Need some help here plz!

My ipod refuses to turn on. When i try to turn it on, the HD makes a lot of noise and after about 10 seconds, it gives me the sad face ipod guy. I can't charge it, because it does the same thing when i plug it in, and reseting doesnt do anything. What can I do?
  Windows XP  

sad face = call Apple

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    1) May I ask if anyone could just tell me how to actually create a partition like Windows do in Mac OS? I need the partition to do my backups and save some of my important documents.
    With your external drive attached, open Disk Utility, found in Applications/Utilities. Choose your drive on the left, and use the Partition tab to set up the number and type of partitions. Partitioning will delete all data on the drive.
    2) Can we actually create a password to secure certain of my files so that anyone wants to browse it will have to enter the password? Is it possible to do that?
    Don't forget that the Mac, just like Windows, is multi-user. You can set up a user for yourself and one for guests or specific people. Nobody can see anybody else's files. You can lock your computer when you go away from the desk if you want absolute privacy.
    Or, you can create an encrypted disk image (also using Disk Utility) to store private files if you really want to stick with one user account.
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    Do you mean VMWare Fusion? I believe iSight support is included in the VMWare Tools - when you're running Fusion, there's a menu option to install/update those tools.
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    I believe it's Mac only, so you should check the Windows specs (RAM requirements, graphic card VRAM, etc) to see if you can run it within a virtual Windows on your Macbook.

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    read all this first

  • Hey Guys, I need some help here

    Im doing some create view and create procedures for my work.
    In creating view, its just done perfectly.
    However with create procedures work, I got some problem with the result.
    So here is the coding:
    create or replace
    result_cursor          OUT     TYPES.cursor_type
    CURSOR v_cursor IS
    to_char (CM100,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM101,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM200,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM300,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM301,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM310,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM320,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM400,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM401,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM402,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM500,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM720,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM730,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM740,'99999999999999.99'),
    to_char (CM999,'99999999999999.99')
    v_id varchar2(100);
    v_row varchar2(4000);
    v_clob CLOB;
    v_buffer varchar2(10000);
    v_id := 'EDW_CASH_MARGIN';
    WHERE CD = v_id
    OPEN v_cursor;
    v_buffer := '';
    FETCH v_cursor INTO v_row;
    EXIT WHEN v_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    if (length(v_buffer) + length(v_row)) < 10000 or v_buffer is null then
    v_buffer := v_buffer || v_row;
    DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(v_clob, LENGTH(v_buffer), v_buffer);
    v_buffer := v_row;
    end if;
    if LENGTH(v_buffer) > 0 then
    DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(v_clob, LENGTH(v_buffer)-1, v_buffer);
    end if;
    CLOSE v_cursor;
    OPEN result_cursor FOR
    SELECT 'success' AS status FROM dual;
    After i run this coding.
    I got these errors :
    1)Error(46,5): PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored.
    2)Error(46,5): PLS-00394: wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement
    It says that the error is with this code "FETCH v_cursor INTO v_row;"
    Can someone please help me.

    ok let me explain with emp table.
    CURSOR c IS SELECT ename,sal FROM emp;
    v_ename VARCHAR2(2000);
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c INTO v_ename;
    CLOSE c;
    END;Here i'm selecting 2 columns in the cursor and getting into one variable.
    So i'm getting error like this
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 1:
    PLS-00394: wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    CURSOR c IS SELECT ename,sal FROM emp;
    v_ename VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_sal NUMBER(10);
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c INTO v_ename,v_sal;
    CLOSE c;
    END;Here i'm selecting 2 columns in the cursor and getting into two different no error.
    CURSOR c IS SELECT ename,sal FROM emp;
    v_row c%rowtype; -->record type declaration
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c INTO v_row;
    Dbms_Output.put_line(v_row.ename||v_row.sal);---> Here i'm mentioning which column to be printed
    CLOSE c;
    END;Same thing i'm getting all columns variable into the records so no error.
    and also pls read this
    How to ask question
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ

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    anyone who would be interested in helping e-mail
    [email protected] we have the site up on a server but we are
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    > such as facebook
    > myspace classmate etc. im in the proccess of making the
    site now and i was
    > wondering what i need to to to enable useres to be able
    to login and create a
    > profile page on my site?
    hire a team of skilled programmers, put them in a cage and
    toss money at
    or spend a lot of time learning how to do it yourself.
    or try a free or commercial pre-written application
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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    Hey MSIer, I just did a complete wipe on my hard drive and  now there's totally nothing left on the drive like really nothing so what I wanna ask is that how do I get back all the pre installed software including windows 8.1 itself, how?
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    Quote from: Syrellaris;112053
    You should be able to restore using the Recovery Discs you made(if you made them..) or by pressing the F3 key during bootup.
    Though, if you wiped all partitions on the hard drive, including the normally hidden recovery partition you are kind of screwed.. in that case you need to send it in for repair, but it will not be fixed under warranty.(if you dont have Recovery disc's)
    Quote from: JakeSully;112055
    Yeah best option when getting a new laptop it is to create a recovery dic or USB recovery and atleast .iso recovery to that way incase you wipe everything on hard disk you can restore every partitions that was wiped including recovery partition that has copy of windows 8.1 64 bit that comes pre-installed.
    I didn't do any recovery disc and have yet to try the F3 button that you mention. So let say even if the F3 is not working I'm totally screwed right?

  • VOICE over UDP need some help here

    I have attached a vi i have been working on and i am having a litte trouble.  I want to do somethink like voice over ip.  Currently i have a setup that broadcasts the data to a client.  The mic is sent over udp to the clients speakers and vice versa. I ingore anything that comes from one's one ip address.  This works just great,  but the problem is i need more than 2 on at a time.  I dont want to mess with entering specific ip address ect. At most i only want to have to enter ones own ip address as i have in the example.  
    When i start running 3 of these vi's on separate machines, i can probe the address which the data is being received, and it seems to only get data from one address, not two like i would expect.  Is there a buffer being cleared when read or something?   Any help would be appreciated.
    Attachments: ‏70 KB

    Here is how I have dealt with the port problem in the past (albeit, not
    in labview, but lets hope LabView's usage of UDP is consistent with
    other programming languages ) is you always have clients connect to
    a listen port on the server.  You will have a thread watching for
    incoming connections on that port.  When one is detected, you
    create a new "personalized" connection for that client to use to
    communicate with the server.  Part of this process involves
    assigning that conenction a new port.  This assignment is
    dynamic--the server just assigns some random available port (so in
    other words, you don't have to hard code one in).
    So once a client connects, the server responds from the new port, the
    client receives that datagram and checks where it came from (address
    and port) and sends all future messages to that port on the server.
    Does this make sense?  I'm afraid I won't be much help with
    anything aside from theory as I haven't actually played with the
    network functionality in labview--all my network programming comes from
    C and Java. 
    As to combining the sounds, I'm afraid I don't know.  I think the
    simplest system would be a half-duplex system whereby clients can only
    send data when they are not receiving it (or rather, 1 person talks at
    a time).  I can understand how this isn't ideal.  I wonder
    how this is accomplished in other, similar voice-chat programs?
    One final thought: I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to make a wild stab
    in the dark and say you might run into bandwidth problems if you're
    transmitting an unencoded (uncompressed) voice signal.  This is
    undoubtably more complex than you want to get, but you might look
    around for ways to reduce the amount of bandwidth you're going to
    use.  And if you'd like examples of programs that will allow this
    kind of chat go check out Teamspeak ( or
    Skype (  Both these programs allow
    multiuser voice chat (teamspeak is intended for chatting with your team
    in video games).  Skype is a very professional, very high quality
    voice chat program that works more or less the same, with higher
    quality voice.  Oh and both are free

  • Ipod is not recognized in Windows or itunes...Need some help here!

    I have the ipod connected via the USB cable. I have the newest updated program and itunes installed. For some reason the iupod is not being recognized. anyone know what i can do??

    What's on the screen of your iPod?
    Try resetting it: Make sure the hold switch is OFF so that there's no orange color showing. Then hold down the MENU and SELECT (center) buttons for about 10 seconds, and you should get an Apple logo on the screen. When you do, you can release the buttons and try again.
    You can also try connecting the iPod to a different USB port, preferably one on the back of the computer if you're on a desktop computer.
    If that doesn't help, try these:

  • I need some help here

    hi, ^-^, i was programming the Caesar encription method, this one:
    public class lol {
              public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception{
                   int seleccion, longi, w, x, y, z;
                   String sel, texto, encrip="";
                   boolean a=false, b=false;
                                                      System.out.print("Enter a text to encript: ");
                                                      DataInputStream entrada3 = new DataInputStream(;
                                                      texto = entrada3.readLine();
                                                           if(texto.substring(z,w)!= (" ")){
                                                                encrip = encrip + texto.substring(z,w);
                                                           } else{
                                                      if ((encrip.length()/2)==0){
                                                           longi = ((encrip.length()^(1/2))+1);
                                                      } else{
                                                           longi = ((encrip.length()^(1/2)));
                                                      String crip[][] = new String[longi][longi];
                                                      texto = "";
                                                      System.out.println("your ecripted text is: " + texto);
    all it do, is: read the text, decompose it, so it dosnt have any spaces, and then, it create an array whit the dimension of the text^1/2 +1 if the text/2==true or the other writted there; then it fills the array (0.0, 1.0, 2.0....,0.1,1.1,...etc), and then it show u the encripted text. My problem here its that the program dosnt go trought any "for bucle" O_o, dunno why.. any help would be apriciated, thx
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

    I'm sorry but my Babel fish isn't working. bucle == loop (like English buckle, I guess)
    The second part of a for-loops (bucle) is a condition that must be true.
    So you should write//for(x=1;x == texto.length(); x++) { //<--  not this
    for(x=1;x < texto.length() + 1; x++) {
        // etc
    }and the same for the other loops.
    Strings are compared using the equals() method, not ==. So//if(texto.substring(z,w)!= (" ")){ // <-- not this
    if(!texto.substring(z,w).equals(" ")) {
        // etc
    }Exponentiation (potencia) in Java does not use the ^ operator, you have
    to use Math.pow()//longi = ((encrip.length()^(1/2))); // <-- not this
    longi = Math.round(Math.pow((double)encrip.length(), 0.5));longi will be a long, not an int (but can be used the same way in your

  • Really need some help here to try and get Fios services in my building

    I have been trying to convince my landlord for months to get Fios in the building.  Here is a recent email exchange with him.  Does anyone know if any of this is true, about the install damages?  If it is true, then Verizon needs to get their act together! 
    Here is the email exchange. 
    I am sorry but we have no plans to let Verizon in to this building. They do
    a lot of damage to the building and do not make the repairs after or pay for
    any damages they do.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: D
    Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 12:19 PM
    To: {edited for privacy}
    Subject: Question
    Hey Steve,
    Could you please do me a favor and speak with the building owner once again
    about Fios?  I know you mentioned he wasn't to keen on the idea of them
    doing the install but it would really make a big difference.  As of right
    now my iPad's cellular connected internet is faster for $30/mo than the
    $120/mo I'm paying Time Warner.  On top of that, I can't even watch HD
    movies on demand.  I've had TWC out here twice in the last four months and
    every time they claim nothing is wrong.  Its very frustrating.  I'll do
    almost anything I can to assist in this.  Please let me know if you can do
    Thank you as always!

    james211 wrote:
    I have been trying to convince my landlord for months to get Fios in the building.   
    If your landlord doesn't want FIOS in the building, then it's not going to happen.
    Vote with your wallet and move.

  • I need some help here. someone please respond with some type of idea.

    okay, here's the deal
    when i take the Ipod out of the usb, i cut it on, and it's just a constant green light in the front that wont go away. it wont play, and wont have any affect on the buttons or anything. it's just a steady green light.
    it wont show my battery life until it's cut off.
    do you have any idea what's going on?
    i'm so uber angry it isn't funny.
    P.S.- I've had this ipod for like, almost a year.

    okay, here's the deal
    when i take the Ipod out of the usb, i cut it on, and
    it's just a constant green light in the front that
    wont go away. it wont play, and wont have any affect
    on the buttons or anything. it's just a steady green
    it wont show my battery life until it's cut off.
    do you have any idea what's going on?
    i'm so uber angry it isn't funny.
    P.S.- I've had this ipod for like, almost a year.
    See if this helps:

  • [VIA] Need some help here ... anyone please ?

             I'm new here, just wanna ask for some solution for my pc problem.
    I'm currently using Athlon XP 2.4, MSI KT400 (MS-6712AV) Mainboard, just bought for 3 months, but today when i start my pc, it comes out on the screen " Checking NVRAM ", than it stop, the system just hanged there, even that i kept restarting. Can anyone tell me what's the problem ? Does anything to do with my motherboard ? Thank you.

    emm, you reminded me Dr.Stu, i did remove my PS once yesterday to test on my other PC. this problem occured since i switched back. I did take out the cards and rams one by one, but same result.
    Now i unplugged one of the ide cable, i can successfully start my pc to windows, but in roughly few minutes, it'll auto restart. Same problem ?
    Thank you
    My Specs:
    AMD Athlon XP 2.4Ghz
    MSI KT4V MS-6712 MotherBoard
    MSI GeForce FX-5700 256mb Display Card
    768mb DDR Rams ( Apacer 256mb X2 , Kingston 256 X1 ) 
    ASUS 52X CD / 52X24X52 CD-R / Pioneer DVD-R A-109B/W 16X4X16 +-
    Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS Value SoundCard
    Eagle Aluminium ATX Casing with iCute 450Watt 2Fan PSU
    80Gb Western D HDD 8mb Buffer
    3 com 10/100 N/Card and Samsung 710v LCD Monitor

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