N95 - No Dial-up connectability?

Here in technology starved Africa there are occasions when one cannot get to a WLAN to connect to the internet. I have just acquired an N95 8gig - so we are not that badly starved of technology after all, but have discovered, or cannot find, how to make a dial-up connection to my ISP.
I was using an 3230 before - simple to connect and send the odd email via my ISP using the cellular network.
Can anyone help?

Not sure if I understood your question right but don't you have access settings entered into your 3230 and then you can dig those up from the phone data connection settings and then insert the same settings to your N95?
(maybe I understand better if you explain in detail how you use the dial up in your 3230?)

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    I see no direct connection.. a printer and the computer setup for internet are not related.
    But it sounds like the router in the wife's office is now in the wrong mode..
    If you have an existing main router replace the second router for a switch .. that is the easy way.
    Otherwise you need to bridge the router if it has that option.. most do not. Or use wan bypass.. where you turn off the dhcp server in the router and fix its ip to match the range of the main router.. this is the hassle of using router as a switch.
    BUT I am making a huge number of assumptions.
    What I need is the full network layout.. a quick picture would help.
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    I need secondary router.. if that is what it is, IP and settings.
    I want the printer type and model. How it is connected.
    BTW I much prefer to see a network printer plugged into the network rather than usb.. it is only a matter of sorting the IP settings and driver pointing to the network rather than local.
    Or you should think of it as a broken washing machine and call the technician.. who could fix the whole lot in an hour.

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    Presumably you don't want to do this the easy way, by using the dialup modem built into the Airport Extreme Base Station?
    To use the dialup modem in the eMac is a bit convoluted. You need to do the following:
    - set up internet connection sharing (in System Preferences->Sharing) on the eMac. See also:
    - you need to run the Airport Admin Utility from the Powerbook, and disable the router built into the Base Station by unchecking the box next to "Distribute IP addresses" found under the Network tab of that utility.
    - you need to cable the Base Station's LAN (not WAN) port to the eMac's ethernet port
    - and then every time you want to access the internet you must (a) first establish the dialup connection from the eMac and then (b) restart the Powerbook to force it to obtain a renewed IP address from the eMac.
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    99.999999% safe and easy to undo, but to make it even nearer 100%...
    In the Network Pref Pane, choose the Location drop down, choose Edit Locations, then choose Duplicate... now you have one you can paste those numbers into, and just switch Locations back if need be without changing any numbers.
    It's safe though anyway really.:-)

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    The following Group Policy settings can be edited and applied to users that are members of the Group Policy object (GPO) in which the Group Policy setting is included. By default, the Group Policy settings are not configured.
    Prohibit deletion of remote access connections. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users cannot delete any remote access connections, including those they create themselves.
    Prohibit access to the Remote Access Preferences item on the Advanced menu. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users cannot access the
    Remote Access Preferences setting on the Advanced menu of the Network Connections folder. The top menu bar, including the
    Advanced menu, appears when you press the ALT key.
    Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users cannot change any of the properties of a LAN connection.
    Ability to change properties of an all user remote access connection. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users can modify the properties of a remote access connection that is shared with the other users on the computer.
    By default, standard users can only modify properties for a connection that is not shared.
    Prohibit connecting and disconnecting a remote access connection. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users cannot connect by using any remote access connection, or disconnect any that are currently connected.
    Prohibit changing properties of a private remote access connection. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users cannot change the remote access connection properties that are not shared. By default, standard users can modify
    connections that are not shared.
    Prohibit renaming private remote access connections. If you enable this Group Policy setting, then affected users cannot rename remote access
    connections that are not shared. By default, standard users can modify connections that are not shared.

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    Hi Tobbi,
    Thank you.
    I've followed the instructions, Rebooted, opened Firefox 12 and got the 'No connection' error again.
    Checked in services - those 3 are running - so I guess the answer is NO. no help but thanks
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    Thanks again

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    Any help appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    These links might help you diagnose your no Dial Tone problem?
    USR analog failed dialtone
    alternatives to hyperterminal in vista
    "I have this awful feeling someone is watching every move I make (one of my pet hates is router location tagging)." Marvin (A paranoid Android)

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    Operating system: VISTA Home
    (Mod Note: Edited subject to keep threads from stretching. Thanks!) 
    Message Edited by JOHNDOE_06 on 11-03-2008 06:00 AM

    Go to Tools > Internet Options > Connection > Check never dial a connection and delete any items from the list > OK. Open a new broswer and check.

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    I am using 6.0.1 running on XP Pro (SP2).

    Hi Kevin,
    Here are some documents that should get you started with setting up a dial-up modem in Lookout and sending an email:
    Dial-up modem settings for Lookout:
    Commands for communicating with a modem:
    If you need to dial a number you will use the pager object (take a look at the links from this page as well):
    Example of using Lookout Mailer object:
    Lookout Mailer object troubleshooting:
    Check out the Lookout help on the mailer object.  There is an attachment data member that you will use to point it to the file you want to attach to the email.
    Let me know if this helps at all.
    Bryan Snarr
    Field Engineer
    Northern California
    National Instruments

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    Please answer as many of the following questions as you can. You may already have answered some of them.
    1. Have you restarted your router and broadband modem since you first noticed the problem? If the answer is no, do that now and see whether there's any change.
    2. Are any other web browsers installed, and are they also slow?
    3. What about other Internet applications, such as iTunes and the App Store?
    4. Are there any other devices on the same network that can browse the Web, and are they also slow?
    5. If you can test Safari on another network, is it slow there too?
    6. If you connect to your router with Wi-Fi and you can also connect with Ethernet, do that and turn off Wi-Fi. Any difference?

  • Flash accessing the Dial Up connection

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    I've got a project on my hands, an interactive kiosk. I've created the interface in Flash, but I have some issues I can't get past. First of all, I want to create an emergency call feature, where the user presses a button and the kiosk dials the emergency number (112 for Europe). Now, how can I make the Flash movie call upon Windows' dial up connection, dial a number, establish a connection then disconnect? I know that Flash can't use Windows services directly, so how can I accomplish this?
    My second issue is that I also would like to create a photo-shoot system, where the Flash movie takes a snapshot from the webcam, saves it as a file, then the user needs to input his email address and the file is sent by email as an attachment.
    I hope I've been clear enough. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Check out this link:
    But i am not sure.

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    Hello tackettr, i think the question is not related with firefox, but check if the next is helpful : http://www.ehow.com/how_6760092_stop-microsoft-dial_up-connection-pop_ups.html
    thank you

  • Sharing the dial-up connection of a PC laptop--either wired, or wirelessly

    Hello, fellow Mac users! I just got my first Mac--a beautiful 1.83 GHz MacBook. I LOVE the switch to OS X from Windows XP.
    Anyway, here's problem:
    I am leaving on vacation, and, unfortunately the resort at which we are staying does not have Internet Access, so I am forced to use dial-up. Unfortunately, since I have heard very bad reports about the Apple USB Modem, I can't get a modem for the MacBook itself, so I will use my PC laptop's modem. The PC Laptop is a Windows XP Pro machine. So, here's the problem--try as I might, I just cannot get the darn PC laptop to share its dial-up connection; either over a ethernet cross-over cable, or adhoc Wi-Fi.
    So, please help me get this to work, or I will be forced to use a PC laptop to check e-mail, RSS feeds, and anything else online.
    Thanks in advance! (And thanks, Steve Jobs, for helping to create some of the best computers out there!)

    Here is from the help support on xp :
    Configure,a dial-up
    connection, click the connection that you want to
    configure, and then, under Network Tasks, click Change
    settings of this connection.
    Do one or more of the following:
    To configure dialing devices that your computer uses
    to make a connection (a modem, for example), phone
    numbers, host addresses, country or region codes, or
    dialing rules, click the General tab.
    To configure dialing and redialing options, or X.25
    settings, click the Options tab.
    To configure identity authentication, which is a way
    to help verify your computer’s identity when making a
    connection, data encryption (which codes the content
    so that it’s less likely to be readable by someone
    other than the intended recipient), or terminal window
    and scripting options, click the Security tab.
    To configure the remote access server that you want to
    connect to and protocols (the format that your
    computer uses to communicate with other computers)
    used for this connection, click the Networking tab.
    To turn Internet Connection Sharing on or off or
    configure your computer to establish a dial-up
    connection automatically, click the Advanced tab.
    When you run the
    Network Setup Wizard and enable Internet Connection
    Sharing, some protocols, services, interfaces, and
    routes are configured automatically. The following
    table describes these configured items.
    Configured item Action
    IP address Configured with a subnet mask
    of on the LAN adapter that is connected
    to the home or small office network.
    Autodial feature Enabled.
    Static default IP route Created when the dial-up
    connection is established.
    Internet Connection Sharing service Started.
    DHCP allocator Enabled with the default range of and a subnet mask of Unique
    addresses in the range to
    are allocated to private network clients.
    So try to use dhcp on your network setting or something between those range listed above with a cross over cable (make sure the cross over cable has good connection).

  • How do I establish a dial-up connection in Labview to FTP files (I have the internet connectivity toolkit)?

    I'm writing an application that will automatically update files on a server, using the internet toolkit's FTP vi's. It works fine with a LAN, but I'm not sure how to establish a dial-up connection via a telephone modem.
    Ultimately, I'd like the program to dial-up, connect, ftp files, then hang up. So far I have used AT commands through the serial compatiblity vi's to dial up and logon to a local internet provider. The provider then spat out an IP number and an MTU number (1524), followed by periodic spurts of garbabe.
    Any help in getting to the next level would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    You CANNOT dial-up to the ISP using the Internet Developers Toolkit. The toolkit assumes you already have a valid TCP/IP connection. However, many web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer have auto-dialing options that will start dial-up networking automatically when you launch your browser. The only trouble is that the auto-dial wizards can require the user to push buttons, but there is a Shareware program called DUNCE which will take care of the button pushes for you in the auto-dial wizards so the user does not have to intervene in the dial-up process. You can recommend to the customer that the lauch their browser from LV and then have the browser configured for auto-dial and that should take care of the problem. I did not actually try this o
    ut myself, but in theory it should work.
    Zvezdana S.
    National Instruments

  • Sharing a Vista Dial up connection with a Mac wire wirless connection

    I have a problem i would like to share the internet connection from my wifes PC (dial up connection) with my mac book pro via wireless connection between each computer. Now it works ok (after fiddling with firewall on PC) when we have the dial up connection on the mac and use the wireless from the PC to access the internet the same time. but it does not work the other way. I tried to allow sharing on both the dial up or wireless, I have not found the same option which we have in the mac to tell the wireless connection which internet connection is to be shared. Is there any easy way to do it or must i pay a wireless router to access the dial up connection.

    i guess you should try
    String cmd = "c:\windows\dialup.exe";
    String envp [] = null; //environment variable
    Runtime.exec(cmd, envp);

Maybe you are looking for

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