My iPhone 3GS is acting crazy.

It started with my iPhone freezing up all of the time, and then apps started crashing. Sometimes I would have to turn it off to get it back working, but when I turned it on all of my contacts would be gone and then show back up after a few minutes. Now, I look over at my phone and it's got that little circle loading thing on the screen and it keeps making the beeping noise (the one when you hook it up to charge) every few seconds. I restarted it and the apple screen just stayed on it forever, so I did it again. Finally it came back up, with all of my contacts gone, frozen on the battery screen. Everything is back to normal now.
Any idea on what is going on with my phone? My upgrade isn't until December so my phone has GOT to last me until then!

Basics from the manual are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as new.  Try each step in succession until your problem is solved.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup
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    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    First off, try triple clicking the home button.
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    Go to Settings>General>Accessability>Voiceover and then turn that off.
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    OK it sounds like the USB ports re OK, the only other thing I would mention with them, for the moment, make sure you are using the ones on the back of the computer.
    Without knowing your machine, sometimes the USB ports on the front are linked via card readers or are front ports on the motherboard, etc and are not high power ports, where as the ones on the back are definitely high power ports.
    I have seen many times over the years where clients have come to me saying their external hard drives are faulty, and they plugging them into low power USB ports or into USB hubs and they connect fine, but once they start transferring a lot of information, the lock up or fail during the process as the voltage is dragged down.
    I don't know if that would make a difference to a nano, I don't have one of them, but I would expect a nano and iphone to need similar power requirements when syncing.
    So at the moment, play it safe and just use the ones on the back until we get the issue solved.
    We also need to discount any conflicts between what you have installed on your PC and against iTunes. I don't think this is going to be an issue as you are already syncing another device, but at the same time we need to eliminate the possibility.
    If you know how to use MSCONFIG thats good but not essential. We want to stop startup items and services that are not Apple, these include Security Software, CD/DVD software and pretty much anything else you have installed on your computer during it's life. Most software manufacture's write code into their software to start up parts of it when starting your computer. Some of it is essential, eg Security, most of it is a waste of time. The reason they do it is so their software will start up quickly when you want to use it, but if you rarely use it, then all it is really doing is slowing down the boot time of the computer.
    So Apple have this trouble shooting page here and I need you to go through this and follow the steps so as we can discount this part.
    Now be careful, write down what you are turning off, so as later you know what to turn back on and also be aware that you will also be temporarily turn off your security software so exercise some caution and don't open attachments on emails etc while its off.
    If you find that the phone now syncs, with these startup items and services turn off, then we know we have a software conflict, and then you start turning things back on one by one, starting with your security software and testing the syncing each time.
    Now I have to go, Germany and Argentina are about to start their game, so good luck and get back to me with you results.

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    Can you please think back to whether the issues started as soon as you upgraded to iOS 5?
    I just updated my 3GS to iOS 5 and have experienced some of the problems you mentioned.
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    The problems ALL started as soon as I upgraded to iOS 5. I started a thread on it, see the link below:

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    double tap with 3 fingers.  You've accidentally activated the ZOOM mode.  I've included a link to the User Guide.  Read it to learn how to disable the feature permanently.

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    Chas Schoals

    Log in to the Developer forum. You will find instructions on how to install the lastest beta. Your problem is the beta you have installed has expired. All of them did on October 5; you will find hundreds of threads discussing this. If you have a beta it is assumed that you will continue as a beta tester, so a simple update using iTunes will not work.
    If you no longer want to be a beta tester install the GM 7.0.2 by restoring from iTunes using DFU mode.

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    Settings>for my .Mac email> Mobile Me >
    Mail> On
    Contacts> On
    Calenders On
    BookMarks> On
    New Invitations Alers > On
    Sync> All Events
    Time Zone Support> On
    Is anyone able to to suggest how I can cure this issue

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    David Owen3 wrote:
    It's a pity that by now they hadn't added a HDMI port so you could send video & audio through one cable to a HDTV, a lot of strange decisions going on at Apple. Glad Steve Jobs is back maybe he will sort these anomalies out.
    What anomalies? DisplayPort is a newer standard than HDMI. It's also royalty-free, which was likely a business driver for the decision.
    As a pro user the current MBPs are unusable to me having no analogue video out,
    "Pros" should probably be using digital equipment. I agree about the ExpressCard to SD switch - bad idea, IMO. But analog is going the way of the dodo. Apple does offer a mini-DP to VGA. The audio ports do analog as well as digital. That's pretty on track, I think. Why do you think Apple should support older technologies? What's next? Should we say Apple really needs to make a mini-DisplayPort-to-Rabbit-Ear-Antenna adapter?

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    Ever Since i updated my iTunes this morning it freezes when i connect the phone. When i unplug it it comes back. There are times that when i re plug it after a bit it works. My phone was acting up so I decided to restore it. But then i get the same problem again so i couldn't restore from back up. I been trying to figure out the solution to this problem since 7 AM in the morning EST. I been looking around the forums for similar problems but it didn't help. I followed steps from apple on this page:
    That didn't help either. I been repeating all these steps plus more multiple times and nothing solved it. It just keeps freezing. I even Called out of work today just trying to Fix this dumb issue cause i can't be with out my phone PLEASE HELP!!

    I'm not sure what's causing this, but it has just started happening to me too. It has been happening with both my iPhone 4 and my wife's iPhone 3GS, but more with the 3GS.
    I thought rebooting the machine had fixed the problem, but it happened again this morning.
    A workaround that has worked successfully for me is this:
    With iTunes not running, plug in the phone. iTunes should then start on its own and start syncing properly. If it doesn't start automatically, start it manually (with the phone already plugged in) and the sync should start. But starting it first and then plugging in the phone doesn't seem to work.
    I'm running iTunes
    Okay, I think I just got lucky with the suggestion above to plug in the phone with iTunes not running. That's not working for me anymore. What does work pretty consistently (though not always) it starting or restarting iTunes manually after the plug has already been plugged in. This may mean killing it from the task manager if it's frozen, or waiting for the freezing to wear off (which it does eventually, even though it never recognizes the device or starts a sync).
    Message was edited by: chcn

  • IPhone 3GS  OS 4.0.1 - *****! ruing completely my iPhone User Experience

    I just upgraded my iPhone 3GS to the new 4.0.1 OS
    why ?
    because Apple says in their site "its great".
    No one ever told me its going to slow my iPhone performance significantly.
    No one ever told me its going to consume my battery so fast, I couldn't leave my office
    without taking a charging cable...
    No one ever told me I wouldn't be able to downgrade back to the "Factory Default" operating
    Hmm sorry - when I upgraded, I clicked on the "Next" button on the "terms and conditions"
    and in line 1,847,453 in the terms document it said that this is one way ticket and its my
    problem. hmm, sorry I missed it Apple !!!
    want some support from Apple ?
    want some information, some news from Apple telling "listen, we know, wait a couple of
    weeks, we will fix this..." - NOTHING. the only thing you here from Apple is: "We are
    perfect! there is nothing wrong with us"
    this is crazy.
    I was an iPhone addicted and now I am looking to get rid of my iPhone and have nothing to do
    with this company.
    this is NOT the way to treat your customers, Apple !
    All I can tell you:
    Never upgrade to 4.0.1 - it will slow your iPhone and consume your battery so fast - you
    won't be able to think about anything else except charging all the time.
    if you have a whole day out of the office or you are going out of home for the whole day -
    forget about your iPhone (with OS 4.0.1). its going to consume its battery completely half
    the day through just by talking over the phone.
    no apps running, no GPS, no games, no roaming.... just talking... and the battery betray
    If anyone know any way to restore my original OS ("Restore" on iTunes do not restore the OS)
    - I would love to hear about it. I don't really want to get rid of my iPhone but Apple leave
    me no choice.
    Bye Bye iPhone
    Hello Samsung / Android

    And no he is not over reacting. I did the same thing. Trusted Apple that the upgrade was good. After five weeks of syncing not work king, tethering not working and battery draining after two hours at 60% I finally called Apple. Even though my 3Gs is out of warranty, they are giving me a support case at no charge. They got tethering working. They told me that the battery issue is probably due to multitasking. They showed me how to see what tasks are running.
    For those or you who do not know; Press the home button twice. All the applications that are running appear. To close them, hold your finger on one of them until they start to 'shake'. You can close the ones you do not want by tapping on the red x on the top left corner of the icon of the application you want to close.
    They solved tethering by enabling it in device manager on my laptop.
    I can sync calendar and contacts. Notes will not sync. Apple support has now spent over four hours trying to get notes to sync. At one point they had me create a new user on my laptop. On the new user we set installed outlook and i tunes. I created one new note and synced successfully. But back at the original user it still did not work. I uninstalled outlook, renamed the pst files and installed outlook new. I entered one new note in outlook and synced. It did not appear on the phone. Apple had me delete the mobile profile, install new software and try again, oh and disabled avg anti virus and windows fire wall. No success. So now Apple has referred this to their engineers. They say they usually respond in 24-48 hours.
    I know this is an issue for many people. So as soon as I have an update I will post it here.

  • ICloud with os lion 10.5.8 and IPhone 3Gs

    What a pain in the A**.  Is there anyone out there that can assist me? I would soooooo appreciate the feedback.  Not sure if its fully functional with this combination. (ICloud, Lion 10.5.8, IPhone 3Gs)  I dont want MobileMe.  I have an Mac email. I have the Iphone 3Gs with all of the updates. I just downloaded ICloud to my MAC itunes to get some of my music off the hard drive and free up space. When I synced my IPhone through ITunes, I am not able to look at my photos, emails etc (gmail etc).  Its says I need to sign in with correct password? Ive put in the correct passwords?  I used the password that I use on my mac (which works fine) but doesn't work on IPhone?  Crazy.  I authorized my Itunes, with no luck of finding the area to adding the IPhone either?  Does anyone know if its compatible? I do have an upgrade to Snow Lepoard, (that I have not upgraded to yet) but was reading in the forum, thats its not compatible with ICloud and IPhone 3Gs?
    Any one that can help would be so greatly appreciated!

    Mac OSX 10.5 is Tiger, not Lion. iCloud is not supported on Tiger AFAIK unless you login to I still run Snow Leopard (which you should probably upgrade to), and iCloud is basically useless for me. The whole reason we have iPhones is so we DON'T have to stay connected to Wi-fi 99% of the time to enjoy iOS services right? lol
    If your passwords don't work, you may just want to reset them, so then both your iPhone and Mac will recognize them.

  • Iphone 3GS- How do you get the pictures to show up larger when someone call

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    You aren't crazy.
    Adding the photo to contacts on the computer gets you the smaller pix when people call.
    Assign the photo on the phone itself and you get full-size pix.
    Additionally I took a few test photos from the iphone and tried setting them to contacts. This didnt work either.
    So, that certainly should work. Try it again? Try it with a brand new contact, maybe it is not overwriting a previously existing picture.
    I suppose there is a small possibility that Apple thought this differing behavior was a bug instead of a feature and "fixed" it with a recent update, but I doubt it.

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