Need help - Denes Kubicek's Autocomplete

I followed Denes autocomplete instructions but having a problem.
I'm using Apex v3.
In FF (3.0.4): When I type in a letter into the text box, the text box is getting extended as a select list but it's blank and
in IE (6.0) as I type in the letters they are turning 'Red' and no list is being displayed.
When I ran the getSearchList on Demand process code in SQL Workshop it is displaying the values.
It seems something is missing but I'm not able to figure it out, any help is greatly appreciated.
Edited by: psanjeev on Dec 4, 2008 11:30 AM

You should ask this question in the forum for APEX: Oracle Application Express (APEX)

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    Many Thanks and Happy New Year to all.

    Hi Denes,
    Thanks I logging into the "Internal" workspace and went to Home>Manage Workspaces>Manage Workspace to Schema Assignments. I see my workspace "BILLY" is assigned to schema "BILLY".
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    PLS-00201: identier 'DBMA_JAVA.GRANT_PERMISSION' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
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    sorry. my query is now:
    apex_item.hidden(11,seq_id) seq,
    apex_item.hidden (12,seq_id)||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query_XL(13,c013,'select distinct s.common_name d, s.species_itis r
    from species s, species_qc c
    where partner_id = '||:f200_issuing_agency||' and
    c.species_itis = s.species_itis order by s.common_name',
    'style="width:220px" '
    || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
    || 'f16_'
    || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0')
    || ')"',
    '- Select Species -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (seq_id,4, '0'),
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(14,c014,'select disposition_desc d, disposition_code r
    from dispositions
    where displayed = 1 order by disposition_desc') DISPOSITION_CODE,
    apex_item.text(15,c015) reported_quantity,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(16,c016,'SELECT DISTINCT unit_desc ,unit_of_measure
    FROM species_Qc s, units_of_measure u
    WHERE s.unit_of_measure = u.unit_measure
    AND species_itis = '||c013||'AND partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY,
    '- Select Unit -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(18,c018) PRICE,
    apex_item.text(19,c019) PERMIT_ID,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(20,c020,'select market_desc d, market_code r
    FROM market_categories
    where market_code in (select distinct market_code
    from species_qc
    where species_itis = '||c013||'
    and partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY||')',
    '- Select Market -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(21,c021) GRADE_CODE,
    apex_item.text(22,c022) trip_id
    from apex_collections c
    where collection_name = 'CATCH_C' and
    c.c022 = :F200_CURRENT_TRIP_ID
    apex_item.hidden(11,null) seq,
    apex_item.hidden (12,null)||
    apex_item.select_list_from_query_XL(13,0,'select distinct s.common_name d, s.species_itis r
    from species s, species_qc c
    where partner_id = '||:f200_issuing_agency||' and
    c.species_itis = s.species_itis order by s.common_name',
    'style="width:220px" '
    || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
    || 'f16_'
    || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0')
    || ')"',
    '- Select Species -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL,4, '0'),
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(14,null,'select disposition_desc d, disposition_code r
    from dispositions
    where displayed = 1 order by disposition_desc') DISPOSITION_CODE,
    apex_item.text(15,null) reported_quantity,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(16,null,'SELECT DISTINCT unit_desc ,unit_of_measure
    FROM species_Qc s, units_of_measure u
    WHERE s.unit_of_measure = u.unit_measure
    AND species_itis = '||0||'AND partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY,
    '- Select Unit -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(18,null) PRICE,
    apex_item.text(19,null) PERMIT_ID,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(20,null,'select market_desc d, market_code r
    FROM market_categories
    where market_code in (select distinct market_code
    from species_qc
    where species_itis = '||0||'
    and partner_id = '||:F200_ISSUING_AGENCY||')',
    '- Select Market -',
    'f13_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text(21,null) GRADE_CODE,
    apex_item.text(22,null) trip_id
    WHERE :request = 'ADD'
    I have two issues:
    1. the item tab_cascading_item is not populated when the value of c013 (species) is changed.
    2. I receive an error when trying to add a row to the collection. My code for doing so is:
    for i in 1..1 LOOP
    apex_collection.add_member (p_collection_name => 'CATCH_C',
    p_c013 => null,
    p_c014 => null,
    p_c015 => null,
    p_c016 => null,
    p_c017 => null,
    p_c018 => null,
    p_c019 => null,
    p_c020 => null,
    p_c021 => null,
    p_c022 => :F200_CURRENT_TRIP_ID );
    end loop;
    I am so close on getting this....any help would be appreciated.

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    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    register("P3_ENAME", "EMP", "ENAME", "blue", "red");
    register("P3_DEPT", "DEPT", "DNAME", "blue", "red");
    But that didn't work.
    Can this be done?

    Hi Denes,
    Forget my previous post.
    Here is the javascript code I placed in the Page Header:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function f_register(p_this){
              var p_this_name = $x(p_this).id;                    
              if (p_this_name == 'P3_ENAME')                         
              register("P3_ENAME", "EMP", "ENAME", "blue", "red");
              else { register("P3_DEPT", "DEPT", "DNAME", "blue", "red");
    }</script>I can't enter any data in the text field with the onFocus element.
    Not sure what I am doing wrong.

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    Although iTune terms says that all sales are final. You can try explaining to get a refund.

  • Error when running  Denes Kubicek auto complete

    First off, Denes is a genius for creating this site: This is by far the best Application Express site I've ever seen.
    Second, I'm having an issue with the Ajax Autocomplete (which is like the most awesome thing I've ever seen). Currently I'm running the 10g version so I'm not sure if that is causing the issue or what.
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    Error: html_GetElement(p_TextFieldName).parentNode is undefined
    Source File:
    Line: 20
    Error: pColor is undefined
    Source File:
    Line: 111
    Thank you for any suggestions anyone has.

    The instruction says:
    In the footer of the region where your search item
    is placed, enter the following:
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    register("P53_ENAME", "EMP", "ENAME", "blue", "red");
    My assumption is that some of the five parameters of the register function is not matching to whatever they should. You need to have those
    five and the item, table and column names have to match to the existing item, table and column. Also, blue and red are colors. The color your specified needs to be a valid color. Check your sintax.
    Thanks for calling me a genious but I am definitelly not one. The site you praise (once again thanks) is primarily a lot of work.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Need Help with Address Display

    I need help with APEX.
    Here's my situation:
    I have a report that displays brief employee information. Among the information displayed is the Address. Right now, it's display as:
    Mr X
    Employee Id
    Accounting Department
    Address 1
    Mr X
    Employee Id
    Accounting Department
    Address 2
    I would like it to display
    Mr X
    Employee Id
    Accounting Department
    Address 1
    Address 2
    1) I have thought of using the Break functionality; however, the function only allows break at column 1, 2, 3. As you can see Address starts at column 4. Also, Address has a few columns; Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zipcode.
    2) Stragg functions - I'm not sure how to implement it since it has more than 1 columns.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance

    The example I gave you, using analytic functions is a simple one.
    Now, you are saying:
    1. some of the employees may have two adresses?
    2. if this is the case, your employee appears in the report twice?
    3. you don't want his name, employee id and accounting department to appear twice?
    4. only his address has to be displayed?
    If the answer to all the questions is yes, this kind of query will help you. I repeat:
              WHEN LAG (employee_id) OVER (ORDER BY employee_id) =
                 THEN NULL
              ELSE employee_name
           END employee_name,
              WHEN LAG (employee_id) OVER (ORDER BY employee_id) =
                 THEN NULL
              ELSE employee_id
           END employee_id,
              WHEN LAG (employee_id) OVER (ORDER BY employee_id) =
                 THEN NULL
              ELSE accounting_department
           END accounting_department,
           street, postal_code, city, state, country
      FROM your_employees_table;Give it a try.
    Denes Kubicek

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    In case of a shuttle item you need to use a label with ID, and use that ID as the parameter to the $x_HideItemRow() or $x_ShowItemRow().
    The following post describe how to create a proper template for that purpose: Re: Hide and show item as per the value of select list .

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    Denes Kubicek

  • Need Help Creating Manual Tabular Form

    I am trying to use Denes Kubicek example. []
    I am not getting any errors; however, my table is not getting updated.
    Updatable Query:
    apex_item.HIDDEN(1,PE_BID) PE_BID,
    apex_item.HIDDEN(3,PE_CRN) PE_CRN,
    SUBSTR(PE_STUDENT_NAME, (INSTR(PE_STUDENT_NAME, ',') + 1),77)|| ' ' ||
    PE_ATH_CODES Sport,
    v_updatecount NUMBER := 0;
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
    SET pe_sattend = apex_application.g_f05(i),
    pe_sperform = apex_application.g_f06(i),
    pe_make_appt = apex_application.g_f07(i),
    pe_comments = apex_application.g_f08(i),
    pe_activity_date = apex_application.g_f09(i)
    WHERE pe_instructor_id = apex_application.g_f04(i)
    AND pe_bid = apex_application.g_f01(i)
    AND pe_term_code = apex_application.g_f02(i)
    AND pe_crn = apex_application.g_f03(i);
    v_updatecount := v_updatecount + 1;
    :P4_DISPLAY_COUNT := v_updatecount;
    END;I can't use the wizard because it appears to only allow for 2 primary keys. My table has 4.

    The first thing to do is concatenate the HIDDEN items in front of a displayed item:
    apex_item.HIDDEN(1,PE_BID) || apex_item.HIDDEN(2,PE_TERM_CODE) || apex_item.HIDDEN(3,PE_CRN) || apex_item.HIDDEN(4,PE_INSTRUCTOR_ID) || PE_BID PE_BID_DISPLAY,
    ..etc..That way, you don't have to worry about the first 4 columns in the report.
    Then you need to double-check that the process is actually being run. Immediately after the BEGIN line, enter:
    raise_application_error(apex_application.g_f01(1));When you submit the page, you should get an error showing the PE_BID value in the first row. If you don't get the error, then the process isn't being run - in which case, check the process to (A) make sure it is triggered by the Submit button and (B) is before any other sequence (especially if you have a "reset page" process). If you do get the error, but there is no value shown, then f01(1) isn't pointing to the PE_BID value - in which case, you should do a View Source on the loaded page and check for input items with a name attribute of "f01". If you get the error and the value is correct, then remove the above line and let the process run - it could be that concatenated the columns may resolve the issue. If, after all that, the process still won't save the data, let us know.

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    I am in need of a PXI card that can output between +/-2000mv (2V) for
    calibration purposes. Does anyone know of a card that will do this or
    do I need to get a blank board and some DAC's and make it myself.
    Ideally this should be a cheap (ish) card ideally under £1000.
    Anyhelp wouuld be greatly appreciated as this is a stumbling block for
    the project I am currently working on.
    All the best
    Adam Walker

    Thankyou for your help Dennis it has been very helpful.
    Dennis Knutson wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > NI sells several PXI cards with your voltage specification. Go the PXI
    > measurements page
    > href="〈=US">here
    > and browse through either the E series or Analog Output sections to
    > find the product with the right price and specifications. Lower prices
    > usually means lower accuracy and resolution and that's typically not
    > what you want for a calibration source. Also, the magazine PXI
    > Technology Review just published a buyers guide. You can go to their
    > website at and check to see if there are links to
    > o
    ther manufacturers.

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    try these steps here
    I had the same problem, i restored mine now it works fine (restoring erases all contents on iPod)

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    then double click on the screen to make it start

    Pardon my ASCII art, but I've always liked the following, simple, geometric proof:
         a                   b
    |       |                                |
    a|   I   |              II                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    b|  IV   |              III               |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    |       |                                |
    ---------------------------------------+It almost goes without saying that I+II+III+IV == (a+b)^2, and II == IV == a*b,
    I == a*a and III == b*b, showing that (a+b)^2 == a^2+a*b+a*b+b^2.
    I hope the following sketch makes sense, stand back, ASCII art alert again:     a                   b
    |               .             VI         |
    |     .                 .                |a
    | V                               .      |
    |                                        +
    |                                        |
    |   .                                    |
    b|                                     .  |
    |                                        |
    |                  IX                    |
    | .                                      |
    |                                    .   |b
    |                                        |
    +                                        |
    |      .                                 |
    a|               .                  . VII |
    |  VIII                   .              |
                     a                    bThe total area equals (a+b)^2 again and equals the sum of the smaller areas:
    (a+b)^2 == V+VI+VII+VIII+IX. Let area IX be c^2 for whatever c may be.
    V+VII == VI+VIII == a*b, so a^2+b^2+2*ab= c^2+2*a*b; IOW a^2+b^2 == c^2
    Given this fundamental result, the others can easily be derived from this one,
    or did I answer a question you didn't ask?
    kind regards,

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    What file format did you export it to?

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    Please help me on what to do.

    Audio and video are not currently support on Adobe Reader. :-<
    You need to buy a PDF reader that supports them. My suggestion is PDF Expert from Readdle ($US 9.99)

Maybe you are looking for

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