Need help with MySQL connection error _mmServerScripts

Trying to create insert a recordset I got the message:
"The files from the _mmServerScripts folder are for the server model PHP-MySQL. You try to connect to a database using a different server model .Please remove this folder outside the Dreamweaver environment on both local and testing machines and try again."
I've searched the net and have seen this message hunting people since dw8...
I could not find a "cure".
Things to notice:
0 - Yes the whole thing is apache/php/mysql... just DW thinks it's not.
1 - Both the connection and the Recordset actualy works. I have a whole site based on this connection and the recorsets I've created manualy based on it.
2 - It does not matter if we erase or not the _mmServerScripts folder the message stands still allover.
3 - The problem seems to show up when you split servers...
3.1 - If I test in a WAMP environment where apache and mysql are in the same machine I can use DW to create data objects for me.
3.2 - If I test in my real test environment which have web server and db server separated from each other then I can't use DW to create data objects, see bindings, behaviours etc... all I get is this message.... while the code itself runs fine anyway.
Does any one already knows how to work around or fix this?

Thanks PZ,
Yes everything is fine with the site definition.
everything works. I can upload, run, test all ok.
The only thing that does not work is to insert any sort of data object through DW interface. If I declare my reordsets by hands or even If I use the ones DW created in my local test server all works fine.
Then if I use the site definition and try to see any bindings or create a recordset or create a new connection using dw... then the messages come up and dw can't go any further in that task.
By spli servers I mean one phisical linux server with apache/php but without mySQL + one physical Linux server with mySQL but without apache/php.
So when I use a site definition that points either to a WAMP or LAMP i.e. when everything is in the same machine DW goes happy and does whatever it's asked to do.
When I try that on the real mccoy environment (with the two separated servers)... It looks like DW gets confused...

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    the error_
    F:\Java\Projects\ unreachable statement <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS
    int index;
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end delete method
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end getrecod
    3 errors
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Tools//tool class
    private int numberOfToolItems;
    private ToolItems[] toolArray = new ToolItems[10];
    public Tools()//array of tool
    numberOfToolItems = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < toolArray.length; i++)//for loop to create the array tools
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    }//end for loop
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    public int search(int id)//search mehtod
    int index = 0;
    while (index < numberOfToolItems)//while and if loop search
    if(toolArray[index].getID() == id)
    return index;
    index ++;
    }//en while and if loop
    return -1;
    }//end search method
    public int insert(int id, int numberInStock, int quality, double basePrice, String nm)//insert method
    if(numberOfToolItems >= toolArray.length)
    return 0;
    int index;
    index = search(id); <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE
    if (index == -1)
    toolArray[index].assign(id,numberInStock, quality, basePrice,nm);
    numberInStock ++;
    return 1;
    }//end if index
    }//end if toolitem array
    return -1;
    }//end insert method
    public int delete(/*int id*/)//delete method
    }//end delete method
    public void display()//display method
    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfToolItems; i++)
    }//end display method
    public String getRecord(int i)//get record method
    // return toolArray[i].getName()+ "ID: "+toolArray[i].getID()
    }//end getrecod
    }//end class
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:08 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:09 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:10 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:11 AM

    ladsoftware wrote:
    Subject: Re: I need help with this code error "unreachable statement"
    F:\Java\Projects\ unreachable statement <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS
    int index;
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end delete method
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end getrecod
    3 errorsThe compiler is telling you exactly what the problems are:
    public int insert(int id, int numberInStock, int quality, double basePrice, String nm)//insert method
    if(numberOfToolItems >= toolArray.length)
    return 0; // <<== HERE you return, so everyting in the if block after this is unreachable
    int index;
    index = search(id);  //< -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE
    if (index == -1)
    toolArray[index].assign(id,numberInStock, quality, basePrice,nm);
    numberInStock ++;
    return 1;
    }//end if index
    }//end if toolitem array
    return -1;
    }//end insert method
    public int delete(/*int id*/)//delete method
    // <<== HERE where is the return statement?
    }//end delete method
    public String getRecord(int i)//get record method
    // return toolArray.getName()+ "ID: "+toolArray[i].getID() <<== HERE you commented out the return statement
    }//end getrecod
    }//end class

  • Help with mySQL Connection string

    Here is hoping someone can help & once I get it down I promise I'll post all my work on this list so some other newbie can benefit.
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    mysql> select * from db;
    Host  | Db         | User |.......
    | %         | test    |       | ......
    | %         | test\_% |     | ........
    | localhost | testdb  | deep |........Note that "root" should have access to "test" & deep@localhost should have access to "testdb" right?
    So here are all the connection strings I have tried - all return the same error below
            Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", "root", "mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb", "deep", "mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost/testdb?user=deep&password=mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost/testdb", "deep", "mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb?user=deep@localhost&password=mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb?user=deep&password=mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost/testdb", "deep@localhost", "mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql:///test", "root", "mypass"
    //            "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test", "root@localhost", "mypass"
    );My Error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Server configuration denies access to data source
            at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
            at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
            at TestMySQL4.main(
    I am using MacOSX 10.1
    MySQL 3.23.42
    The driver is: mm.mysql-2.0.6.jar
    Please help!

    hi amandeep
    well i m getting the same error message when trying to connect MYSQL using mm.jdbc driver.
    java.sql.SQLException : Server configuration denies access to data base source.
    query.databaseURL jdbc:mysql://
    query.databaseUserName samin
    query.databasePwd samin
    query.summaries true
    i hve installed mysql on server network 1
    and trying to run application on network 2

  • [8i] Need help with hierarchical (connect by) query

    First, I'm working in 8i.
    My problem is, I keep getting the error ORA-01437: cannot have join with CONNECT BY.
    And, the reason I get that error is because one of the criteria I need to use to prune some branches with is in another table... Is there anyway to work around this? I tried an in-line view (but got the same error). I thought about using the connect by query as an in-line view and filtering off what I don't want that way, but I'm not sure how to filter out an entire branch...
    Here is some simplified sample data:
    CREATE TABLE     bom_test
    (     parent          CHAR(25)
    ,     component     CHAR(25)
    ,     qty_per          NUMBER(9,5)
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-1','101-34',10);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-1','A-109-347',2);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-1','ABC-100G',1);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-1','1A247G01',2);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-100G','70052',18);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-100G','M9532-278',5);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('1A247G01','X525-101',2);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('1A247G01','1062-324',2);
    INSERT INTO     bom_test
    VALUES     ('X525-101','R245-9010',2);
    CREATE TABLE     part_test
    (     part_nbr     CHAR(25)
    ,     part_type     CHAR(1)
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-1','M');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('101-34','P');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('A-109-347','P');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('ABC-100G','M');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('1A247G01','P');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('70052','P');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('M9532-278','P');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('X525-101','M');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('1062-324','P');
    INSERT INTO     part_test
    VALUES     ('R245-9010','P');This is the basic query (with no pruning of branches):
    ,     b.component
    ,     b.parent
    ,     b.qty_per
    FROM     bom_test b
    START WITH          b.parent     = 'ABC-1'
    CONNECT BY PRIOR     b.component     = b.parentThe query above gives the results:
          LEVEL COMPONENT                 PARENT                        QTY_PER
          1.000 101-34                    ABC-1                          10.000
          1.000 A-109-347                 ABC-1                           2.000
          1.000 ABC-100G                  ABC-1                           1.000
          2.000 70052                     ABC-100G                       18.000
          2.000 M9532-278                 ABC-100G                        5.000
          1.000 1A247G01                  ABC-1                           2.000
          2.000 X525-101                  1A247G01                        2.000
          3.000 R245-9010                 X525-101                        2.000
          2.000 1062-324                  1A247G01                        2.000
    9 rows selected....but I only want the branches (children, grandchildren, etc.) of part type 'M'.
          LEVEL COMPONENT                 PARENT                        QTY_PER
          1.000 101-34                    ABC-1                          10.000
          1.000 A-109-347                 ABC-1                           2.000
          1.000 ABC-100G                  ABC-1                           1.000
          2.000 70052                     ABC-100G                       18.000
          2.000 M9532-278                 ABC-100G                        5.000
          1.000 1A247G01                  ABC-1                           2.000Any suggestions?

    user11033437 wrote:
    First, I'm working in 8i.
    My problem is, I keep getting the error ORA-01437: cannot have join with CONNECT BY.
    And, the reason I get that error is because one of the criteria I need to use to prune some branches with is in another table... Is there anyway to work around this? I tried an in-line view (but got the same error). Post your query. It's very hard to tell what you're doing wrong if we don't know what you're doing.
    ...but I only want the branches (children, grandchildren, etc.) of part type 'M'.
    LEVEL COMPONENT                 PARENT                        QTY_PER
    1.000 101-34                    ABC-1                          10.000
    1.000 A-109-347                 ABC-1                           2.000
    1.000 ABC-100G                  ABC-1                           1.000
    2.000 70052                     ABC-100G                       18.000
    2.000 M9532-278                 ABC-100G                        5.000
    1.000 1A247G01                  ABC-1                           2.000
    You mean you want don't want the descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of any component whose part_type is not 'M'.
    The part_type of the component itself doesn't matter: component '101-34' is included, even though its part_type is 'P', and component 'X525-101' is excluded, even though its part_type is 'M'.
    Any suggestions?Sorry, I don't have an Oracle 8.1 database at hand now. All three of the queries below get the correct results in Oracle 10.2, and I don't believe they do anything that isn't allowed in 8.1.
    You can't do a join and CONNECT BY in the same query on Oracle 8.1.
    I believe you can do one first, then the other, using in-line views. The frist two queries do the join first.
    --     Query 1: Join First
    ,     component
    ,     parent
    ,     qty_per
    FROM     (     -- Begin in-line view to join bom_test and part_test
              SELECT     b.component
              ,     b.parent
              ,     b.qty_per
              ,     p.part_type     AS parent_type
              FROM     bom_test     b
              ,     part_test     p
              WHERE     p.part_nbr     = b.parent
         )     -- End in-line view to join bom_test and part_test
    START WITH     parent     = 'ABC-1'
    CONNECT BY     parent          = PRIOR component
         AND     parent_type     = 'M'
    ;Query 2 is very much like Query 1, but it does more filtering in the sub-query, returning only rows hose part_type or whose parent's part_type is 'M". Your desired result set will be a tree taken entirely from this set. Query 2 may be faster, because the sub-query is more selective, but then again, it may be slower because it has to do an extra join.
    -- Query 2: Join first, prune in sub-query
    ,     component
    ,     parent
    ,     qty_per
    FROM     (     -- Begin in-line view to join bom_test and part_test
              SELECT     b.component
              ,     b.parent
              ,     b.qty_per
              ,     p.part_type     AS parent_type
              FROM     bom_test     b
              ,     part_test     p
              ,     part_test     c
              WHERE     p.part_nbr     = b.parent
              AND     c.part_nbr     = b.component
              AND     'M'          IN (c.part_type, p.part_type)
         )     -- End in-line view to join bom_test and part_test
    START WITH     parent     = 'ABC-1'
    CONNECT BY     parent          = PRIOR component
         AND     parent_type     = 'M'
    Query 3, below, takes a completely different approach. It does the CONNECT BY query first, then does a join to see what the parent's part_type is. We can easily cut out all the nodes whose parent's part_type is not 'M', but that will leave components like 'R245-9010' whose parent has part_type 'M', but should be excluded because its parent is excluded. To get the correct results, we can do another CONNECT BY query, using the same START WITH and CONNECT BY conditions, but this time only looking at the pruhed results of the first CONNECT BY query.
    --     Query 3: CONNECT BY, Prune, CONNECT BY again
    ,     component
    ,     parent
    ,     qty_per
    FROM     (     -- Begin in-line view of 'M' parts in hierarchy
              SELECT     h.component
              ,     h.parent
              ,     h.qty_per
              FROM     (     -- Begin in-line view h, hierarchy from bom_test
                        SELECT     component
                        ,     parent
                        ,     qty_per
                        FROM     bom_test
                        START WITH     parent     = 'ABC-1'
                        CONNECT BY     parent     = PRIOR component
                   ) h     -- End in-line view h, hierarchy from bom_test
              ,     part_test     p
              WHERE     p.part_nbr     = h.parent
              AND     p.part_type     = 'M'
         )     -- End in-line view of 'M' parts in hierarchy
    START WITH     parent     = 'ABC-1'
    CONNECT BY     parent     = PRIOR component
    I suspect that Query 3 will be slower than the others, but if the CONNECT BY query is extremely selective, it may be better.
    It would be interesting to see your findings using the full tables. Please post your observations and the explain plan output.
    As usual, your message is a model of completeness and clarity:
    <li>good sample data,
    <li> posted in a way people can use it,
    <li>clear results,
    <li> good explanation
    <li> nciely formatted code
    Keep up the good work!

  • I Need help with the following error:

    Hi, I am getting the following error:
    I have looked at some of the other threads that deal with this but since I am new to XI I am not sure where to look. I have tried to activate in SXI_CACHE and I get a code of 99 with the following error. I did not get this error in the QAS environment, only when it was moved to Prod. We have cleared and reset all of the caches and am still getting this error when I try to activate in SXI_CACHE:
    <b>E     'STATUSCODE' is not a component of data object 'PAYLOAD'</b>
    Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this? We just moved it to prod and need to get it fixed asap.
    Thanks in advance for all of the help.
    Mike Curtis

    Hi Michael,
    Before SP16:
    the problem should be solved with the help of note 890760. You might find note
    816430 interesting as well, but the first one should help you solve the problem.
    If those are already in your system, have a look at note 996631. This could be
    the solution.
    Regards and good luck with XI.

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    try changing the following wireless settings
    radio band - wide
    wide channel - 9
    standard channel - 11
    if this doesn't work , ensure that the router has the latest firmware ..

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    try changing the following wireless settings
    radio band - wide
    wide channel - 9
    standard channel - 11
    if this doesn't work , ensure that the router has the latest firmware ..

  • Help with 6753 connection error from XP wireless laptop to AX

    New to this forum and thanks for the time here.
    I have two computers on a Linksys Network. Desktop PC is hardwired to a Linksys Wireless G Router/Access Point, the other laptop PC is wireless via Linsksys G card.
    The Desktop can access, update, and stream to the AIrport Express without issue (after some time tinkering with the system).
    On the Laptop I can see the Airport Express both in the Admin Utility and in the lower right corner of the iTunes client, but, cannot connect to the AX. The Admin Utility times out providing the 6753 error described in other forums, but, i still cannot solve the issue.
    I appreciate any guidance or suggestions.

    I have tried both hard and soft resets but no luck
    Neither of these tyeps of resets will fully reset the TC back to factory default settings. I suggest that you try a Factory Default Reset as follows:
    Pull the power plug from the TC
    Wait 15-20 minutes
    Hold in the reset button and continue to hold it for another 8-10 seconds while you plug the power back in to the TC
    Release the reset button after the hold period and allow 25-30 seconds for the TC to restart and display a slow, blinking amber light
    Try AirPort Utillity again to see if that will help
    If you try the Factory Default Reset a few tmes and still have no luck, I am afraid that there has been an internal failure on the TC and you will need to contact Apple to discuss your options.

  • Need help with System.setClipboard error

    SDK version:
    Requires flash 10.0.12 or higher
    private function sendTextToClipboard():void
         System.setClipboard("User Name: " + uname + "\n" + "Password: " + pword);
    I am using the System.setClipboard function in my application and have incountered an interesting problem.
    When the call is made on a windows box (XP and Vista) IE crashes.
    The following is the Vista IE error that is being thrown:
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: iexplore.exe
    Application Version: 8.0.6001.18865
    Application Timestamp: 4b077416
    Fault Module Name: Flash10c.ocx
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4a613d79
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0016f1f2
    OS Version: 6.0.6002.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: fd00
    Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
    Additional Information 3: fd00
    Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
    The following is the XP SP3 IE error:
    Internet Explorer has encountered a problem with an add-on and needs to close.
    The following add-on was running when this problem occured:
    File:    FlDbg10b.ocx
    iexplore.exe - Application Error
    The instruction "0x052bee0e" referenced memory at "0x00000018".  The memory could not be read.
    Any help would be greatly apprieciated.

    Try the example in the docs and see if that works.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

  • Need help with MySQL Query...Again

    Ok so I get this error when I enter "springfield" and "MA" for the city and state.
    This server program accepts either a 'zipcode' or 'city, state' depending on the choice # passed to it.
    I just need to be able to perform the query.
    java.sql.SQLException: Unknown column 'springfield' in 'where clause'
         at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
         at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
         at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(
         at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeQuery(
         at is my code:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class ZipcodeServer {
         static void runServer() {
              ServerSocket server;
              Socket connection;
              try {
                   System.out.println("Creating Server Socket " + 5000 + " . . . ");
                   server = new ServerSocket(5000);
                   while (true) {
                        System.out.println("Waiting for connection.");
                        connection = server.accept();
                        ThreadConnect t = new ThreadConnect(connection);
              } catch (IOException e) {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
    class ThreadConnect extends Thread {
         Socket connection;
         DataOutputStream output;
         DataInputStream input;
         ThreadConnect(Socket x) {
              connection = x;
         public void run() {
              try {
                   input = new DataInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
                   output = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
                   try {
                        int choice = input.readInt();
                        String city, state;
                        int zipcode;
                        if (choice == 1) {
                             int zc = input.readInt();
                    = DatabaseConnection.s
                                       .executeQuery("SELECT City,State FROM Zipcodes "
                                                 + "WHERE ZipCode = " + zc);
                             while ( {
                                  state ="State");
                                  city ="City");
                        } else if (choice == 2) {
                             city = input.readUTF();
                             state = input.readUTF();
                    = DatabaseConnection.s
                                       .executeQuery("SELECT ZipCode FROM Zipcodes "
                                                 + "WHERE City = " + city + " AND State = "
                                                 + state);
                             while ( {
                                  zipcode ="ZipCode");
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                   } finally {
              } catch (IOException e) {
    class DatabaseConnection {
         static Connection con;
         static Statement s;
         static ResultSet rs;
         static String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
         static String url = "jdbc:mysql://***.****.******/***";
         static String user = "*******";
         static String password = "********";
         static void connect() {
              try {
                   System.out.println("Loaded Driver");
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
                   System.out.println("Connected to database\n");
                   s = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
              } catch (Throwable e) {
         static void close() {
              try {
                   System.out.println("\nDisconnected From Database");
              } catch (Throwable e) {

    R.Baldwin7 wrote:
    I tried it. Still getting the same error.
    Code no looks like:
    else if (choice == 2) {
                             city = input.readUTF();
                             state = input.readUTF();
                             PreparedStatement ps = DatabaseConnection.con.prepareStatement("SELECT ZipCode FROM Zipcodes "
                                       + "WHERE City = " + city + " AND State = "
                                       + state);
                    = ps.executeQuery();
                             while ( {
                                  zipcode ="ZipCode");
    Read the API docs and the JDBC Tutorials for the proper way to use a PreparedStatement. It may "work" to add the quotes, but it is definately not the right way to do it. What happens if the city entered contains an apostrophe? Your statement will be broken again. Like I said, use a PreparedStatement and use it right.

  • I need help with my ipods error 21 please help

    my ipod doesn't like to restore on my computer its a windows 7 and i have the latest itunes can somebody please help me the i

    Error 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 34, 36, 37, 40
    These errors typically occur when security software interferes with the restore and update process. FollowTroubleshooting security software issues to resolve this issue. In rare cases, these errors may be a hardware issue. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.
    The "device may need service" means a hardware problem. In that case make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Need help with Adobe Connect Pro templates

    Hi Everyone -
    I'm working with a colleague to help her prepare a few webinars. I originally created a series of meetings for her, but she wants to use customized templates. Apparently, you cannot apply a customized template to an existing meeting; you need to select the template when you create the meeting.
    My colleague reports the following:
    I deleted the webinars you created in Adobe Connect so that I could re-create them with my new meeting template.
    I saved the my meeting template first in "My Templates" and tried creating the meetings, but was unsuccessful at using the template. Then I tried creating the meetings with my template in "Shared templates." Still no luck.
    No matter what I do, once the meeting is set up (having selected the my meeting template) and I enter the meeting room, I just get blank space and this message:
    "The template you are looking at is the one we use if the default template feature is not working."
    I then emailed support at Clarix and got the following, fairly unhelpful advice:
    What we are assuming is a template was deleted. Now, the way templates work: There are default ones, used to create a meeting. If you use that meeting to create a template, the new template in fact relies on the previous existing template. So, you are winding up with a chicken and the egg scenario – it doesn’t know where to begin.
    So, best practice – never delete a template – any template that was created based on the original will not work.
    This doesn't seem to be a solution to a problem, and since I'm new to working with templates in ACP, I am wondering if anyone else out there has any advice.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Lucy,
    In order to use a meeting as a template you have to move that particular meeting into shared Template folder and then while creating any new meeting you will get an option to use that meeting as a Template for your New meeting. Also please revert with some more details so that we can look into that matter more clearly.
    Also you can contact the Technical Support for Connect its free of cost the number is 18004223623

  • [Solved] Need help with DSDT - 15 errors

    I downloaded a tool designed for mac DSDT editing from the internet, for Windows (as Linux doesn't show battery properly yet).
    Here's my system:
    Toshiba Satellite L750D
    AMD A8 APU
    ATI 6620HD Discrete Graphics
    On Linux, the following doesn't seem to work correctly:
    - Fan spins very high and makes a lot of noise
    - The battery BAT1 isn't even detected as a device and the only device under /sys/class/power_supply/ is ACAD, which is something else.
    On Linux, I get the following errors which suggests a buggy DSDT table:
    kyle@kyle-laptop ~ dmesg | grep ACPI
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000cf486000-0x00000000cf88efff] ACPI NVS
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000cfbbf000-0x00000000cfebefff] ACPI NVS
    [ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000cfebf000-0x00000000cfef5fff] ACPI data
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 00000000000fe020 00024 (v02 TOSQCI)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 00000000cfef5120 0007C (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 01000013)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 00000000cfef4000 000F4 (v04 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 00000000cfede000 112E5 (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 F0000000 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 00000000cfc97000 00040
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET 00000000cfef3000 00038 (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 00000000cfef2000 00084 (v02 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 00000000cfef1000 0003C (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: ASF! 00000000cfef0000 000A5 (v32 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: BOOT 00000000cfedd000 00028 (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 00000000cfedc000 00176 (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: WDRT 00000000cfedb000 00047 (v01 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: MSDM 00000000cfeda000 00055 (v03 TOSQCI TOSQCI00 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 00000000cfed9000 00E28 (v01 AMD POWERNOW 00000001 AMD 00000001)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 00000000cfed7000 0193D (v02 AMD ALIB 00000001 MSFT 04000000)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high edge lint[0x1])
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high edge lint[0x1])
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x04] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 low level)
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ2 used by override.
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
    [ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
    [ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x10228210 base: 0xfed00000
    [ 0.005191] ACPI: Core revision 20120320
    [ 0.005342] ACPI: Forced DSDT copy: length 0x112E5 copied locally, original unmapped
    [ 0.275625] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xcf486000-0xcf88efff] (4231168 bytes)
    [ 0.275717] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0xcfbbf000-0xcfebefff] (3145728 bytes)
    [ 0.277613] ACPI: bus type pci registered
    [ 0.285292] ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
    [ 0.285296] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
    [ 0.285297] ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
    [ 0.285299] ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
    [ 0.285300] ACPI: Added _OSI(Linux)
    [ 0.287480] ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT
    [ 0.328586] ACPI: Executed 1 blocks of module-level executable AML code
    [ 0.333711] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query honored via cmdline
    [ 0.334386] ACPI: Interpreter enabled
    [ 0.334389] ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
    [ 0.334404] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
    [ 0.340413] ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x3, I/O: command/status = 0x66, data = 0x62
    [ 0.340624] ACPI: No dock devices found.
    [ 0.340630] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
    [ 0.340779] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
    [ 0.367355] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
    [ 0.367488] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PB2_._PRT]
    [ 0.367521] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PB4_._PRT]
    [ 0.367545] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PB5_._PRT]
    [ 0.367613] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.P2P_._PRT]
    [ 0.367677] pci0000:00: >Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x1d)
    [ 0.367680] pci0000:00: >ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_NOT_FOUND), returned control mask: 0x1d
    [ 0.367681] ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM
    [ 0.375952] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376034] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376110] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376163] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376204] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376235] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376268] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376300] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0
    [ 0.376629] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
    [ 0.388090] pnp: PnP ACPI init
    [ 0.388113] ACPI: bus type pnp registered
    [ 0.388383] pnp 00:00: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a08 PNP0a03 (active)
    [ 0.388482] system 00:01: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
    [ 0.388640] pnp 00:02: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0103 (active)
    [ 0.388760] pnp 00:03: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0200 (active)
    [ 0.388819] pnp 00:04: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c04 (active)
    [ 0.388910] pnp 00:05: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
    [ 0.388963] pnp 00:06: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0800 (active)
    [ 0.389048] pnp 00:07: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 (active)
    [ 0.389133] pnp 00:08: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs TOS0200 SYN1000 SYN0002 PNP0f13 (active)
    [ 0.389261] system 00:09: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
    [ 0.389348] system 00:0a: >Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c01 (active)
    [ 0.389762] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 11 devices
    [ 0.389764] ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
    [ 1.799341] ACPI: bus type usb registered
    [ 6.119883] toshiba_bluetooth: Detected Toshiba ACPI Bluetooth device - installing RFKill handler
    [ 6.162801] ACPI: acpi_idle registered with cpuidle
    [ 6.189958] ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
    [ 6.190091] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID]
    [ 6.190142] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
    [ 6.550426] ACPI Exception: AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT, Index (0x0000000000000011) is beyond end of object (20120320/exoparg2-418)
    [ 6.550437] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.BAT1.UBIX] (Node ffff880203e8a168), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT (20120320/psparse-536)
    [ 6.550443] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.BAT1._BIX] (Node ffff880203e8a0f0), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT (20120320/psparse-536)
    [ 6.550449] ACPI Exception: AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT, Evaluating _BIX (20120320/battery-419)
    [ 6.595368] ACPI: AC Adapter [ACAD] (on-line)
    [ 6.747736] ACPI: Video Device [VGA] (multi-head: yes rom: no post: no)
    [ 6.758044] ACPI: Thermal Zone [THRM] (55 C)
    [ 6.758620] ACPI: Video Device [VGA1] (multi-head: yes rom: no post: no)
    [ 7.772864] toshiba_acpi: Toshiba Laptop ACPI Extras version 0.19
    [ 7.876001] ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000000b00-0x0000000000000b07 SystemIO conflicts with Region \_SB_.PCI0.SMBS.SMB0 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)
    [ 7.876019] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
    [ 19.440618] ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
    [ 19.441155] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID]
    [ 19.441886] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
    kyle@kyle-laptop ~
    Of interest;
    [ 6.550426] ACPI Exception: AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT, Index (0x0000000000000011) is beyond end of object (20120320/exoparg2-418)
    [ 6.550437] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.BAT1.UBIX] (Node ffff880203e8a168), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT (20120320/psparse-536)
    [ 6.550443] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.BAT1._BIX] (Node ffff880203e8a0f0), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT (20120320/psparse-536)
    [ 6.550449] ACPI Exception: AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT, Evaluating _BIX (20120320/battery-419)
    I have no idea how to fix this. So, I'm outsourcing help
    Here's the original DSDT which I extract:
    DefinitionBlock ("DSDT.aml", "DSDT", 1, "TOSQCI", "TOSQCI00", 0xF0000000)
    External (ALIB, MethodObj) // 2 Arguments
    External (\_SB_.ALIB, MethodObj) // 5 Arguments
    External (\_PR_.C003._PPC)
    External (\_PR_.C002._PPC)
    External (\_PR_.C001._PPC)
    External (\_PR_.C000._PPC, IntObj)
    OperationRegion (DBG0, SystemIO, 0x80, One)
    Field (DBG0, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    IO80, 8
    OperationRegion (DBG1, SystemIO, 0x80, 0x02)
    Field (DBG1, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    P80H, 16
    OperationRegion (ACMS, SystemIO, 0x72, 0x02)
    Field (ACMS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    INDX, 8,
    DATA, 8
    OperationRegion (PSMI, SystemIO, 0xB0, 0x02)
    Field (PSMI, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    APMC, 8,
    APMD, 8
    OperationRegion (PMRG, SystemIO, 0x0CD6, 0x02)
    Field (PMRG, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    PMRI, 8,
    PMRD, 8
    IndexField (PMRI, PMRD, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    Offset (0x24),
    MMSO, 32,
    Offset (0x50),
    HPAD, 32,
    Offset (0x60),
    P1EB, 16,
    Offset (0xC8),
    , 2,
    SPRE, 1,
    TPDE, 1,
    Offset (0xF0),
    , 3,
    RSTU, 1
    OperationRegion (P1E0, SystemIO, P1EB, 0x04)
    Field (P1E0, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    , 14,
    PEWS, 1,
    WSTA, 1,
    , 14,
    PEWD, 1
    OperationRegion (IOCC, SystemIO, 0x0400, 0x80)
    Field (IOCC, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    Offset (0x01),
    , 2,
    RTCS, 1
    Name (PRWP, Package (0x02)
    Method (GPRW, 2, NotSerialized)
    Store (Arg0, Index (PRWP, Zero))
    Store (Arg1, Index (PRWP, One))
    If (LAnd (LEqual (DAS3, Zero), LEqual (DAS1, Zero)))
    If (LLessEqual (Arg1, 0x03))
    Store (Zero, Index (PRWP, One))
    If (LAnd (LEqual (DAS3, Zero), LEqual (Arg1, 0x03)))
    Store (Zero, Index (PRWP, One))
    If (LAnd (LEqual (DAS1, Zero), LEqual (Arg1, One)))
    Store (Zero, Index (PRWP, One))
    Return (PRWP)
    Method (SPTS, 1, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03))
    Store (Zero, RSTU)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.CLPS)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.SLPS)
    Store (PEWS, PEWS)
    Method (SWAK, 1, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03))
    Store (One, RSTU)
    Store (PEWS, PEWS)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.PWDE)
    Store (Zero, PEWD)
    Method (CHKH, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G05S)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G05T)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G05T)
    Store (Not (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GE16), \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G16T)
    OperationRegion (GNVS, SystemMemory, 0xCFEBCE18, 0x00000013)
    Field (GNVS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    DAS1, 8,
    DAS3, 8,
    TNBH, 8,
    TCP0, 8,
    TCP1, 8,
    ATNB, 8,
    PCP0, 8,
    PCP1, 8,
    PWMN, 8,
    LPTY, 8,
    M92D, 8,
    WKPM, 8,
    ALST, 8,
    AFUC, 8,
    EXUS, 8,
    AIRC, 8,
    WLSH, 8,
    TSSS, 8,
    ODZC, 8
    OperationRegion (OGNS, SystemMemory, 0xCFEBDD98, 0x00000255)
    Field (OGNS, AnyAcc, Lock, Preserve)
    OG00, 8,
    OG01, 8,
    OG02, 8,
    OG03, 8,
    OG04, 8,
    OG05, 8,
    OG06, 8,
    OG07, 8,
    OG08, 8,
    OG09, 8,
    OG10, 8,
    OG11, 8,
    OG12, 8,
    OG13, 8,
    OG14, 8,
    OG15, 8,
    OG16, 8,
    OG17, 8,
    OG18, 8,
    OG19, 8,
    OG20, 8,
    BLK0, 32,
    BLK1, 32,
    BLK2, 32,
    BLK3, 32,
    BLK4, 32,
    BLK5, 32,
    BTEN, 1,
    WLAN, 1,
    WN3G, 1,
    ENSR, 2,
    CCDE, 1,
    DACB, 1,
    TPDV, 1,
    WOLI, 1,
    CIRE, 1,
    FGPE, 1,
    HDME, 1,
    CPUD, 1,
    PCIL, 1,
    FBBS, 1,
    SWKS, 1,
    OWNS, 4096,
    DVDI, 160,
    OWN0, 8,
    OWN1, 8,
    HEUE, 8,
    BEUE, 8,
    VEVT, 16,
    FEVT, 16,
    NEVT, 16,
    OPR0, 8,
    OPR1, 8,
    OPR2, 8,
    KBIN, 8,
    SLPB, 32
    OperationRegion (NVST, SystemMemory, 0xCFEBED61, 0x0000012A)
    Field (NVST, AnyAcc, Lock, Preserve)
    SMIF, 8,
    PRM0, 8,
    PRM1, 8,
    BRTL, 8,
    TLST, 8,
    IGDS, 8,
    LCDA, 16,
    CSTE, 16,
    NSTE, 16,
    CADL, 16,
    PADL, 16,
    LIDS, 8,
    PWRS, 8,
    BVAL, 32,
    ADDL, 16,
    BCMD, 8,
    DID, 32,
    INFO, 2048,
    TOML, 8,
    TOMH, 8,
    CEBP, 8,
    C0LS, 8,
    C1LS, 8,
    C0HS, 8,
    C1HS, 8,
    ROMS, 32,
    MUXF, 8,
    PDDN, 8
    Method (SCMP, 2, NotSerialized)
    Name (STG1, Buffer (0x50) {})
    Name (STG2, Buffer (0x50) {})
    Store (Arg0, STG1)
    Store (Arg1, STG2)
    If (LNotEqual (SizeOf (Arg0), SizeOf (Arg1)))
    Return (Zero)
    Store (Zero, Local0)
    While (LLess (Local0, SizeOf (Arg0)))
    If (LNotEqual (DerefOf (Index (STG1, Local0)), DerefOf (Index (
    STG2, Local0))))
    Return (Zero)
    Increment (Local0)
    Return (One)
    Name (WNOS, Zero)
    Name (MYOS, Zero)
    Name (HTTS, Zero)
    Name (OSTB, Ones)
    Name (TPOS, Zero)
    Name (LINX, Zero)
    Name (OSSP, Zero)
    Method (CKOS, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (WNOS, Zero))
    If (SCMP (_OS, "Microsoft Windows"))
    Store (One, WNOS)
    If (SCMP (_OS, "Microsoft Windows NT"))
    Store (0x02, WNOS)
    If (SCMP (_OS, "Microsoft WindowsME: Millennium Edition"))
    Store (0x03, WNOS)
    If (SCMP (_OS, "Windows 2012"))
    Store (0x07, WNOS)
    If (CondRefOf (\_OSI, Local0))
    If (SCMP (_OS, "Windows 2006"))
    Store (0x05, WNOS)
    If (SCMP (_OS, "Windows 2009"))
    Store (0x06, WNOS)
    Store (0x04, WNOS)
    Return (WNOS)
    Method (SEQL, 2, Serialized)
    Store (SizeOf (Arg0), Local0)
    Store (SizeOf (Arg1), Local1)
    If (LNotEqual (Local0, Local1))
    Return (Zero)
    Name (BUF0, Buffer (Local0) {})
    Store (Arg0, BUF0)
    Name (BUF1, Buffer (Local0) {})
    Store (Arg1, BUF1)
    Store (Zero, Local2)
    While (LLess (Local2, Local0))
    Store (DerefOf (Index (BUF0, Local2)), Local3)
    Store (DerefOf (Index (BUF1, Local2)), Local4)
    If (LNotEqual (Local3, Local4))
    Return (Zero)
    Increment (Local2)
    Return (One)
    Method (OSTP, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (OSTB, Ones))
    If (CondRefOf (\_OSI, Local0))
    Store (Zero, OSTB)
    Store (Zero, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001"))
    Store (0x08, OSTB)
    Store (0x08, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001.1"))
    Store (0x20, OSTB)
    Store (0x20, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP1"))
    Store (0x10, OSTB)
    Store (0x10, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2"))
    Store (0x11, OSTB)
    Store (0x11, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP3"))
    Store (0x12, OSTB)
    Store (0x12, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2006"))
    Store (0x40, OSTB)
    Store (0x40, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2006 SP1"))
    Store (0x41, OSTB)
    Store (0x41, TPOS)
    Store (One, OSSP)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2009"))
    Store (One, OSSP)
    Store (0x50, OSTB)
    Store (0x50, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Linux"))
    Store (One, LINX)
    Store (0x80, OSTB)
    Store (0x80, TPOS)
    If (CondRefOf (\_OS, Local0))
    If (SEQL (_OS, "Microsoft Windows"))
    Store (One, OSTB)
    Store (One, TPOS)
    If (SEQL (_OS, "Microsoft WindowsME: Millennium Edition"))
    Store (0x02, OSTB)
    Store (0x02, TPOS)
    If (SEQL (_OS, "Microsoft Windows NT"))
    Store (0x04, OSTB)
    Store (0x04, TPOS)
    Store (Zero, OSTB)
    Store (Zero, TPOS)
    Store (Zero, OSTB)
    Store (Zero, TPOS)
    Return (OSTB)
    Method (VTOB, 1, NotSerialized)
    Store (One, Local0)
    ShiftLeft (Local0, Arg0, Local0)
    Return (Local0)
    Method (BTOV, 1, NotSerialized)
    ShiftRight (Arg0, One, Local0)
    Store (Zero, Local1)
    While (Local0)
    Increment (Local1)
    ShiftRight (Local0, One, Local0)
    Return (Local1)
    Method (MKWD, 2, NotSerialized)
    If (And (Arg1, 0x80))
    Store (0xFFFF0000, Local0)
    Store (Zero, Local0)
    Or (Local0, Arg0, Local0)
    Or (Local0, ShiftLeft (Arg1, 0x08), Local0)
    Return (Local0)
    Method (POSW, 1, NotSerialized)
    If (And (Arg0, 0x8000))
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0xFFFF))
    Return (Ones)
    Not (Arg0, Local0)
    Increment (Local0)
    And (Local0, 0xFFFF, Local0)
    Return (Local0)
    Return (Arg0)
    Method (GBFE, 3, NotSerialized)
    CreateByteField (Arg0, Arg1, TIDX)
    Store (TIDX, Arg2)
    Method (PBFE, 3, NotSerialized)
    CreateByteField (Arg0, Arg1, TIDX)
    Store (Arg2, TIDX)
    Method (ITOS, 1, NotSerialized)
    Store (Buffer (0x09)
    /* 0000 */ 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    /* 0008 */ 0x00
    }, Local0)
    Store (Buffer (0x11)
    }, Local7)
    Store (0x08, Local1)
    Store (Zero, Local2)
    Store (Zero, Local3)
    While (Local1)
    Decrement (Local1)
    And (ShiftRight (Arg0, ShiftLeft (Local1, 0x02)), 0x0F, Local4)
    If (Local4)
    Store (Ones, Local3)
    If (Local3)
    GBFE (Local7, Local4, RefOf (Local5))
    PBFE (Local0, Local2, Local5)
    Increment (Local2)
    Return (Local0)
    Scope (_PR)
    Processor (C000, 0x00, 0x00000410, 0x06)
    Processor (C001, 0x01, 0x00000000, 0x00)
    Processor (C002, 0x02, 0x00000000, 0x00)
    Processor (C003, 0x03, 0x00000000, 0x00)
    Name (_S0, Package (0x04)
    If (LEqual (DAS1, One)) {}
    If (LEqual (DAS3, One))
    Name (_S3, Package (0x04)
    Name (_S4, Package (0x04)
    Name (_S5, Package (0x04)
    Scope (_GPE)
    Method (_L1C, 0, NotSerialized)
    Store (0xFFFF, Local1)
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.MIN, Local2)
    ShiftLeft (Local2, 0x08, Local1)
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.SEC, Local2)
    Or (Local1, Local2, Local1)
    Store (Local1, P80H)
    Method (_L08, 0, NotSerialized)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB2, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB3, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB4, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB5, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB6, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB7, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SPB0, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SPB1, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SPB2, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SPB3, 0x02)
    Name (XX05, Buffer (One)
    Name (XX06, Buffer (One)
    Method (_L05, 0, NotSerialized)
    Name (HPOK, Zero)
    Sleep (0xC8)
    If (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GE05)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G05T)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G05T)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SPB2, Zero)
    Method (_L18, 0, NotSerialized)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.OHC1, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.OHC2, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.OHC3, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.OHC4, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.EHC1, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.EHC2, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.EHC3, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.XHC0, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.XHC1, 0x02)
    Notify (\_SB.PWRB, 0x02)
    Method (_L09, 0, NotSerialized)
    Store (0x4400, P80H)
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O012, Local0)
    Or (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O013, Local0)
    Or (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O014, Local0)
    CreateWordField (XX05, Zero, SZZE)
    CreateField (XX05, 0x10, 0x03, FUCC)
    CreateField (XX05, 0x13, 0x05, DEVV)
    CreateByteField (XX05, 0x03, BUSS)
    CreateByteField (XX05, 0x04, HPST)
    Store (0x05, SZZE)
    Store (Zero, BUSS)
    Store (0x05, DEVV)
    Store (Zero, FUCC)
    CreateWordField (XX06, Zero, SZZ6)
    CreateField (XX06, 0x10, 0x03, FUC6)
    CreateField (XX06, 0x13, 0x05, DEV6)
    CreateByteField (XX06, 0x03, BUS6)
    CreateByteField (XX06, 0x04, HPS6)
    Store (0x05, SZZ6)
    Store (Zero, BUS6)
    Store (0x06, DEV6)
    Store (Zero, FUC6)
    If (LEqual (Local0, One))
    If (LEqual (WLSH, Zero))
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O012)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O013)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O014)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E012)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E013)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E014)
    Store (Zero, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX06, Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O012), Store (
    One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O013), Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O014)), Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E012), Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E013))
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E014)
    If (LEqual (Local0, Zero))
    If (LEqual (WLSH, Zero))
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E012)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E013)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E014)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O012)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O013)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O014)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E012)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E013)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.E014)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O012)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O013)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.O014)
    Store (One, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX06, \_SB.PCI0.PB5.XPPR (Zero), Sleep (0x14),
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB5, Zero)), Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB6, Zero), Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SPB0, Zero))
    Method (_L0E, 0, NotSerialized)
    CreateWordField (XX05, Zero, SZZE)
    CreateField (XX05, 0x10, 0x03, FUCC)
    CreateField (XX05, 0x13, 0x05, DEVV)
    CreateByteField (XX05, 0x03, BUSS)
    CreateByteField (XX05, 0x04, HPST)
    Store (0x05, SZZE)
    Store (Zero, BUSS)
    Store (0x03, DEVV)
    Store (Zero, FUCC)
    Name (HPOK, Zero)
    If (LGreaterEqual (OSTB, 0x40))
    Sleep (0x14)
    If (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GE14)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G14T)
    Store (0x18, INFO)
    Store (0x86, BCMD)
    Sleep (0x64)
    Sleep (0x64)
    If (CondRefOf (\_SB.ALIB, Local0))
    Store (Zero, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, Else
    \_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPPR (Zero)
    }, Store (0x0F1A, P80H), Else
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G14T)
    If (CondRefOf (\_SB.ALIB, Local0))
    Store (One, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, Else
    \_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPPR (One)
    }, Store (0x021A, P80H), Else
    Sleep (0x14)
    If (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GE14)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G14T)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.PB3.PDC2)
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.VGA.DVID, Local7)
    Sleep (0x0A)
    Store (One, Local4)
    Store (0x05, Local5)
    While (LAnd (Local4, Local5))
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPRD (0xA5), Local6)
    And (Local6, 0x7F, Local6)
    If (LLessEqual (Local6, 0x04))
    Store (Zero, Local4)
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.VGA.DVID, Local7)
    Sleep (0x05)
    Decrement (Local5)
    If (CondRefOf (\_SB.ALIB, Local0))
    Store (Zero, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, Else
    \_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPPR (Zero)
    }, Store (One, HPOK), Store (0x1F1A, P80H))
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G14T)
    Store (Zero, HPOK)
    If (CondRefOf (\_SB.ALIB, Local0))
    Store (One, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, Else
    \_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPPR (One)
    }, Store (Zero, Local2), While (LLess (Local2, 0x0F))
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.PB3.PDC2)
    Store (One, Local4)
    Store (0xC8, Local5)
    While (LAnd (Local4, Local5))
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPRD (0xA5), Local6)
    And (Local6, 0x7F, Local6)
    If (LAnd (LGreaterEqual (Local6, 0x10), LNotEqual (Local6, 0x7F)))
    Store (Zero, Local4)
    Sleep (0x05)
    Decrement (Local5)
    If (LNot (Local4))
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPDL (), Local5)
    If (Local5)
    \_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPRT ()
    Sleep (0x05)
    Increment (Local2)
    Store (0x18, INFO)
    Store (0x87, BCMD)
    If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPR2 (), Ones))
    Store (One, HPOK)
    Store (0x10, Local2)
    Store (Zero, HPOK)
    Store (0x10, Local2)
    Store (0x10, Local2)
    Store (0x121A, P80H)
    If (LNot (HPOK))
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.VGA.DVID, Local7)
    Sleep (0x0A)
    Store (One, Local4)
    Store (0x05, Local5)
    While (LAnd (Local4, Local5))
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPRD (0xA5), Local6)
    And (Local6, 0x7F, Local6)
    If (LLessEqual (Local6, 0x04))
    Store (Zero, Local4)
    Store (\_SB.PCI0.PB3.VGA.DVID, Local7)
    Sleep (0x05)
    Decrement (Local5)
    If (CondRefOf (\_SB.ALIB, Local0))
    Store (Zero, HPST)
    \_SB.ALIB (0x06, XX05, Else
    \_SB.PCI0.PB3.XPPR (Zero)
    }, If (HPOK)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.PB3, Zero)
    Method (_L10, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (ODZC, One))
    If (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G16T)
    Sleep (0x14)
    If (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GE16)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G16T)
    If (LOr (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.VIDI, 0x78001022), LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.VIDI, 0x78011022)))
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.AFD, 0x80)
    If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.VIDI, 0x78041022))
    If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.AFD.HDD0, One))
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.ODDZ, 0x80)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.ODDZ, 0x80)
    Store (0xDF15, P80H)
    Sleep (0x14)
    If (LNot (\_SB.PCI0.SMBS.GE16))
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.G16T)
    If (LOr (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.VIDI, 0x78001022), LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.VIDI, 0x78011022)))
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.AFD, 0x80)
    If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.VIDI, 0x78041022))
    If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.AFD.HDD0, One))
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.ODDZ, 0x80)
    Notify (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.ODDZ, 0x80)
    Store (0xDF14, P80H)
    Name (PICM, Zero)
    Name (GPIC, Zero)
    Method (_PIC, 1, NotSerialized)
    Store (Arg0, PICM)
    Store (Arg0, GPIC)
    If (GPIC)
    \_SB.DSPI ()
    Name (PTSF, Zero)
    Method (_PTS, 1, NotSerialized)
    Store (One, PTSF)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.IESQ)
    SPTS (Arg0)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, One))
    Store (0x51, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0x51)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03))
    If (\_SB.SSTS)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.WLID)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.WLID)
    Store (0x53, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0x53)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.SLPS)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04))
    Store (0x54, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0x54)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.SMBS.SLPS)
    Store (One, RSTU)
    Store (One, \_SB.INS4)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.FLS4)
    If (\_SB.SSTS)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.WLID)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.WLID)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05))
    Store (0x55, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0x55)
    \_SB.GSMI (0x03)
    Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized)
    Store (Zero, PTSF)
    SWAK (Arg0)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, One))
    Store (0xE1, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0xE1)
    Store (0xF1, \_SB.PCI0.P2P.PR4B)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03))
    Store (0x55, \_SB.INS3)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.CPLE)
    Store (0xE3, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0xE3)
    CHKH ()
    If (\_SB.ECOK)
    If (LGreaterEqual (TPOS, 0x40))
    If (LEqual (TPOS, 0x80))
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.OSTP)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.OSTP)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.OSTP)
    Notify (\_SB.BAT1, 0x81)
    Notify (\_SB.PWRB, 0x02)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04))
    Store (0x55, \_SB.INS3)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.INS4)
    Store (0xE4, IO80)
    \_SB.S80H (0xE4)
    \_SB.PCI0._INI ()
    \_SB.PCI0.EHC1.STOS ()
    If (\_SB.ECOK)
    If (LGreaterEqual (TPOS, 0x40))
    If (LEqual (TPOS, 0x80))
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.OSTP)
    Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.OSTP)
    Store (Zero, \_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0.OSTP)
    Notify (\_SB.BAT1, 0x81)
    Notify (\_SB.PWRB, 0x02)
    Return (Zero)
    Scope (_SI)
    Method (_SST, 1, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, One))
    Store ("===== SST Working =====", Debug)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x02))
    Store ("===== SST Waking =====", Debug)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03))
    Store ("===== SST Sleeping =====", Debug)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04))
    Store ("===== SST Sleeping S4 =====", Debug)
    Scope (_SB)
    Name (ECOK, One)
    Name (INS3, Zero)
    Name (INS4, One)
    Name (WLWF, Zero)
    Name (L3WF, Zero)
    Name (DCNT, Zero)
    Name (SSTS, Zero)
    Name (LDSS, Zero)
    Method (GBFE, 3, NotSerialized)
    CreateByteField (Arg0, Arg1, TIDX)
    Store (TIDX, Arg2)
    Method (PBFE, 3, NotSerialized)
    CreateByteField (Arg0, Arg1, TIDX)
    Store (Arg2, TIDX)
    Method (ITOS, 1, NotSerialized)
    Store (Buffer (0x09)
    /* 0000 */ 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    /* 0008 */ 0x00
    }, Local0)
    Store (Buffer (0x11)
    }, Local7)
    Store (0x08, Local1)
    Store (Zero, Local2)
    Store (Zero, Local3)
    While (Local1)
    Decrement (Local1)
    And (ShiftRight (Arg0, ShiftLeft (Local1, 0x02)), 0x0F, Local4)
    If (Local4)
    Store (Ones, Local3)
    If (Local3)
    GBFE (Local7, Local4, RefOf (Local5))
    PBFE (Local0, Local2, Local5)
    Increment (Local2)
    Return (Local0)
    Device (PWRB)
    Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0C"))
    Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
    Return (0x0B)
    Device (PCI0)
    Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0A08"))
    Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0A03"))
    Name (_ADR, Zero)
    OperationRegion (SCTH, PCI_Config, 0x7A, One)
    Field (SCTH, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    RSMF, 1
    Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (GPIC, Zero)) {}
    DSPI ()
    OSTP ()
    Store (0x07D0, MYOS)
    If (CondRefOf (\_OSI, Local0))
    If (_OSI ("Linux"))
    Store (0x03E8, MYOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001"))
    Store (0x07D1, MYOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP1"))
    Store (0x07D1, MYOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2"))
    Store (0x07D2, MYOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2006"))
    Store (0x07D6, MYOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2009"))
    Store (0x07D9, MYOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2012"))
    Store (0x07DC, MYOS)
    OperationRegion (NBMS, PCI_Config, 0x60, 0x08)
    Field (NBMS, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    MIDX, 32,
    MIDR, 32
    Mutex (NBMM, 0x00)
    Method (NBMR, 1, NotSerialized)
    Acquire (NBMM, 0xFFFF)
    And (Arg0, 0x7F, Local0)
    Store (Local0, MIDX)
    Store (MIDR, Local0)
    Store (0x7F, MIDX)
    Release (NBMM)
    Return (Local0)
    Method (NBMW, 2, NotSerialized)
    Acquire (NBMM, 0xFFFF)
    And (Arg0, 0x7F, Local0)
    Or (Local0, 0x80, Local0)
    Store (Local0, MIDX)
    Store (Arg1, MIDR)
    Store (And (Local0, 0x7F, Local0), MIDX)
    Release (NBMM)
    OperationRegion (NBXP, PCI_Config, 0xE0, 0x08)
    Field (NBXP, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
    NBXI, 32,
    NBXD, 32
    Mutex (NBXM, 0x00)
    Method (NBXR, 1, NotSerialized)
    Acquire (NBXM, 0xFFFF)
    Store (Arg0, NBXI)
    Store (NBXD, Local0)
    Store (Zero, NBXI)
    Release (NBXM)
    Return (Local0)
    Method (NBXW, 2, NotSerialized)
    Acquire (NBXM, 0xFFFF)
    Store (Arg0, NBXI)
    Store (Arg1, NBXD)
    Store (Zero, NBXI)
    Release (NBXM)
    Method (XPTR, 2, NotSerialized)
    If (LAnd (LLess (Arg0, 0x02), LGreater (Arg0, 0x07)))
    Return (Zero)
    If (LLess (Arg0, 0x04))
    Subtract (Arg0, 0x02, Local1)
    Store (0x01310800, Local0)
    Subtract (Arg0, 0x04, Local1)
    Store (0x01300900, Local0)
    Add (Local0, ShiftLeft (Local1, 0x08), Local0)
    ShiftLeft (Local0, Local1, Local0)
    NBXW (Local0, Arg1)
    Return (Ones)
    Method (XPLP, 2, NotSerialized)
    Method (XPLL, 2, NotSerialized)
    Name (_UID, One)
    Name (_BBN, Zero)
    Name (SUPP, Zero)
    Name (CTRL, Zero)
    Name (AMHP, Zero)
    Method (XOSC, 4, NotSerialized)
    CreateDWordField (Arg3, Zero, CDW1)
    CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x04, CDW2)
    CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x08, CDW3)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
    /* 0000 */ 0x5B, 0x4D, 0xDB, 0x33, 0xF7, 0x1F, 0x1C, 0x40,
    /* 0008 */ 0x96, 0x57, 0x74, 0x41, 0xC0, 0x3D, 0xD7, 0x66
    Store (CDW2, SUPP)
    Store (CDW3, CTRL)
    And (CTRL, 0x1D, CTRL)
    If (Not (And (CDW1, One)))
    If (And (CTRL, One)) {}
    If (And (CTRL, 0x10)) {}
    If (LNotEqual (Arg1, One))
    Or (CDW1, 0x08, CDW1)
    If (LNotEqual (CDW3, CTRL))
    Or (CDW1, 0x10, CDW1)
    Store (CTRL, CDW3)
    Return (Arg3)
    Or (CDW1, 0x04, CDW1)
    Return (Arg3)
    Method (TOM, 0, NotSerialized)
    Multiply (TOML, 0x00010000, Local0)
    Multiply (TOMH, 0x01000000, Local1)
    Add (Local0, Local1, Local0)
    Return (Local0)
    Name (CRES, ResourceTemplate ()
    WordBusNumber (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, SubDecode,
    0x0000, // Granularity
    0x0000, // Range Minimum
    0x00FF, // Range Maximum
    0x0000, // Translation Offset
    0x0100, // Length
    0x00,, )
    WordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
    0x0000, // Granularity
    0x0000, // Range Minimum
    0x0CF7, // Range Maximum
    0x0000, // Translation Offset
    0x0CF8, // Length
    0x00,, , TypeStatic)
    WordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
    0x0000, // Granularity
    0x0D00, // Range Minimum
    0xFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x0000, // Translation Offset
    0xF300, // Length
    ,, , TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000A0000, // Range Minimum
    0x000BFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00020000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadOnly,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000C0000, // Range Minimum
    0x000C3FFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadOnly,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000C4000, // Range Minimum
    0x000C7FFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadOnly,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000C8000, // Range Minimum
    0x000CBFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadOnly,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000CC000, // Range Minimum
    0x000CFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000D0000, // Range Minimum
    0x000D3FFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000D4000, // Range Minimum
    0x000D7FFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000D8000, // Range Minimum
    0x000DBFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000DC000, // Range Minimum
    0x000DFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000E0000, // Range Minimum
    0x000E3FFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000E4000, // Range Minimum
    0x000E7FFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000E8000, // Range Minimum
    0x000EBFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x000EC000, // Range Minimum
    0x000EFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x00004000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0x80000000, // Range Minimum
    0xF7FFFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x77000000, // Length
    0x00,, _Y00, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, SubDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Granularity
    0xFC000000, // Range Minimum
    0xFFFFFFFF, // Range Maximum
    0x00000000, // Translation Offset
    0x04000000, // Length
    0x00,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
    IO (Decode16,
    0x0CF8, // Range Minimum
    0x0CF8, // Range Maximum
    0x01, // Alignment
    0x08, // Length
    Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
    CreateDWordField (CRES, \_SB.PCI0._Y00._MIN, BTMN)
    CreateDWordField (CRES, \_SB.PCI0._Y00._MAX, BTMX)
    CreateDWordField (CRES, \_SB.PCI0._Y00._LEN, BTLN)
    Store (TOM (), BTMN)
    Subtract (0xF8000000, BTMN, BTLN)
    Return (CRES)
    Device (MEMR)
    Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C02"))
    Name (MEM1, ResourceTemplate ()
    Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Address Base
    0x00000000, // Address Length
    Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
    0x00000000, // Address Base
    0x00000000, // Address Length
    Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite,
    0xFF800000, // Address Base
    0x00000020, // Address Length
    Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
    CreateDWordField (MEM1, \_SB.PCI0.MEMR._Y01._BAS, MB01)
    CreateDWordField (MEM1, \_SB.PCI0.MEMR._Y01._LEN, ML01)
    CreateDWordField (MEM1, \_SB.PCI0.MEMR._Y02._BAS, MB02)
    CreateDWordField (MEM1, \_SB.PCI0.MEMR._Y02._LEN, ML02)
    If (GPIC)
    Store (0xFEC00000, MB01)
    Store (0xFEE00000, MB02)
    Store (0x1000, ML01)
    Store (0x1000, ML02)
    Return (MEM1)
    Method (XCMP, 2, NotSerialized)
    If (LNotEqual (0x10, SizeOf (Arg0)))
    Return (Zero)
    If (LNotEqual (0x10, SizeOf (Arg1)))
    Return (Zero)
    Store (Zero, Local0)
    While (LLess (Local0, 0x10))
    If (LNotEqual (DerefOf (Index (Arg0, Local0)), DerefOf (Index (
    Arg1, Local0))))
    Return (Zero)
    Increment (Local0)
    Return (One)
    Method (AFN0, 0, Serialized)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, One))
    ^VGA.AFN0 ()
    If (LEqual (PDDN, 0x02))
    ^PB2.VGA.AFN0 ()
    If (LEqual (PDDN, 0x03))
    ^PB3.VGA.AFN0 ()
    Method (AFN1, 1, Serialized)
    Method (AFN2, 2, Serialized)
    Method (AFN3, 2, Serialized)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, One))
    ^VGA.AFN3 (Arg0, Arg1)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, 0x02))
    ^PB2.VGA.AFN3 (Arg0, Arg1)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, 0x03))
    ^PB3.VGA.AFN3 (Arg0, Arg1)
    Method (AFN4, 1, Serialized)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, One))
    ^VGA.AFN4 (Arg0)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, 0x02))
    ^PB2.VGA.AFN4 (Arg0)
    If (LEqual (PDDN, 0x03))

    First remove any acpi_os_name=linux or acpi_osi=linux that you have on the kernel command line, if need be use acpi_osi="!Linux", told you that already in the other thread, I only suggested that you decompile your dsdt so you can pinpoint which acpi_os_name and acpi_osi names are being checked and try to spoof _using windows_ with those names.
    This is the part you should be looking at first:
    Method (OSTP, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (OSTB, Ones))
    If (CondRefOf (\_OSI, Local0))
    Store (Zero, OSTB)
    Store (Zero, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001"))
    Store (0x08, OSTB)
    Store (0x08, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001.1"))
    Store (0x20, OSTB)
    Store (0x20, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP1"))
    Store (0x10, OSTB)
    Store (0x10, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2"))
    Store (0x11, OSTB)
    Store (0x11, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP3"))
    Store (0x12, OSTB)
    Store (0x12, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2006"))
    Store (0x40, OSTB)
    Store (0x40, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2006 SP1"))
    Store (0x41, OSTB)
    Store (0x41, TPOS)
    Store (One, OSSP)
    If (_OSI ("Windows 2009"))
    Store (One, OSSP)
    Store (0x50, OSTB)
    Store (0x50, TPOS)
    If (_OSI ("Linux"))
    Store (One, LINX)
    Store (0x80, OSTB)
    Store (0x80, TPOS)
    If (CondRefOf (\_OS, Local0))
    If (SEQL (_OS, "Microsoft Windows"))
    Store (One, OSTB)
    Store (One, TPOS)
    If (SEQL (_OS, "Microsoft WindowsME: Millennium Edition"))
    Store (0x02, OSTB)
    Store (0x02, TPOS)
    If (SEQL (_OS, "Microsoft Windows NT"))
    Store (0x04, OSTB)
    Store (0x04, TPOS)
    Store (Zero, OSTB)
    Store (Zero, TPOS)
    Store (Zero, OSTB)
    Store (Zero, TPOS)
    Return (OSTB)
    You can clearly see that linux is being checked for and different stuff is done for it, as is the case for each windows version, like I also said in the other thread first try to spoof a windows version where the battery shows up and the fan works correctly. Only after trying that and if it fails, I would go about trying to fix the dsdt myself.

  • Need help with database connection and trasaction!

    Hi, I'm trying to load data from a huge report to DB2. My old way of doing this is: 1. using DriverManger.getConnection to get a connection.
    2. Then set autoCommit to false.
    3. Keep the connection open.....
    4. con.commit once I reach a section, let's say around 5000 records per section.
    5. Close the connection once I finish loading, (Finally block)
    I'm still new in the java world and kind of concern of the way of what I'm doing. Then I did some research. Perhaps using javax.sql.DataSource is a better approach. But I couldn't use it in WSAD. Do I need do some configuration? I heard it's in j2ee 1.4 . Is that the reason I couldn't use it?
    And.......I tried to use DAO pattern to talk with DB. By that way, I have to open and close connection everytime I invoke the dao method. Then how can I control the transaction? Because I don't want to insert each record data in to the table right away. I want to do the commit once I get all records for one section. No idea how can I achieve this.
    Any suggestion will be really appreciated!!!

    I'm still new in the java world and kind of concern
    of the way of what I'm doing. Then I did some
    research. Perhaps using javax.sql.DataSource is a
    better approach. But I couldn't use it in WSAD. Do I
    need do some configuration? I heard it's in j2ee 1.4
    . Is that the reason I couldn't use it?What you need to do is configure a Connection datasource. WSAD has that. You just need to go through the documentation and find out. I never worked on it.
    And.......I tried to use DAO pattern to talk with DB.
    By that way, I have to open and close connection
    everytime I invoke the dao method. Then how can I
    control the transaction? Because I don't want to
    insert each record data in to the table right away. I
    want to do the commit once I get all records for one
    section. No idea how can I achieve this.Since you want to simply insert multiple records, you might want to insert them in a batch. This is available in PreparedStatements.
    $ Carol.

  • Need help with G5 connected to AirPortExpress!

    I simply can't find the source of this problem, and any help is very welcome:
    When my G5 2x2,5GHz and OS 10.4.8 is connected to my AirPort Express network, the connection suddenly becomes very slow and it takes forever to download a simple page. The message "You are not connected to Internet" often shows up, and trying to reconnect fails. The only solution is to restart both the ADSL modem and the Airport Express.
    - The funny thing is that with my brand new MacBookPro and the old iMac G4, this never happens. They stay connected both to the network and Internet without any similiar problems.
    Could it be the wireless antenna on the back of the G5, or could it be some security settings or OSX problems on the G5? I am not sure how to find the source of the problem...
    Helge K.

    Hello Helge,
    I have a couple of questions.
    How is the speed during a file transfer between the G5 and the imac ( say a large file) compared to the iMac and the Macbook?
    Forget the web for a minute here and let zero down on the problem. Is it the current network, or a specific machine, or is it that basted ADSL modem?
    Try transferring a file over your network and compare if there is a noticeable difference then lets move that G5 away from the wall ( the ant is in the back) and try with the G5 turn 180 degrees around, any better? If not double check the ant lead that connects to the card or take in for service and have the unit inspected for a pinched/ loose cable.
    If moving a file around the network is ok then we have a web issue. Run a trace-route to Apple's main site and compare it to the macbook. What's different?
    Nothing? Then there is the famous reset Safari and test or see what Firefox does.
    Good Luck,

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