Need sugg on autocomplete like tool SL compatible

hey SportsFans
writing a couple of comedy scenes and would love a way to just type like "tt" and have it autocomplete the characters name.
I havent used any tool like this for years, but back in the day, Quick Keys was useful.
Anybody have any recommendos besides QKeys ?

There are several good tools:
All are good choices. Automator has additional features such as an autofiler to empty trash and remove extra files when you want to uninstall an application, an auto clipper in which you can place boilerplate text that can be auto-inserted in texts using the menubar. You will find them all at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

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    I'd say - don't get carried away with the heavyweight frameworks. Don't use EJB if Hibernate and/or Tomcat will do the job. There's a danger of winding up using a bulldozer to crack a wallnut.
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    Hi Leoeffe,
    I've found some documents that cam help you to understand how is possible to communicate
    unsing OPC Servers and ho use them in Labview 8.
    First of all I suggest to take a look to these documents:
    How Do I Use OPC in LabVIEW?
    Connecting LabVIEW to an OPC Server through a DataSocket Connection
    Using the LabVIEW Shared Variable
    You can also use the Labview DSC module:
    Developing Monitoring Applications with the LabVIEW DSC Module for Control Systems
    LabVIEW 8 DSC Simplifies Distributed Development
    Tools for Troubleshooting OPC Interface Problems
    I hope all these tutorials can help you.
    Best regards,

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    You know who you are!
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    Can I hear your music online?

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    == Description
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    == Operating system
    Windows Vista
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
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    *NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.3"
    *Default Plug-in
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
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    In Firefox 3.6 and later on Windows you can hide the menu bar via "View > Toolbars" or via the right click context menu on a toolbar.
    Press F10 or press and hold the Alt key down to bring up the menu bar temporarily.
    Go to "View > Toolbars" or right-click the menu bar or press Alt+V T to select which toolbars to show or hide (click on an entry to toggle the state).
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    Well, most of what we can tell you is already stated in the message you are getting.  A phone can only sync with one library at a time.  You have apparently synced your phone with a different iTunes library in the past, or changes have been made to this library so the phone no longer recognizes it as the library with which it was synced.  To know which you will have to provide the information.
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    Bring up the Properties toolbar (Command+E) and select the tool you want. You should see a "Keep tool selected" check box.

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    All you can do is turn off the phone.  SMS text messages are sent on the same network as voice calls - there is no way around that.  You cannot change how they are routed.
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    what "tip" do you have selected? where are you sampling from ( found in top option bar) ALSO make sure MODE is normal

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    I am not a constant user of PSE, rather,  I only use it on occasions.  Normally, I use its scanning features.  I may play around with a few other features, but I also know that PSE offers many other powerful features, I rarely, if ever, use.

    This is the Photoshop forum.  You want the Photoshop Elements forum:
    Photoshop Elements

  • Need clarification using the selection tool

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    I have some strange (to me) occurrences while using the 'selection tool'...
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    To do this, I am trying to use the <quick selection tool>.  I've had varying degrees of success using it.  One main thing I don't understand & pretty much renders my task useless, is the fact that whenever I use <refine edge> so that I can refine my edge selection, my pic is immediately lost or taken away.  Since I have no idea as to what's happening, I am forced to close the pic (W/O saving changes, of course) & then re-opening the pic.  All's well until I use the <refine edge> button again, then, my pic disappears AGAIN!
    There are a few more details about this <selection tool> that I'm muddy on.  Is there something where I can read more about its use?  I would love to know more, but how?  Where?
    I am not a constant user of PSE, rather,  I only use it on occasions.  Normally, I use its scanning features.  I may play around with a few other features, but I also know that PSE offers many other powerful features, I rarely, if ever, use.

    There are many selection tool and way to extract a subject.  There are more way in Photoshop then in Photoshop Elements you should ask over in the Elements forum to get answers suitable for elements users.  You may get answers here that are not possible to use in Elements. Photoshop Elements

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    Hi Shima,
    Let me quote from Oracle Reports website:
    "Oracle Reports is Oracle's award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise reporting tool. It enables businesses to give immediate access to information to all levels within and outside of the organization in an unrivaled scalable and secure environment. Oracle Reports consists of Oracle Reports Developer (a component of the Oracle Developer Suite) and OracleAS Reports Services (a component of the Oracle Application Server)."
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    Have you looked through the numerous tutorials online? ( like this one: )

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