Need help optimizing machine to run Motion.

I have the following computer: Power Mac G5 dual core processor, 2.5 ghz, 3 GB DDR memory, I have the ATI Radeon 9800Xt graphics card w/ 256mb vram.
Working with motion has been extremely painful. I bought this computer used and am new to MAC and FCP. I was wondering if I upgraded to more memory would it help the motion process? I upgraded to leopard after purchasing it. Using some of the templates is where I am having a really big problem. Also is there another suggestion on the memory or video card or do I have the best the machine can take? I am looking at wanting to invest no more than $200 if I can help it.
I appreciate your help.

This may be of assistance:
Though Mark has said the recently released 4870 may be an improvement. Also, I'm not sure whether it's compatible with PowerPC-- made somebody will chime in with the answer.

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    CPU Clock speed: 2200
    DDR Memory Freq: 100.0 MHz
    High performance mode: Manual
    Cool n quiet: Disable
    HT Freq: 800 MHz
    Dynamic overclocking: Disable
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    CAS Latency: SPD
    Burst Length: 8 Beat
    Bank Interleaving: Auto
    Active to CMD (Trcd): SPD
    Active to precharge (Tras): SPD
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    DRAM IT Timing: Disable
    AGP Mode: Auto (this is "greyed out")
    AGP Fast write: Enabled
    AGP Aperture size: 128
    VLink 8X supported: Enabled
    My questions mainly concern memory. I bought all this stuff at the Tiger Direct outlet store in Naperville, Illinois. I had intended to buy the K8T Neo-FSR (754 pin), but they were supposedly out of the 754 pin 3400+, and this board/CPU combo had a $100 rebate. Yeah, it's one of those deals with the odd 939 pin 3400+ that everyone has been talking about.
    In any case, I already had the Corsair CMX512-3200C2PT picked out, as Corsair said it was compatible with the board. I wasn't aware of the MSI compitibility chart until I came here later that night. I STILL can't find that chart off of the MSI web site.
    Anyway, I got it all hooked up and got the standard 4 red LEDs. Not knowing what to do, I took it back to Tiger Direct and the tech played around with it until he stuck an el-cheapo stick (Corsair VS512MB400) in there and it worked. But it only works in slot 2. So here I am.
    I started to run memtest86, but it took too long to run and I aborted it for now. For what it's worth, it said the RAM CAS value is 2.5-2-2-5. I don't know what the hell that means, but I know it's important.
    My questions:
    1. I assume I need manually to set my memory clock value to DDR400?
    2. Now that I can get the thing to post, is there any chance I could get the "good" Corsair memory to work by setting the correct latency/CAS values? Again, I don't know what I'm talking about, so forgive my ignorance. What I'm wondering is if I can set everything to what Corsair recommends while I have the cheap memory in there and then replace it with the good stuff?
    3. With this board, am I better off with double-sided or single-sided sticks? As I said, I went into the store intending to buy the Neo 754-pin board, but they were out of the Athlon 3400+ in 754 and only had the 939 pin.
    4. Anything else in my bios settings that stand out and need to be addressed? I want to make sure everything is optimized.
    EDIT: I almost forgot: My CPU temp is runing around 42-49 degrees. Am I in the danger zone? I just bought a generic cooler for now and intend to get a Thermalright XP-120, but I can't find it locally, so it will have to wait.
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    If I don't get my CoD fix soon I'm gonna reinstall that Geforce3.
    Thanks much and sorry again for such a long post.

    Thanks everyone for the recent replies, but I started this thread almost a month ago (March 3rd), and much has changed since then.
    New PSU (see sig).
    Replaced the PNY Geforce6600GT with a eVGA 6800
    Added another stick of the Corsair Value Select 512 RAM. I didn't even bother trying to get the "primo" CMX stick to work. I just returned it.
    Went from Windows 98SE to XP Home.
    The PSU did nothing for me at all, but I suppose it's better to have some headroom in the amperage.
    The biggest performance booster was the additional 512MB of RAM. It wouldn't have done me any good in 98SE, but I was shocked at how much it helps XP. Quitting a game is almost instant now, where before it would take a good two minutes or so for XP to recover itself.
    As for games running slow, the 6800 fixed it right up. CoD absolutely screams now, as does everything else I've thrown at it (HL2, Doom 3, Far Cry). I think the 6600GT was just bad or there is a serious driver problem with the 6600GT's. Went from 3DMark03 score of around 5000 (when it didn't crash) to above 9000 now. And this was all before adding the additional RAM.
    Oh yeah, I bought a 74GB Raptor. No RAID for now though. So far I'm not real impressed with the performance. I'm running off of the VIA controller, since my board doesn't have the Promise controller. I don't see much improvement in loading times as compared to the 40GB 7200rpm Maxtor I have running on IDE1. The only time it beats the pants off the Maxtor is defragging. But there's only so much entertainment value in that.  The Sandra "file system benchmark" gave me 57 MB/s, which seems pathetic, but I've read some posts here where others are getting an identical rate.
    And I'm not too happy to discover, too late, that my overclocking capabilities are severely limited while using SATA.
    I do have one more question for now:
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    I am using MacBook Pro Mac OS X Version 10.6.8

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    Thanks for the prompt response. Still need help.

  • I need help with Active Content running in the local machine

    Hey. I'm in a dead line ... and I'm in trouble: I programmed
    a web-site with a flash-menu that uses getURL to connect with the
    pages. This web work in the internet but doesn't in the local
    machine. I need to distribute it in a CD also, so i need the menu
    working in the local machine. I'd tried all the tricks i found in
    internet success. Any suggestion....Thanks a lot.

    I could make suggestion, but honestly ... I'm afraid I'll
    only say
    something you've already seen! I mean, *all* the tricks on
    the Internet?
    lol That's a lot. Have you tried inserting the "mark of the
    web" on the
    HTML page that contains the SWF?
    In Dreamweaver, see Commands > Insert Mark of the Web.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."
    Of course I did. Anyway, in theory it will work only in
    Explorer, but i have the same problem with the other navigators.
    The problem is very simple: if I publish de flash-menu for
    ACCESS LOCAL FILES ONLY I resolve the problem, but i lost the GET
    variables than I'm using for trace the option selected in the menu
    to mark it in the next page. In the other hand, if i publish for
    ACCESS NETWORK ONLY simply the menu doesn´t work in a local
    machine in any of the navigators.
    I'm desperately seeking Su...sorry, Solution. (lol)

  • Need help with Security when running AS3 inside browser

    I am fairly new to flash, but a fairly experienced
    I have created a game that runs perfectly and communicates to
    a WinSock server over port 4000 to publish its final score to.
    Using simple XMLSocket and Send.
    When I run the game in the standalone flash player everything
    works perfectly as it should
    However when I embed in a HTML page or similar it goes wrong.
    The game works fine, but the final posting to the WinSock socket
    server fails. I have retrieved the error message.
    ioErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError"
    bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
    My server is a local server to me running IIS 6. Everything
    runs fine by the standalone flash player so I know ports are clear
    and firewalls are not the problem.
    Searching around google and forums I have found out that in
    9,0,124,0 (the flash I am running) that they made some security
    enhancements, namely you need to post a crossdomain file.
    My file is sat in the wwwroot of my webserver where my flash
    swf is hosted and looks like
    <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false"/>
    I have also tried adding the following to the 1st section of
    the swf file
    I have tried all conbinations, but I cannot get the flash to
    communicate to the socket server when it inside a web browser.
    If i run it in the standalone player, everything works
    Can someone help me please. I have been googling and ripping
    my hair out for ages. This is the final stage of my project and I
    am failing at the final step.
    Just to add.
    My server and testing computer are on the same domain, the
    web server is a win2003 server and my testing and coding server is
    a XP machine running IE7. They are linked by a ADSL router sharing
    the same external IP address but via DHCP addressing. Everything
    works fine for port forwarding of the winsocket port.
    Just to emphasis, I believe this setup is correct, as it all
    works fine when I run in the flash player.
    Many thanks

    I fixed it eventually.
    In flash they now force you to have a socket XML
    server running on port 843 a server somewhere if you wish to use
    XMLSocket inside a browser.
    Nothing to do with domain or crossdomain.xml files.
    You need to also call
    Security.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://x.x.x.x:843") before you
    open the socket.
    to load in the XML that defines what is allowed.
    Search google for AS3 and socket server port 843 and you will
    find examples and even a simple Java based server to use.

  • Please help me to run this CMP BEAN, I need help urgently, I am running out of time :(

    I am facing this problem, Please help me, I am attaching the source files
    also along with the mail. This is a small CMP EJB application, I am using
    IAS SP2 on NT server with Oracle 8. I highly appreciate if someone can send
    me the working copy of the same. I need these urgent. I am porting all my
    beans from bea weblogic to Iplanet. Please help me dudes.
    [06/Sep/2001 13:41:29:7] error: EBFP-marshal_internal: internal exception
    in kcp skeleton, exception = java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
    [06/Sep/2001 13:41:29:7] error: Exception Stack Trace:
    at com.kivasoft.ebfp.FPRequest.invokenative(Native Method)
    at com.kivasoft.ebfp.FPRequest.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    wn Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at Method)
    Caught an exception.
    java.rmi.RemoteException: SystemException: exid=UNKNOWN
    at com.kivasoft.eb.EBExceptionUtility.idToSystem(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.ebfp.FPUtility.replyToException(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    wn Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at Method)
    Thanks in advance
    [Attachment iplanet_app.jar, see below]
    [Attachment iplanet_src.jar, see below]

    One reason that I sometimes get 'NoSuchMethodError' is when I make a change to a
    java class that is imported into another java class. When I go to run the
    importing class, it will throw a 'NoSuchMethodError' on any methods that I've
    changed in the imported class. The solution is to recompile the importing class
    with the changed classes in the classpath.
    shravan wrote:
    I am facing this problem, Please help me, I am attaching the source files
    also along with the mail. This is a small CMP EJB application, I am using
    IAS SP2 on NT server with Oracle 8. I highly appreciate if someone can send
    me the working copy of the same. I need these urgent. I am porting all my
    beans from bea weblogic to Iplanet. Please help me dudes.
    [06/Sep/2001 13:41:29:7] error: EBFP-marshal_internal: internal exception
    in kcp skeleton, exception = java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
    [06/Sep/2001 13:41:29:7] error: Exception Stack Trace:
    at com.kivasoft.ebfp.FPRequest.invokenative(Native Method)
    at com.kivasoft.ebfp.FPRequest.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    wn Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at Method)
    Caught an exception.
    java.rmi.RemoteException: SystemException: exid=UNKNOWN
    at com.kivasoft.eb.EBExceptionUtility.idToSystem(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.ebfp.FPUtility.replyToException(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    wn Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at Method)
    Thanks in advance
    Name: iplanet_app.jar
    iplanet_app.jar Type: Java Archive (application/java-archive)
    Encoding: x-uuencode
    Name: iplanet_src.jar
    iplanet_src.jar Type: Java Archive (application/java-archive)
    Encoding: x-uuencode

  • Need help optimizing a merge query

    Hi all, I hope someone can give me some assistance with this. I don't have a lot of experience with Oracle, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a MERGE query that I need to optimize as much as possible. I will give as much information as I can in this post.
    Here is the actual query:
          MERGE INTO quick_scene_lookup qsl
          USING (
            SELECT scene.*,
                WHEN scene.data_category LIKE 'NOM%'
                  THEN 'NOM'
                WHEN scene.data_category LIKE 'ENG%'
                  THEN 'ENG'
                WHEN scene.data_category LIKE 'VAL%'
                  THEN 'VAL'
                ELSE scene.data_category
              END scn_data_category,
                WHEN scene.data_category_original LIKE 'NOM%'
                  THEN 'NOM'
                WHEN scene.data_category_original LIKE 'ENG%'
                  THEN 'ENG'
                WHEN scene.data_category_original LIKE 'VAL%'
                  THEN 'VAL'
                ELSE scene.data_category_original
              END data_category_orig,
                WHEN scene.full_partial_scene LIKE 'F%'
                  THEN 'F'
                WHEN scene.full_partial_scene LIKE 'P%'
                  THEN 'P'
                ELSE scene.full_partial_scene
              END scn_full_partial_scene,
                WHEN scene.date_entered_lam IS NULL
                    OR scene.deleted = 1
                  THEN 0
                ELSE 1
              END in_lam,
                WHEN scene.in_uis LIKE 'Y%'
                  THEN 1
                ELSE 0
              END scn_in_uis,
                WHEN scene.data_category LIKE 'NOM%'
                    AND scene.full_partial_scene LIKE 'F%'
                  THEN 1
                ELSE 0
              END monitor,
                WHEN scene.date_updated_lam IS NOT NULL
                    AND scene.satellite_sensor_key = 8 -- L7 ETM
                      WHEN intv.match_in_tolerance = 'Y'
                          OR intv.match_in_tolerance = 'N'
                        THEN 0
                      ELSE 1
                 ELSE 0
              END lam_orphan,
              TO_DATE(SUBSTR(scene.scene_start_time, 0, 17),
                  'YYYY:DDD:HH24:MI:SS') scn_scene_start_time,
                WHEN qsl.date_downlinked IS NOT NULL
                    AND scene.date_standing_request IS NOT NULL
                  THEN (qsl.date_downlinked - scene.date_standing_request) * 1440
                ELSE NULL
              END dd_downlinked_marketable
            FROM all_scenes scene
            INNER JOIN lu_satellite sat
              ON (scene.satellite_sensor_key = sat.satellite_sensor_key)
            INNER JOIN ground_stations station
              ON (scene.station_key = station.station_key)
            INNER JOIN all_intervals intv
              ON (scene.landsat_interval_id = intv.landsat_interval_id)
            INNER JOIN worldwide_reference_system wrs
              ON (scene.wrs_key = wrs.wrs_key)
            LEFT OUTER JOIN quick_scene_lookup qsl
              ON (scene.landsat_scene_id = qsl.landsat_scene_id)
            WHERE (scene.job_sequence_key IN (
              SELECT job_sequence_key FROM jobs_subscript_execution_fact
              WHERE job_key = 109)
            OR qsl.landsat_scene_id IS NULL)
            AND scene.scene_version = (
              SELECT MAX(scene_version) FROM all_scenes
              WHERE SUBSTR(landsat_scene_id, 1, 19) =
                SUBSTR(scene.landsat_scene_id, 1, 19))) scenes
          ON (qsl.landsat_scene_id = scenes.landsat_scene_id
            OR (qsl.satellite = scenes.satellite
              AND qsl.station_id = scenes.station_id
              AND qsl.wrs_path = scenes.wrs_path
              AND qsl.wrs_row = scenes.wrs_row
              AND TRUNC(qsl.date_acquired) = TRUNC(scenes.date_acquired)
              AND SUBSTR(qsl.sensor_id, 1, 3) = SUBSTR(scenes.sensor_id, 1, 3)))
          UPDATE SET
            data_category = scenes.scn_data_category,
            data_category_original = scenes.data_category_orig,
            date_acquired = scenes.date_acquired,
            date_entered = scenes.date_entered,
            date_standing_request = scenes.date_standing_request,
            date_updated = scenes.date_updated,
            dd_downlinked_marketable = scenes.dd_downlinked_marketable,
            full_partial_scene = scenes.scn_full_partial_scene,
            in_lam = scenes.in_lam,
            in_uis = scenes.scn_in_uis,
            lam_orphan = scenes.lam_orphan,
            monitor = scenes.monitor,
            satellite = scenes.satellite,
            scene_start_time_date = scenes.scn_scene_start_time,
            sensor_id = scenes.sensor_id,
            station_id = scenes.station_id,
            wrs_path = scenes.wrs_path,
            wrs_row = scenes.wrs_row,
            cloud_cover = scenes.cloud_cover
            0,     -- in_moc will always be 0 for archive inserts
        LOG ERRORS INTO ingest_errors('Intervals error')
          REJECT LIMIT 500;All of the columns used in the joins have indexes. Also, all columns referenced in the WHERE clause also have indexes. I have function based indexes on the two columns that are using a function.
    The cost from the explain plan is at 14 million, and this query takes far too long to run. I can post the explain plan if anybody wants it. We are running Oracle 10.2g, and are a data warehouse. Any help I can get on this would be greatly appreciated, I and my dba's are unable to come up with any more ideas. Thanks in advance.

    Well, just in case this might help someone else out, I was able to resolve my issue with the code. It turns out that in the secondary condition of the ON clause for the merge, I had columns that were also being updated. By removing the those columns from the UPDATE clause. It dropped my cost down to 456,000. I was further able to reduce the cost of the query by removing the primary conditional completely. I am a C++ programmer and was counting on a short-circuit OR to speed up the process. Anyway, my cost is now down to 215,000, and all is good here.

  • Need help getting Flash site running after pointed to new nameservers

    Can't get Gaia site working on a new server
    « on: Today at 03:10:35 PM »
    Quote Modify Remove
    Hi.  I recently switched from 1&1 shared hosting to a new webhost, Holistic.
    My Flash site (based on the Gaia framework) doesn't work now.
    Using the Flashplayer Debugger, I got the following error:
    from Main:  view.scaleX = 0.9041666666666667 and view.scaleY = 1.0129032258064516
    from Main:  view.x = 0 and view.y = 0
    Error: Failed to load policy file from xmlsocket://
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from has failed because the server cannot be reached.
    *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
    Connection to halted - not permitted from
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from has failed because the server cannot be reached.
    Also got this note even though I've set allowscriptaccess to always in my index.html:
    Warning: AllowScriptAccess='never' found in HTML.  This setting is ineffective and deprecated.  See for details.
    Warning: 'com' has no property 'onEnterFrame'
    Regarding the Security Sandbox violation, my old webhost was 1&1, and they are still the official Registrar of - but I now have pointed at the DomainNameServers for my new host, Holistic, which specializes in Drupal and has no experience with Flash - so I hope you'll bear with me and offer what guidance you can since they said I was basically on my own for troubleshooting any Flash related problems.
    Is that likely to be the source of my problem (that I'm only 'pointing' to the nameservers and have only 'parked' my domain with the new host instead of transferring it completely?
    And if so, do I just need to create a cross domain policy xml file like the one below and leave it on my Old Webhost?
    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
        <allow-access-from domain="MyNewDedicatedIPAddressHere" /> 
    I've never dealt with this cross domain stuff before so any help would be much appreciated.

    As a test, I uploaded my Flash/Gaia site into an existing site on my old host.  And although the site actually works in this setting, when I run things in the FlashPlayerDebugger, I'm still getting Security Sandbox Violations - so (as adninjastrator suggested in earlier post), this may have nothing to do with the DNS changes - but perhaps with my setting things up wrong somewhere so that the Flashplayer is trying to access my local computer - maybe??
    Debugger logs gives me this:
    Error: Failed to load policy file from xmlsocket://
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from has failed because the server cannot be reached.
    *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
    So, I've now uploaded the identical bin (which contains all the files for my site) - but I'm getting different behaviors on the two hosts.
    On the new holistic servers, the site won't go past the first page:
    On the 1&1 servers, I still get runtime errors in FlashPlayerDebugger - but the site runs ok -
    Posting those links in hopes someone with more experience in these sandbox issues can help steer me in the right direction.

  • Probook 4540s notebook - need help recovering machine

    Hello everyone,
    on July 30th of this year, my Probook 4540s notebook was stolen from my home. Luckily the person who broke in was caught recently and I got back my notebook. He hacked the machine and got rid of my login so he could use/try to sell it. Is there any way to restore my login or possibly do the same to his to see if I might be able to salvage some of my files or see if they are still there at all? None of my login details seem to be there and everything I tried did not give me access back to the machine. I bought a new Probook 4540s because I like it so much, but now I want to salvage anything I can then sell the stolen machine to help the process of moving on from this whole experience. Can anybody help me figure this out? And if not, what do I need to do to just reset the machine so I know any of my data is gone and I can get rid of it? Thanks for reading.

    Dear Customer
    Welcome and Thank you for posting your query on HP Support Forum
    It looks like you are trying to login to your Notebook as usual with your credentials. I am not sure if we can do that
    however I would request with you to click on the below shown link and check if this helps any way
    Hope this helps, for any further queries reply to the post and feel free to join us again
     **Click the KUDOS star on left to say Thanks**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.
    Thank You,
    K N R K
    I work on behalf of HP

  • NEED HELP PLEASE! Cant run my k7 Master at 266fsb still.

    i run a K7 Master with a 1.4 thunderbird, onboard scsi, a geforce2 ti, along with 4 case fans and power supply fan, 2 scsi harddrives(7500rpm & 10,000rpm), one 80gig ide drive, scsi cd-rom, and all my usb crap so the cheap power supply was giving me problems.  I then upgraded to an Enermax and it cured all of my problems except for the main problem of not being able to run at full speed, 266fsb.  
    It just freezes after about 30minutes of running at 266fsb.  It starts to get weird trails on the mouse pointer and then after about 6 seconds it freezes...
    It doesnt matter what ddr ram I try, what processor, what heatsink, or anything that I still freezes.
    I'm almost certain its a bad motherboard but I dont know if this is common with these boards and if it can be fixed by me or if I have to send it out to get fixed.
    Thanks for any help.

    I've got a similar problem, I can't run my comp at its proper speed
    1800+ XP
    MS 6380 KT7266 pro2
    2x256 DDR
    G-Force 2 MX/MX400 64MB 3D
    Soundblaster Live! 5.1
    Seagate 20 gig baracuda 4
    Cyber Drive 8x/4x/32x CDR/RW
    with a 320 watt p4 support power pack (Not to sure if 320s right I think so though, i seems to work fine, the monitoring program shows steady voltage)
    Luceant 56k modem
    I can only get it to run at 1.1 gig - on the 100 mhz FSB setting, when I try to take it above this I get random crash's soon after start up, and sometimes it'll run for a while before it crash's, I got it to do a benchmark using both the mad onion util and SANDRA, though I had the problem sussed when I swapped the modem with my old comp, but the problem started up again the next day and I had to go back to 100 FSB.
    There are definitly no temp issues, the CPU dosn't go above 45 degrees celcius(set as critical temp) and at the moment is running around 31 degrees celcius about 80 degrees farentfeit I think, I wish you americans would give up on farentheight already, its been done, move to the metric system every one else has :P

  • Hey new to Macs need help getting one(s) running again...

    Hey all,
    So I acquired some old Macs from a local schools surplus sale. I have managed to get one operational (a G3 tower) but am now trying to get a MacBook running and have had a few issues. I have gotten it to the flashing folder screen but have been unable to get it to boot from the HDD. The HDD drive works I have installed OSX 10.3 on the drive via firewire but it seems that the Mac wont recognize that the drive is there. When I get into the Startup Manager screen nothing shows up except the mouse (which I can move around). The MacBook is an a1181 with 1GB of Ram installed. Being new to Macs I have no clue on how to continue. I know Macs do not have a BIOS but is there something similar that can be accessed? What about Firmware updating? I would prefer not to have to take it (and others) to the local Apple store. Any and all help would be much appreciated.

    I have the same MacBook (a1181) and had the same problem. My solution was to simply re-install snow leopard. Just buy a snow leopard CD from the apple store. Don't buy a mountian lion CD because it is not compatible with your MacBook. One you have the SL CD, insert it into the optical drive (CD drive) and boot the computer. When you hear the chime, press and hold down "C" on the keyboard and it should boot. If this fails, reboot and brews and hold option/alt when you hearths chime, then select the CD as it appears. Then simply install snow leopard, and enjoy your Mac! Hope this helps, and I will be happy to help with any problems or questions :)

  • Need help optimizing the writing of a very large array and streaming it a file

    I have a very large array that I need to create and later write to a TDMS file. The array has 45 million entries, or 4.5x10^7 data points. These data points are of double format. The array is created by using a square pulse waveform generator and user-defined specifications of the delay, wait time, voltages, etc. 
    I'm not sure how to optimize the code so it doesn't take forever. It currently takes at least 40 minutes, and I'm still running it, to create and write this array. I know there needs to be a better way, as the array is large and consumes a lot of memory but it's not absurdly large. The computer I'm running this on is running Windows Vista 32-bit, and has 4GB RAM and an Intel Core 2 CPU @ 1.8Mhz. 
    I've read the "Managing Large Data Sets in LabVIEW" article (, but I'm unsure how to apply the principles here.  I believe the problem lies in making too many copies of the array, as creating and writing 1x10^6 values takes < 10 seconds, but writing 4x10^6 values, which should theoretically take < 40 seconds, takes minutes. 
    Is there a way to work with a reference of an array instead of a copy of an array?
    Attached is my current VI, Generate_Square_Pulse_With_TDMS_Stream.VI and it's two dependencies, although I doubt they are bottlenecking the program. 
    Any advice will be very much appreciated. 
    Attachments: ‏13 KB ‏13 KB ‏27 KB

    Thanks Ravens Fan, using replace array subset and initializing the array beforehand sped up the process immensely. I can now generate an array of 45,000,000 doubles in about one second.
    However, when I try to write all of that out to TDMS at the end LV runs out of memory and crashes. Is it possible to write out the data in blocks and make sure memory is freed up before writing out the next block? I can use a simple loop to write out the blocks, but I'm unsure how to verify that memory has been cleared before proceeding.  Furthermore, is there a way to ensure that memory and all resources are freed up at the end of the waveform generation VI? 
    Attached is my new VI, and a refined TDMS write VI (I just disabled the file viewer at the end). Sorry that it's a tad bit messy at the moment, but most of that mess comes from doing some arithmetic to determine which indices to replace array subsets with. I currently have the TDMS write disabled.
    Just to clarify the above, I understand how to write out the data in blocks; my question is: how do I ensure that memory is freed up between subsequent writes, and how do I ensure that memory is freed up after execution of the VI?
    @Jeff: I'm generating the waveform here, not reading it. I guess I'm not generating a "waveform" but rather a set of doubles. However, converting that into an actual waveform can come later. 
    Thanks for the replies!
    Attachments: ‏14 KB ‏27 KB

  • I need help with the processes running a media server.

    Hi there!   I need some help with the following log please.  The processes listed I am assuming are the current processes being used from my MacBook Pro to the media server?  Is that correct?  Are these common processes?
    Incident Identifier: EC931B64-E141-4C64-B428-427DF014C7E8
    CrashReporter Key:   b16be41bf16206d8f231e7e71676ab2a9c4dd25e
    Hardware Model:      iPhone4,1
    OS Version:          iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405)
    Kernel Version:      Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Tue Nov  1 20:34:16 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1878.4.46~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8940X
    Date:                2012-08-24 16:06:18 -0400
    Time since snapshot: 152 ms
    Free pages:        1195
    Wired pages:       88383
    Purgeable pages:   0
    Largest process:   mediaserverd
             Name                 UUID                    Count resident pages
                 atc <2271ed33ec773eeb9f381bf1baac9dee>     390
           securityd <e31a714c227a3d1c98ef8aacd44d91ee>     243
             assetsd <281396d3e7d831fbb6a5374157663dbc>    1370
          MobileMail <7064f2baf3f23db987bc8ec99855fe53>    1438 (jettisoned)
            mstreamd <cbe9881735043a389e7cdad3b5bcf5ce>    1099 (jettisoned)
              Camera <88291709452932ac9cbd0f1c06902214>    3105 (active)
         dataaccessd <b4f61f117ee635c48329af8572733d30>    1760
         MobilePhone <fe38c6944a053c9187b41ee50aa151b0>    5549
            networkd <6ee7a78e56073f6e8db4c2cc3265fdb4>     170
          aosnotifyd <58089d732ab43bbea0aec4a6f812f446>     320
            BTServer <e03baab8e0103188979ce54b87591065>     261
          aggregated <68a25a1690cb372096543a46abed14d7>     337
                apsd <e4b6e6e4f31e36f79815747ecbf52907>     291
       fairplayd.N94 <2c0105776e393b39ba95edffaf3bdd17>     294
           fseventsd <78af02202422321885dfc85c24534b0e>     170
                iapd <3ee7f82879033b4fb93b9cf1f4ecae29>     366
             imagent <8e2042f2ec9e3af9ba400f031f1bbfa7>     416
       mDNSResponder <b75f43f012ad3d9ea172d37491994e22>     265
        mediaremoted <b9fa7d1381013c2fa90ea134ff905f59>     258
        mediaserverd <478e5e8345c83be5ba1868906813bb75>    6774
                 ubd <7eaf0b0ca5b83afabecb0dfaa38c7a19>     389
               wifid <e176ab123beb3000bdb89e020612c1d6>     284
           locationd <91c84ab19dd03e4ab1b4cc30178ab1c0>     831
              powerd <25ddef6b52e4385b819e777dd2eeed3c>     167
           lockdownd <a68aa1526ef13a9bb4426bb71ffc1e3c>     250
          CommCenter <51922c9a50e73fe3badccaa4b1b1123b>     781
             syslogd <dd3766bcb1213e91b66283635db09773>     107
         SpringBoard <7506c20d86da3f1dbe9bf38f8bda253d>    5673 (active)
             configd <3430c0025ed13f56800a329b7254d2ae>     418
             notifyd <3793fabace3a385687b3c29c1fa1fcac>     252
      UserEventAgent <6e1cabc1ec6d372c90a6bdeaa7b258fa>     433
             launchd <cc35dd7a872334319ed028e6bbeae081>     133
    Thanks a bunch!!!


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