N85 connection problem

hi, I connected my N85 to my PC using the USB cable, it worked fine before, but now the pop up screen for opening the folder just keeps on resetting and I can't open the files on my phone. another problem I'm having now is that I can't play any MP3 songs that are saved on my nokia micro sd memory card...even if I refresh the songs nothing appears! It just totally makes this stupid phone useless. I'm already getting irritated by this! any help it getting this fixed would really be appreciated.

ok back up all your data and try code #2 and see if it sorts it out 
 1. *#7780# - Restore factory settings - resets all the settings to the default ( you will not lose any data)
Make sure you back up your data as you will lose all of it when you perform option 2 or 3 on this list. The default code for ALL operations listed here is 12345
2. *#7370# - Reformat your phone (out of the box, tho keep in mind that most newer nokia phones at least n series, e series and s60 based phones have udp - user data preservation so not ALL data may be lost. still it is a good idea to always do a back up of your stuff.)
3. This you perform as a last resort. Nothing else is working.If the phone is not showing any activity, proceed with hard formatting , turn off your phone, hold the following buttons while pressing the power button. (the default code is 12345)
hard reset - hold the following buttons *, 3 (number button) and talk/green key. turn on the phone and do not release those buttons until you see the Nokia boot up screen. once you feel the phone power up you can let go off the power button while still holding all three buttons ( for Nokia 5800XM - use the following buttons to do a hard reset, GREEN/RED/CAMERA keys pressed all at once on power up. this will only work on 5800's that have firmware version 20... and up. )
If these codes are not working the only thing for you to do is contact your Nokia Care Center/Service for assistance. 
You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

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    Have a look at this.This will help you.
    2. https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/3103eb90-0201-0010-71af-be6f4a6f61d1
    Akshay Jamgaonkar.
    Reward points if find useful.
    Message was edited by:
            Akshay Jamgaonkar

  • Unending connectivity problems -- and Desktop Help...

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    6) Reboot. Yet again. BT Desktop Help was installed here and ran OK when we were using our Netgear DSG34 router. But since the change to the BT Hub, the BT program has never run at all. So-oo. . . It has been uninstalled. And then re-DL'd and re-installed. And though the installation  has been completed, clicking on 'launch' has failed to launch anything. But anyway. An hour ago, in one of the brief periods today when the Internet connection was holding up, I Revo-ed out the earlier install, DL'd BT desktop Help and re-installed it. . . and I'm still at the same stage as always, with a  Firefox browser page that's open and completely blank and has been for the past 30 minutes. The URL is:
     Repeated page re-loading gets nowhere. Malwarebytes PRO is turned OFF to prevent any possibility of blocking and the antivirus is termporaily SUSPENDED. This PC runs on Windows standard firewall but even turning that OFF doesn't get the page to load. Copying the address into Internet Explorer in case there's a Firefox problem merely results in Firefox being opened and the same blank page running there.
    7) After all that. . . Connection lost yet again and this time, Windows cannot connect at all. It reports that the "wireless network security key is not correct". I happen to know that it is, because this is maybe the 20th time it has reported this in the past 10 days and every time I have to key in the "correct" key all over again. . . at which point Windows still says it isn't correct and cannot repair.
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    Above all though: I'm  really tired of repeatedly trying to run freshly downloaded and installed BT Desktop Help software but getting no further than a blank page because the program has stalled.
    If anyone has any advice / suggestions, other than to buy a carrier pigeon, that'd be much appreciated.

    Thanks again to John and gg30340. Here's an update:
    1) BT Desktop Help removed completely from this computer. The uninstaller itself mopped up everything, which surprised me. But anyway.
    2) Bt Home Hub manager set up and working. Had to input serial number and create new password. All of this sounds fairly easy and would be if one had the device near the desk. But the idiots who built this property shoved the BT master socket inside the garage next to the door. Our two home computers are on the third floor. To ensure the wireless signal strength is OK, the Hub and Infinity module/device/whatever it's called are on a high shelf. It's a major job to even reach the darn things, never mind read the labels seeing as how the BT Infinity engineer was good enough to tidy up the cabling and make a very tight connection to the wall socket.
    3) I had hoped to be able to back up the Hub's settings, seeing as the software provides for Advanced Settings / System / Backup. But not on mine (Hub 3.0). All that System allows is choosing which internet clock to define the accurate time. Everything else in System is just a pattern of short lines as if trying to indicate that there's some text there but it's invisible.This is now my second encounter with BT software which, for whatever reason, isn't functioning as it should on this PC.
    4) Hub reset to factory fresh, according to BT guide.
    5) Reset appears to have achieved nothing apart from requiring the password to be popped in again. After reset, it wasn't even possible to connect to the hub manager. Internet connectivity was eventually established for all of 30 seconds and then, gone.
    6) Computer was shut down and then booted anew. Internet connectivity is still. . . dreadful. One minute everything's fine and then, literally,. the next minute a webpage won't load. Even opening the Hub Manager has taken three attempts, i.e., disconnecting from the Internet, re-connecting, failing, and trying twice more until success. Yet all the time these failures are occurring, the tray icon is showing a steady, unwavering green icon for Local and Internet access -- despite the fact, there manifestly isn't any.
    7) Speedtest. net tests are actually showing upload and download 'trajectories' going slower and slower and finally halting at some point on the arc, then after a period of up to 30 seconds, suddenly becoming animated again. Speed test results with broadband speed checker UK and Think Broadband's checker are so at variance with one another, and with Speedtest, net, that it seems all three are using different technologies in pursuit of the same thing. Either way, upload speeds continue to be much, much faster than download speeds, a state of affairs I certainly have never encountered before.
    8) Speedtest net tests taken in the past 10 minutes, with one test following on from its predecessor, begin at 8.24 down/8.88 up, followed by 5.24 down / 6.40 up, followed by a mind-numbingly lonnnnng 0.62 down / 8.70 up -- in other words, a continuous yo-yoin g of Internet connectivity to the pooint that it actually might as well not even be here (I've had to make five attempts just to get on to this forum. . .)
    9) BT Speedtest will necessitate disconnection of everything downstairs and all boxes being lugged up here. This is actually going to require uncoililng tied-off cabling and hanging off a stepladder to do so -- though I surely can't be the only person in Britain who doesn't have a nice, handy BT master socket in their study or lounge. That said though: until we switched to Infinity, we *never* experienced these kinds of horrendous connectivity problems and never had need to unplug the Netgear router downstairs and bring it upstairs to connect directly to tjhe desktop PC so BT's own test could be run.
    I'll just have to get to work dismantling stuff tomorrow. However, I have to say that after a factory re-set which has changed nothing at all, I'm beginning to think there's a problem with the BT line itself (hence why I'm happy to follow the advice here, though less than happy at the prospect of the messing about involved.)
    Thanks, you two, for your patient help, and also for clarifying the situation re the three signal paths being shown on inSSIDer. At least I know that's usual now! And now, hopefully, when I press 'Post', I won't be faced with an endlessly spinning Firefox circle culminating in  what may well be, or seem to be, the 57,938th time today of seeing "Page Not Found". . .

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    Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 15:43:02 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: PHP and MySQL Connection problem
    I know you are using remote, but is your testing server on? if not turn that on and see if that does it. it just happened to me working on remote server and could not get mysql conn to work, until I turn on my testing (developer server), then I was able to connect to mysql and the tables that I created in phpmyadmin remotly was downloaded.

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    Connect to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and “ Restore “...
    If necessary Place the Device into Recovery mode...
    You may need to try this More than Once...
    Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    But... if the Device has been Modified... this will Not necessarily work.

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    Restart your router then restart the iPhone to test.
    If that doesn't help, try this support article >   iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

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    I have two things you could try.
    1. Plug your iPod into the host computer that which the network is based around because sometimes the network has trouble identifying a device if it has been a while since you plugged it into the computer.
    2. Find some way to get your network information (IP address, Subnet Mask, Router, DNS numbers) from another device on the network (e.g. laptop). Then go to Settings > Wi-FI and find your router and tap the blue arrow to the right of the name and tap the tab that says "Static" and enter this information accordingly. Then exit back to the network names menu and re-enter your passcode for your network (assuming you have a passcode)

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    I m facing a problem regarding: SAP Crystal Reports data source connection problem using sap business one
    I am trying to create a Crystal report but when I try to configure a new connection it does not work.
    I select Sap Business One data source and try to complete the information required to connection but it does not list my companies databases, what is the problem?
    Our Current SAP related software details are as follows:
    OS: Windows Server 2008
    SAP B1 Version: SAP B1 9 (902001) Patch 9
    SAP Crystal Report Version: RTM
    Database: MS SQL Server 2008 R2
    I have also added some screenshots of the issues.
    Please have a look and let me know if you have any questions or any further clarifications.
    I m eagerly waiting for a quick and positive reply.

    There is problem with SAP Business One date source.
    I had faced same problem, I used OLEDB Data-source, and it worked fine for me.
    So, try to use OLEDB.
    Amrut Sabnis.

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    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues in OS X
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (2)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (3)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (4)

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    *I also installed the beta Nokia Counters program after the update -so that may be the problem too?
    Has anyone else experienced this before.  Is it a Tango issue, or a common issue that coincidentally started for me after the update?

    I am having a similar issues with Wifi & cellular connectivity Issues. In addition, am seeing that my Lumia 900's screen is turning black with no response from the power button or any other buttons (bottom buttons will be light though). I have to reset the phone by pressing volume power camera buttons. And one or two times today it had issues restarting cycling the Nokia logo, AT&T logo, then black screen about three to four times before it showed the Windows Phone logo to fully boot up.
    Totally Disappointed. 

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    Please begin using 25 Ways to Speed Up Your Mac  you will almost certainly find the cause there. The first place I'd look though is how much RAM your system has, if you never upgraded it that could be the problem. Macs ship with a minimum amount of RAM so it's possible a simple RAM upgrade would help. Use the article though and methodically go through the suggestions.
    You also may benefit by reading XLab's Spinning Beach Ball of Death article too.

  • Web service proxy take ~4 minutes to detect connection problem in AIX!

    Dear All,
    i am developing a client application that consume web service , by jdeveloper
    i found a problem, in AIX, that the web service proxy generated by jdeveloper take long time
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    ip address or port supplied).
    in ms window, if the proxy can't reach the server, it throw exception within seconds.
    but in ibm AIX, it take about 4 minutes !!! the time is too long until the exception is thrown.
    could anybody help me?
    is there something i can set to greatly shorten the hanging time when connection
    thank you.

    nobody experience this problem?

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    As for my understanding, the routers do not block ports in LAN connections. So how can I diagnose the reason for this connection problem?

    Hi Leony83,
    Please also help to check Windows Event Log information regarding this issue, so that we can do further investigation. In additin, here is the general steps to troubleshoot SQL Server Error 40 issue. Please see:
    SQL SERVER – Fix : Error : 40 – could not open a connection to SQL server – Fix Connection Problems of SQL Server:
    Hope this helps.
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

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