My notes have vanished!

I have just go into my notes and have just noticed all of my notes have vanished! I didn't delete them as I need them! Has anyone else noticed this and how do I get them back?

Good news everybody - 10.8.3 has finally solved the problem!
There were a few things to do after updating to get it to work though:
Go into the Library folder (hold down the option key and select Library from the Go menu in the Finder)
Type into the search box
Delete everything that it finds
Go to System Preferences and select Mail, Contacts & Calendars
Go through each account, first making sure that the IMAP Path Prefix on the Advanced... button is set to INBOX and then making sure that Notes is ticked in the Use With: box.
And that was it! It only took them 7 months and 3 system patches to fix it!

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    Thank you!

    Yay! it worked! The CTRL-AlT-Shift worked. I have to say when I contacted Adobe support they were no help whatsoever, just kept wanting me to buy a new program. I'm disappointed in the company's loyalty to their customers, especially for those of us who will use their products for a long time. While I don't intend to buy every updated version of the software that comes about I intend to buy them. If I'm going to spend $300+ for a program I better get lifetime support for that program. 

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    Well, your profile info says 10.4.11, and you are posting your question in the iMac (PPC) category.  If you are running Snow Leopard, it must be a fairly recent Intel iMac.
    In that case, you should definitely post your question here
    where other Snow Leopard users can see your question.  Restate the problem, what error messages you get, and what you have tried already (for trouble-shooting).

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    Perhaps you should ask this question in the MAC forum. I have asked the administrators to move your post to a more appropriate forum.

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    There are many possible causes for this issue. Take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. Some may not apply to your model. Back up all data before making any changes.
    1. Start with the steps recommended in this support article. Don't skip any of the steps. It's the starting point for further efforts to solve the problem.
    2. Make sure you have a fully up-to-date installation of OS X.
    3. If you've installed an application called "Memory Clean" or any other third-party software that is supposed to "clean" or "purge" memory automatically, remove it according to the developer's instructions and restart. You should do that even if the software is not causing the problem, because it's useless.
    4. Other third-party software that has been reported to interfere with sound output includes "Boom" and "Samsung Kies." If applicable, uninstall according to the developer's instructions (not by dragging something to the Trash.)
    5. If an AirPlay device is selected for sound output from iTunes (or from other applications via third-party software such as "Airfoil"), deselect it.
    6. Launch the application "Audio MIDI Setup" by entering the first few letters of its name in a Spotlight search and selecting it in the results (it should be at the top.) Select Built-in Output from the list on the left. If the Mute boxes are checked, uncheck them.
    7. If a red light is visible in the audio-out port when sound should be playing, the internal switch is stuck in the position for digital output. You may be able to free it by inserting and removing a mini-stereo jack of the proper size. If not, the machine needs to be serviced. Inserting any kind of tool in the port may cause damage that won't be covered by the warranty.
    If there's no red light, the switch may still be stuck in the headphone position. Try to free it the same way.
    8. Disconnect all wired peripherals except keyboard and mouse, if applicable. If more than one display is connected, disconnect all extra ones. Restart and test.
    9. If you have a MacBook Air, turn off Bluetooth and restart.
    10. Start up in safe mode. Don't log in; just restart as usual when the login screen appears. When you do, make sure the words "Safe Boot" do not appear in the login screen. If they do, the system is still in safe mode and sound won't work.
    11. Reset the NVRAM.
    12. Reset the SMC.
    13. Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Move the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password. Restart the computer and empty the Trash. Recreate your settings in the Sound preference pane.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    14. Reinstall OS X after backing up all data.
    15. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store.

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    This is an old message now, but what happened to me similarly was:
    I had a major computer crash and through complicated pathways ended up reinstalling (Mavericks) as a new user (long story).
    At least I had good Time Machine backups on an NAS drive (Synology DS212j), or so I thought - when I started Time Machine up again, the old backup file was gone, replaced by a new one using my "new computer" name. The old file was gone both by directly mounting the NAS drive and by clicking "Enter Time Machine".
    It's like I had {OldShareName}.sparsebundle and then it was replaced by {NewShareName}.sparsebundle, all of the old info vanished.
    (I have spent a week finding old files elsewhere and have completed a satisfactory self-restore. It pays to "archive" [my own variation of] as well as "back-up".)
    My belief is that if this were a wired-netword-drive, e.g. plugged right into my iMac with a USB cable, then the old file would have remained.
    But this is an NAS drive, connected directly to my Airport wireless router, and I don't know the significance of the fact that it stores its Time Machine backups as "sparsebundle" files rather than simply as plain(er) files.
    As usual when things get complicated with computers (not just Apple computers) there was never a warning message. Something like "YOU'RE ABOUT TO DELETE A TIME MACHINE BACK-UP FILE!!!" would have made my life a lot simpler.
    BTW, I did try a "restore from Time Machine" option the first thing I had my "new computer" (old hardware, 2009 iMac) up and running, using Migration Assistant, and it ran for many hours and then failed in the wee hours - what that has to do with anything I'm not sure.
    I'm not sure that I have a question about this other than "why do these things happen to me?", but it's a warning. Apart from that I've been very happy with the stability and reliability (but not the cost or set-up complexity) of NAS vs. directly-cabled external drives.

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    Try looking in your User folder.
    Either hold down the option key while using the Finder “Go To Folder” command and select your user Library in your home folder or use the Finder “Go To Folder” command and enter ~/Library/Mail/V2
    If you prefer to make your User library permanently visible, use the Terminal command found below.
    Show User Library
    You might want to bookmark the command. I have to use it again after every update. I have also been informed that if you drag the user library to Finder it will remain visible.

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    Try a reset:
    Hold the Sleep and Home button down for about 10 second until you see the Apple logo.

  • PS CS6 Auto Recover??? Posted earlier but seems to have vanished

    Hi... posted this earlier but the problem/question seems to have vanished... so, reposting.
    Was asked to troubleshoot a Win 7 PS13 (CS6) crash today - first time to my knowledge PS has ever crashed! On restart, no Auto Recover option. All work lost. Did some checking.
    Found two folders:
    1. On the boot disk, found Users\xxxx...\....\AutoRecover
    2. On the exclusive scratch disk - set on G: - found the folder G:\PSAutoRecover (as well as the PS temp file in the root of G:).
    Both the AutoRecover folders were empty.
    Set auto save time to 5 minutes... Rebooted. Restarted PS and created a new file - test01.psd. Saved it. Did some work, didn't save... kept checking... (played games for 15 mins). Checked. Both AutoRecover files remained empty.
    Crashed the system (forced shutdown). Auto recover option and the test file was not showing up in the recent files list... opened the original test01.psd. No work subsequent to the original save showed up. Nor any recovery option. Did some more work on the file... just checked... both the AutoRecover folders are still empty.
    (Just closed PS and saw that the PS temp file deleted itself. Both the AutoRecovery folders remain - empty.}
    So, my questions are:
    1. Is there a 'Permissions' attribute i need to set? Or...
    2. Is the AutoRecover messed up? Or...
    3. Is the installation messed up and should i advise a reinstallation?

    Think you can somehow help... Have done the following, again today:
    1. Uninstalled the entire CS Suite. This includes registry and folders
    2. Ran the Adobe CS6 Cleanup tool - twice. Once for the entire suite and a second time for PS
    3. Ran a registry clean up program
    4. Did a Disk defragment - not really important, but still
    5. Rebooted between various stages...
    6. Reinstalled CS6 Master Collection minus some programs which are not needed such as Flash, AI 32 bit, etc. But installed both versions of PS
    7. Validated using PS
    8. Started - separately - both versions of PS. Set scratch to E drive (primary partition - 100GB) and Autorecover to 5 mins
    9. Ran both versions of PS and opened and modified a file
    In each case, the 'PSAutoRecover' folder was created on the scratch drive - E:\ alongwith the PS temp file. But the 'PSAutoRecover' folder never got populated.
    Must be something unique to this system but can't figure out what. It can't be a permissions issue because both the scratch file and the autorecover folder are being created.
    BTW... all Adobe entries in the config.sys startup are disabled - except for the Adobe CS6 Service Manager. But can't be those either as they are all related to updates, Acrobat, etc.
    Yet, putting the primary scratch on C;\ solves the problem. However, as both Curt and you have tested, that should not be an issue...
    (Have not been able to check on any other system as this is the only one that has CS6.)
    System specs: Intel i5 processor, 12gb RAM, 64bit Win 7, P-55 USB3 Motherboard
    Grateful for any suggestions / ideas...

  • My contacts and appointments have vanished

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    Thanks for replying but I already have outlook on iphone. I have been syncing it all along via usb lead with no problems. Now the info is still on phone but not pc. Strangely some appointments (very few) have remained in calendar but my contacts have all vanished.

  • Mail in Inbox and Sent folders Have Within a Specificed Date Have Vanished

    For the second time in history, the mail in my inbox and sentbox have completely vanished, leaving an odd hole in my archives. Emails from the previous two months show up, but emails from before this date have vanished.
    Likewise with my Sent folder. I have old email from 2006 but it jumps from August '06 to May 2007! Where did the emails inbetween go? I have always had the option to NEVER delete sent emails selected, but somehow they're gone nonetheless.
    I can't even locate email from last week, let alone a few months ago. I was lucky when this happened before because I had just backed up my Mail folder and contents, but now it's happened again! I've rebuilt the mailbox several times, have tried to reaccess my server, but to no avail.
    I can understand a size limit on the server for the inbox, but not for the sent folder.
    I've read the discussions up and down, but frankly haven't been able to peg anyone else's issue as my own when it gets down to the details.
    I'm running a POP.
    Thanks in advance for ANY help.

    You’re welcome.
    If the *.emlx files associated with those messages are gone from the filesystem, rebuilding mailboxes or re-creating the index cannot make them reappear.
    There is no way to know what may have happened if you don’t know when it happened and what did you do that could have a bearing on it. What you mention about moving data between computers could certainly have a bearing on it when it happened the first time, but there is no way to know what the problem exactly was in that case either with the information you’ve provided...
    If the messages are nowhere to be found and you don’t have a backup, you may try to salvage as many deleted *.emlx files as possible with a data recovery tool such as Data Rescue II, TechTool Pro, or FileSalvage. Of these, the only one I know for sure that can currently recover deleted *.emlx files is FileSalvage. Beware, however, that anything you’ve done with the computer since the messages were deleted may have caused them to be overwritten, which makes me believe your chances of recovering them now are pretty low...

  • Keywords Have Vanished

    Using Lightroom 3; Windows 7 as OS.
    When creating my catalogues, I made sure that under the Preferences / Presets I had removed the tick from the option to store keywords with a catalogue. My understanding being that the keywords would remain "within the programme" and so available for which ever catalogue one might be working with.
    On opening the programme today, my keyword list was missing with some 30,000 images NOT being in the count I saw when I last used the programme earlier this week.
    I can see a small number of keywords but not all that I had created.
    Those that are there are not in the groupings I had put them.
    I haven't hidden anything accidentally - have checked for that.
    I haven't selected an alternative keyword list inadvertently.
    Having backed up my files a little while ago, is there a way to export that keyword list and then import it into my current catalogue status?
    Any suggestions please?  All advice most gratefully received.
    Cheers, Tony

    do you mean this thread: Disappearing keywords
    I checked to see if the 2 keywords that have vanished were listed in the keyword HUD.
    How did you check?
    Sometimes it helps to enter the keyword, or a part of it, into the searchfield, and then to open all disclosure triangles. The keywords are hierarchical, and they may be hidden in subcategories of other keywords. This way, you can have duplicate keywords, that are not identical, if they are appearing at different levels in the hierarchy.
    For example: In my library are two different keywords "family", one in the Stock categories personal section and one in my own custom keywords section of the HUD:

  • My playlists have vanished. How can I restore them

    My playlists have vanished from my page.. However, I continue to have my entire library intact. Also, I notice that a 'Cloud' icon appears in each song displayed in the library. I would appreciate thoughts from your level of knowledge.
    Thank you.
    Joe Arellano

    Be specific.  From what you say it sounds like you see your music in iTunes but not your playlists.  This would be extremely unusual since if your lose the file with your playlists you also lose the listing of your music.  Do you mean you see your music files in Finder?
    Your playlists are part of the library.itl file which is part of a series of files and folders in your iTunes folder which generate what you see in the iTunes application.  You need to replace that folder.  What isn't clear from what you said is where your media files are located.  They too are normally located in a media folder in the iTunes folder.  You may have changed the location but you didn't mention that.

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