My IPad 4 goes dark right after "slide to unlock" appears...

New user here...
When I turn on my IPad4, the Apple logo appears, then the "slide to unlock" bar...At this point, the "slide bar" is not operational.  If I try to slide it, nothing happens. After about 2 seconds, the screen goes black, as if it is going into sleep mode.  Then I push the home button, the screen comes back, and the slide bar operates normally, and everything operates normally thereafter.
Two questions...
1) Has anyone else seen this?
2) It's annoying, is there any way to get it the slide bar to work right away?

Ok, so here's the update...
I did the soft reset, and that didn't do anything.  It still behaved the same way.  I called Apple Support (this IPad is brand new), and they said to bring it back for an exchange. 
So I exchanged it for the same unit, yesterday.
The first couple times I booted up the new unit yesterday, it was fine, slide to unlock worked.
Now today, this one is doing the exact same behavior. Slide to unlock isn't operational, and the screen does dark until I hit the home button to get the screen back. Then everything works fine.
I'm starting to think this is "normal", but I can't get anyone to confirm or deny that. No one else has this behavior?

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    You could try wiping the hard drive and reinstalling the OS and all your programs.
    Did you install any programs yesterday?
    If not it may be best to take it to an Apple care center and have it checked out. Take it in while it is asleep so you ccan show then what is happening.

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    Turn off VoiceOver
    1. Press the Home button
    2. Tap Settings.
    3. Then double-tap Settings.
    4. Tap General.
    5. Then double-tap General.
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    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

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    First, Try using Disk Utility to do a Disk Repair, as shown in this link, while booted up on your install disk.
    You could have some directory corruption. Let us know what errors Disk Utility reports and if DU was able to repair them. Disk Utility's Disk Repair is not perfect and may not find or repair all directory issues. A stronger utility may be required to finish the job.
    After that Repair Permissions.
    No need to report Permissions errors....we all get them.
    Then, download the 10.6.3 Combo update from this site (yours may be corrupt), not Software Update, disconnect all firewire + USB devices except keyboard + mouse, Repair Permissions, re-install update, Repair Permissions again + try.
    You can install it right over what you already have. 

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    Make an appointment at an Apple Store to have your device examined by a technician. Or contact Apple Support.

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    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
    Restart..  Reset..  Restore from Backup..  Restore as New...
    Restarting your device
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    2)   Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Follow these steps to reset your device
    Note: Reset your device only if it is no longer responding and the steps above do not work.
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    iPhone Reset
    Backing up, Updating and Restoring

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    I recently noticed that this must have to do with wifi. I disabled wifi for almost 2 weeks, and I never noticed the problem again. The moment I put wifi back on, the same problem starts again. the screen stays black when I want to get it out of sleep, and after a while it gets back to life.
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    Maybe this could help people with the same problem.

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    If Robdrage's suggestion doesn't work:
    You have enabled Voiceover.  So, every time you tap a selection - the device reads it to you.  So Tap slide to unlock, then tap it twice - device unlocks.
    Tap settings, then tap settings twice.
    Voice over off.

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    Has anyone else seen this?

    Is your new phone signed into the Apple ID used to purchase these apps in Settings>iTunes & App Stores?  If not, sign into your ID and try syncing again.  If it is, try tapping the ID, sign out, then sign back in, then try syncing again.  Also be sure these apps are all checked and Sync Apps is checked on the Apps tab of your iTunes sync settings before syncing.

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