Need to Modify a regitry value for a list of computers on my Network

Hey guys, first off I don't have any formal scripting experience, I just try to figure stuff out as needed. Anyway we use Citrix XenApp, and currently all of our computers point to a URL to fetch the assets they need.
I need to switch the URL they are all pointing at.
The registry entry is location here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\PNAgent\ and there is a string in there called ServerURL and the data value is: http://theOLDurl
At first I was thinking about exporting that key, which works, but I don't know how to execute a .reg file on a list of remote computers, so I thought I would try a powershell script.
I tried the following:
PS C:\> Set-Location HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Citrix\PNAgent
PS HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Citrix\PNAgent> Set-ItemProperty . ServerURL "http://theNEWurl"
I get Set-ItemProperty : Requested registry access is not allowed.
At line:1 char:17 (which is the . )
+ Set-ItemProperty <<<< . ServerURL "http://theNEWurl"
  + CatagoryInfo                 : PermissionDenied: <HKEY_LOCAL_MACH...\Citrix\PNAgent:String) [Set-ItemProperty], SecurityException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Security.SecurityException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetItemPropertyCommand
I tried it this way as well, with pretty much the same result:
PS C:\> Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Citrix\PNAgent -Name ServerURL -Value http://theNEWurl
I am an administrator, I tried getting creds with my domain admin account, I still get similar errors, what I am doing wrong or am I missing something really easy to make this change happen?
Oh once i figured it out I was planning on using a list of remote computer names like this to put to a list:
Invoke-Command -cn (gc c:\theNEWurlList.txt)

I think this is the part that is going to be hard to figure out, I tried:
PS C:\> Invoke-Command -cn (gc c:\newURLlist\list.txt) -cred $cred {pushd;sl HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Citrix\PNAgent;
Set-ItemProperty . ServerURL "http://theNewurl" ; popd}
Right now the c:\newURLlist\list.txt only has one computer in it called remote-computer
Then I get the following error:
[remote-computer] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The client cannot connect to the des tination specified in the request. Verify that the service on the destination is running and is accepting requests. Con sult the
logs and documentation for the WS-Management service running on the destination, most commonly IIS or WinRM. If the destination is the WinRM service, run the following command on the destination to analyze and configure the WinRM service: "winrm quickconfig".
For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
    + CategoryInfo          : OpenError: (:) [], PSRemotingTransportException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSSessionStateBroken
I'm totally lost now and if I cant do computers remotely then the script really doesn't help me much. Ah! Any ideas?

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    I am new to the forum, Can any one throw some light on where do I do customizing settings , so that I will get a pop up window asking to change workcentre while I assign a Task list to an order.
    Sorry if this is a silly question.
    Thanks in advance

    You can define this at the following IMG path:
    >Plant maintenance & customer service -Maintenance & service Processing -Maintenance and service orders -Functions and settings for order types -Default value for task list data and profile assignment                                                                               
    It is also possible for each user to maintain their own settings. This can be done using the following menu:                                                                               
    Transaction IW31/32: Extras   > Settings   > Default values

  • Possible bug ? - Default value for select list

    Hi, I have one page with a couple of reports. I have a time period filter on top. Its a select list with values 7 days, 3 months and 12 months. Default value is set to 3 (where return values of select list is 1,2,3 resp).
    Now in page 1 which has this select list, :P1_SELECT it has a report which shows counts of number of items purchased. When the user clicks on the count(hyperlinked column), it takes the user to another page which runs the details of the items and also uses the Page 1 select. It works fine when I change the time period. However, if I dont change the time period in the select list when I first login, althought I have set the default value to 3, the interactive report on page shows no data found, because the select list default value I guess it does not recognize.
    Is this a bug?

    ryansun wrote:
    Hi, I have one page with a couple of reports. I have a time period filter on top. Its a select list with values 7 days, 3 months and 12 months. Default value is set to 3 (where return values of select list is 1,2,3 resp).
    Now in page 1 which has this select list, :P1_SELECT it has a report which shows counts of number of items purchased. When the user clicks on the count(hyperlinked column), it takes the user to another page which runs the details of the items and also uses the Page 1 select. It works fine when I change the time period. However, if I dont change the time period in the select list when I first login, althought I have set the default value to 3, the interactive report on page shows no data found, because the select list default value I guess it does not recognize.
    Is this a bug?NO.
    Default values is only populated on the clien side and NOT in the session.
    This has been discussed thousands of times in the forum..found this with a simple search {message:id=4440597}

  • Need Help: Dynamically displaying parameter values for a procedure.

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    a) Let us assume that there is an application package called customer.
    create or replace package spec customer
    TYPE cust_in_rec_type IS RECORD
    cust_id NUMBER,
    ,cust_name VARCHAR2(25) );
    TYPE cust_role_rec_type IS RECORD
    (cust_id NUMBER,
    role_type VARCHAR2(20)
    TYPE role_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cust_role_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
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    p_code in varchar2
    ,p_cust_rec cust_in_rec_type
    ,p_cust_roles role_tbl_type
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    create or replace package body customer_test
    -- signature of this wrapper is exactly same as create_customer procedure.
    procedure create_customer_wrapper
    p_code in varchar2
    ,p_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type
    ,p_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type
    //<<<<<---Need to display parameter values dynamically for each test case-->>>>>
    Since the signature of this wrapper procedure is similar to actual app procedure, we can get all the parameter definition for this procedure using ALL_ARGUMENTS table as mentioned below.
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    but the problem is there are other procedures exists inside customer package like update_customer, add_address so need to have generalized code that is independent of each procedure inside the package.
    Is there any way to achieve this.
    Any help is appreciated.
    // >>>>
    p_code => p_code
    ,p_cust_rec => p_cust_rec
    ,p_cust_roles => p_cust_roles
    procedure testcase1
    l_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type ;
    l_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type;
    l_cust_rec.cust_id := 1;
    l_cust_rec.cust_name := 'ABC';
    l_cust_roles(1).cust_id := 1;
    l_cust_roles(1).role_type := 'Role1';
    p_code => 'code1'
    ,p_cust_rec => l_cust_rec
    ,p_cust_roles => l_cust_role
    procedure testcase2
    l_cust_rec customer.cust_in_rec_type ;
    l_cust_roles customer.role_tbl_type;
    l_cust_rec.cust_id := 2;
    l_cust_rec.cust_name := 'DEF';
    l_cust_roles(1).cust_id := 2;
    l_cust_roles(1).role_type := 'Role2';
    p_code => 'code2'
    ,p_cust_rec => l_cust_rec
    ,p_cust_roles => l_cust_role

    Not possible to dynamically in a procedure, deal with the parameter values passed by a caller. There is no struct or interface that a procedure can use to ask the run-time to give it the value of the 1st or 2nd or n parameter.
    There could perhaps be some undocumented/unsupported method - as debugging code (<i>DBMS_DEBUG</i>) is able to dynamically reference a variable (see Get_Value() function). But debugging requires a primary session (the debug session) and the target session (session being debugged).
    So easy answer is no - the complex answer is.. well, complex as the basic functionality for this do exists in Oracle in its DBMS_DEBUG feature, but only from a special debug session.
    The easiest way would be to generate the wrapper itself, dynamically. This allows your to generate code that displays the parameter values and add whatever other code needed into the wrapper. The following example demonstrates the basics of this approach:
    SQL> -- // our application proc called FooProc
    SQL> create or replace procedure FooProc( d date, n number, s varchar2 ) is
      2  begin
      3          -- // do some stuff
      4          null;
      5  end;
      6  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> create or replace type TArgument is object(
      2          name            varchar2(30),
      3          datatype        varchar2(30)
      4  );
      5  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type TArgumentList is table of TArgument;
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> -- // create a proc that creates wrappers dynamically
    SQL> create or replace procedure GenerateWrapper( procName varchar2 ) is
      2          procCode        varchar2(32767);
      3          argList         TArgumentList;
      4  begin
      5          select
      6                  TArgument( argument_name, data_type )
      7                          bulk collect into
      8                  argList
      9          from    user_arguments
    10          where   object_name = upper(procName)
    11          order by position;
    13          procCode := 'create or replace procedure Test'||procName||'( ';
    14          for i in 1..argList.Count
    15          loop
    16                  procCode := procCode||argList(i).name||' '||argList(i).datatype;
    17                  if i < argList.Count then
    18                          procCode := procCode||', ';
    19                  end if;
    20          end loop;
    22          procCode := procCode||') as begin ';
    23          procCode := procCode||'DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( '''||procName||''' ); ';
    25          for i in 1..argList.Count
    26          loop
    27                  procCode := procCode||'DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( '''||argList(i).name||'=''||'||argList(i).name||' ); ';
    28          end loop;
    30          -- // similarly, a call to the real proc can be added into the test wrapper
    31          procCode := procCode||'end;';
    33          execute immediate procCode;
    34  end;
    35  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> -- // generate a wrapper for a FooProc
    SQL> exec GenerateWrapper( 'FooProc' );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> -- // call the FooProc wrapper
    SQL> exec TestFooProc( sysdate, 100, 'Hello World' )
    D=2011-01-07 13:11:32
    S=Hello World
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    for all three loans in my java code
    import java.text.*;           //20 May 2008, Revision ...many
    class memortgage     //program class name
      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        double amount,moPay,totalInt,principal = 200000; //monthly payment, total interest and principal
        double rate [ ] = {.0535, .055, .0575};          //the three interest rates
        int [ ] term = {7,15,30};                        //7, 15 and 30 year term loans
        int time,ratePlace = 0,i,pmt=1,firstIterate = 0,secondIterate = 0,totalMo=0;
        char answer,test;
        boolean validChoice;;           //clear the stream for the next entered character
          validChoice = true;
          System.out.println("What Choice would you Like\n");
          System.out.println("1-Interest rate of 5.35% for 7 years?");       //just as it reads for each to select from
          System.out.println("2-Interest rate of 5.55% for 15 years?");
          System.out.println("3-Interest rate of 5.75% for 30 years?");
          answer = (char);
          if (answer == '1')  //7 yr loan at 5.35%
            ratePlace = 0;
            firstIterate = 4;
            secondIterate = 21;
            totalMo= 84;
          else if (answer == '2') //15 yr loan at 5.55%
            ratePlace = 1;
            firstIterate = 9;      //it helps If I have the correct numbers to calcualte as in 9*20 to equal 180...that why I was off -24333.76
            secondIterate = 20;    //now it is only of -0.40 cents....DAMN ME
            totalMo = 180;
          else if (answer == '3') //30 yr loan at 5.75%
            ratePlace = 2;
            firstIterate = 15;
            secondIterate = 24;
            totalMo = 360;
          else if (answer == '4') //exit or quit
  ;               //validates choice
            System.out.println("Invalid choice, try again.\n\n");
            validChoice = false;
        }while(!validChoice);  //when a valid choice is found calculate the following, ! means not, similar to if(x != 4)
        for(int x = 0; x < 25; x++)System.out.println();
        amount = (principal + (principal * rate[ratePlace] * term[ratePlace] ));
        moPay = (amount / totalMo);
        totalInt = (principal * rate[ratePlace] * term[ratePlace]);
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        System.out.println("The Interest on $" + (df.format(principal) + " at " + rate[ratePlace]*100 +
        "% for a term of "+term[ratePlace]+" years is \n" +"$"+ (df.format(totalInt) +" Dollars\n")));
        System.out.println("\nThe total amount of loan plus interest is $"+(df.format(amount)+" Dollars.\n"));
        System.out.println("\nThe Payments spread over "+term[ratePlace]* 12+" months would be $"+
        (df.format (moPay) + " Dollars a month\n\n"));;
        System.out.println("\nWould you like to see a planned payment schedule? y for Yes, or x to Exit");
        answer = (char);
        if (answer == 'y')
          System.out.println((term[ratePlace]*12) + " monthly payments:");
          String monthlyPayment = df.format(moPay);
          for (int a = 1; a <= firstIterate; a++)
            System.out.println(" Payment Schedule \n\n ");
            System.out.println("Month Payment Balance\n");
            for (int b = 1; b <= secondIterate; b++)
              amount -= Double.parseDouble(monthlyPayment);
              System.out.println(""+ pmt++ +"\t"+ monthlyPayment + "\t"+df.format(amount));
            System.out.println(("This Page Is Complete Press [ENTER] to Continue"));

    skull_innocent wrote:
    whooooooo...dang....just tell me nicely .
    I thought that this question I submitted in the wrong area previously
    There are better ways to correct me in my errors for posting
    I am sorry.Okay, no harm done.
    I hope that you understand that a major beef of contributors here is to spend time answering a question, only to later discover that somebody else has posted a similar answer in another thread. Hence the annoyance at crossposters.
    In the future, if you think you've posted in the wrong forum, or if for whatever reason you decide to post in multiple forums, pick one thread as the "main" one and provide a link to it in the others.

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    Hello Experts,
                        We have 2 SAP systems. System A sends data through ALE/IDOC to System B message type HRMD_ABA. Is there is a way the current system be modify to send more data from System A (table USR02, when particular field got change) to System B. Currently we are sending HR data only.
    I am new to ALE world therefore if someone gives steps and details will be greatly appreciated.

    ALE coniguration docmentation can be found here:
    You can activate change pointers using IMG steps in this location:
    SAP NetWeaver->IDoc Interface / Application Link Enabling (ALE)->Modelling and Implementing Business Processes->Master Data Distribution->Replication of Modified Data

  • Need to delete / clear PO value for a deleted shopping cart item.

    Hi friends
    Please help me on below mentioned issue.
    I have a shopping cart with one deleted item, That deleted item shows a PO number under table BP_PDBEI field BE_OBJECT_ID in production server.
    User want that PO number to be delete or clear from that shopping cart deleted item.
    We are not authorize to delete or clear a entry from the SAP standard table itself.
    Is there any function module, I can use directly in production server which can delete / clear this PO number from table BP_PDBEI field BE_OBJECT_ID from shopping cart deleted item
    Please help urgently.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

        check this FM
    Viquar Iqbal

  • Define default value for Select List

    I have an Item on the page, which is a Select list
    And I have a LOV associated with this item, which is a database query.
    How do I make one of the values of this LOV to be a default value of this Select list?
    I need this value to be displayed first, instead of a Null value.

    That's right - use the Default value area of your Item definition.
    Have a look at this post:
    Re: previous selected option as default value
    May be you will find it useful...

  • Default value for choice list in af:query panel

    Hi all,
    I have af:queryPanel in which i made one choicelist with static list.i want to have the first value of the static list as a default value to the field in can i achieve this.
    I am using jdev11.1.1.5
    Thanks in advance

    In your model project, create a view criteria (on the VO which you would be using for displaying values in the LOV). In your view criteria add the attributes and set default value (say add Empno and set its value to literal 1111). Now, when creating LOV for the next view object, select the view criteria you've created in previous step (instead of using all queryable attributes).
    Refer :

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    I have tried to install my HP color laserjet 2605 dn on my windows 7 operating system and I get an administrator error

  • Modify default value for static parameter field programmatically

    I have my Crystal Reports stored in a BO Enterprise system. I have written a java programm that scans the repository, loads the CR reports one by one into a ReportClientDocument, modifies the data source and then stores the updated report back to repository (it overwrites the existing objects).
    I was even able to modify the default values for the parameters, which are used for scheduling of each report.
    But what I am trying to do know is to overwrite the default value used when invoking the report interactively. This should be the value found under the Default Value field, when the Properties window of the parameter is opened in the CR designer.
    This is what I have tried so far:
    Option 1: First I tried to set the default values using . The only thing I have managed to do using this approach is to modify the static LOVs that are associated to static parameters. The actual selected value (shown under Default Value in the Properties window for the given parameter field) remained unchanged, when invoking the report in the InfoView or opening it in the CR designer.
    Option 2: I have used to change the default values. I was able to see my changes in the BO repository (using a query on CI_INFOOBJECTS), still the changes did not really have an impact to what is displayed as default value when invoking the report in the InfoView.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    It would be great to know if someone of you has already implemented successfully such a use-case.
    Edited by: Efstratios Karaivazoglou on Dec 9, 2009 8:52 AM
    Edited by: Efstratios Karaivazoglou on Dec 15, 2009 11:33 PM

    For Crystal Design related queries, close this thread and start the thread in the [SAP Crystal Reports Design forums|]
    - Bhushan

  • How  to set default value for Zfeild using statusprofile

    hi experts,
    I need to set a default value for a zfeild using status profile.Although we can default the values,using getter and setter methods,but in my requirement,the feild will be defaulted when the page is locked,also in display mode,which will require me to write code to unlock then set the value and then write a commit,as there wont be any user action performed.
    I have created a zstatus profile and have set the required status to inital,but no luck
    please suggest if this canbe achived through status profile.

    You can check in the getter if the Page is locked and then display the value to want to display. Note that this will be just Displaying the default value for the Zfield and it will not set the default value into  the Zfield in DB, because when the document is locked ( means locked for editing - mostly when system status is completed ) , setters are not called and so you can display the value but cant set it. This is fine if the value you want to display in Z field is just for user's informations and its not required to save this default value.
    The best approach would be to set the value in the Zfield before the page is locking. For example, If you wat to set the zfield value when status is set to "Completed" , then you can configure an action that is 1) triggered during saving of the document with 2) start condition "When status is completed"  ( both 1 and 2 you can mention in action defination ), then Implement this action badi in which you can set the Zfield to default value.
    This will ensure that default value is always set whenever the page is getting locked for editing ( i assumed that page lock means status completed ).
    Thanks & Regards

  • Defining default value for financial reports display in the workspace (9.3)

    I need to change the default value for financial reports workspace preview mode, for every workspace user. It is actually set on html, and I would like to have pdf instead.
    This option can be changed when logged on the workspace, in file->preferences->financial reporting->default preview mode. However I want every user to start with the right settings, so they dont have to change anything manually.
    I have tried to do it with Shared Services : under projects, BI+, assign preferences. From there I can change the default folder and the start page (the general preferences), however I cannot find the options for financial reporting.
    Is there a way to change these values with hyperion tools ?
    If not, is it possible to change it directly in the repository DB ?Thanks and best regards

    We looked at this about 2 years ago - from memory, you can only set preferences when the users are first setup in Shared Services, under the manage preferences section of the wizard.
    I can't remember if there is a settings file you can edit for the default users - i think there is, but again this must be set before users are set up.
    We looked at changing users preferences, but gave up on the idea as all users had been provisioned already :-(
    Cheers, Iain

  • Set a default value for a radio button populated with a List of value

    I am using jdeveloper I need to set a default value for a radio button populated with a List of value(Yes/No). Here's the selectonechoice code.
    <af:selectOneRadio value="#{bindings.Code.inputValue}"
    id="sor1" autoSubmit="true"
    valuePassThru="true" layout="horizontal">
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.Code.items}" id="si1"/>
    I want to have the selectonechoice set to No by default. In the previous versions, I set the default value in the base attribute VO. But it is not working in the new version.

    this should work in JDeveloper the same as in If it doesn't then it is better to file a bug than to work around it

  • Can't we use function to derive value for NEXT clause in MV ?

    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement like below
    I need to derive the schedule (Value for NEXT clause in the create MV command) for a MV to run it
    e.g., Value from a date column : 03-JUL-2012 10:00 AM, VALUE for NEXT clause in CREATE MV statement should be 03-JUL-2012 04:45 AM (It is -5.45 hrs from the above date column value )
    So I wrote a function (GET_DATE) to derive schedule for NEXT clause and tried to call it from NEXT caluse, but it is giving error message as mentioned below
    ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here
    SELECT * from xxmdme_party_stage where rownum<101;
    Could you please help to give some light on how this can be done ?

    942661 wrote:
    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement like below
    I need to derive the schedule (Value for NEXT clause in the create MV command) for a MV to run it
    e.g., Value from a date column : 03-JUL-2012 10:00 AM, VALUE for NEXT clause in CREATE MV statement should be 03-JUL-2012 04:45 AM (It is -5.45 hrs from the above date column value )
    So I wrote a function (GET_DATE) to derive schedule for NEXT clause and tried to call it from NEXT caluse, but it is giving error message as mentioned below
    ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here
    SELECT * from xxmdme_party_stage where rownum<101;
    Could you please help to give some light on how this can be done ?you must (ab)use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE

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