Need help in R12 to reassign AR invoices to different operating unit

Hi all,
We need to inactivate certain operating unit A but there are open AR invoices under the oper unit. There are no receipts these AR invoices and they are not in GL yet. We need a way to reassign these invoices to a different operating unit B. Any suggestions on how to do that?

Hi all,
We need to inactivate certain operating unit A but there are open AR invoices under the oper unit. There are no receipts these AR invoices and they are not in GL yet. We need a way to reassign these invoices to a different operating unit B. Any suggestions on how to do that?

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    Hi Viral,
    Sorry, this is not the exact Solution which we are looking for.
    Could anyone provide us witha solution or help us in providing the exact functionality of this Address API.

  • R12/AR :Invalid location structure for this operating unit

    Hi all,
    In AR Responsability: Set up / Tax / Location ............Error:Invalid location structure for this operating unit.
    Whats wrong???

    Which version you are in?
    If in R12, Have you done setups in E-Business Tax first?
    Also check Key flexfields of AR.
    Edited by: K Sridhar on Jun 14, 2009 12:40 PM

  • Need Help on powershell Script to send mails in different languages

    Hello, Just wanted to use the script below to remind users of password expiry date (I got it from internet New-Passwordreminder.ps1). We have companies in many countries, so the email should be in the language of that country. So since our users are in different
    OU's according to countries, I thought some one could help me edit this script and say if the user is in AB ou then email in english will be sent, if in BC ou then the email will be in Russian....So in the script I will have all the languages I need
    to have written.
      Notifies users that their password is about to expire.
        Let's users know their password will soon expire. Details the steps needed to change their password, and advises on what the password policy requires. Accounts for both standard Default Domain Policy based password policy and the fine grain
    password policy available in 2008 domains.
        Version            : v2.6 - See changelog at
        Wish list      : Better detection of Exchange server
                  : Set $DaysToWarn automatically based on Default Domain GPO setting
                  : Description for scheduled task
                  : Verify it's running on R2, as apparently only R2 has the AD commands?
                  : Determine password policy settings for FGPP users
                  : better logging
        Rights Required   : local admin on server it's running on
        Sched Task Req'd  : Yes - install mode will automatically create scheduled task
        Lync Version    : N/A
        Exchange Version  : 2007 or later
        Author           : M. Ali (original AD query), Pat Richard, Exchange MVP
        Email/Blog/Twitter :
    [email protected] @patrichard
        Dedicated Post   :
        Disclaimer       : You running this script means you won't blame me if this breaks your stuff.
        Info Stolen from   : (original)
                  : (date)
                : (calculating time)
                : (password decryption)
                : (determine per user fine grained password settings)
      None. You cannot pipe objects to this script
      Runs the script in demo mode. No emails are sent to the user(s), and onscreen output includes those who are expiring soon.
    .PARAMETER Preview
      Sends a sample email to the user specified. Usefull for testing how the reminder email looks.
    .PARAMETER PreviewUser
      User name of user to send the preview email message to.
    .PARAMETER Install
      Create the scheduled task to run the script daily. It does NOT create the required Exchange receive connector.
      Searches Active Directory for users who have passwords expiring soon, and emails them a reminder with instructions on how to change their password.
      .\New-PasswordReminder.ps1 -demo
      Searches Active Directory for users who have passwords expiring soon, and lists those users on the screen, along with days till expiration and policy setting
      .\New-PasswordReminder.ps1 -Preview -PreviewUser [username]
      Sends the HTML formatted email of the user specified via -PreviewUser. This is used to see what the HTML email will look like to the users.
      .\New-PasswordReminder.ps1 -install
      Creates the scheduled task for the script to run everyday at 6am. It will prompt for the password for the currently logged on user. It does NOT create the required Exchange receive connector.
    #Requires -Version 2.0
    [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
     [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
     [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
     [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
     [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
    Write-Verbose "Setting variables"
    [string]$Company = "Contoso Ltd"
    [string]$OwaUrl = ""
    [string]$PSEmailServer = ""
    [string]$EmailFrom = "Help Desk <[email protected]>"
    [string]$HelpDeskPhone = "(586) 555-1010"
    [string]$HelpDeskURL = ""
    [string]$TranscriptFilename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + " " + $env:ComputerName + " {0:yyyy-MM-dd hh-mmtt}.log" -f (Get-Date)
    [int]$global:UsersNotified = 0
    [int]$DaysToWarn = 14
    [string]$ImagePath = ""
    [string]$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    [string]$ScriptPathAndName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    [string]$DateFormat = "d"
    if ($PreviewUser){
     $Preview = $true
    Write-Verbose "Defining functions"
    function Set-ModuleStatus {
     [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
     param (
      [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "No module name specified!")]
     if(!(Get-Module -name "$name")) {
      if(Get-Module -ListAvailable | ? {$ -eq "$name"}) {
       Import-Module -Name "$name"
       # module was imported
       return $true
      } else {
       # module was not available (Windows feature isn't installed)
       return $false
     }else {
      # module was already imported
      return $true
    } # end function Set-ModuleStatus
    function Remove-ScriptVariables { 
     [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
     $result = Get-Content $path | 
     ForEach { if ( $_ -match '(\$.*?)\s*=') {     
       $matches[1]  | ? { $_ -notlike '*.*' -and $_ -notmatch 'result' -and $_ -notmatch 'env:'} 
     ForEach ($v in ($result | Sort-Object | Get-Unique)){  
      Remove-Variable ($v.replace("$","")) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    } # end function Get-ScriptVariables
    function Install {
     [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
     Write-Host "Creating scheduled task `"$ScriptName`"..."
     $TaskPassword = Read-Host "Please enter the password for $env:UserDomain\$env:UserName" -AsSecureString
     $TaskPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($TaskPassword))
     # need to fix the issue with spaces in the path
     schtasks /create /tn $ScriptName /tr "$env:windir\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile '$env:ExchangeInstallPath\Bin\exshell.psc1' -command $ScriptPathAndName" /sc Daily /st 06:00 /ru $env:UserDomain\$env:UserName /rp
    $TaskPassword | Out-Null
     if (!($error)){
      Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor green
      Write-Host "failed!" -ForegroundColor red
    } # end function Install
    function Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate {
     [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
     Param (
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Identity of the Account")]
     PROCESS {
      Write-Verbose "Getting the user info for $accountIdentity"
      $accountObj = Get-ADUser $accountIdentity -properties PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordLastSet, name, mail
      # Make sure the password is not expired, and the account is not set to never expire
        Write-Verbose "verifying that the password is not expired, and the user is not set to PasswordNeverExpires"
        if (((!($accountObj.PasswordExpired)) -and (!($accountObj.PasswordNeverExpires))) -or ($PreviewUser)) {
         Write-Verbose "Verifying if the date the password was last set is available"
         $passwordSetDate = $accountObj.PasswordLastSet      
          if ($passwordSetDate -ne $null) {
           $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $null
            # see if we're at Windows2008 domain functional level, which supports granular password policies
            Write-Verbose "Determining domain functional level"
            if ($global:dfl -ge 4) { # 2008 Domain functional level
              $accountFGPP = Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy $accountObj
              if ($accountFGPP -ne $null) {
               $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $accountFGPP.MaxPasswordAge
         } else {
          $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
        } else { # 2003 or ealier Domain Functional Level
         $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
        if ($maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan -eq $null -or $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds -ne 0) {
         $DaysTillExpire = [math]::round(((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End ($passwordSetDate + $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan)).TotalDays),0)
         if ($preview){$DaysTillExpire = 1}
         if ($DaysTillExpire -le $DaysToWarn){
          Write-Verbose "User should receive email"
          $PolicyDays = [math]::round((($maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan).TotalDays),0)
          if ($demo) {Write-Host ("{0,-25}{1,-8}{2,-12}" -f $accountObj.Name, $DaysTillExpire, $PolicyDays)}
                # start assembling email to user here
          $EmailName = $accountObj.Name      
          $DateofExpiration = (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysTillExpire)
          $DateofExpiration = (Get-Date($DateofExpiration) -f $DateFormat)      
    Write-Verbose "Assembling email message"      
    [string]$emailbody = @"
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
     <table id="email" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="655" align="center">
       <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="46" height="28" align="absMiddle">
    if ($HelpDeskURL){     
    $emailbody += @" 
       <font style="font-size: 10px; color: #000000; line-height: 16px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">If this e-mail does not appear properly, please <a href="$HelpDeskURL" style="font-weight:
    bold; font-size: 10px; color: #cc0000; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: underline">click here</a>.</font>
    $emailbody += @"   
    if ($HelpDeskURL){  
    $emailbody += @"
       <td height="121" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href="$HelpDeskURL"><img src="$ImagePath/header.gif" border="0" alt="Description: $ImagePath/header.gif"
    width="655" height="121"></a></td>
    $emailbody += @" 
       <td height="121" align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="$ImagePath/header.gif" border="0" alt="Description: $ImagePath/header.gif" width="655" height="121"></td>
    $emailbody += @"
        <table id="body" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td width="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#a8a9ad"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer50.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer50.gif" width="1"
          <td><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="46" height="106"></td>
          <td id="text" width="572" align="left" valign="top" style="font-size: 12px; color: #000000; line-height: 17px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    if ($DaysTillExpire -le 1){
     $emailbody += @"
      <div align='center'>
       <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='width:510px; background-color: white; border: 0px;'>
         <td align='right'><img width='36' height='28' src='$ImagePath/image001b.gif' alt='Description: $ImagePath/image001b.gif'></td> 
         <td style="font-family: verdana; background: #E12C10; text-align: center; padding: 0px; font-size: 9.0pt; color: white">ALERT: You must change your password today or you will be locked out!</td>  
         <td align='left'><img border='0' width='14' height='28' src='$ImagePath/image005b.gif' alt='Description: $ImagePath/image005b.gif'></td>
    $emailbody += @"
       <p style="font-weight: bold">Hello, $EmailName,</p>
       <p>It's change time again! Your $company password expires in <span style="background-color: red; color: white; font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;$DaysTillExpire&nbsp;</span> day(s), on $DateofExpiration.</p>
       <p>Please use one of the methods below to update your password:</p>
        <li>$company office computers and Terminal Server users: You may update your password on your computer by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete and selecting 'Change Password' from the available options. If you use a $company laptop in addition
    to a desktop PC, be sure and read #3 below.</li>
        <li>Remote Outlook Client, Mac, and/or Outlook Web App users: If you only access our email system, please use the following method to easily change your password:</li>
         <li>Log into <a href="$owaurl">Outlook Web App</a> using Internet Explorer (PC) or Safari or Firefox (Mac).</li>
         <li>Click on the Options button in the upper right corner of the page.</li>  
         <li>Select the &quot;Change Password&quot; link to change your password.</li>
         <li>Enter your current password, then your new password twice, and click Save</li>
         <li><span style="font-weight: bold">NOTE:</span> You will now need to use your new password when logging into Outlook Web App, Outlook 2010, SharePoint, Windows Mobile (ActiveSync) devices, etc. Blackberry
    Enterprise Users (BES) will not need to update their password. Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) users will be required to use their new password on their device.</li>
        <li>$company issued laptops: If you have been issued a $company laptop, you must be in a corporate office and directly connected to the company network to change your password. If you also use a desktop PC in the office, you must
    remember to always update your domain password on the laptop first. Your desktop will automatically use the new password.</li>
         <li>Log in on laptop</li>
         <li>Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and select 'Change Password' from the available options.</li>
         <li>Make sure your workstation (if you have one) has been logged off any previous sessions so as to not cause conflict with your new password.</li>
       <p>Think you've got a complex password? Run it through the <a href="The">">The Password Meter</a></p>
       <p>Think your password couldn't easily be hacked? See how long it would take: <a href="How">">How Secure Is My Password</a></p>
       <p>Remember, if you do not change your password before it expires on $DateofExpiration, you will be locked out of all $company Computer Systems until an Administrator unlocks your account.</p>
       <p>If you are traveling or will not be able to bring your laptop into the office before your password expires, please call the number below for additional instructions.</p>
       <p>You will continue to receive these emails daily until the password is changed or expires.</p>
       <p>Thank you,<br />
       The $company Help Desk<br />
    if ($accountFGPP -eq $null){
     $emailbody += @"
       <table style="background-color: #dedede; border: 1px solid black">
         <td style="font-size: 12px; color: #000000; line-height: 17px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>$company Password Policy</b>
           <li>Your password must have a minimum of a $MinPasswordLength characters.</li>
           <li>You may not use a previous password.</li>
           <li>Your password must not contain parts of your first, last, or logon name.</li>
           <li>Your password must be changed every $PolicyDays days.</li>
    if ($PasswordComplexity){
     Write-Verbose "Password complexity"
     $emailbody += @"
           <li>Your password requires a minimum of two of the following three categories:</li>
            <li>1 upper case character (A-Z)</li>
            <li>1 lower case character (a-z)</li>
            <li>1 numeric character (0-9)</li>        
    $emailbody += @"
           <li>You may not reuse any of your last $PasswordHistory passwords</li>
    $emailbody += @"        
           <td width="49" align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer50.gif" alt="" width="49" height="50"></td>
           <td width="1" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#a8a9ad"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer50.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer50.gif" width="1"
         <table id="footer" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="655">
           <td><img src="$ImagePath/footer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/footer.gif" width="655" height="81"></td>
         <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="655" align="center">
           <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="36" height="1"></td>
           <td align="middle" valign="top"><font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#000000"><p>This email was sent by an automated process.
    if ($HelpDeskURL){
    $emailbody += @"               
           If you would like to comment on it, please visit <a href="$HelpDeskURL"><font color="#ff0000"><u>click here</u></font></a>
    $emailbody += @"               
            </p><p style="color: #009900;"><font face="Webdings" size="4">P</font> Please consider the environment before printing this email.</p></font>
           <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$ImagePath/spacer.gif" alt="Description: $ImagePath/spacer.gif" width="36" height="1"></td>
          if (!($demo)){
           $emailto = $accountObj.mail
           if ($emailto){
            Write-Verbose "Sending demo message to $emailto"
            Send-MailMessage -To $emailto -Subject "Your password expires in $DaysTillExpire day(s)" -Body $emailbody -From $EmailFrom -Priority High -BodyAsHtml
            Write-Verbose "Can not email this user. Email address is blank"
    } # end function Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate
    if ($install){
     Write-Verbose "Install mode"
    Write-Verbose "Checking for ActiveDirectory module"
    if ((Set-ModuleStatus ActiveDirectory) -eq $false){
     Write-Host "Installing the Active Directory module..." -ForegroundColor yellow
     Set-ModuleStatus ServerManager
     Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
     if ($error){
      Write-Host "Active Directory module could not be installed. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor red;
      if ($transcript){Stop-Transcript}
    Write-Verbose "Getting Domain functional level"
    $global:dfl = (Get-AdDomain).DomainMode
    # Get-ADUser -filter * -properties PasswordLastSet,EmailAddress,GivenName -SearchBase "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=test" |foreach {
    if (!($PreviewUser)){
     if ($ou){
      Write-Verbose "Filtering users to $ou"
      $users = Get-AdUser -filter * -SearchScope subtree -SearchBase $ou -ResultSetSize $null
      $users = Get-AdUser -filter * -ResultSetSize $null
     Write-Verbose "Preview mode"
     $users = Get-AdUser $PreviewUser
    if ($demo){
     Write-Verbose "Demo mode"
     # $WhatIfPreference = $true
     Write-Host "`n"
     Write-Host ("{0,-25}{1,-8}{2,-12}" -f "User", "Expires", "Policy") -ForegroundColor cyan
     Write-Host ("{0,-25}{1,-8}{2,-12}" -f "========================", "=======", "===========") -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Verbose "Setting event log configuration"
    $evt = new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application")
    $evt.Source = $ScriptName
    $infoevent = [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information
    $EventLogText = "Beginning processing"
    Write-Verbose "Getting password policy configuration"
    $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy = Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy
    [int]$MinPasswordLength = $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy.MinPasswordLength
    # this needs to look for FGPP, and then default to this if it doesn't exist
    [bool]$PasswordComplexity = $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy.ComplexityEnabled
    [int]$PasswordHistory = $DefaultDomainPasswordPolicy.PasswordHistoryCount
    ForEach ($user in $users){
     Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate $user.samaccountname
    Write-Verbose "Writing summary event log entry"
    $EventLogText = "Finished processing $global:UsersNotified account(s). `n`nFor more information about this script, run Get-Help .\$ScriptName. See the blog post at"
    # $WhatIfPreference = $false
    # Remove-ScriptVariables -path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    Remove-ScriptVariables -path $ScriptPathAndName

    Hi petro_jemes,
    Just a little claritification, you need to add the value to the variable "[string]$ou", and also change the language in the variable "$emailbody" in the function "Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate".
    I hope this helps.

  • Needs help.....Please about using different classes

    I don't know how to use differenet classes.
    Please tell me how to write class to suit Start. This stuff me up. Please .... help me
    <<My program>>
    public class Start
    {  private Artist[] Artists;
    private Record[] records;
    private Person[] Manager;
    private TextMenu makeMenu = new TextMenu();
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Start studio = new Start();;
    public Start()
    {  //Person.Manager(ManagerName,HouseNumber,StreetNumber,PhoneNumber)
         Manager = new Person[1];
         Manager[0] = new Person("Yangfan",88,"Young ST",11118888);
         Artists = new Artist[5];
    Artists[0] = new Artist(1,"Backstreet Boys",58,"Music ST",99998888);
    Artists[1] = new Artist(2,"Santana",68,"Music ST",99998899);
    Artists[2] = new Artist(3,"Macy Gray",78,"Music ST",55558888);
    Artists[3] = new Artist(4,"Ricky Martin",88,"Music AVE",77778888);
    Artists[4] = new Artist(5,"Did Rock",55,"Music Road",66667777);
    records = new Record[6];
    records[0] = new Record(1,"I want it that way",Artists[0],11,12,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],Artists[3]);
    records[1] = new Record(2,"Smooth",Artists[1],11,12,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],"");
    records[2] = new Record(3,"Do something",Artists[2],11,"05/08/2001",Artists[3],"");
    records[3] = new Record(4,"Livin La Vida Loca",Artists[3],11,12,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],Artists[3]);
    records[4] = new Record(5,"Bawitdaba",Artists[4],11,13,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],"");
    records[5] = new Record(6,"The one",Artists[0],11,14,"05/08/2001",Artists[1],"");
    public void menu()
    {  String[] choices = {">>>List Manager Details",">>>List All Artist Names",">>>List An Artist Telephone-Number",">>>Show Details For One Recording",">>>Add A New Recording",">>>List The Recording Costs For All Artists",">>>List Artist's Reocording",">>>Exit Program"};
    while (true)
    {  switch (makeMenu.getChoice(choices))
    {  case 1: showAllArtists();
    case 2: showAllRecords();
    case 3: System.exit(0);
    case 4: System.exit(0);
    case 5: System.exit(0);
    case 6: System.exit(0);
    case 7: System.exit(0);
    case 8: System.exit(0);
    public void showAllArtists()
    {  int numArtists = Artists.length;
    for(int i = 0; i < numArtists; i++)
    {  Artists[i].displayArtistDetails();
    public void showAllRecords()
    {  for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
    {  System.out.println();
    Due - midnight, Wednesday August 22nd
    This assignment will test your knowledge of Java programming using classes, encapsulation and javadoc.
    The base requirements
    Write a complete Java class to manage a Digital Recording Studio. The studio wants to keep a list of all Artists that use the studio and also wishes to keep track of all Recordings that have been made. An important function of the program is to calculate the time spent making a recording and charge the Artist for the time used.
    You must create at least the following classes, Start, Studio, Person, Artist, Recording, Address. You may create other classes if needed as well
    Start will contain main(), create one instance of a Studio and execute a Menu of commands to test your code. Studio should contain a studio name, an array of Artist and an array of Recording plus the studio manager (a Person). Each Artist should contain the name of the group and an Address. Each Person will have a name and a home address. Each recording will have a Title (usually song title), an Artist (only one), and a list of guestArtist (they are Artist�s but will not receive royalties) the number of the CD the recording is stored on (numbers are numerical and recordings are saved on CD-R), plus the recording start and finish times for the recording session (suggest you use Java Date class � refer to the API). An Address will contain, house number (integers only), a street name and a telephone number. There is no need to store city and country.
    To enter a set of data for testing your program � main() should call a method in the Start class that will fill in a set of values by creating objects and filling in values by calling methods in each class. This is the ONLY method allowed to be longer than 1 page long � normally we would read the data from a file but there are no O-O principles that can be learnt with simply filling in data values. It is suggested to create say at least 4 Artist�s and 6 Recordings (at least one with 1 guest Artist and one with 2 guestArtist�s)
    A menu for testing your program should be provided (it is suggested to put the Menu into a separate class as you need at least 3 menus). While other commands are possible, only the following ones will receive marks.
    Menu commands needed are
    List the Managers name, address and telephone number
    List all Artist Names
    List an Artist telephone number (a sub menu showing valid Artist�s is required)
    Show all details for one Recording ( sub menu of valid Recordings will be needed and remember there can be more than one guestArtist)
    Add a new Recording, user will need to be prompted for all details.
    List the recording costs for all Artists � show each Artist on a separate line with their name and total amount, charge for using the studio is $1000 per hour or part thereof, example for a 1 hour and 10 minute recording the Artist will be billed for 2 hours.
    List all the Recording�s one Artist has worked on (sub menu of Artists needed), the list should show whether they were the Artist or a guestArtist
    Exit program
    Use fixed sizes for arrays, suggest 20 is suitable for all arrays. Java can handle dynamic data structures (where the number of elements can grow or shrink), but that is beyond a first assignment.
    Do NOT make ANY methods static - this defeats the Object Oriented approach and will result in ZERO marks for the entire assignment.
    Data MUST be encapsulated, this means that all the data relating to an object are to be stored INSIDE an object. None of the data detail is to be globally available within your program - hence do not store Artist names in either Studio or Recordings � just store a reference instead. Do NOT create ID numbers for Artists, you should use References instead � for many students this will be the hardest part as you have to use Objects, not program in a C style to solve the problem. Note that if there are any non-private data in classes then zero will given for marks for encapsulation.
    Good programming style is expected (see web page or lecture notes). In particular, you must use javadoc to generate a set of html pages for your classes. Make sure you use the special javadoc style comments in your source code. Marks will be granted for both using javadoc and also for including sensible javadoc comments on each class and each public method.
    What to Hand In
    Read the turnin page, basically the .java files, a readme.txt to tell the marker which file the program starts from plus the javadoc (html) files. Do NOT send .class files (if you do send these we will delete them and recompile your program), do NOT compress with gtar, tar, zip or use any other tool on your files. Turnin automatically compresses all your files into a single archive for us to mark.
    The simplest way to turnin all your files is to place all files in one directory then just use the *.* wildcard to turn in all files within that one directory.
    You must turnin all files that are not part of Java 1.3. In particular, you are allowed (actually encouraged) to use EasyIn or SavitchIn but should include the one you use in the files you submit. It is STRONGLY suggested that you copy all the files into another directory, test it works there by compiling and executing then turnin files from that directory. A common problem is students adding comments at the last minute then not testing if it still compiles. The assignment will be marked as submitted � no asking later for leniency because you added comments at the last minute and failed to check if it still worked.
    If the tutors are unable to compile your submission, they will mark the source code but you will lose all the execution marks. Sorry, but it is your responsibility to test then hand in all files.
    For CS807 students, this program should be fairly easy if it was to be programmed in C (you would use several struct). The real art here is to change over to programming objects. Data is contained in an object and is not global. This idea is essential to using Java effectively and is termed encapsulation. Instead of using function(data), you use objectName.method( ). Effectively you switch the data and functions around, the data has a method (function) attached to it, not the other way around as in C (where you have a function and send data to it).
    While there will be some marks for execution, the majority of the marks will be given for how well you write your code (including comments and documentation) and for how well you used O-O principles. Programs written in a C style with most of the code in one class or using static will receive ZERO marks regardless of how well they work.
    You are responsible for checking your turnin by reading the messages turnin responds with. Failure to read these messages will not be an acceptable excuse for submitting an incorrect assignment. About 2% of assignments sent to turnin are unreadable (usually empty) and obtain 0.
    Late submissions
    Late submissions will only be accepted with valid reasons for being late. All requests for assignment extensions must be made via email to the lecturer. Replies for acceptance or refusal will made by email. Instant replies are unrealistic (there is usually a flood of queries into my mail box around assignment due dates) and the best advice is to ask at least 4 days in advance so that you will have a reasonable chance of getting a timely reply and allow yourself enough time to submit something on time if the extension is not granted.
    ALL late submissions will be marked LAST and will NOT be sent to tutors for marking until all other assignments have been marked. As an example, if you submit late and your assignment is not yet marked by the time assignment 2 is due then it will be pushed to the end of the marking pile as the assignments that were submitted on time for assignment 2 will take priority.
    If you make a second submission after the submission date, only the first submission will be marked. We will not mark assignments twice! You can update your submission BEFORE the submission date if you need to - this will just overwrite the first submission. The latest time for a late submission is 5pm on the Wednesday after the due date. This is because, either a solution will be handed out at that lecture or details of the assignment will be discussed at the lecture. I cannot accept any assignment submissions after that time for any reason at all including medical or other valid reasons. For those who are given permission to be later than the maximum submission time � a different assignment will be handed out. Remember, if you decide to submit late you are VERY UNLIKELY to receive feedback on your assignments during semester.
    Assignments will be removed from turnin and archived elsewhere then forwarded to tutors for marking on the morning after the assignment is due. A different tutor will mark each of your assignments � do not expect the tutor you see at the tutorials to be your marker.
    Marks will be returned via email to your computer science yallara account � ideally within 2 weeks. I will send marks out when I receive them so do not send email asking where your marks are just because a friend has theirs. If you want your email forwarded to an external account, then place a valid .forward file into your yallara account. The Help Desk on level 10 can assist you in setting this up if you do not know how to do it.

    I have seen other people who have blatantly asked for
    other people to do their homework for them, but you
    are the first person I've seen to actually cut and
    paste the entire assignment as it was handed to you.
    Well, unlike some of the people you're talking about, it seems like zyangfan did at least take a stab at it himself, and does have a question that is somewhat more sepcific that "please do this homework for me."
    marendoj is right, though. Posting the entire assignment is kind of tacky. If you want to post some of it to show us what you're trying to do, please trim it down to the essential points. We don't need to see all the instructor's policies and such.
    Anyway, let me see if I understand what you're asking. You said that you know how to write the code, but only by putting it all in one class, is that right? What part about using separate classes do you not understand? Do you not know how to make code in one class aware that the other class exists? Do you not know how code in class A can call a method in class B?
    Please be a bit more specifice about what you don't understand. And at least try using multiple classes, then when you can't figure out why something doesn't work, explain what you did, and what you think should have happened, and what did happen instead.
    To get you started on the basics (and this should have been covered in your course), you write the code for two classes just like for one class. That is, for class A, you create a file and compile it to A.class. For class B, you create a file and compile it to B.class. Given how rudimentary you question is, we'll skip packages for now. Just put all your class files in the same directory, and don't declare packages in the .java files.
    To call a method in class B from code that's in class A, you'll need an object of class B. You instantiate a B, and then call its methods.
    public class B {
      int count;
      public B() { // constructor
      public void increment() {
    public class A {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        B b = new B();
    }Is this what you were asking?

  • Need help: Problems with exported Dreamweaver html file in different browsers

    I'm trying to send out a newsletter, and had our designer create it in Dreamweaver, and then export and html file which we uploaded.  For some reason it looks wrong on Mac's, Gmail, and a few issues with Outlook.  Does anyone know how to help with this, or had to work around this problem in the past?
    I've attached our html file as well.
    We're an eco startup with limited time and budget - so any help you have would be so appreciated.
    Thank you!!

            World Centric Monthly Newsletter   August 2009     
    Palo Alto Joins the Ban Against          
             Non-Recyclable Materials
           This Spring, Palo Alto joined the list of more than 30 cities and counties in California who are making good on their efforts toward reducing their greenhouse gas emissions
           by enacting partial or comprehensive bans on polystyrene (PS) foam and/or non-recyclable disposable foodservice containers. Around the same time, a California statewide ban on the use of PS containers was tabled before reaching the State Assembly floor. Representative
           Jerry Hill, one of AB 1358’s sponsors, pulled the bill due
           to concerns addressed in the Appropriations committee hearing of the bill, regarding the fiscal impacts which
           were not addressed in bill’s contents.
           Largely represented by the California Restaurant Association, opponents of AB 1358 lobbied legislative representatives and argued there would be a negative fiscal impact on struggling restaurant owners and their customers in order to accommodate the more expensive alternatives to PS containers.     There are the unquantifiable and “hidden” costs of contaminating our bodies and environment which would far surpass the fiscal impact on the plastics, restaurants and consumer industries. Studies published by the Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education have indicated that varying levels of styrene residues
             are present in 100% of all human fat tissue in the
             United States, as PS products are found to lose weight after in contact with hot or fatty/acidic foods and liquids, causing migration of the styrene into the food or fluid, ending up in the human body. On the high end, the levels were “one third of levels known to cause neurotoxic symptoms”. In the environment,
             PS is rarely recycled and does not biodegrade.     Supporting safer alternatives to polystyrene, in addition to the collection infrastructure and processing mechanisms for the compostable and recyclable products would help create more green jobs in the long run and would be a move in the right direction away from unnecessary harm
           to our health, our communities and our world. Keep your eyes open for a revised version of AB 1358 in Spring 2010!     For more information about polystyrene
           visit Earth Resource.     For a partial energy, emissions and water analysis
           of polystyrene and its alternatives visit our website.           World Centric Compostable
             Hot Cup Lid
             World Centric is pleased to announce we now offer a fully compostable hot cup lid that
             fits our 10oz, 12oz, 16oz,
             and 20oz paper hot cups.
           The lids can be ordered in cases of 1000 or packs of 100.
           For more information or to order, please visit our website.           This Month
             We’d Like to Applaud
           Project Open Hand
           San Francisco's non-profit
           organization that prepares and delivers food to seniors, people living with HIV and homebound critically-ill residents. For nearly 25-years Project Open Hand has been providing “meals with love” to local residents in need of help and care in
           California’s San Francisco and Alameda counties.
           Programs include meals, groceries and nutrition information as well as education and referral programs
           for all of the people served. A staff dietitian also visits several sites per week to speak with seniors and critically ill local residents about the importance of eating well
           and staying healthy.
           Project Open Hand continues to serve nearly 800,000 annually and has served as a model for over 100 organizations across the United States and the world.
           If you are interested in making a donation,
           please visit Project Open Hand.
           Help Project Open Hand continue to do what it
           does best – deliver quality food to those in need.           
    “World Centric has gone
               about every aspect of
               business in the most
               sustainable of ways. 
               It is a model for socially
               responsible business.”
               Ari Patz
                   Industry Trends
               Although PLA is a sustainable alternative to a petrochemical-
               derived product, its limitation has
               been not only its cost, but its inability
               to maintain structural integrity in hot temperatures and humid conditions because of its low melting pint.
               However, researchers at Teijin
               (formerly in partnership with Cargill)
               have improved their plant-based
               ‘Biofront’ PLA polymer to be able
               to withstand higher temperatures –
               by modifying its hydrolytic resistance.
             Get more information here.                          
                   Get Great Deals!
                   Check out our clearence items.
                   Did you know?
               Styrene can leach from polystyrene.
               Over the long term, this can act as
               a neurotoxin. Studies on animals
               report harmful effects of styrene
               on red-blood cells, the liver, kidney,
               and stomach organs.
               US Environmental Protection Agency (1992) “Styrene”. Air Toxics Website.                          
                   Where to Find us:
                   CRRA Conference
                   August 2 - 5
                   Palm Desert
                          Western Foodservice
    & Hospitality Expo
                 August 30 - September 1
              Livable Green
                 September 19
    San Mateo                                
         Find us:            World Centric
    2121 Staunton Ct. Palo Alto, CA
    You are subscribed as <[email protected]>. Click here to manage your email subscription preferences.
    Click here or reply to this email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject to unsubscribe from this list or if you feel you have received this message in error.
    This message was sent from World Centric 2121 Staunton Ct Palo Alto CA 94306 United States. Click here to report email abuse.
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  • Need Help!!! Trying to sum 3 different table subtotals on one page

    I followed an example of how to create an expandable table (purchase order style with drop-down menu) and I was not able to conitune the form on pages 2 through 3.  So I duplicated the first table on the pages 2 and 3; and renamed the number index to correspond to the first table.  However, I need the subtotal of each page to be added in the Grand Total on Page 4 but thus far I have not found a formula that works.  I have changed the binding name to reflect each different formula but no luck yet.  I am willing to attach the file so that anyone can see what I have done.  Thanks for your help!

    You can upload your form to and share a link for us to download your file.

  • Need help to see if I can use 2 different Ipods on same computer....

    I recently updated from my Ipod shuffel to a Nano. The software automatically updated my computer when I pluged in the new one, but I have given my son my shuffle and have not been able to get it to work on my home computer, can I update his on my computer that I use for my nano?

    The ca-55 was the only adaptor to convert a car-k91 to pop port, you can not change it to another type of connector, you will have to buy a new kit.
    Danny b
    Nokia Accredited Installer
    If my answers help you, give me a Kudos. Its like a pat on the back.

  • I NEED HELP: accessing 2 forms in secuence, with 2 different users

    I have this problem:
    I run a FORM call MENU-PPAL, with the user PAUL.
    While in MENU-PPAL, I click on the option CUSTOMERS, that runs the form CUSTOMERS,
    but ...
    BEFORE running the form CUSTOMERS, I need to re-connect to the database with the user ADMIN and then run the form CUSTOMERS.
    And also, after the execution of CUSTOMERS, I need to re-connect again with PAUL while returning to the form MENU-PPAL.
    Any ideas how to do it?
    Sample code:
    In form MENU_PPAL
    CONNECT admin/admin;
    CONNECT paul/paul;

    All this thing to have 2 users and reconnect is because I don't want any users to connect to same tables on my database using ODBC, with and Excel Spreadsheet.
    So, the user Paul only sees same tables, a few, that aren't important. But when Paul try to access the important data, I need to reconnect with a secret user (that no one knows), ADMIN, to do all the transactions.
    And when Paul decides to exit the program, I need to reconnect him with his normal user.
    That's all!

  • Need help to retrieve the message from MQ using get operation

    Used MQ adapter to Post a message to queue.
    And used Received activity in bpel to retrieve the message using MQ adapter from same queue(used get operation) , got an error message as timed
    out exception.
    Could some one assist in retrieving the message from MQ using get operation.

    Hi Raja,
    Is the process a empty bpel process which is used to get the message from the MQ?

  • Need help installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 12

    I am unable to install adobe photoshop elements 12, need help.

    What problem are you having exactly?
    Which operating system?
    Any error messages or error codes?



    What is your operating system, version & edition?
    What is your web browser?
    What is your problem with installing Flash Player?

  • Need help with show/hide and layers moving

    I'm more of a designer, so I don't know code or CSS well at
    all. I'm doing an online portfolio for a class and need help with
    layers not staying in place in different browsers. The portfolio is
    created with a table, but I wanted to use the show/hide function
    for thumbnails of work. Are layers the only way you can use this
    function? I read layers don't work well with tables, so how else
    can I make it so when you mouse over a thumbnail, the larger image
    appears in another cell?

    > I don't know code or CSS well at all.
    That's unfortunate.
    > layers not staying in place in different browsers.
    Layers don't move. But the rest of your page does.
    Before you get too wrapped up in layers, though, please read
    this -
    They are not good when be used as a primary layout method.
    > I read layers don't work well with tables
    They work fine with tables - but you have to understand both
    tables and
    layers to use them.
    Why not show us your page, so we can see what you are
    struggling with?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Bobbi67" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ertd9h$h3m$[email protected]..
    > I'm more of a designer, so I don't know code or CSS well
    at all. I'm doing
    > an
    > online portfolio for a class and need help with layers
    not staying in
    > place in
    > different browsers. The portfolio is created with a
    table, but I wanted to
    > use
    > the show/hide function for thumbnails of work. Are
    layers the only way you
    > can
    > use this function? I read layers don't work well with
    tables, so how else
    > can I
    > make it so when you mouse over a thumbnail, the larger
    image appears in
    > another
    > cell?

  • How to change the "Operating Unit" in AP invoice?

    Dear all:
    when I login AP module, Invoice > Entry > invoices, found that "Operating Unit" is not the name what I want. I make sure I am login the right responsibility.How can I modify "Operating Unit" and change it to the right?
    My environment is : R12.1.3
    Terry Chen

    Go to sysadmin >profile > system
    Check the responsibility checkbox; enter the resp. name
    Uncheck all others
    Enter profile name = MO: Operating Unit
    Hit find; enter the appropriate value and save
    Also check the security profile's setting , after change the setting, the issue solved.
    Thank you Sandeep Gandhi

  • R12 XML Report to Pick the Templates dynamically based on Operating Unit

    I have written a PL/SQL stored procedure to pick the layout based on the operating unit. We have three layout’s for three different operating units(US,UK,CHINA). For the PL/SQL Stored procedure I have registered a concurrent program. In this Procedure I am assigning the layout based on the request ID submitted for the child concurrent program. Finally to say I am running a program for PL/SQL stored procedure and in that procure I am calling the child program which is registered for RDF layout’s.
    But the client don’t want two concurrent programs. He asked to implement in one concurrent program and if possible add the code in RDF only.
    I have used the following code in After parameter form trigger but the code is not working.
    (IF p_org_id IN ('101')
    v_layout :=fnd_request.add_layout ('AR',
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'If P_ORG_ID in (602,1622)');
    ELSIF p_org_id = '102'
    v_layout :=fnd_request.add_layout ('AR',
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'If P_ORG_ID= 1883');
    ELSIF p_org_id = '2006'
    v_layout :=fnd_request.add_layout ('AR',
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'If P_ORG_ID in (2006)');
    v_layout :=fnd_request.add_layout ('AR',
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'If Org_Id other than 1883,2006,602,1622');
    END IF;
    I have followed the Subtemplate concept, but it is also not working.
    <?if:P_ORG_ID1='101'?> <?call-template:RAXINVTST_S?> <?end if?>)
    Could some one suggest how to proceed on this. Please help on this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Warm Regards,

    Thanks for your reply.
    I have tried this logic in AFTER REPORT trigger also, but it is not picking dynamically and also not giving any output.
    Could you please let me know if there are any possibilities.
    Thank you,

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