N+1 Mobility List

Hi Experts,
According to Cisco documentation, controllers with N+1 redundany do not have to be in the same mobility group, which is for roaming purposes.
In my situation, the backup controller is located in a different city.
Do primary controllers need to see the backup controller in their Mobility Lists?
Or any benefit if to add the backup controller to the Mobility Lists of primary controllers?

Yes, it is recommended that they still be in the mobility list
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  • Flex Mobile List Item Renderer problems

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    i expect your feedback.Thanking You

    Hi Alex,
    I've searched a lot for that post (on this forum and on google). Not sure if this is the post you were talking about: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/161146
    I have fixed the setter of the data not to also manage the state (I figured it was inappropriate there)... overrode the getCurrentRendererState, I'm managing the state staight from the data. When I run the following... All sold items show as sold... and normal states show as normal. When I try to hover over the normal state, it dosen't play the hovered state, and when I click to the selected state. These built in states don't work.
    override public function set data(value:Object):void {
         super.data = value;
         ticketNumber_ti.text = value.slots_id;
    override protected function getCurrentRendererState():String {
         var state:String;
         if (data.date_purchased != null) {
              state = 'sold';
              mouseChildren = false;
              mouseEnabled = false;
         }  else {
              state = 'normal';
              mouseChildren = true;
              mouseEnabled = true;
         return state;
    On another note, the states only update, once I start scrolling, everything updates... I tried to validateDisplayList() to the List after setting the dataProvider with no luck.
    Once I find a solution I will certainly add it to my Blog as I have not found a lot of solutions for this problem.
    Any help is grteatly appreciated.

  • Guest Anchor N+1: Multiple guest WLANs and Mobility List

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    We are going to replace two guest anchor controllers WLC4402 sitting in different DMZs with two WLC5508 as N+1 redundant pair in one DMZ.
    I assume each guest anchor controller should support multiple guest WLANs. Is it correct?
    And between these two new anchor WLCs, do they need to add each other to Mobility List?
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    N+1 for guest anchors isn't what N+1 was designed for.  N+1 was designed for redundancy for WLC's supporting access points, not mobility anchors.  This solution might work, but I really doubt Cisco will support this setup, but I can be wrong.... you can always talk with your local Cisco SE or open a TAC case and ask.
    Guest anchors should have a different mobility group name from the foreign WLC's.  You do need the foreign to have both guest anchors and the guest anchor to just have the foreign WLC(s).  The redundant guest anchors do not need to have each other in the mobility group list.
    Help out other by using the rating system and marking answered questions as "Answered"

  • Mobile List Bind aggregation - repeated values?

    Hi all, i'm new to SAPui5 so please forgive me if this is already discussed.
    I'm calling a odata service (http://h03zdb.hcc.uni-magdeburg.de:8003/workshop/sessiona/12/Services/msgTab.xsodata/MSGTABLE?$filter=FROM%20eq%20%27STU…) and I get the values stored in a table in json. I want to show this in a list but there are repeated values created for the list. Is it because of bindAggregation?

    Here is the whole code.
    I used split app and added two models for the detail and master page.
    I'm very new to this so sorry for bad coding
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
      <title>SRH Chat</title>
      <script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js"
      <!-- only load the mobile lib "sap.m" and the "sap_bluecrystal" theme -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
      var sessionKey = "STUDENT01";
      // Login user to get session id
      var oDetailPage2 = new sap.m.Page("detail2");
      var url = "http://h03zdb.hcc.uni-magdeburg.de:8003/workshop/sessiona/12/Services/msgTab.xsodata/MSGTABLE?$filter=TO%20eq%20%27"+sessionKey+"%27%20&%20FROM%20eq%20%27"+sessionKey+"%27%20&$format=json";
      $.get( url, function(data1) {
      // create JSON model instance
      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
      // set the data for the model
      // set the model to the core
      var contactList = new sap.m.List("newlist2",{
      title : "{FROM}",
      mode: sap.m.ListMode.SingleSelectMaster,
                select: function(oEv) {
      var item = oEv.getParameter("listItem");
      var desc = item.getTitle();
      function retrieveMsgs(desc)
      var aurl = "http://h03zdb.hcc.uni-magdeburg.de:8003/workshop/sessiona/12/Services/msgTab.xsodata/MSGTABLE?$filter=FROM%20eq%20%27"+desc+"%27%20&$format=json";
      $.get( aurl, function( data ) {
    // // create JSON model instance
      var oModel1 = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
    // // set the data for the model
      // set the model to the core
      var contactList1 = new sap.m.List("newlist");
      var inputField = new sap.m.TextArea();
      var but1 = new sap.m.Button({text: "Send", tap: function(){
      // Send button press functionality
      var msg = inputField.getValue();
      var murl = "http://h03zdb.hcc.uni-magdeburg.de:8003/workshop/sessiona/12/WebContent/InsertMsg.xsjs?from="+desc+"&to="+sessionKey+"&msg="+msg;
            url: murl,
            type: 'POST',
            async: false,
            timeout: 30000,
            success : function (data2){
            var empty = "";
            inputField.setValue(empty);    // clear text area
      //Populate the List with Data from the Model (Set in the Controller of this View)
      contactList1.bindAggregation("items", {
      path : "/d/results", //Reference to the JSON structure
      template: new sap.m.StandardListItem({
      title: "{FROM}", //Refer the name field in the JSON data
      description: "{MSG}", //Address Field in the data
      type: sap.m.ListType.Navigation //Specify what to do while clicking/tapping an item in the list, in this example navigate to another view
      //Populate the List with Data from the Model (Set in the Controller of this View)
      //oModel.createBindingContext("/d/results", null, {select: "FROM"},function(a){});
      contactList.bindAggregation("items", {
      path : "/d/results", //Reference to the JSON structure
      template: new sap.m.StandardListItem({
      title: "{FROM}", //Refer the name field in the JSON data
      //description: "{FROM}", //Address Field in the data
      //select: "FROM,TO",
      type: sap.m.ListType.Navigation //Specify what to do while clicking/tapping an item in the list, in this example navigate to another view
      var oMasterPage1 = new sap.m.Page("master1",{
        title : "Master"
      // adding the list to master
    // //add the master pages to the splitapp control
    //   .addMasterPage(oMasterPage1);
      //add the detail pages to the splitapp control
      <body class="body">
      <div id="body">

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    I want to read the items into a list. Then call up individual items on a new "page" based on the user's list item selection. This is so easy in Dashcode under Mac. Surely, I must be missing something in Dreamweaver 5.5.
    TIA to anyone who tries to point me in the right direction.

    Have a look here http://books.google.com.au/books?id=kJ5ZWFZtWFgC&pg=PA113&lpg=PA113&dq=spry+datasets+and+j query+mobile&source=bl&ots=l8vMEvoRZn&sig=rZYgQGSdsxX64jCQPnFFqJdMwFg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xpwPT8 GRIumiiAeztrQK&sqi=2&ved=0CF4Q6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=spry%20datasets%20and%20jquery%20mobile&f =false (apologies for the lenth of the URL) and here http://foundationphp.com/dwmobile/

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    Does anyone know of any pure AS3 scrolling list components for mobile?

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    I am hoping there is a pre-built nonFlex, pure AS3 equilevent. 

  • Air Mobile List Custom Layout

    Hello Everyone,
      I am working with Adobe Air and I am making a mobile app.  I want a custom list layout so I thought I would try some examples I found on the web.  Unfortunately, most of these examples choke.  They generally have code in the updateDisplayList call that resembles this.
    override public function updateDisplayList( width:Number, height:Number ):void
         super.updateDisplayList( width, height );
         var layoutTarget:GroupBase = target;
         for( var i:int =  0 ; i < layoutTarget.numElements; i++ )
              element = layoutTarget.getElementAt( i ) as IVisualElement;
              CRASHES HERE --> element.setLayoutBoundsSize( NaN , NaN );
              element.setLayoutBoundsPosition( xpos , ypos );
    The issue I have found is that even though "layoutTarget.numElements" = 1, layoutTarget.getElementAt( i ) returns null, even when I don't cast it to anything. 
    I've investigated looking at the TileLayout and VerticalLayout code, but I'm not quite sure I can even devise what is going on in there; they don't appear to be doing the stuff I am accustomed to seeing in the updateDIsplayList call.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Yes, at first I thought it was a failed casting operation.  But upon further examination that wasn't the case.  For instance, the "thing" object in the following code is null, even though the layoutTarget.numElements = 1.
    for( var i:int = 0; i < layoutTarget.numElements; i++ )
        var thing:Object = layoutTarget.getElementAt(i);
        //the "thing" is null
    For background information, I am using the layout code from the Flex 4 Cookbook by O'Reilly found on page 96.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Datagrid type display for Mobile Lists

    What is the best way to create a datagrid type of display without the weight of the datagrid object in a mobile project?
    I am considering using the list itemrenderer with textInputs with custom renderers to create the square box's with thin lines that would then fit together.
    Is there a better way?
    Dan Pride

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    public var imgCls:Class;
    <mx:Image id="myImageRaw" source="{imgCls}"/>

  • Flex Mobile List view only displaying correctly in debug build

    I've got a horizontal list view that I've created in my app. There is a button that changes it's layout and items between a small thumbnail grid layoutand a larger thumbnail single row layout.
    In my debug build, this works just fine every single time. However, once I create a release build and install it, the listview doesn't have anything in it initially. If I press my layout change button, the large images show up, but they are shown vertically instead of horizontally.
    And if I hit the button again, I see the smaller images, except that they are in white boxes the size of the larger images.
    Here's some screenshots:
    Here's my layout creation code:
    // setup the scroll view
                    // setup the grid view
    Here is my layout swap code and my item adding:
    var imageClass:Class;
                    if(view == 1){
                        listy.layout = gridView;
                        imageClass = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(new gridImg())) as Class;
                        listy.layout = scrollView;
                        imageClass = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(new scrollImg())) as Class;
                    var x:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
                    var im:BitmapAsset;
                    im = new imageClass() as BitmapAsset;
                    var i:BitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    i = new BitmapImage();
                    i.source = im;
                    listy.dataProvider = x;
    And in case it's relevant, here's my embedded image code:
                public var gridImg:Class;
                public var scrollImg:Class;
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The red arrow shows the floating bar in Reader X, outside the visible area of the screen

  • Mobile list for fileconnection

    hi friends...
    I am using fileConnection Api in my application. So I want to know the mobile phones which are supported by JSR 75 (FileConnection) Api.
    Please help me to know that.

    visit this link:

  • Chat bubbles like WhatsApp in Mobile List

    I am creating an app where I need Chat Bubbles like WhatsApp. As far as I know, I would have to create a custom item renderer with a skin which which looks like a bubble. Is there any tutorial or example similar to this which I can use and build upon?

    Subclass UITableViewCell then in the subclass override the drawRect: function and stick an image in there with stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight:
    I've made tables with hundreds of rows all different heights for testing and it worked flawlessly.

  • SMS doesn't work with T-Mobile CZ and Palm Pre

    Hi, there is my problem:
    I bought Palm Pre from Germany. Everything works fine, but there is problem with sending messages. I tried to ask in Czech forums, PreCentral or my Carrier and no answer solved this problem. So I'm asking the core of the problem, Palm Developers.
    There are some guides to get or change some carrier settings, but without any documentations. I see in \usr\lib\luna\CarrierNetworkSettings.db3 and /var/luna/data/CarrierNetworkSettings.db3 for my carrier this row:
    And IMHO the highlighted box should be in column smscNumber. I tried this to change, but nothing get worked.
    I tried this phone with my friends SIM cards by Vodafone CZ and O2 CZ and everything worked alright. The problem is only wit combination with T-Mobile.
    I also downloaded new ROM from palm.com/ROM and there are same values.
    And to my carrier: There is not much info about setting up phones settings, but the highlighted number should be ok.
    And of course the error message. There are screen shots:
    So guys, what do you think about it? Where is the problem? How to solve it? Can someone help? Is there any other DB from where phone reads settings?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello and thank you for using the Palm Help Forums!
    Currently, we do not have T-Mobile listed as a compatible carrier for our webOS devices. I will still provide tips in resolving this issue but I just wanted to make you aware of this.
    -Make sure the device is on the latest update. You may retrieve this data under the "Device Info" application. The most current update is webOS1.4.1.1.
    -Make sure you have network connection.
    -If the message extends past 70 characters you may have this issue. Also, if it includes misc. characters as well.
    -Try restarting the device.
    If the problem persists, we recommend contacting the wireless service provider for further assistance.
    I'm sorry if this isn't much help but I hope you find resolution.

  • Mobile IconItemRenderer - prevent event propagation

    I don't want anything to happen when an element is clicked or touched in a mobile itemRenderer extending IconItemRenderer.
    Isteand of overriding the drawBackground method and not listening for the change event, is there anyway of doing this faster, like preventing the event from propagating?
    Thank you.

    1. commitProperties seems fine
    2. I assume it would be faster since you avoid unnecessary drawBackground calls.  You might want to test to make sure.
    3. Correct, if you can't click on something it won't be able to fire a mouseDown event
    4. The mouseDown listener is added to the renderer in List.dataGroup_rendererAddHandler.  You could tweak it there, but that would require a subclass of List.  I typically find it easier to do from within the renderer via one of the two approaches I mentioned above especially when that changes based on the data in the renderer.
    5. The Flex SDK currently deals exclusively with mouse events.  See the "Mouse vs. Touch Events" section of this spec for more information: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Mobile+List%2C+Scroller+and+Touch

  • Mobile View can't open page, because of "percentcomplete" deleted

    Hi Guys,
    I have created a Sharepoint page and have my Fields and deleted the default one. But now the page can't be open with the mobile device (mobile view), because the "percentcomplete" field is not avaliable. Is there any workaround, so I don't have
    to create the whole page again?
    Please help.
    Best regards,

    Hi LNC,
    Please open your site on your computer, then open the page library, go to Library->Library Settings. In the Views section, click the view which you met the error with this view using Mobile.
    Then go to Mobile section, under “Field to display in mobile list simple view”, make sure that the column is not the one that you deleted.
    If this issue still exists, please check the log file to find more information about this issue. The path of the log file is : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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