N900 PC Suite non-compatibility mode

My N900 only seems to be able to connect to PC Suite in 'non-compatibility' mode.
This mode doesnt allow me to use any of the PC suite applications.
How do I change the mode to 'compatibility' mode, or the 'normal' mode so everything works!
No options appear on the phone when the USB cable is connected for PC Suite, like it should do? The phone is automatically charged via the connection though.
Any ideas?

when you connect the usb, it should give you the option to select "mass storgage' or "PC Suite Mode".
chose the PC Suite Mode"

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    Thanks in Advance

    There are a lot of threads here talking about issues with usb-connection.
    I do also have this issue with N97mini, sometimes. Never had with E71.
    Now i am using only Bluetooth, which works quiet stable.
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    i am having the same problem. im on windows xp 32 bit home, fw 410.21.010 e71-2. anyway, after many reinstalls, i have solved the problem a little in the sense that after uninstalling everything, and using the pcsuite cleaner and uninstalling ovi music and everything to do with ovi and pcsuite and cable drivers from my xp uninstall function and then going to the regedit and deleting from the CURRENT USER and LOCAL MACHINE, anything to do with nokia and pc connectivitiy cables, and then using ccleaner to clean everything and then a reboot and reinstall of the latest pc suite, DO NOT INSTALL THE 'UPDATE PHONE SOFTWARE' manager. i dont know how the phone is going to check for new FW, but for now, i can use pcsuite and will worry about updating the fw if and when nokia releases anything new, in the future. i took this opportunity to make better sense of my contacts and calendar and have set the sync function so i can sync with ovi - my contacts, calendar, notes.
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    Nokia E65, E71-2 (30) [410.21.010 RM-357]

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    What I am trying to do is: update the software. I'm using the dual-sim version.
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    I am very good at following step-by-step solutions.

    Okay, I solved the non-compatible mode thing! Because I'm a nice guy, I'm gonna tell how I did it, not like the guys on the other hundreds of forums I visited who just said "solved it ".
    I had to connect as a modem, then windows looked for a whole bunch of drivers, and apparently one of the drivers it needed for modem connection is also helping the compatibility with normal pc suite connection.
    Now, it also worked for the nokia software updater, but it said that the device is not supported as well.
    I wonder if it also displays that message when there's no update available? On the site it says updates are into version 10, and I'm still into 9, but maybe there's still regions that still have what I have? I bought it on german amazon and am using it in Belgium (First World Country, yet it is not sold here?) The search for updates continues.

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    msdn.microsoft.com (Website2 created by Developer2) - compatible with ie8/ie9
    technet.microsoft.com (Website3 website created by Developer3) - compatible only with ie10
    The only thing the three website share is the URL contains 'microsoft.com'.
    Marking 'msdn.microsoft.com' to run in compatibility mode affects the other 2 websites - mainly technet.microsoft.com which will not work now since it only runs in pure ie10 mode. 
    Should you be able to add an individual site to the compatibility list instead of all sites that have  .microsoft.com in the URL? Am I missing a simple setting in the ie10?
    As a workaround I am using the F12 Developer Tools to set the Browser Mode which temporary sets the compatibility mode. However this is not a nice solution to the end users at our organisation. 

    problem is not solved for non corporate environments...
    You could start your own thread.  Then if you got that answer and it was marked Answered you would have the ability to unmark it.  The OP of this one seems satisfied.  Also note that this is TechNet.  Consumers can get help on Answers
    Robert Aldwinckle
    Oh! I wrote it wrong: I should have said: This is not solved for NON-AD environments. No demands what so ever to use Window 7/8 professional in a small corporation or on a big corporation with Island of smaller departments for example offshore.
    The problem is that the thread is not "Answered" by the OP, its is marked answered by a moderator (and same moderator that did the answer) so no way of telling if the OP is satisfied.
    But you are right in the fact that I am almost kidnapping the thread. But a complete answer would benefit all in this case I would presume.

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    Try the following document, only be sure that none of the boxes in the compatibility mode tab are checked (not just the compatibility mode box itself):
    iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode

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    Try the following document, only be sure that none of the boxes in the compatibility tab are checked (not just the compatibility mode box itself): 
    iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode

  • How do I turn 'off' compatibility mode in iTunes.

    How do I turn off compatibility mode in iTunes.

    Try the following document, only be sure that none of the boxes in the compatibility tab are checked (not just the compatibility mode box itself):
    iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode

  • CSS Float Drop in IE8 but not Compatibility Mode

    I'm testing code for my home page across different browsers, and encountered the common IE float drop problem.  This does not occur in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or IE8 in Compatibility Mode; but does occur in IE8 standard mode.  It's a bit confusing, since I usually encounter this problem in Compatibility Mode.
    I have tried using clear:none; as I thought the content was clearing the float:left of a large flash image on the left side of the window, but it didn't solve the problem.  I have 3 image buttons whose combined heights equate that of the flash image (all 622px), and these are all in a column div floating to the right.  All of these are flush margin:0 and padding:0, border:none.  The flash image has it's own class stating margin:0, padding:0, border:none as well.  These divs are fixed pixel widths and heights.  I tried placing them in a larger container div with fixed width and height, which didn't solve the problem.  Again, this only occurs in IE8 Compatibility Mode.
    This is the code below:
    div id="container">                  
    embed src="index.swf" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="622" width="509" align="left" class="flashhome"> /embed>                     
    div id="homecontright">           
      a href="services.html?panel=5">           
      img src="button1.gif" align="top" border="0" alt="b1" class="imageright"/> /a>                        
      a href="smt.html">          
       img src="button2.gif" align="top" border="0" alt="b2" class="imageright"/> /a>                       
       a href="jobs.html">          
       img src="button3" align="top" border="0" alt="b3" class="imageright"/> /a>        
      div class="floatfix"> /div>             
       div id="foot" align="center">      
       contact info footer      
    Here is the style information from my separate stylesheet
    #homecontright { margin:0; padding:0; border:none; width:493px; height:622px; overflow:visible; float:right; display:block; }
    .imageright {margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; display: block; float: right }
    .flashhome { width:509px; height:622px; margin:0; padding:0; float:left; border:none; }
    div#container { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:0; width:1002px; background-color:#A8CBE9; }
    div#foot {      background-color:#003366;      border-color:#a8cbe9;      border-width:thin;      border-style:solid;      font-size:10px;      width:996px;      padding:0.2em;      margin-left:auto;     margin-right:auto;      text-align:center;      font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;      font-weight:bold;      color:#FFFFFF;      height:10px; }
    .floatfix { clear:both; }
    I've tried removing all the floats, even, especially the ones in the nested divs/class elements; but this didn't do a thing.  This leads me to wonder if this really is a float drop problem or am I missing something?
    EDIT: I fail at posting code so I've removed the front bracket from all tags.  Also, added a diagram to show what it's supposed to look like and what is happening in IE 8 Compatibility.  The margins do not exist, they are there so you can see individual elements

    I tried adjusting the images on the right -10px and had the same result.  Those images were actually created with margins within the image, so everything should be flush.
    I noticed, however, that even in browsers where everything aligns correctly, there seems to be a 2-3px jog between the flash image and the buttons on the right.  That strange link to the bottom right of the flash image is still appearing as well, somehow having to do with the top banner image when right clicked.  I tried changing the URL of that banner and the link changed as well, confirming my suspicion that they're linked.  I attempted to contain that image in a fixed width div with no results.  This link does not appear in other browsers, nor does it appear on any other pages that I used that code on.
    Code for my banner:
    <...a href="index.html"><img src="index/accuweb_c3homebannerR1a.jpg" alt="banner" border="0" class="banner"/><.../a>

  • Cannot disable compatibility mode for all users once enabled

    I work for a school district technology department. For a computer lab that is using an old version of adobe Photoshop, we tried turning compatibility mode to windows xp and set it to run as administrator for all users in hopes that it might fix some problems
    with the program. When students log on it now asks them for a password. They do not have local administrator rights to the computers. After going back in and disabling the compatibility settings, the students are still being asked for a password to run the
    program. I have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop and the computer is still asking for a password to open the program. Is there some way to undo this in a permanent fashion so students are not asked for a pssword?

    Hello Mike Witnauer,
    Please correct me if I have misunderstanding:
    1. The student account can ran the Photoshop without administrator password before you turn compatibility mode to Windows XP.
    2. Then, the students need the password to run the Photoshop no matter if you use compatible setting.
    Please take the following steps and check if this issue still exists.
    1. Enable built-in administrator account
    2. Use the following code
     runas /user:ComputerName\Administrator /savecred "Full path to program's exe file"
    For more information, please take a look at the answer in the following thread.
    How to run a program as an administrator from within a non-elevated command prompt?
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

  • E71x Connected in non-compatible mode

    Brand new E71x
    Vista - 4GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 512MB Video
    Nokia PC Suite
    Connected cable to PC USB 2.0 port
    and other end to E71x
    In PC Suite main window see "Connected in non-compatible mode".   What now?

    OK I found the solution on the Asia forums.  It's a setting within the phone that dictates what the phone does on a USB cable connection.
    Menu>Settings>Config>Data Cable.
    Change from Media Transfer to PC Suite and all is well.

  • Itunes says to turn off compatibility mode? don't know how, help!!

    I just downloaded the itunes 9.2 update this week and since then have been prompted to turn off compatibility mode every time I open itunes. I don't even know what that means or how to turn it off, (never seen this message before). Does anyone know how to turn this mode off? I've searched the progam files and all the options and can't seem to find anything.

    I just downloaded the itunes 9.2 update this week and since then have been prompted to turn off compatibility mode every time I open itunes
    There's instructions on how to change compatibility mode settings for iTunes in the following document, although there's a couple of additional quirks you need to watch for.
    When you get to *step 8* make sure that no boxes are checked in the compatibility mode tab (not just the compatibility mode box itself ... having any box checked in there can cause a compatibility mode error message).
    [iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1489]
    If none of the checkboxes are checked, and you're still getting a compatibility mode message, that's usually caused by an errant registry setting. For troubleshooting advice on that possibility, see Random Behavior's post in the following thread:

  • Turn off compatibility mode in Itunes

    Ho do I turn off Compatibility mode in Itunes?

    Try the following document, only be sure that none of the boxes in the compatibility tab are checked (not just the compatibility mode box itself):
    iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode

  • Nokia 6500 Slide Connected In Non-Compatible Mode

    Hi,I've cracked my screen and unable to access anything! I transferred my SIM (3 network) to another phone. Although the phone works all my contacts and messages have disappeared. I am quite positive they were saved to SIM. Anyway tried connecting using broken phone with SIM using USB and get message Connected in non-compatible mode and I still cannot access contacts or messages. I'm getting extremely frustrated can anyone help?
    Many thanks
    Go to Solution.

    You have a S40 phone, Another thing you can try is, when you are sure the keypad is unlocked, connect the phone and after a few second press the right selection key(the one you usually use to step back or disagree or cancel) which should be cancel. If your phone is anything like my 5200 that will send it straight to connect via PC suite. I think even pressing the red button will do this(Not sure about the red button though but the right selection I'm certain about)
    Show your appreciation. Hit that kudos button real hard

  • How do I get ITunes out of compatibility mode?

    How do I get ITunes out of compatibility mode?

    Try the following document, only be sure that none of the boxes in the compatibility tab are checked (not just the compatibility mode box itself):
    iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode

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