Navigation On Deamweaver MX 2004

hi all
i have created a navigation menu the the naviagtion tool in
mx 2004, i was wondering if its possible to add sub buttons within
that, i have created my own buttons etc,
so what i want to do for example is when the user clicks on a
button in the nav menu all the buttons move down with the sub menus
underneath and main button, suppose you can call then a drop down

is this something like your looking for
see below for other free tutorials on how to make a various
types of
navigation menus
"MK_male" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:fmdg86$q1$[email protected]..
> hi all
> i have created a navigation menu the the naviagtion tool
in mx 2004, i was
> wondering if its possible to add sub buttons within
that, i have created
> my own
> buttons etc,
> so what i want to do for example is when the user clicks
on a button in
> the
> nav menu all the buttons move down with the sub menus
underneath and main
> button, suppose you can call then a drop down menu

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    I'm close here, but I'm not quite getting what I want. Hopefully someone can point to the "easy" way to do this...
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    The sequencing and navigation capabilities of SCORM 2004 are designed to work between shareable content objects (SCOs). Whether you publish to SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004, Captivate always publishes a course with exactly one SCO, and so doesn't make use of the SCORM sequencing and navigation capabilities. There are ways to implement branching in Captivate, but they're independent of the SCORM capabilities.
    You may want to try RELOAD Editor (free) for a mainfest editor:
    Here's a tut on how to package multiple SCOs: load-editor/
    The tutorial doesn't speak directly to sequensing, but it does describe how to use RELOAD.  Your situation is a bit more complext than just sequential prerequisites.  You need conditional sequencing and that's done by specifying sequencing rules in your manifest:
    Jim Leichliter

  • 2004s Navigation Pane web item customization

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    Kind regards,
    Lynn Peter

    I think what you may be after is called NAV_CHARACTERISTIC_SEL and is documented in the following page
    From the SAP documentation this enhancement to the navigational pane should be available as part of SPS14.
    I hope this helps (we are also interested in this functionality.)

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        Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    End Sub
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    Regards, Andreas
    PS Problem exists in SP8 but also in SP11

    Hi Andreas,
    We encounter the same problem. What I tried is to group all the icons. This one works until you push on an icon. Afterwards I could see that the pushed icon is not 'member' of the group. It seems like there are hidden icons. So this is neither really helpful.
    Did you find already a solution for this problem?

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    Since Office is not an Apple product. You'll get better response if you use a forum dedicated to Microsoft's Mac products such as <> rather than an Apple forum that focuses on the installation of OS X.
    Be sure to search the forum first in case someone has already had a similar question answered. You'll get your answer faster this way. Post your question in the forum if you don't find anything that helps you.

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    I have a question about webdynpro navigation. I know that der are many threads
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    Thanks in advance for your effort,

       You can use PortalNavigation. Take a look at the <i>historyMode</i> parameter of the <i>navigateAbsolute()</i> method. Find the documentation <a href="">here</a>.

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    Has anyone experienced the same issue?  Does anyone have a solution or at least something that could cause the problem (AIR file sizes, etc.)?
    Thank you,
    Jason Hoyt

    Hi lemonility,
    Could you try the following steps out and let me know if they help?
    1) Select the project in the project navigation window which will show project summary on right
    2) Select 4th tab build phases
    3) Select Link binary with library option
    4) Add framework for which you are getting
    5) Move the framework from main folder to the frameworks folder
    6) Build it again and errors should be gone.

  • IView specific navigation

    Dear all,
    I have a question according the "Navigation" issue in the Enterprise Portal. I would like my iView to provide an "inner" navigation ("list of links") having this behaviour
    1.) Every request may result in a different navigation state depending on the iView's state
    2.) It is displayed only if the iView itself is active/displayed.
    3.) It is visually integrated into portal navigation (e.g. in the left navigation bar)
    4.) It is displayed on the same navigation level as the iView itself, e.g. if the iView is displayed on the 2nd navigation level, its navigation is NOT displayed on the 1st level.
    As far as I understand the "NavigationConnector" architecture, I don't think that this is an appropriate technology for me and my problem. This is because 1.), 2.) and 4.) are not supported. An alternative would be the concept of "Dynamic Navigation", which I understand as follows: I always have to place a second "Dynmic Navigation" iView which fetches its list of links from the actual iView. Unfortunately this requires additional configuration effort and is not strictly visually integrated according to 3.)
    I wonder whether there is a mechanism where the iView simply tells the portal on every request about its navigation/links and the portal does the rendering. Such a mechanism is provided by  IBM's Websphere Portal called "MenuProvider". Is there such a mechanism I may use? Is there another way to fulfill 1.)-4.)?
    Thank you in advance

    Hi Daniel,
    thank you for your immediate answer!
    >Do you basically want to take the navigation hierarchy and add navigation nodes in the middle based on the current iView that is selected?
    Indeed, this is the basic idea.
    > Im not sure this would help, but there is a new feature, sometimes called WCM Nnavigation connector that enables you to create a connector that adds nodes in the middle. It is for 2004 SP20 and 2004s SP11. But even this will require some configuration at the admin level.
    This sounds interesting. Can tell me where I can find some more informations about the WCM Navigation (an URL would be fine)?
    Is it possible to update current navigation on every request? I noticed that this might be difficult when using the standard NavigationConnector due to the component's lifecycle issues: The NavigationConnector's methods are often invoked BEFORE the iView could provide the list of links. 
    > Why is it such a problem to have a dynamic navigation iView where the links are separate?
    Oh, well, this is a minor problem only. It has something to do with "usibility" because user would expect a unified "look & feel"

  • Can I adjust the amount of detail in thumbnails / navigation pane?

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    Our previous work process had us creating a ps file via Framemaker 7. In those pdf files the pages view had a lot of fine detail, but we won't be using Framemaker anymore, since it's been dropped for the Mac.
    I'm not talking about the thumnail size... I've looked at them larger and it still has no detail, only with a larger view.
    I've looked at all the Distiller, Acrobat, and Word settings and preferences to see if there's a setting or dialog that will help, but I can't find any.
    Any ideas?

    Have you tried exporting using the Save as PDF button on the lower left of the Print dialog box? I don't know if that will help, but it might.
    I have not tried that, but I will. I always thought that going through Distiller gave you better quality. That's how I was converting the .ps files before that were created out of Framemaker.
    Your page thumbnails are strange, though. Are you using Distiller to convert fonts to outlines or something? Text is suppose to stay as text to help thumbnail previews
    I'm not converting fonts to outlines. It's very strange... there must be a setting in Distiller somewhere that I have mis-marked... I'll be darned if I can find it though.
    I've included a shot of pages from a previous project, there is a distinct difference.

  • Problem in Using an URL in Exit Plug (NW 2004s SP12)

    I have a Webdynpro application to specify the terms and conditions for the users when they login to the portal for the first time.
    Upon Accepting the terms by the user, i used to loggoff the user and will redirect to the portal logon page again to relogin. (This was a requirment )
    I was using an exit plug with the URL pointing to loggoff.jsp which invalidates the session and redirect to the portal login page again. This was working fine in NW 2004.
    The code used to call the exit plug in the Window Interface view is,
    When we upgarded into 2004s SP12 i am getting the folllowing error when firing the exit plug with the URL.
    <b>"The Exit Plug can not use an URL when used in Portal, use Portal Navigation instead"</b>
    We tried portal navigation as well, but seems that will work with PCD Objects only, where we need to redirect to the URL(logoff.jsp).
    I tried the HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() as well, but the control remains in the TermsandConditions view only.
    <b>Code Used:
    WebCallback  webcallback = new WebCallback();
    HttpServletResponse response= webcallback.getResponse();
    Please let me know if somebody faced this issue and the work around for this.
    My requirement is that upon clicking on the Accept button, i need to logoff the user by calling logoff.jsp will be destroy
    the session and redirect to portal login page.
    Please let me know the work around to call the URL in the view.
    Appreciate your reply.
    Thanks and Regards,

    url - the URL of the page that is shown to the user after logoff was done. If the parameter is null, the redirect is done to the "LogoffURL" URL that can be specified in the application properties. If this URL is also not defined, a redirect to a Web Dynpro internal logoff page is done.
    So you may either accept default logoff-page (just text "Web Dynpro application terminated. Good bye!" or provide your own page via application properties).
    Next, it is impossible to just log-off to auth screen. It is necessary to set as log-off URL some application that requires authentication also.
    This way WD will first log-off user, then shows auth-screen and then login him again to the target application.
    So try the following:
    In NW IDE open your application properties, and add standard property "log-off URL", for example "/useradmin/userAdminServlet?userProfileView";

  • Anonymous access to KM in 2004s SPS07

    Hi experts,
    I have setup an External Facing Portal on 2004s SPS07, but the anonymous user needs to be authenticated when accessing XML forms documents. The XML forms documents are indeed shown through KM navigation iViews. Images from KM are also not shown; HTML documents in KM however are.
    I think something has changed in 2004s, because according to note 837898, the only thing that needs to be changed is setting the AuthScheme property for the iViews in Standard Portal Role to Anonymous. I have done this step, but it won't get through. I get several error messages in the default.trc which say:
    Regarding Anonymous access to Standard Portal Role:
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Access is denied:
    pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/eu_role/ - user: visitor
    Regarding editing the Standard Portal Role:
    [com.sapportals.portal.pcd.admintools.roleeditor.RoleEditorCompContextHandler] Ex.msg:null [EXCEPTION] #1#java.lang.NullPointerException Principal set ROLE.PCD_ROLE_PERSISTENCE.aLs3DpIRt8wxUeWRnJ+poSMWUUE= doesn't exist!
    Regarding XML forms:
    Exception getting currently running XMLForm Module version.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transaction at com.adobe.service.J2EEConnectionFactoryManagerPeerImpl.getConnection(
    When looking in the file AuthScheme property for components docs, navigation, xmlformspreview, et cetera, is still set to basic authentication.
    Does anybody know what goes wrong and how to solve this? Thanks a lot in advance!
    Kind regards,
    Hilco Broens

    Hi Stefan,
    In this version (2004s SPS07) I don't need to change the settings in the URL generator service, since they all point to irj/go/km/docs.
    Accessing documents (HTML, XML) directly through a KM doc iView is succesfull, however when opened from a link within a KM nav iView or KM search iView it won't work:
    - opening a link like irj/go/km/docs/.../doc.ext results in an access denied error:
    Access denied (Object: portal_content/every_user/general/eu_role/
    - opening a link like /irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/ results in the authentication form.
    Note: images in this repository are never shown!
    Concerning your second idea, in in application-config there is a property:
    <property name="SecurityArea" value="NetWeaver.KMC" />
    In component-config for all related components:
    <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety" />
    The problem still remains in the fact that I cannot change the AuthScheme property to Anonymous for Standard Portal Role iViews properly. I figure this will change the  <property name="AuthScheme" value="basicauthentication" /> in to Anonymous.
    Any other ideas?
    Kind regards,

  • Table of Contents navigation question in Captivate 5.5

    Hi - I'm a fairly new user of Captivate (5.5.), and hope that someone can answer this question. I'm trying to set up a table of contents with navigation that will not let users go to slides that they have not yet viewed, but still enable users who have left and re-entered a course go back to any previous slide that they've viewed. Here are some details:
    * I'm publishing the course using the SCORM 2004 setting, and testing it in SCORM Cloud and our LMS (Cornerstone)
    * The table of contents navigation is set only to "Navigate visited slides only."
    * After reading as many of the related posts as I could find on this forum, I've been able to get bookmarking to work - that is, the course will take the user back to where he or she left off. And by using the InfoSemantics TicTOC widget, when a user returns to the course, all previously viewed slides are checked off in the table of contents.
    * However, whatever I've tried, a user who leaves and goes back into a course can only navigate back to the first slide, not to any of the other slides he or she already viewed. I'd like for our users to be able to go back to any previous slide they viewed (for example, to review the section just before the one where they left off, or to review any part of the course for reference after completing it).
    Is there a combination of settings, or a widget somewhere, that will let you both limit forward navigation to visited slides only, while still allowing users to go back to any previously viewed slide after exiting and re-entering a course? And this would need to work in an LMS.
    Thanks for any advice you can give!

    I did have the self-paced learning option checked, so I unchecked it. I did not have "user must past quiz" as required (it's set as optional). I tried adding an interactive button to the first slide and giving it a score. But after re-publishing, I still can only go back to the first slide (not any previously viewed slide) if I stop and re-enter the course. Here are the settings:
    Quiz Reporting:
    LMS Customization:
    Quiz Settings:
    Quiz Pass/Fail:
    Settings for the interactive object on the first slide:
    Settings for the "quiz" on the last slide:
    Thanks so much for helping me with this.

  • Keyboard nav_Flash MX 2004

    I've been trying to get the keyboard navigation to work with
    no success. What I want is for users (especially visually impaired)
    to be able to navigate using right and left buttons to progress
    through a slide show using Flash MX 2004.
    These are the instructions I've followed to the letter--what
    am I doing wrong?!
    1. Create an invisible button.
    2. Place button instance on stage.
    3. Select the instance and open the actions panel.
    4. In the Actions panel, enter on(keyPress "<Right>"){
    This is from Chun and Garraffo's Macromedia Flash Advanced
    book. It's not an issue of formatting since much of the script is
    available from the drop-down menus in the Action script panel.
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated since I've been
    struggling with this for weeks (searched many sites, tried many
    other scripts, etc.).

    I don't know about your sample code. But, try this.
    var keyListener
    bject = new Object();
    keyListener.onKeyUp = function() {
    if(Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT)
    if(Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT)
    gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);

Maybe you are looking for

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