Need GREP expression to Find MD., PhD., FAAC. etc. but not at the end of sentence

I'm just starting to utiilize GREP a little and was trying to write an expression the would find two or more uppercase or uppercase, lowercase, uppercase combination followed by a period such as MD., Phd., FAAC. etc. I'm attempting to to find those instances and remove the period so that it reads MD, PhD, FAAC etc.
I came up with (\u\u|\u\l\u+)\. which works OK except that it also finds anything with 2-3 uppercase letters at the end of a sentence as well, which I dont' want.
I also used $1 in the change to box to capture the phrases which seems to work fine as well.
I would really just like to not find anything at the end of a sentence.
Maybe something with lookahead or lookbehind. That's confusing me as well.
Thanks for any help in advance.

pixxel schubser:
Great idea. Here is a sample of the text. I need to eliminate all the periods after the Titles but leave the commas if they are there but I don't want to remove the periods if they happen to appear at the end of sentence. Hope this is clearer. Thank you all for helping out.
Erik Wissner, MD., FACC
Sebastian Deiss, MD.
Tilman Maurer, MD.
Michael Botros, MD.
Karl-Heinz Kuck, MD., PhD., FACC
Introduction | Objectives:
Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) using magnetic navigation is feasible with similar long-term success rates, but typically more time-consuming than manual ablation. The 3. generation magnetic navigation system (EPOCH, Stereotaxis Inc., St. Louis, MI) allows for improved catheter response times potentially shortening procedure duration. We compared procedural data using the EPOCH system with previously published data from our laboratory using the 2. generation system for catheter ablation of AF.
Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) using magnetic navigation is feasible with similar long-term success rates, but typically more time-consuming than manual ablation. The 3. generation magnetic navigation system (EPOCH, Stereotaxis Inc., St. Louis, MI) allows for improved catheter response times potentially shortening procedure duration. We compared procedural data using the EPOCH system with previously published data from our laboratory using the 2. generation system for catheter ablation of AF.

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