Need "Stop/Start" Buttons

I have been converting my MP4 QuickTime movies to Flash, using VisualHub, for my iWeb sites. But once they are converted, they lose the "Stop/Start" button feature that QuickTime provides. Does anyone know how to get s "Stop/Start" button feature on their Flash projects for their iWeb pages?
Any help would be much appreciated.

I actually have Flash ~ and although I don't know much about using Flash, my son does. He is the one who took the .swf file (after conversion with VisualHub) and added the video controls. Seem to need the .flv file and the new .swf file to make it work (even on my desk top). Once I try to get it onto my iDisk however it comes up as the movie clip with no controls. Can't figure out why I lose it once to iDisk and or even if it works IN iDisk, once published to iWeb it loses its video controls.

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    There is not currently a shortcut for this. That's a good feature request, though. You can submit feature requests here.

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  • Start button xcontrol

    I have a project where I needed a start button. Turned out it was quite easy to make one in an xcontrol:
    I did a search for existing solutions but couldn't find any, and since many ask for a start button I'll just leave this here.
    To use it, drag and drop the xcontrol in your vi.
    Lars Melander
    Uppsala Database Laboratory, Uppsala University
    Go to Solution.
    start ‏38 KB

    O.P. wrote:
    altenbach wrote:
    I have absolutely no idea what that means. Can you enlighten me?
    LabVIEW belongs to a group of programs called Data Flow Visual Programming Languages (DFVPL). It's a coarse-grained DFVPL, because it offers some execution control (most notably, branching a wire starts a new thread). In order to make it fine-grained, wires need to represent a flow of values, instead of a single value as it is now. Because of that, LV while and for loops become a big no-no.
    I'm pretty sure branching a wire does not start a new thread...If it did, I'd have about 1000 threads running. It only creates a copy of the data (when necessary). The compiler decides. Furthermore, LabVIEW threading is implicit. The programmer doesn't really have control over any of the threading; the compiler is smart, let it do it's work. And, I have a lot of "no-no's" in every single VI I have ever written if this is the case with loops. <sarcasm> I should really stop using LabVIEW </sarcasm>. I'm sure others will come with more in depth information, but I do believe your statements do not hold a lot of water.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

  • AWT start/stop bundle buttons Help needed.

    I need help getting start/stop buttons on my AWT Class to take the action of methods from an other class. I will give anybody who can figure this out ALL OF MY Duke Dollars. (I shortend it up to the important stuff so that there isn't too much to read):
    MY PROBLEM: I need to have my Gui user interface to start up first. Then when somebody clicks the Gui class "start" button, it will call the start method of my Activator class and similiarly for the "stop" button. When I run the program, it starts up already in "start" mode. It should start up without getting the service (stop mode) and then get it once "start" is pressed" Hopefully somebody can help me figure this out.
    First, I have the following AWT class
    public class Gui extends Frame{
          Frame f;
          MyImage imagePanel;
          Button button_start;
          Button button_stop;
          Label statusBar;
          Panel btns;
        public Gui() {
            addWindowListener(new WinClosing());
            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            imagePanel = new MyImage();
            btns = new Panel();
            button_start  = new Button("START");
            button_stop  = new Button("STOP");
            add("North", btns);
            button_start.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){     
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){
            button_stop.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){     
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){
            });          }Then I have the Activator class:
    public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
         public ServiceReference reference;
         public void start(BundleContext bc) {
             reference = bc.getServiceReference(GpsService.SERVICE_NAME);
             if (reference == null) {
             System.out.println("User could not get a service.");
              } else {
             AnyService anything = (AnyService) bc.getService(reference);
                    UserClass user = new UserClass();
    public void stop(BundleContext bc) {
        if (reference != null) {
        reference = null;
        System.out.println("User has released its Service.");
        } }}Then this previous class calls the startup method for this class:
    public class Driver {
            public void startup(AnyService any){
            double any  = any.getValue();
            Gui g = new Gui(any);
            g.setSize(714, 480);
          }}Thanks in advance!

    Hmm, it's quite hard to imagine what's going on without the code for MyImage. However, I guess you need to add an ActionListener to your two buttons. Are you sure you need two buttons, though? Presumably you can't stop until you've started and vice versa?
    private Activator activator;
    private Button startButton;
    private Button stopButton
    public Gui()
      startButton = new Button("Start");
      stopButton = new Button("Stop");
      startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    private synchronized void start()
      // Construct the Activator when we need it
      if(activator == null)
        activator = new Activator();
      activator.start(...); // Don't know where you get your BundleContext from!
    private synchronized void stop()
      activator.stop(...); // Don't know where you get your BundleContext from!
    }I'm assuming here that once the Activator is "started" is stays started until it is told to stop, ie, it doesn't stop itself after a finite amount of time.
    Hope this helps.

  • Win 8.1 Start button and Charms randomly stops working BUG (workaround)

    To anyone experiencing this, it is a bug in Win 8.1 which I can replicate at will.
    Reinstalling your system as suggested by MS engineers will not fix this.
    To force the bug to appear:
    1. Grab a desktop Icon (recycle bin, any shortcut) and move this up to the top left hand corner without letting go of the mouse button. Drop shortcut anywhere on desktop. Without an Icon the mouse pointer would initiate the recent apps.
    2. To check that the first step has worked, try and invoke charms by moving mouse to top right hand corner.  If Charms do not appear then the bug has been triggered.
    3. Now move mouse over start button (no click), move away then back again. Now the start button is locked.  If you unlock the taskbar you can move it to any other position (top, left or right) and the start button works.  Move taskbar back to the
    bottom and the start button still does not work.  Only way to get it working again is to restart window explorer in task manager.
    To avoid this happening all you need to do is disable recent apps corner.
    1. Right click desktop.
    2. Click Taskbar and Navigation
    3. Click Navigation tab in the properties window
    4. Uncheck "When I click the upper-left corner, switch between my recent tabs."
    Now the bug cannot be triggered as above to make the start button stop working. You have to remove this feature which is pretty hopeless on a desktop anyway.  Its better than restarting Window explorer every time.
    I can replicate this on any desktop or laptop, fresh install or old. Not sure about any touch screen machines. I can also trigger this in VMPlayer\Virtual Box and the Modern IE VM images that MS provide.
    Now the MS engineers can replicate this on their machines, and maybe if we are lucky they will FIX it!!!!
    MS please acknowledge that this is a bug.
    Maybe the issue is due to the windows button not being redrawn on the screen once triggered as it still works when taskbar is moved (graphic card drivers). Could not find anything use full in the system logs.
    Just noticed also that the charms also breaks if you drag an Icon up to the right hand corner. Once triggered Charms stops working, start button is not affected with the above work around configured.
    MS please read this and reply.

    suspect it is local to your environment.
    Others seeing the same symptom.  Note that originally I was not using the
    Top left hover for thumbnail  feature and then also claimed not to see it.
    Oh.  And here is another factor that someone else is using as a workaround.  A link to the first thread I was thinking of can be found in this one
    Robert Aldwinckle

  • My MacBook Pro, does not start after pushing start button. The side bar starts and stops at half way.

    My MacBook Pro, does not start after pushing start button. The side bar starts and stops at half way.

    Hy myneck,
    Happy Holidays!  The resource below may provide some steps to try if your MacBook Pro won't start.
    Troubleshooting: My computer won't turn on - Apple Support
    This article discusses what to do if your Mac won't turn on. To differentiate this from a display issue, be sure that when you press the power button:
    You don't hear a startup chime.
    You don't hear any fan or drive noise.
    There is no video on your built-in or external display
    If your computer has power but doesn't display any video, it may have one or more of these similar symptoms when you press the power button:
    You may hear a startup chime.
    You may hear fan or drive noise.
    You may see a light from the Sleep LED (if your Mac has one).
    Pressing the Caps Lock key on the keyboard causes it to light. 
    If any of these display-related conditions occur, see Troubleshooting: My computer has no video instead. Otherwise, continue with this article.
    If your computer won't turn on, try each of these steps:
    Verify you have a good connection from your Mac to the wall outlet by confirming the power cord and adapter if present are securely connected and plugged in. To check if the wall outlet is working, plug in a lamp or other electrical device.
    If the wall outlet is working and you continue to have no power try another power cord or adapter if available. If it works you may need a replacement cord or adapter. 
    Note: See Apple Portables: Troubleshooting MagSafe adapters for further troubleshooting with MagSafe adapters.
    Disconnect all accessories that are plugged in to the computer, such as a printer, hub, or other mobile device.
    If your Mac supports user-installable memory, solid state drive, or hard drive, and you recently installed any of these, make sure they are installed correctly and are compatible with your computer. If possible, reinstall the original memory or drive into the computer to find out if the behavior persists afterwards.
    MacBook Pro: How to remove or install memory
    MacBook: How to remove or install memory
    Mac Pro: How to remove or install memory
    Mac mini: How to remove or install memory
    iMac (27-inch, Late 2012): Installing or replacing memory
    iMac: How to remove or install memory
    Reset the SMC.
    If you are still unable to start up your computer after trying each of these steps, visit an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) for further diagnosis. If you plan to visit an Apple Retail Store, make a reservation at the Genius Bar using (available in some countries only).Note: Diagnostic fees may apply for issues not covered under warranty or the AppleCare Protection Plan (APP).
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

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    Have new mini.  When starting 1st time, it stop and displays a picture to push start button on WiFi keyboard.  I have USB Apple Kekboard.  How can I get pass the display to Startup Assist?

    Have new mini.  When starting 1st time, it stop and displays a picture to push start button on WiFi keyboard.  I have USB Apple Kekboard.  How can I get pass the display to Startup Assist?

  • I need to make a stop start animation using iMovie. I need the time factor to be 0.03. Every time I make an adjustment it goes to 0.1s which is too slow. Does anyone have a suggestions?

    I need to make a stop start animation using iMovie. I need the time factor to be 0.03. Every time I make an adjustment it goes to 0.1s which is too slow. Does anyone have a suggestions?

    First, for Stop Motion Animation, there are better tools. These include iStopMotion and QuickTIme Pro Version 7.
    If you want to do it in iMovie, it is possible, but slow.
    First, go into iMovie Preferences, and make sure you check "Display Time as hh:mm:ss:frames". This will let you edit to the frame lever rather than to the nearest 10th of a second.
    Second, see this Tutorial by Jon Walker on how to edit down to a single frame in a still image sequence.
    You can modify his technique to get 2 or three frames.

  • Need a user exit or enhancement point for loading start button in VT02

    I have a requirement to write the code for loading start button and complete PGI as soon as loading start is checked in VT02(shipment transaction).
    Please suggest....

    HI Venkata,
    Below are the user exits and BADIs in the transaction VT01
    V56UNUMB                                Shipment number allocation
    V56UDLUP                                Obsolete as of 4.6C: Delivery Update on Delivery Routines
    V56UCHCO                                Check shipments are complete
    V56UCHCH                                Shipment processing: Check whether changes were made
    V56TDLIF                                Filter Delivery Items for Shipment
    V56SLDET                                Shipment processing: Leg determination
    V56MVT04                                Extensions for Collective Processing of Shipments
    V56LOCID                                Shipment Processing: Determine Location Identification
    V56LDELI                                Read Delivery Data for Shipment Processing
    V56L0001                                Status of Shipments for a Delivery
    V56FSTAT                                Shipment processing: Activities when setting a status
    MV56AINI                                Initialization of transaction control for transportation
    V56USTAT                                User-individual definition of transportation planning status
    V56USVDO                                Update new objects for transport
    V56USVDP                                Preparation for updating new objects for transport?
    V56AFCCH                                Shipment processing: Check function code allowed
    V56AGTAR                                User Exit for Filtering Shipping Unit Calculation
    V56ARCHV                                Customer-spec. checks for archiving shipments
    V56ATKTX                                Change the number of lines for text input in shipment
    V56BMOD                                 Transportation processing: Field modification
    V56DISTZ                                Shipment Processing: Determine Distance
    V56FCOPY                                Shipment processing: Copy delivery data
    Business Add-in
    BADI_V56N                               User Exit Transport - Message Determination
    BADI_LE_SHIPMENT                        BadI: Shipment Processing

  • Hi, I need help. My iPad 2 won't start even if I already went through pressing the home and start buttons simultaneously. I also tried charging the battery for more than 30 minutes. Still won't power on. what should I do?

    My iPad 2 won't start even if I already went through pressing the home and start buttons simultaneously. I also tried charging the batteries for more than 30 minutes (done this procedure twice) but it won't still power on. What should I do next? Could it be a hardware issue then?

    Frozen or unresponsive iPad
    Resolve these most common issues:
        •    Display remains black or blank
        •    Touch screen not responding
        •    Application unexpectedly closes or freezes
    iPad Frozen, not responding, how to fix
    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad tart-your-ipad
    Black or Blank Screen on iPad or iPhone
    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Home button not working or unresponsive, fix
    Fixing an iPad Home Button
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

  • I bought an imac today, wen i am browsing/downloading, it keeps saying "you need to restart your computer, press the start button"... what is the problem, what should i do?? please help...

    i bought an imac today, wen i am browsing/downloading, it keeps asking me to restart using the start button(forcefully). please help me rectify the problem..thanks

    As others have noted, this is a classic kernel panic (KP) and should happen with a new machine. AppleCare's Express Lane. Do note that if you're within 50 miles (80 KM) of an Apple repair station, you're eligible for onsite repair since yours is a desktop machine.
    FWIW, see
    What is a kernel panic,
    Technical Note TN2063: Understanding and Debugging Kernel Panics,
    Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ,
    Resolving Kernel Panics, and
    Tutorial: Avoiding and eliminating Kernel panics for more details on KPs.

  • X200s cssauth.exe hogs memory, Start button stopped working

    I have an X200s with Win7 64-bit OS and 4 GB RAM.  Worked great, until I took it on the road a few days ago.
    Now when I boot up I notice that 99% of my 4 GB of RAM is maxed out, and when I check task manager I see the culprit is cssauth.exe, which I think is a password manager, which I do not use.  It takes a long time to boot.
    Until now, I had NEVER seen more than 39% of RAM in use, according to the desktop widget that monitors processor and RAM usage.
    Eventually the RAM usage goes to normal, but when I try to click on the Start button, the Windows hourglass is running, and I cannot do anything.  Finally the hourglass will disappear (sometimes it takes over 30 minutes), but neither the Start button or anything else on the taskbar responds to mouse clicks.
    I can use any programs that have desktop icons, but I can no longer access the internet.
    Because the Start button no longer works, I cannot properly shut the machine down, and have to use the power button or remove the battery.
    I was able to run Ad-Aware and Avast anti-virus, and they detect no problems.  I also ran both the short and the long version of the hardware test, which is available using the ThinkVantage button, but it sees no problems either.
    Running msconfig from safe mode, I cannot find cssauth.exe, so cannot disable it.
    Just before I left town, I was having trouble with a new HP printer (that had been working fine for over a month) and tried to uninstall the HP software and drivers.
    Any idea what is going on?  The last time it worked was last Wednesday when I used it on the public wifi network at Seatac airport.  But after I got to SFO, this started happening.  At Seatac I didn't do much except check and and maybe gmail.   I thought maybe a drive-by virus had caused this, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
    Any suggestions?

    yes, you are correct. That one was an typo of me.
    The correct name of the application is "Client Security - Password Manager".
    To directly answer you question: NO, once you uninstall this applicaiton it will not install himself after the system will reboot.
    Please try to do following:
    Go to Add/REmove programs and right-click this application and select Modify (if present).
    If this option is not present, then please go to and dowload the latest version of this application.
    Or here is the link to it for Windows 7:
    Once you have it, then start the .exe and you should see there the option to repair the application.
    This is the key, that we are looking for.
    Pelase do it and let me know, if this changes anything.

  • Start button is disabled at info package

    I have crreated a background job in SM36 to trigger an infopackage. I have added the event and parameter in the infopackage. But when I tried to execute the background job, the infopackage is not executing and the start button is disabled there. Then I click on the stop button to delete the scehduling jobs and again tried to trigger it, the infopackage is not getting triggered. Pls help me.

    when the info-package is running the start button will be dis-abled.
    when you run the background job obvisiouly it will be disabled what you need to check is the moniter screen and see the status it should be yellow.
    hope this helps

  • Need a rotate button or menu

    need a rotate button or menu, though the user can use system to control rotate the screen, but this can affected all app, so i think should a button or menu to rotate the screen

    Firefox uses a combined Stop/Reload/Go button that is positioned at the right end of the location bar.
    *You get a Stop button during page loading that changes to a Reload button when the page has finished loading
    *You get a Go button if you modify the location bar content
    *Middle-click the Reload button to duplicate the current tab to a new tab
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window
    You can check for problems caused by a corrupted localstore.rdf file and for problems with the prefs.

Maybe you are looking for