Edit/Preferences, you can re-activate any messages, including Smart Fix, that you previously told the program not to show any more on the General page. Just check the option to Show All Do Not Show Again Messages.
    And, yes, a clip must have been Auto Analyzed prior to your adding it to your timeline or you will not see the Smart Fix option panel.

  • NI: Please don't put illegal vi names in your toolkits, thanks

    Http Standalone?.vi
    Not An FTP Session?.vi
    These vi names with question marks will break a build.  The ones I found were all part of the internet toolkit.  Please don't do this anymore NI.
    I got 99 problems but 8.6 ain't one.

    Bob_H. wrote:
    Billings11, thanks for bringing this issue to our attention, my apologies for misunderstanding the original post.  Travis and I went ahead and created a couple of bug reports on this issue (#120518, and 120633) to fix the internet toolkit VI names, as well as to look into a system to prevent occurrences like this from occurring again.  Thanks again for reporting this to us.
    Jon D, I am interested looking into your situation in more detail.  Those file primitives (and others like "Search/Split String", "Get Date/Time String", etc...) shouldn't be actual files anywhere on the system (unless you are using the compatibility VI in the "_oldvers" llb which no longer does anything but return an error).  Could you elaborate a little bit on the problem you experience with files of these names, and perhaps attach an example?
    The problem was when I was printing the documentation for the VI as an HTML file.  As part of the documentation, I would add the list of subVI's (Print->Print Contents->VI Documentation->List of SubVIs and Express VIs selected).  When the HTML files were generated, if you looked at the HTML, where the Open/Create/ would be listed in the subVI's list, would be a broken link, because no Open/Create/Replace.png coulld be created.
    I do note that when I tried to replicate this with 8.5, that the Open/Create/ doesn't cause a problem because it appears that primitives aren't added to the list of subVI's anymore with that print option.
    Jon D
    Certified LabVIEW Developer.

  • I have a currently updated Mac that's fast as lightning. I use eBay A LOT. In the newest version when I hit the back button it takes me to the original "new tab" page. Please don't make me use Chrome or Safari, I love you guys

    I have a Mac that's fast as lightning running on the latest version of OS X. I use eBay A LOT. In the newest version of Firefox that I just downloaded when I hit the back button it takes me to the original "new tab" page. Please don't make me use Chrome or Safari, I love you guys

    Thank you for your kind words on the Tablet, as this is the only product mentioned that is supported on this forum, The forums here are for Home Electronics and Computers, and do not reach the Sony smart phone community.
    The Sony smart phone Support Forum is the place for Sony (formerly Sony Ericsson) users from around the world to get help and help others:
    your very in depth suggestions and comments would best be heard at the following forum that is dedicated exclusively to the Sony smart phone community.

  • To SONY management not Sony ericsson Management, please don't do the same mistakes.

    Please Don’t Make Same Sony-Ericsson Mistakes
    by USER-986393 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:40 pm
    Congratulations on your Erricsson's share acquire, I must say i have been Sony phone holder from the day SONY CDM-Z1 was created, forced my self to stick with SE... and now happy to come back to SONY again. I would like to talk about couple of things...
    The major fall of SE is the fact that they did not listen to fans and most importantly customers. we complained so much over Xperia X1 and Xperia X10 until SE forced us to purchase other brands due to lack of response. so please, responding to complaints is critical when there are so many better phone makers out there.
    Lack of future vision:
    Look at the Galaxy S, Galaxy Sii, Iphone... you know what they have in common? light years technology for the same price as Caved in SE phones. Arc vs Sii?... SE was against technology for some reason, for instance. who ever was against dual processor and how much it would attract customers, needs to find another company to put down. Lack of LTE?, how can someone not find that as something a cell phone can use in the future? Market share in USA? why would someone not give the US attention, no one buys a full priced phone these days, that only worked when there was no contracts. these days i don't mind a contract as long as i am getting a phone a i can not afford. also i never understood this frequency difference, why did SE wait until iPhone 4s marketed the idea a "world phone" that works anywhere? why did SE insist on making an American version and an international version? example ARC LT15A and ARC LT15i is it SO HARD to make a phone that has all the frequencies LT15Ai? really? who ever was against that idea needs to go as well.
    I will assume who ever is reading the example i mentioned above is grasping the importance of it... it's as simple as this SE would have been more successful had more people bought SE phones, i am interested in the ARC LT18A, well there is only LT18I that wont work 3g on At&t. here are the problems that you will face... 1 - a happy innocent customer that did not know that, purchased a LT18I (international) and realized SE customers service in Canada or USA that it won't work in the U.S. on 3g...   2 - a frustrated customer like me who knew about the difference from previous mistakes and decided to buy an iphone instead just bc of the being neglected or carelessness from SE towards people in the U.S.  either way, wither those two two points were shocking to you as a SE manager, or a common fact that is not important enough... that manager needs to go.  with a tahnk you note for loosing market share in the U.S. deserves an excelence in that actually.
    Wrong Focus, right focus was a little too late:
    SE phones especially in 2011 was way behind any other company in smart phones, yes the ARC S was maybe a nice attempt but simply not enough... the world is advancing really fast, if you dont catch the train, then your about to bankrupt. it took forever to jump on really powerful phones and instead there so many variations. you can get a cyber-shot but not a Walkman.. you can get a walkman phone but not as smart as the p900 you can get the p900 but not as slim as the p600. SE was competing with its own self ... lets FOCUS, get your stuff together and make a Quality phone not Quantity phone. (GOOD JOB ON THE TABLET) the variations are based on needs not confusing differences. The ARC was a great phone, but SE had missed the train.
    The most frustrating customer service i have ever experienced, and when updates come out, they come out first in Nordic places then in middle east country by country... giving every day more fuel to angry customers wondering when they will be lucky to get an update ... why can't there be one global update for all phones and different updates to phone carriers for each country. make it easier, it does not take a company purchase to do so.
    it was frustrating, just like it is right now, i still don't know when ARC S comes out. oh wait i am in the U.S. it comes out "WHENEVER" does it look like i am happy? i need a new phone, how SE expect me to purchase an ARC S when i don't know how long i am waiting for it and there is GALAXY and Iphones released in the markets hovering around me every day?
    Why was the U.S. not a focus, please someone answer!
    androids are awesome operating systems, they are simply great and simply work every single time you use them. i believe, i gave SE so many ideas, non of them were integrated. to be able to distinguish your self from the rest of the pack; you need to be the alpha. simply having the most powerful phone is one factor, Xmore R is another, crazy led designs. look at the Tablet S, it's not the thinnest, it's not the cheapest, it's not the most powerful, yet it's unique in design. and for the market with the dull flat tablets, who ever designed it should design your new phones. the ARC design was AMAZING but lacked the items that are enough to give it a competitive edge in the market.
    Why is it only micro USB is the main charger, Why can't it be that and another EASY WAY OF CHARGING, why do we have to wait tell apple go to conductive charging? SONY come up with two ways of charging, micro usb is great cause every one has either a BB or an android somewhere. but imagine just placing your phone on something without me connecting... I AM BUYING.
    SE charges an arm and a leg, when Galaxy Sii and iphone 4s are $200.00... do you not thing there is something wrong here?
    I have suggested times and times, make more accessories, lets compare phones covers for the Iphone and the Any SE phones... the amusing aspect is, why did not SE see what I see?
    Cool names PLEASE:
    the ARC is a way to start after 10 years of naming products like fax machines... I need to see Jima, president, awesome... less chemical equations of fax machine names. LT18a, imagine I tell my friends have you seen the LT18a or have you seen the Sony ARC?
    Really?  your research says in 2011 people won't buy a phone without FM?  and the customers would also do the twist dance from the joy of knowing the phone has FM.  it's 2011, perhaps you need to look in your research again.
    SonyEricsson does not see the need for a dual processor for an android that won't support it yet:
    that right there shows the difference between a company with a long vision and another with a short one.  my answer to that statement, please set down get some popcorn as you are just about to watch S ii and iphone 4S a chance to be light years ahead of you, and sell millions of more phones than you.  just because someone that works at SE has a very short vision ruining a whole company. president of Syria bashar alasad, believes that his country is under control.  the achievements of democratic countries did not impress him and the fall of Lebian, Egyptian, and Algerian presidents did not get him to even think twice about what is happening.  it amazes me how people can be so selfish and short visioned.
    Great idea, where is the phone, i am in the U.S. while you are at it, let me suggest accessories.  a helmet accessory that would station that phone on my helmet while i am racing... right there i can buy a phone that is weather proof records 720 p and when i am done from my athletic even i can use it as a phone.  knowing SE, don't even think about that idea, and i will get an email saying we only have a shoulder accessory for now thank you for inquiring.
    Closing fan websites?, um........ ? 
    now there are people at SE that need to be promoted,
    Updates had gotten faster and better, but they still need more work
    unlocking the boot loader is a great i dea
    designs started becoming extra beautiful
    SE website is beautiful
    facebook page is great
    xmor r, phone screen size EXCELENT
    forum support is getting better
    there many many things I can bring to the table, question is, SONY are you going to do the same Mistakes? or am i going to changes? perhaps you need to hire me, so I can get something done. how open are you to changes? how open are you to listen to your customers and fans? how open are you to realize the completion and take actions to be ahead of the curve? how open are you to realize that the Video games on cell phones are only fun the first 5 minutes but after that iphone 4s is better?
    LTE, Gorilla Glass, conductive charging, Unique design, unified phone, focus on 1 - 3 phones for the whole year, interactive customer service, New logo, Battery performance, UNIQUE DESIGN, top notch camera, waterproof, why dual when you can go Quad... go in to the market with a bang and bigger bang with it's prices. Start cranking AT&T and Tmobile, Verizon and Sprint from now in the U.S. chop chop you have work to do...
    I wish you the best of luck SONY and hope to see interesting phones coming from your end.
    Go to Solution.

    lov2bugu, you said things the exact way I wanted to express them! It was like watching me talking to a SONY’s CEO.
    I don’t really think they are not aware of the problems. SONY used to be the 27th largest company in the world, according to Forbes. They are now at the 456th place!!
    They are aware of their problems and I think, the move to buy the remaining stocks from Ericsson, is a move to bounce back into the market. They found the right time, where the stock is too low and the economics around the globe don’t  look promising enough. I have to recognize them, all the bad phases they went into this year … hacking attack, loss of their factory in London, global economic climate etc.
    But these are not excuses good enough not to produce quality, reliable and technologically advanced goods. I think that SONY is not to blame for the bad course SE has had. I think this is what SONY wants to revert. They want to “embody” all their technology … BRAVIA engines (TV Tech), Walkman and Cybershot tech (using Carl Zeiss lenses), VAIO (Comp tech) and finally PS3. Ericsson tried to integrate them, unsuccessfully.
    Overall, I thing SONY, did not have or did not attempt to have the control of SE, hence, the answer you got back from SONY “… anything related to SE must be posted on the website of SE”. I think they will bounce. Just give ‘em some time. I’m willing to give them time, but not too much though. Just because I’ve always loved this brand!

  • After enabling cellular data, i am receiving mails even if disable "use cellular data for mail", due to this data usage usage use is more, if we have fix please let me know

    Phone Model and OS
    Model - iphone 5
    IOS 8.0.2
    Problem Description
    After enabling cellular data, i am receiving mails even if we disable "use cellular data for mail", due to this data usage usage use is more, if we have fix please let me know.
    1. Enable Cellular Data
    2. Disable mail on "use cellular data for mail
    3. check whether mail is received or not
    tried multiple times and i am getting more billing amount because of data usage

    Mail isn't the only app using data. Turning it off there has no effect whatsoever on whether the rest of iOS or other apps you have installed. In fact most apps use data these days, at a minimum for Notifications and often for gameplay and other features.

  • I just installed the latest iMovie 10.0.2.  Please don't say "look at the help menu" - it doesn't help.  This is radically different than the version I'd been using.  For starters it automatically converts to mp4 rather than .mov - that's my 1st question

    Sorry for the long headline - I'm new to the support community and thought that was the post!  I've been happily using my old version of iMovie - I don't even know the number - I guess it was 11?  I just installed the most recent 10.0.2 and it is radically different from what I've been using.  For starters, whereas my uploaded video used to be in the lower section, and I would edit up above, now it's reversed.  Whereas I used to click on the transitions and drag a blur or whatever to my movie right while I was editing, now it's on a different screen.  And the easy old Export file button is gone, where you could choose setting, file size, export as Quicktime movie - all gone - now it converts to mp4 and I STILL can't figure out how to get it back to .mov
    Please don't say "read the Help manual" - I tried - there's nothing there about any of this.  And by the way, I'm not a techie - I taught myself what I needed to know about the old iMovie and am now lost so please no snarks.  I would appreciate any help.

    Select in browser your movie, click Export on toolbar, choose iTunes, QT etc. then choose size of your file in opening window. And then click Export in this window.

  • HT5004 i nedd itunes 64 file i don't know what to do with my  iphone4 has all it's data in this computer and i cant sync my iphone now cuz its need the itunes64 file please help me if you can thank you

    hello sir
    my system needs itunes64 file i don't know from where i should get this file cuz my iphone 4 is all the time synced with this computer all the back up are in this computer i dont want to lose it coz i did restore once so i dont have all the data in my phone i have it in itunes please help me with itunes 64
    thank you

    Back up all data to at least two different storage devices, if you haven't already done so. One backup is not enough to be safe. The backups can be made with Time Machine or with a mirroring tool such as "Carbon Copy Cloner." Preferably both.
    Boot into Recovery mode, launch Disk Utility, and erase the startup volume with the default options. This operation will destroy all data on the volume, so you had be better be sure of your backups. Quit Disk Utility and install OS X. When you reboot, you'll be prompted to go through the initial setup process. That’s when you transfer the data from one of your backups.
    Transfer only "Users" and "Settings" – not "Applications" or "Other files." Don't transfer the Guest account, if it was enabled on the old system. Test. If the problem is still there, the cause is external to the machine, or else you're dealing with a bug or a hardware fault.
    If the problem is resolved, reinstall your third-party software cautiously. Self-contained applications that install into the Applications folder by drag-and-drop or download from the App Store are safe. Anything that comes packaged as an installer or that prompts for an administrator password is suspect, and you must test thoroughly after reinstalling each such item to make sure you haven't restored the problem.

  • I am having problems with my burst mode on my iphone 6 plus it is slower than  the facetime camera after i updated to ios 8.3 apple please fix this issue i am fed up with all your mistakes

    i am having problems with my burst mode on my iphone 6 plus it is slower than  the facetime camera after i updated to ios 8.3 apple please fix this issue i am fed up with all your mistakes

    If you had taken time to read the Terms of Use you agreed on joining this Community today you would have realised that Apple is not here
    neither reading nor responding on this User Community

Maybe you are looking for