Need to delete fonts installed by MS Office

I clicked on the Office trial, not knowing it was a teaser trial software to get me to buy. I have since deleted it, but I think there are still tons of fonts that I no longer need. Can someone tell me how I can delete the fonts that came with this Microsoft product?

Hi Polishedstaple,
the fonts installed by MS Office 2004 are as follows:
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold
Abadi MT Condensed Light
Andale Mono
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Arial Rounded Bold
Baskerville Old Face
Bauhaus 93
Bell MT
Bernard MT Condensed
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Britannic Bold
Brush Script
Calisto MT
Century Gothic
Century Schoolbook
Comic Sans MS
Cooper Black
Copperplate Gothic Bold
Copperplate Gothic Light
Curlz MT
Edwardian Script ITC
Engravers MT
Footlight Light
Gill Sans Ultra Bold
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
Goudy Old Style
Imprint MT Shadow
Lucida Blackletter
Lucida Bright
Lucida Calligraphy
Lucida Fax
Lucida Handwriting
Lucida Sans
Lucida Sans Typewriter
MS Gothic.ttf
MS Mincho.ttf
MS PGothic.ttf
MS PMincho.ttf
MT Extra
Matura Script Capitals
Modern No. 20
Monotype Corsiva
Monotype Sorts
News Gothic MT
Perpetua Titling MT
Rockwell Extra Bold
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Wide Latin
Wingdings 2
Wingdings 3
These are the fonts installed by an official copy of MS Office 2004. I don´t know wether the trial copy installs the same fonts.
The fonts can be found in:

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    LuckyAlP wrote:
    I just installed office 365 Home Premium editiion and have lost my ICloud capabilities.  I cannot sign in nor will Photostream work.
    Did you remove the existing installation of Office before installing the new one?
    I checked on-line and it says that windows 7 does not support outlook and that I cannot download it (don't know how I got it before).
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    I am totally confused as what to do. 
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    Then reinstall Office 365 followed by iCloud.

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    There is a boot drive inside the computer and it's storage space is filled up.
    You need to create a external storage drive and transfer some of your files off the internal boot drive.
    TimeMachine doesn't work for this as it's just a rotating backup image of what's on your boot drive, it's not a storage drive for more space and to save things permanently.
    So what you need to do is get three external drives from the office or computer store.
    I suggest 3-4 separate drives at 1TB each (or more capacity if you really got a lot of stuff), USB 2 is currently fine, the newer USB 3's are more expensive but your Mac doesn't have USB 3 ports, so get the less expensive USB 2 drives and save some money. If you can get Firewire 800/USB combination drives, those would be a better choice as Firewire 800 is the fastest for most Mac's. Only the very new ones have Thunderbolt and the new drives for that are rare and expensive.
    Make sure they are self powered drives with their own power supply, not port powered as those are a bit flaky as Apple can just determine the device is drawing too much current from the computer and turn it off.
    Note: sometimes if your computer is so full, you might actually have to delete some files in order to be able to get it to function transferring files, so pick ones that you can get new copies again, like free iTunes podcasts or movies for instance.
    TimeMachine Drive
    The first drive you connect to the Mac is going to pop up a window to ask if you want to make this a "TimeMachine Drive" go ahead and allow it to do that, it's backing up everything on your internal boot drive, it's going to take a long time.
    Once it's finished, disconnect this TimeMachine drive and label it as a "TimeMachine Drive"
    Extra space /Storage drives
    The second drive you connect is going to be your "extra storage drive" basically to free up space off the internal boot drive by transferring files to it.
    You first need to format this drive, you use Disk Utility in the Applications> Utilities folder.
    On the left will be the 'name of the drive' + "media" click that and then click the Partition tab
    Now click 1 Partition, Option: GUID, format OS X Extended (Journaled), give it a name like "StorageOne" and click Apply.
    Now click the Erase Tab and Security Option> Zero All Data and click Erase (use the same name) this will take a long time, like 2 hours per 1TB. It's going to check the drive for any errors and make sure it's working.
    Note: If the drive fails to format, then perform the Zero All Data first, then visit the Partition tab.
    Once the second drive is finished, then do the third drive in the same manner, this time naming it "StorageTwo"
    Transferring Data off to the Extra Storage drive
    Connect only StorageOne drive and visit your User/Movies folder, it's likely the biggest culprit of oversized files. Create a new folder on the StorageOne drive called "ExtraMovies" and transfer the contents of User/Movies to the "ExtraMovies" folder via drag and drop methods.
    Confirm the files were transferred and then delete those movies by dragging them to your Trash can and selecting "Empty Trash" from the Finder menu (if you select Secure Empty Trash on large files it takes a really long time to finish as it's scrubbing the drive, likely unnecessary except for sensitive files)
    If you have a large amount of User/Files elsewhere, you will have to search yourself and repeat the same steps to free up room on your internal boot drive.
    Once you have made some free space, download this free program to help you visualize where all your space is being taken up.
    Once you have completed moving files to the StorageOne drive, connect StorageTwo and copy the contents of StorageOne folders to StorageTwo drive. Both drives have to be connected of course.
    Rule of thumb
    Maintain TWO separate hardware copies of your User data at ALL TIMES
    Because you need more room, thus the storage drives are for extra space. The TimeMachine drive is a backup of your internal boot drive and the second storage drive is a backup copy of the first storage drive. So that way your sticking with the rule of thumb, get it?
    Don't connect TimeMachine while your transferring files, or formatting drives, you don't want it to "kick in" while your doing all this heavy work or transferring a large amount of files, I think it does so every hour, which you are going to taking quite some time to do all this work.
    Once your all done making room and copying files to the Storage drives, disconnect them and label them and date them.
    Reconnect TimeMachine drive
    Then connect the TimeMachine drive and it will make a NEW backup of your now newer configuration on your boot drive and keep it updated every time you connect it.
    Again, TimeMachine is NOT a storage drive for permanent keeping of data, it deletes old stuff as time progresses. So even though you can "go back in time" and recover a file you transferred then deleted off the your internal boot drive, it  won't keep everything forever like a storage drive can.
    Consider Cloning your boot drive.
    TimeMachine drives can only restore, they are not bootable like a clone is, so a TimeMachine drive isn't a heck of a lot of help if your hard drive fails to boot the computer, so a "hold the option key bootable clone" made with third party software is a very useful as you get to use the computer just like it was before and can get online, grab files off the internal drive and so forth. Even erase and reverse cloning!
    The trick with a clone is you make one and keep it disconnected, updating it from time to time. If a software update or install hoses your machine, you can option boot off the clone, grab the latest copy of your files and reverse clone the clone with the updated files back onto your OS X partition, reboot the computer and it's like nothing happened.
    It's a advanced technique, you will have to learn a lot more perhaps before attempting it, but it's a lifesaver.
    Cloning requires another separate external hard drive and free cloning software.
    You can read more about it all here. Take your time, you have a lot to absorb.

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    BigSky13 wrote:
    I did a complete reinstall of Mountain Lion.  Before I did so I followed the instructions to backup my iTunes to an external harddrive
    What instructions?
    Just copy the entire /iTunes/ folder to /Music/ on your computer.
    BigSky13 wrote:
    I did a complete reinstall of Mountain Lion.
    FYI: Do you know you can do a complete reinstall of Mountain Lion without deleting any user data?
    Also, you should ahve done a full backup of your entire drive then use Migration Assistant to pull in the user accounts (or what you needed/wanted).

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    If I delete the "new" system folder and put it back into Mac-A I get a Kernal panic - missing drivers screen.
    So, either
    A: How do I break the boot process to start over with a different set on the original machine; or
    B: what file do I need to delete from the hard drive (using the second machine) to allow me to restart the process (using a different OS ver.?

    You really can't break the installation process midstream. You can attempt to fix a mistaken install using an Archive and Install, and combo update back to the version you were at last, but that's dependent on their being enough space on your system*:
    After an archive and install, you can migrate data back to your new system that is usable. Frequently added drivers and plugins are not usable, but applications may be usable from a previous system.
    This is why it is so important you backup your data before installing anything*:
    If you haven't you can backup even a shoddy system and restore elements such as documents, but don't expect anything else to be usable.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

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    I bought Microsoft Office 2008 which I want to install on my external HD which is running Tiger. But on my old internal HD I was running Office 2001. I thought I'd have to re-install that Office onto my new HD but that didn't seem to work. When I open the alias of my old HD and try to open Word documents I get the warning that Microsoft can't open shared libraries and to either open virtual memory or re-install. What's weird is when I first opened a doc just now, it did open into Text Edit, although it had a W at the top like it was Word. But when I tried a second doc, then I got the warning again. Maybe because the 2001 Office is old is why it's not working properly? Or, if I install the new Office onto Tiger, will it over-ride the older one? Do I need to un-install the old Office? I don't want to do anything without asking, first. Thanks for any reply.

    When you use Classic, Tiger starts up a pretend version of OS9 using the version of OS9 you have told it to use as Classic.
    I have on my computer this set up:
    Hard drive 1: OS9
    Hard drive 2: Tiger, OS9
    When I want to boot to OS9 I select the version of OS9 on drive 1. It has a lot of extras in it that won't help when using OS9 as Classic.
    When I want to run an OS9 generation program inside Classic when booted from Tiger I have it set so Tiger uses the copy of OS9 on drive 2. This copy does not have plug-ins in it required by certain programs I use only when actually fully booted to OS9. Those programs would protest if I tried to use them from inside Classic because they could not find those components.
    I don't know if you have a similar setup. If you did, it would explain why Office 2001 does not work in Tiger's Classic but does when booted to OS9 which is actually a different copy of OS9.
    Since I also have the older Word documents on CDs, will they open into the newer Word after it's been installed and I insert the CDs? Or would I be able to just drag them from the OS 9 folder and onto the desktop and then into the new (Tiger) folder?
    They should just work with the new version of Word wherever they are located. You don't need to move them. The only problem with having them on CDs is you won't be able to save changes.

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    You don't need Adobe AIR to download or install Adobe Reader.
    Try downloading the offline installer from

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