My previously captured HDV footage glitches in FCPx

Hi ..
All my footage is captured in FCP7.
It's HDV 1080i50 .. shot with Sony s270's, Sony z1p's and Sony z7p's ..
The footage comes in .. but gliches every 3-5 seconds .. If I open the same clip in Qiucktime, it plays fine.
Has codec support gone bad?.
Without access to my thousands of hours of footage, this software is unusable.

Hey Brett,
I have the same thing happening to me. HDV glitches every few seconds and if I export a glitchy clip from FCP X then that clip is glitchy too. If I look at the source footage in QT, it looks fine. I transcoded to ProRes in Compressor and brought it back in and it looks fine but that's not what I want to do. "Create optimized media" is grayed out so it won't let me background transcode to see what happens with that. Do you also have that problem? I read on another discussion that other people couldn't get HDV to transcode to ProRes and the thought is that it's because it works well with X. If that's the case, that's stupid that they don't give you an option, I think it's just a bug and I'm going to report both of these issues right now.

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    This is driving me nuts so any help would be appreciated and if there's any other info I can help with to make this clearer let me know.
    Message was edited by: MrMajesticMole

    I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who was having the same problem as you. Although you say the camera playback is set properly, please recheck this. go into your camera's playback menu>menu>standard set>VCR HDV/DV. Unplug your firewire from the camera. Make sure camera is set to HDV NOT auto. replace firewire cable. Now open FCP. Go in Audio/video settings>A/V devices (farthest tab on right). In box for playback edit to tape different from video output (make sure it's checked) mirrored (checked) Video playback 1080i50, Audio HDV. I hope that works now.

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    Do you want to downconvert, or do you want to capture HD? Switch off downconvert. Switch off iLink.

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    ...or, always look at the timecode display in the viewfinder or the LCD before you press REC.  The nice display will ALWAYS indicate when you've reset the timecode. If the display is 00:00:00.00 or similar and you are NOT the very beginning of the tape, pressing record will start a new time code sequence everytime.
    If you have END SEARCH, use it.  this will usually work as long as you haven't removed the tape.  Either way, rewinding the tape until a non-zero timecode appears and then pressing REC works.  The camera will increment the timecode from that value..
    I'm not at my editting station, but I seem to remember that PPPro has a capture setting that will cause it to ignore timecode breaks--you then edit out the rough section at each break when editing.  Unless you're going to do something clever like recapturing HDV after capturing SD, you're not going to use the timecode anyway.
    Then in the future, always look at the timecode display before you press REC.  There is really no reason to stripe if you always remember this.

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    You will need FC 5.0.4 or better to have HDV support. Before connecting any firewire cables make sure your camera is setup to ouput HDV by turning it in VTR mode and find the Menu, Rec In/Out, ilink conv, and set to off. In FC use an HDV easy setup to match your camera and set your scratch disk. Shut down your computer connect the firewire cable to computer and camera then re-boot.
    Open FC from the project you used to setup the HDV project and verify the easy HDV setup, turn on the camera in VTR mode, open log and capture and play the tape from within the deck controls, capture as needed.
    Good Luck

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    Message was edited by: Perro

    Hi Perro,
    Try telling us all exactly what methods you are performing that is causing you the inability to capture. System specs, capture settings, logging methods, deck connection, etc. Tell us what you are doing and someone might be able to tell what you're doing wrong. This isn't 20 questions here...
    Also try a Google search for FCP capture Sony Z1 there's a lot of information out there.

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    Check all camera settings and make sure they match the original filming mode on the other camera... and veryify your PPro settings match
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  • Capturing HDV through Firewire

    It seems in my Audio/Video settings that I have 2 Capture Preset options. The first is simply 'HDV' and the second is 'HDV Apple Intermediate Codec'.
    If you're capturing HDV please share which you prefer. I'm trying to capture 1080i HDV footage.
    I searched on the subject here and it didn't give me great results. I also searched the manual .PDF file which only turned out 1 result, explaining no details about it's features.

    HDV is for capturing the footage (via firewire) to its native HDV codec.
    HDV Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC) is for capturing the HDV footage (via firewire) to the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    with FCP6.0.2 you can also capture HDV footage (via firewire) to Apple's ProRes codec.
    HDV is a heavily compressed MPEG format which means the the data rate is quite low ... the same as DV in fact. Low data rates mean your disc can store more of the footage and it can handle more concurrent streams of that footage, however the down side is that the algorithm for this compression format is complex and consequently very taxing for the computer to manipulate when editing. Not every frame of video is encoded in its entirity, only I-frames, all other frames are stored as predictive data describing how these subsequent frames change as compared to previous of forthcoming I-frames. Its a processor intesive operation editing with this format and that impacts you most when rendering effects and treatments etc as those renders will take longer to process. All that said and done, you shouldn't be unecessarily alarmed, this is all pretty run of the mill for todays computers.
    AIC is an "intermediate" codec meaning it is not intended as an acquisition format nor a delivery format, but just as an interim working format ... selecting this means your incoming HDV footage will be transcoded to this intermidate codec as it is captured. AIC is a codec which stores all the data for each frame individually, thereby bypassing those processor heavy calculation caused by the HDV codec, as a consequence there is much more data to be handled so the file sizes are necessarily bigger and your hard disc will need to be able to keep up with the extra data rate needed, especially for multiple concurrent streams.
    ProRes, as with AIC, is an intermediate codec. It is considered to offer higher quality than AIC.
    It worth noting that when outputting back to HDV tape via firewire, regardless of your edit codec, there is a long render process known as "conforming" which you need to perform first. The conform process re-encodes your edit master to a single media file which conforms to the HDV data stream format.

  • Unable to capture HDV in FCP 6.0.1 from Sony HVR-Z1P

    Hi I'm attempting to capture HDV footage from a Sony Z1.
    I am trying to capture some HDV footage I shot with the Z1, but FCP simply refuses to recognize the Z1
    I'm certain I've got all the settings correct:
    - Camera is set to HDV firewire out
    - capture presets is set to HDV
    - device control preset is set to Sony HDV FireWire
    - sequence preset is set to HDV 1080i50 (I'm in Australia)
    - footage IS HDV 1080i50
    But I keep getting the "Unable to Initialize Capture Device and Device Control" popup. I've tried everything
    - rebooted the camera
    - restarted FCP
    - rebooted the system
    - changed the capture/device control settings in FCP and tried out a regular DV deck to make sure it wasn't the cable
    Nothing has worked.
    I'm on a MBPro I7. No Kona card or anything like that, just trying to capture through firewire.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    At present it will capture HDV in IMovie but not FCP 6.0.1
    Message was edited by: Matt Blyth

    Thanks Adrian, since posting the thread I've thought of that too but unfortunately to no avail. From other forums I've read this seems to be a central theme to the solution to my capture woes. I since have sorted the problem it was in Audio/Video Settings.
    In the end I set my Audio/Video Settings to:
    Sequence Preset to: Apple Intermediate Codec 1080i50
    Capture Pre-HDV- Apple intermediate Codec
    Device Control Preset: Sony HDV 1080i50 Firewire
    And hey presto my I'm capturing HD without any problems. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
    Message was edited by: Matt Blyth

  • Can't capture HDV from Sony z1 on FCP 7

    I have set 'easy setup' to HDV (I have also tried HDV Fire wire basic) I've followed tutorial on all the set ups to capture.  But when I go to capture, FCP can control the play buttons and I can see the time code on screen but there is no picture or sound coming through to capture and is says 'Capture was aborted due to no incoming data from device'.
    I have checked everything.
    I followed all the suggestions in an older discussion in this forum -
    Unable to capture HDV footage with FCP 5.1
    This was the last post in that discussion: 
    "Re: Unable to capture HDV footage with FCP 5.1
    May 23, 2010 4:37 PM (in response to MrMajesticMole)
      I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who was having the same problem as you. Although you say the camera playback is set properly, please recheck this. go into your camera's playback menu>menu>standard set>VCR HDV/DV. Unplug your firewire from the camera. Make sure camera is set to HDV NOT auto. replace firewire cable. Now open FCP. Go in Audio/video settings>A/V devices (farthest tab on right). In box for playback edit to tape different from video output (make sure it's checked) mirrored (checked) Video playback 1080i50, Audio HDV. I hope that works now."
    I followed all these tips and nothing has changed.  This is the first time I am using HDV in FCP.  I have used the same Sony z1 camera to shoot and capture DV footage in my current FCP set up and I've had no problems.
    The only wierd thing is that under easy set up I selected HDV first with 'all rates' under frame rate.  When that didn't work I tried "HDV fire wire basic".  Then I tried to put the frame rate in a 50fps.  When nothing made any difference I put the frame rate back to all frame rates and while still on Format: HDV selected HDV 1080i50  and also have tried HDV 1080i50 with 'all frame rates' and everythime I go back, it's defaulted to  'HDV 720p50' in the 'use box and frame rate  50fps. 
    I would really appreciate help with this.

    Hi Russ,
    Thanks for getting back so quickly.
    I was feeling hopeful because I realised I had the fps rate set to 50 and when you said 25fps I thought that must be it.  Unfortunatly it hasn't worked at all.  It keeps saying there's no data incoming data from device, yet it acknowledges the timecode and I can control the camera from FCP.
    I double checked my settings and made sure the camera was on before launching FCP.  I am going to study the document you included to see if there is anything else I am doing that isn't working.  I am wondering if there are some audio settings mucking it up.
    If you have any other thoughts let me know.  I will let you know if I figure it out.

  • DVHSCap to Capture HDV VIdeo

    FCP does not support the JVC GR-HD1U but I have found that people have been successful capturing the video through Apple's DVHSCap then converting the data to .m2t transport files using MPEG Streamclip (I will post what I read below). I have downloaded DVHSCap but cannot figure out how to capture the vide from my camcorder. If anyone is familiar with DVHSCap I would very much appreciate some advice. Thank you all very much for your time!
    [ QUOTE ]
    Iam looking for the correct FCP set ups for digitizing HD from the
    JVC JY-HD10 .recorded on the camera in HD mode.
    I can get camera control -FFW -ply- rewind- but no video in the digitiz window?
    FCP 4.5 1.33 G4 powerbook 1 gig ram
    [/ QUOTE ]
    Apple and FCP 4.5 do not yet officially support JVC's HDV camcorders.
    However, I have had very good results, over the past year, using Apple Development software to capture HDV files from my GR-HD1U. Then using free-ware software to convert the resulting .m2t transport files to QuickTime .mov files. I then drop the files into an FCP bin and edit as usual using FCP.
    I use Apple's DVHSCap application to capture HDV camcorder data tapes via firewire and convert the data to .m2t transport files. DVHSCap (for Panther) can be obtained by going to:
    click on 'FireWire SDK 19 for Mac OS X (Download)
    double click XFireWireSDK19e.pkg (to install the SDK)
    DVHSCap (and similar VirtualDVHS) can be found in
    I also use a freeware program 'MPEG Streamclip 1.0.1', which is available from:
    I use MPEG Streamclip to:
    1) Locate clips of interest and set their 'in' and 'out' points,
    2) Set the, optional, number of 'bad lines' to crop from the sides and top of each frame,
    3) Re-scale, if desired, to 720p or 1080p,
    4) Export to QuickTime...
    5) Drop the resulting file, which contains synced 'video and audio' data, into an FCP bin.

    I don't have experience with your JVC format or deck but here is something you may want to read.
    Page 19
    *Important: If your computer has a PCI graphics card installed and you are logging or*
    *capturing HDV footage, Final Cut Pro does not preview video or audio in the Log and*
    *Capture window. You can still log and capture, but you need to use your HDV camcorder*
    *display to preview video.*
    I realize you have 5.1 but read this entire section on HDV, it could help.
    Good Luck

  • "no data from device" when trying to capture HDV

    I need to capture additional footage for an HDV project I am already editing. Capturing the initial footage (about a month ago) went smoothly. Now however, when trying to capture footage from a new tape shot just last week, I simply cannot. If I try to Capture Now, I get a "No Data from Device" message and the capture attempt aborts. If I log some clips and Batch Capture, the material cues and begins to play but the capture window just continues to say CUEING SOURCE MATERIAL and captures nothing. I am using the Sony HVR-M10U deck as a capture device.
    The only thing that has changed between the original capture and this latest attempt is that I have also been working on a DV project at the same time, and I used the M10U to capture some DV footage for that project. In order to succesfully capture DV footage I had to force the deck to play only DV (by changing the VCR settings in the menu).
    To try and capture this latest HDV footage, I went back into the menu and forced the deck to play HDV only. In searching for answers I came across this Apple article ( and followed those exact steps.
    However, nothing seems to work. I do have device control and the timecode is being read off the deck in Log & Capture (so the firewire connection is fine), but there's no video in the preview window and no capturing is possible. I am able to open my DV project, reset the menu on the deck, and capture DV footage - but I can't for the life of me switch to capturing HDV footage.
    Any bright ideas would be much appreciated - I'm really at wits end.

    I am having a similar problem with my sony HVRZ1U, I can capture dv through firewire no problem but when I choose easy setup for HDV it does not recognize the device.
    Funny thing is I tried to download clips on a pc in Premiere with all the similar settings on my camera and it works fine, I have deck control and can capture HDV footage, so that rules out a problem with the camera. Back to FCP5 with the same settings and nothing.
    Went through uninstalling quicktime 7.03 back to 7.01 - nothing
    Deleted the preferences in FCP5 - nothing
    Checked the firewire connections and cables - they work fine
    Using all the right settings on the camera and in FCP5
    The tape format was shot correctly
    Any light on what could be going wrong would be very very much appreciated

  • Capturing HDV from Canon XH-A1

    Hi, I'm new to the Canon XH-A1 and it seems there are a lot of questions out there about capturing HDV footage to FCE... So I'm going to add one more and see if anyone can help me out!
    I keep getting this message:
    "Capture Presets must have a video or and audio digitizer set to capture. Please change to the desired preset in the Audio/Video Settings."
    I can't seem to find out how to do this on my own, and I feel like I am missing an elusive, yet simple, step in the process.
    Using MacBook Pro 15" 2.4GHz
    Final Cut Express 4
    4 pin to 9 pin Firewire
    Canon XH-A1
    Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated!

    Easy Set-Up is set to:
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i60
    Canon XH-A1 is set to HDV 60i
    I tried setting it to HDV-AIC 1080i60 but then the message is that the hdv deck isn't connected at all. So I tried the AVCHD setting and that led to the other message about A/V settings.

  • ? concerns capturing HDV

    I am logging and capturing HDV footage was shot in 1080i 60. I went to audio/video settings and selected HDV. The capturing process works fine however when I look at the frame size in the browser it reads 720x420. Shouldn't it read 1080 x ?. Capturing off of a Sony HDV deck.

    IT MORE THAN POSSIBLE that you recorded the material in SD as opposed to HDV check your settings on the camera itself. If that's not the case then my suggestion would be to make sure the record inhibit is pushed on your tape this way you can't lose your original material, then go horse play around with the settings on FCP get familiar with them just do it on a new project that you don't mind trashing, also once you start to learn via trail and error you may find it more useful to look in the FCP Help menu it's very useful and alot quicker than Trail and error.
    Nothing wrong with experiment as long as your not doing it on the clients time or screwing up your work.

Maybe you are looking for