Need a one line conkyrc

It just makes more sense to have all the conky info on one line at the bottom or top of the screen. 
can people post their one line conkyrcs pleaze?  Attach any scripts (I need a gmail checking one)
my res is 1680x1050

I don't display the gmail inbox. I use Terminus font without XFT, but with XFT Vera Sans mono looks great
# Conky sample configuration
# the list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
# of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
# Check for an up-to-date-list.
# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background no
# X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
#font 5x7
#font 6x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 9x15
#font **
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
font -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso8859-1
# Use Xft?
#use_xft yes
use_xft no
# Xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8
#xftfont Liberation Mono:size=8
# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 0.8
# Print everything to stdout?
# out_to_console no
# MPD host/port
# mpd_host localhost
# mpd_port 6600
# mpd_password tinker_bell
# Print everything to console?
# out_to_console no
# mail spool
mail_spool $MAIL
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1.0
# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0
# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
#own_window yes
own_window no
# If own_window is yes, you may use type normal, desktop or override
own_window_type normal
# Use pseudo transparency with own_window?
own_window_transparent yes
# If own_window_transparent is set to no, you can set the background colour here
own_window_colour hotpink
# If own_window is yes, these window manager hints may be used
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes
# Minimum size of text area
#minimum_size 280 5
# Draw shades?
draw_shades yes
# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no
#draw_outline yes
# Draw borders around text
#draw_borders yes
draw_borders no
# Draw borders around graphs
draw_graph_borders yes
# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 8
# border margins
border_margin 4
# border width
border_width 1
# Default colors and also border colors
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
#alignment top_right
alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment none
# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
#gap_x 12
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
#gap_y 12
#gap_y 40
# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes
# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no
# number of cpu samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples 2
# number of net samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
net_avg_samples 2
# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
#override_utf8_locale no
override_utf8_locale yes
# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer no
# Allow each port monitor to track at most this many connections (if 0 or not set, default is 256)
#max_port_monitor_connections 256
# Maximum number of special things, e.g. fonts, offsets, aligns, etc.
#max_specials 512
# Maximum size of buffer for user text, i.e. below TEXT line.
#max_user_text 16384
# Timing interval for music player thread, e.g. mpd, audacious
#music_player_interval (update_interval is default)
# variable is given either in format $variable or in ${variable}. Latter
# allows characters right after the variable and must be used in network
# stuff because of an argument
#para que la cancion no descuadre
maximum_width 1280
minimum_size 1280
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
${color lightgrey}CPU: ${color #cc4444}$cpu% ${cpubar 7,50} ${color lightgrey}RAM: ${color}$memperc% ${membar 7,50} ${color lightgrey}Swap: ${color}$swapperc% ${swapbar 7,50} ${tab 10}${color lightgrey}DL: ${color #15F600}${downspeed eth0}k/s ${color #379902}${downspeedgraph eth0 7,50 379902 379902 768} ${color lightgrey}UL: ${color #FF2CAE}${upspeed eth0}k/s ${upspeedgraph eth0 7,50 FF2CAE FF2CAE 64} ${tab 32}${color lightgrey}MPD: ${color #88aadd}$mpd_status ${color #88aadd}$mpd_smart ${color lightgrey} Vol: ${mpd_vol}% ${alignr} ${color lightgrey} ${time %X}
Last edited by noalwin (2008-05-05 19:50:14)

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    Declare @FromDate Datetime
    Declare @ToDate Datetime
    Declare @SCCode nvarchar(30)
    select @FromDate = min(S0.Docdate) from dbo.OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >='[%0]'
    select @ToDate = max(S1.Docdate) from dbo.OINM s1 where S1.Docdate <='[%1]'
    --Rcpt from PRDN (Condition checked for Return component exclusion also)
    SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,
    T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'FG Item Code',
    T3.ItemName as 'FG Item Name',
    T2.PlannedQty as 'FG Planned Qty',
    T2.U_OD as 'OD',
    T2.U_ID as 'ID',
    T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',
    (T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',
    0 as 'FG Pending Qty',
    0 as 'FG Receipt Qty',
    '' as 'Issue Item Code',
    '' as 'Issue Item Name',
    Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',
    0 as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity',
    '' as 'Return Doc No',
    SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',
    SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'
    from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    LEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode not in (a.ItemCode)
    LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode INNER JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry
    WHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'
    GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,T2.PlannedQty,T2.U_OD,T2.U_ID, T2.U_OD/25.4,(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2
    SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,
    T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'Item Code',
    T3.ItemName as 'Item Name',
    T2.PlannedQty as 'Planned Qty',
    T2.U_OD as 'OD',
    T2.U_ID as 'ID',
    T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',
    (T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',
    (Select (T2.PlannedQty - (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum))) as 'Pending Qty',
    (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum) as 'Receipt Qty',
    a.ItemCode as 'Issued Item Code',
    a.Dscription as 'Issued Item Name',
    Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',
    (Select (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode))) as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity',
    (ISNULL((Select (Select a2.DocNum from OIGN a2 where a2.DocEntry = a1.DocEntry) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode)),'')) as 'Return Doc No',
    SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',
    SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'
    from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    LEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode in (a.ItemCode)
    LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode LEFT JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry 
    WHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'
    GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,T2.PlannedQty,T2.U_OD,T2.U_ID,T2.U_OD/25.4,(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2,a.ItemCode,a.Dscription    order by T2.DocNum desc

    Try this:
    Declare @FromDate Datetime
    Declare @ToDate Datetime
    Declare @SCCode nvarchar(30)
    select @FromDate = min(S0.Docdate) from dbo.OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >='[%0]'
    select @ToDate = max(S1.Docdate) from dbo.OINM s1 where S1.Docdate <='[%1]'
    --Rcpt from PRDN (Condition checked for Return component exclusion also)
    SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,
    T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'FG Item Code',T3.ItemName as 'FG Item Name',T2.PlannedQty as 'FG Planned Qty',T2.U_OD as 'OD',T2.U_ID as 'ID',T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',case when ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) <30 then ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) *0.3 end, 0 as 'FG Pending Qty',0 as 'FG Receipt Qty','' as 'Issue Item Code','' as 'Issue Item Name',Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',0 as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity','' as 'Return Doc No',SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntryINNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCodeLEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode not in (a.ItemCode)LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode INNER JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntryWHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,T2.PlannedQty,T2.U_OD,T2.U_ID, T2.U_OD/25.4,(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2UNION ALL SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'Item Code',T3.ItemName as 'Item Name',T2.PlannedQty as 'Planned Qty',T2.U_OD as 'OD',T2.U_ID as 'ID',T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',case when ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) >=30 then ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) *0.37 end, (Select (T2.PlannedQty - (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum))) as 'Pending Qty',(Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum) as 'Receipt Qty',
    a.ItemCode as 'Issued Item Code',
    a.Dscription as 'Issued Item Name',
    Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',
    (Select (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry
    where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode))) as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity',
    (ISNULL((Select (Select a2.DocNum from OIGN a2 where a2.DocEntry = a1.DocEntry) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode)),'')) as 'Return Doc No',
    SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',
    SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'
    from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    LEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode in (a.ItemCode)
    LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode LEFT JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry
    WHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'
    GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,
    order by T2.DocNum desc
    Thanks & Regards,

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    my question
    1- there is any way to assign the Fetch process to specific region so the process take all item in these region only.
    2- how can create manual process to fetch row into specific items in page ( i tray these code
    SELECT col1, col2, col3 ....
    INTO :P1_ITEM1, :P1_ITEM, :P1_ITEM...
    FROM table
    WHERE id = :P_id ) but no data retrieve .
    I do not think that it is possible to have more than one Automated Row Fetch process in a given page. See the thread:
    ORA-01403: no data found : Unable to fetch row multiple automated row fetch
    On your second question, the manual process should work provided:
    P_ID has a value when the process executes. You can do it this way:
    i. Make this process as a on-load After/Before header process
    ii. Make sure that P_ID page item has value when the process executes (set it from another page or before the pl/sql process executes)

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    PR need to be created with  10 LINE ITEMS with Qty 1.
    Classic Scanario
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  • Video content description limited to one line only. Three lines needed

    The videos app on my iPad mini (iOS 6.0.2) presents videos/films by nice thumbnails; however, with only one line of video file info. As there is a lot of footprint available, it would be great with, say, three lines of info like location, artists, song titles. I enter that type of info in iTunes, but it's not possible to retrieve it with the videos app.

    From text tools I select "Lower Third" (second first row) and it gives me two
    By using a smaller font and NO Serif (as in Times) but eg Ariel (SanSerif) one
    can squees in rather much text. Then adjusting the length of this to suit "say"
    (spoken words). To cont. by next two lines one might need to do this by adding
    more text to to next video-clip then move it back to where first one ends.
    Rather tricky to do - alt. is to make a cut in the video-clip for next text lines to orient
    too. May be an easier way to go. This cut will not be visibly only work as guide to
    the text tool.
    Third line - I didn't make this.
    If You only get one - then trashing iMovie pref file might help it to get back on track.
    Yours Bengt W

  • I need to print in only one line

    I don't know how i can print in the same line.
    I use the System.out.println() and the System.out.print(), but now i need print a line in the same position.

    You mean you want to overwrite the existing line ? Presumably not leaving any of the text previously printed ?
    That's specific to the platform, and as such, Java doesn't directly support it. You want a curses library. Something like this will probably do:
    Alternatively, if you don't care if your code is portable and you know the details of the console in which the output will appear, you can insert control codes directly into your output. In point of fact, that will be adequate for quite a lot of platforms, since most common systems use a subset of the ANSI/VT100 control codes - which can be found here:

  • Spry, horizontal menu, need all menu buttons on one line

    hi in DW CS4I would like to understand why the spry menu that I have doesn't line up on a straight line horizontally. sometimes it lines up correctly in DW, but when I either go to live view or publish it, one of the menu buttons goes on the next line. If they are all on the same line, sometimes the menu does not go to the end of the other side of the div tag that it is inside of. If you have an article or any tips that you may have, please do share as i am going insane. I guess I should stick to CSS, but I often have the same problems as well.
    Thank you.
    I currently do not have  URL for this website.
    Please see the code attached to this post.

    Simply, your menu list items are too wide (altogether) to fit on the same line.
    I see that you have defined your div#container as 1000px, and your div#nav_bar as, well, it will default to 1000px. Then you have set your MenuBar to 80% of that width, and your list items as 16.8% of that.
    So far, everything is flexible.
    When you get down to ul.MenuBarHorizontal a, however, you have set padding: padding: 0.5em 0.75em; If you change your padding units to percentages, you should be able to find acceptable measures that will allow your list items to remain on one line.
    Keep in mind that, as the following references notes, in some browsers padding is measured in addition to the stated width of your element:
    So make sure ALL your percentages add to 100%...including the horizontal padding (for both sides!) and the width (don't add in the vertical padding...that could be left as is). Actually, add them up to slightly less than 100% for comfort. If you get a gap at the end of the menubar, center the menubar and apply a background to the containing div.

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    I have this PO for which I enter the invoice.
    I recieve later a subsequent debit for this PO from the transporter. This subsequent invoice has got extra debits, one with 21% VAT and one with 19% VAT, which means two items with two different tax codes.
    I want to enter this subsequent debit for each item of the PO, and I want to enter both debits in every item of the PO.
    How can I enter in one row in MIRO a debit with two different tax codes.
    Thank you.

    I want in the same line item to enter two tax codes.
    Do you Know if there is any way to do this?
    It is a subsequent debit and it has two items with two different tax codes. I want to enter the subsequent debit for a PO with many items and enter the value of the whole subsequent invoice. So there is the need to enter one line item with two tax codes.
    How can this be done?
    Thank you?

  • How can I display one line at a time on a PPT slide

    I am using OFFICE for the Mac (2008).
    In the past, I have known how to do this using PPT on a Windows PC..
    But something has changed and I can no longer figure out how to get each line on a PPT slide to appear one line at a time every time I click it.
    It's not that difficult, but I can't figured out where they moved the "Appear" option.
    I am NOT using KEYNOTE, but PowerPoint from OFFICE for the Mac (2008)
    Can someone help me.

    Since this is a Keynote discussion forum, there may be no one here that knows. I personally hate PP and could care less about how to make one line display at a time. It is easy on Keynote and that is all I need to know. You might want to look for a PP forum and ask there.

  • Nested If condition in Routine - Literals that take up more than one line

    Hi All,
           I am writing following code at object level of routine but its giving following exception: Please help me on this.
    E:Literals that take up more than one line not permitted.
        RESULT = 'A.
        RESULT = 'B.
        RESULT = 'C.
        RESULT = 'D'.
        RESULT = 'E'.
        RESULT = 'F.
        RESULT = 'G.
        RESULT = 'H.
        RESULT = 'I.
        RESULT = 'J.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Anitha
    Just check
    RESULT = 'A.
    RESULT = 'B.
    RESULT = 'C.
    Whether it needs to be under two quotes. I feel one is missing. it should be 'A' and not just 'A.

  • Re: settings -- how to reduce waste space at top of page to one line only

    I find that the wide screens are too short so it seems like more scolling is needed since less of web page is viewable and this problem is made worse by waste space taken up by various lines - for example on my firefox page, there is a blue line at the top that currently says "ask a question" Firefox help etc and then the rest of the line is blank -- about 70% of space not used/needed
    The second line down shows: File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help -- then about 70%waste space -- rest of line is blank -- How can we put stuff from various lines into one or two lines Max ?
    To continue, in my case, the next line has a couple of tabs -- this is useful -- maybe if there could be an easy way to show tabs in their own line when lots of various pages need to be open but when need max space viewable below to click a dropdown to push tabs up to end of next line above (in the waste space)
    Finally, my page has the 4th line taken up by the Forward and Back arrows, the web address line, and then a shorter box called iLivid Web Search with a magnifying glass and then a little box at the end of a house -- which I use all the time to go to my home page for new tabs opened
    I think it would be cool if we could easily elim all but the blue line and one more line by pushing stuff in line 3 and 4 up into line 1 (blue line) and line 2
    My much older IE version had a feature you could drag the lines up they would do what I am saying with all the lines except the blue line at the top -- then when it compressed thje info, it would just show part of title and then a little // sort of button to click to see or expand a part of the line to read it all if needed
    It seems likely this has mostly been solved but I can not seem to figure how to use the settting and buttons on my firefox page to accomplish these changes easily back and forth
    From my looking at it, these features need to be available when you right click on each line but maybe my version8 is not set up quite right
    so any and all assistance is greatly appreciated
    Cheers, G

    Found settings in on the Layout tab of the page and changed the top px from 32 to 10.
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • How do I scroll one line at a time in Lion?

    I want to upgrade to Lion but need the functionality of the scroll bar arrows. I have learned that the functionality of the arrows is part of the core operating system and is not being replaced. Any suggestions as to any add-on devices that would allow this function?

    If the program/window is not a text-based one (such as a word processor), you can usually use the up and down arrow keys to scroll up or down one line at a time.
    There are often mods to this behavior, but exactly what depends on the program. Test with the up and down arrow keys in conjunction with the usual modifier keys - Shift, Command, Option, etc.

  • How do I input multiple numbers to go to multiple variables in one line?

    I was wondering what I had to do to input 5 variables on one line. I have the program running fine, but I'm stuck at the part where it says "The numbers will be input five per line, on four lines".. Aside from poor grammar, it doesn't make any sense to me. Here's the whole question:
    Write code that will fill the array twoDArray(declared in the line of code below) with numbers typed in at the keyboard. The numbers will be input five per line, on four lines. Use the following array declaration:I don't need any immediate help with the array itself, just the input (unless the input is directly related to the array). Just in case, I'm going to post my code. This is still very messy, because I'm not done, and it's might be somewhat sloppy as I'm new to 2d arrays (in java).
    Thanks for the help.
    class darrays
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    InputStreamReader inStream = new InputStreamReader (;
    BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(inStream);
    int[][] twoDArray = new int[4][5];
    int x,y;
    String input;
    for (x = 0; x <= 3; x++)
         for (y = 0; y<=4; y++)
    input = stdin.readLine ();
    twoDArray[x][y] = Integer.parseInt (input);
    for (x = 0; x <= 3; x++)
         for (y = 0; y<=4; y++)
    System.out.print(twoDArray[x][y] + " ");

    Slightly off-topic
    When I was learning Basic (good old Kemeny & Kurtz style, when Basic was simply a simplified Fortran, not Bill Gates style) you simply have to write
    READ A, B, C, D, E
    DATA 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
    or something like
    INPUT "A", A: INPUT "B", B etc.
    In Java you are required to handle the mysteries of StringTokenizer...
    Java 1.5 is promising to make it easier:
          Scanner sc = Scanner.create(new File("myNumbers"));
          while (sc.hasNextLong()) {
              long aLong = sc.nextLong();
          }where you get the longs (decimal formatted, separated with blanks) from a text file.
    But not so easy as the good old INPUT statement.
    Even C's scanf is not so easy, because has lots of subtleties
    (when you finally mastered the esoteric art of using char* as strings, you are really fed up of char* strings, because they usually blow up due to buffer overflows or mere programmer errors, and start to use Java instead, even having to master the StringTokenizer and other classes.).

  • Multiple paragraph styles in one line

    I'm creating a training manual and I am having trouble with paragraph styles. Here's an example of what I am trying to do:
    "The Dog walks up the hill"
    In the above example, I have created a style for the bolded text and connected it my table of contents. The idea is when I create and update the TOC, "The Dog" will be the entry with the remaining text omitted from the TOC. The issue I am having is because the text is on one line, I cannot have multiple styles. I've tried writing just "The Dog" and then either changing the style or deleting the paragraph break to connect the text below to the main line. Once I erase the paragraph break and the text is on one line, only ONE style is maintained. Now, I can modify the character style; however, because the paragraph style is still the one connected to the TOC, the entire paragraph appears in the TOC.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've searched everywhere to no avail.
    Thank you very much for your support.

    ajmiddle18 wrote:
    I'm creating a training manual and I am having trouble with paragraph styles. Here's an example of what I am trying to do:
    "The Dog walks up the hill"
    In the above example, I have created a style for the bolded text and connected it my table of contents. The idea is when I create and update the TOC, "The Dog" will be the entry with the remaining text omitted from the TOC. The issue I am having is because the text is on one line, I cannot have multiple styles. I've tried writing just "The Dog" and then either changing the style or deleting the paragraph break to connect the text below to the main line. Once I erase the paragraph break and the text is on one line, only ONE style is maintained. Now, I can modify the character style; however, because the paragraph style is still the one connected to the TOC, the entire paragraph appears in the TOC.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've searched everywhere to no avail.
    Thank you very much for your support.
    It depends on the breed of dog.
    Is the paragraph always a single line?
    Is this dog the leader of the pack? IE, does the phrase you want to keep always begin the paragraph? If so, then you can separate the dog from the pack in the TOC. One way is to surround the pack with a unique character or marker in the main text, like End Nested Style Here, - one after dog, and another after hill, and create a paragraph style for the doggie paragraph to use in the TOC. This paragraph should contain a nested character style that applies microscopic text properties, like paper character color, font .1pt, and horizontal scale .1%. The TOC entries should use nested paragraph styles; the source paragraphs need you to insert the End Nested Style Here markers. The nested style definition in the TOC paragraph styles should apply no character style through the first end nested style marker, then apply microscopic through the next end nested style marker. This will shrink the walks...hill text to an invisible speck, so small that it shouldn't interfere with tab leaders and page-references.
    Another approach is to use a single-row table for the heading, with the dog pent nicely in the left cell, and the pack in the right cell. Each cell contains a paragraph, so only extract the dog to the TOC.
    Search Google for terms like "InDesign hide part of paragraph in toc knowhowpro," "InDesign suppress part of paragraph in contents knowhowpro," "InDesign two paragraph styles on one line," and similar phrases without quotes for some good discussions and a variety of approaches that include layers, anchored frames, and conditional text.
    Search Google for terms like "InDesign conditional text," and "InDesign nested paragraph styles," without quotes for details. has a long discussion that may shed some additional light.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Can there be two fields on one line?

    I want there to be two text fields on one line. Just as you would type and tab in a regular document? Or, does every field have to be below the previous?

    if you had powerline adapters then plug one beside the hub and connect with ethernet cable then plug the other where daughter works and then connect laptop with ethernet cable to powerline and then pair the powerline adapters.  laptop now has cable connection - no need for wifi security changes and faster connection for daughter as now cable
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