Nested datatable

I want to display data table with nested loops using EL.
My backing bean is a controller for the parent hibernate entity, lets call it UserGroup (and it has User childs), then I want to display UserGroups with User list for each UserGroup.
I like that I can access directly to domain classes using EL, like this - #{userGroupController.userGroup.user.login}.
And I like using entites nested collections as nested loops in my datatable.
But the problem is that collection of Users is a Set and I can't use Set in datatable.
As I know datatable works only with Lists.
What will be the best solution? Use <list> instead of <set> in hibernate mapping file, or leave <set> and use some converter or something else? Do you have any ideas?
Your help and suggestions are hightly appreciated.

Generally I would advise against changing the structure of your data model beans because of a limitation in the view technology. I.e., I would keep it as a set.
In which case what you need is an implementation of javax.faces.model.DataModel which can handle a Set. Note that the dataTable is really looking for a DataModel; when you give it a List it uses ListDataModel automatically.
Edited by: RaymondDeCampo on Oct 10, 2007 8:56 AM

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  • Command link from nested datatables

    I have nested datatables that work, but I need to be able execute an actionListener from a h:commandLink and reference the item that is being clicked. The example below works except that it always returns the items in the last category. So that if the 2nd item in the first category is clicked, the 2nd item of the last category is returned. I tried binding my dataTables to UIData objects on my managed bean so that I could call getRowData() but I cannot find a way to bind the embedded h:dataTable when I don't know how many to expect.
    Here is the code (stripped down for simplicity):
    <h:dataTable value="#{bean.categories}" var="category">
            <h:outputText value="#{}" styleClass="txtTitle"/>
            <h:dataTable value="#{category.items}" var="item">
                    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{bean.activate}">
                        <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                        <f:param name="activate" value="#{item}"/>
    public class ManagedBean {
        private List categories;
        private Item activeItem;
        public void activate(ActionEvent e) {
            UICommand command = (UICommand)e.getComponent();
            List children = command.getChildren();
            for (Iterator i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                UIComponent child = (UIComponent);
                if (child instanceof UIParameter) {
                    UIParameter param = (UIParameter)child;
                    if (param.getName().equals("activate")) {
                        this.activeItem = (Item)param.getValue();
        public List getCategories() {
            return categories;
        public void setCategories(List categories) {
                this.categories = categories;
        public Item getActiveItem() {
            return activeItem;
        public void setActiveItem(item activeItem) {
                this.activeItem = activeItem;


  • Nested dataTable bug?

    I�m having a problem with nested dataTables. The complete source code is attached.
    My backing bean has properties keys and map. Keys is an array of strings. Map is a map keyed off keys with string array values.
    The faces jsp creates a table with one row per key. The key is displayed in the first column and the second column holds another table displaying the elements of the corresponding map entry.
    Various command links with nested <f:param> elements are in the cells and footers of the nested table. The parameter values reference the var property of either the inner or outer tables. All command links reference the same action listener which prints the value of the parameter to stdout.
    Clicking on outer var always works.
    Clicking on inner var yields the correct result only if you are in the last row of the outer table.
    Clicking once on any of the footer link command links causes the action listener to be invoked once for each row of the outer table.
    Have I found a bug, am I doing something wrong, or is this functionality not supported?
    Any help appreciated.
    Backing Bean Source:
    package test;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.faces.component.UIParameter;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    public class NestedTableBean {
         private Map map;
         private String[] keys;
         public NestedTableBean() {
              keys = new String[]{"1", "2", "3"};
              map = new HashMap();
              map.put(keys[0], new String[]{"1a", "1b", "1c"});
              map.put(keys[1], new String[]{"2a", "2b", "2c"});
              map.put(keys[2], new String[]{"3a", "3b", "3c"});
         public Map getMap() {
              return map;
         public String[] getKeys() {
              return keys;
         public void doIt(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
              String param = null;
             List children = actionEvent.getComponent().getChildren();
             for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
               if (children.get(i) instanceof UIParameter) {
                 UIParameter currentParam = (UIParameter) children.get(i);
                 if (currentParam.getName().equals("param") &&
                     currentParam.getValue() != null) {
                   param = currentParam.getValue().toString();
             FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
             String id = actionEvent.getComponent().getClientId(context);
             System.out.println("In doIt(), component id: "+id+", param: "+param);
    }Faces JSP Source:
    <h:dataTable border="2" value="#{nestedTable.keys}" var="outerVar">
      <h:outputText value="#{outerVar}"/>
      <h:dataTable  border="1" value="#{[outerVar]}" var="innerVar">
        <h:panelGrid columns="3">
         <h:outputText value="#{innerVar}"/>
         <h:commandLink actionListener="#{nestedTable.doIt}">
          <h:outputText value="outerVar"/>
          <f:param name="param" value="#{outerVar}"/>
         <h:commandLink actionListener="#{nestedTable.doIt}">
          <h:outputText value="innerVar"/>
          <f:param name="param" value="#{innerVar}"/>
       <f:facet name="footer">
        <h:panelGrid columns="2">
         <h:commandLink actionListener="#{nestedTable.doIt}">
          <h:outputText value="footer link"/>
          <f:param name="param" value="#{outerVar}"/>

    I have the same problem, when I use an nested dataTable the ActionEvent of the Second dataTable get always the Last Row of the First dataTable.
    The complete code :
    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PAGE.JSP -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    <h:dataTable id="categorias" var="categoria" value="#{UserBean.allCategorias}">
            <h:dataTable id="items" var="item" value="#{categoria.items}">
               <f:facet name="header">
                   <h:outputText value="#{categoria.nome}" />
                   <f:facet name="header">
                       <h:outputText value="Item" />
                   <h:outputText value="#{item.nome}" />
                   <f:facet name="header">
                       <h:outputText value="Qtd Solicitada" />
                    <h:outputText value="#{item.qtdSolicitada}" />
                <f:facet name="header">
                    <h:outputText value="Qtd Recebida" />
                <h:outputText value="#{item.qtdEfetivada}" />
                  <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                      <h:inputText id="selected" size="5" />
                      <h:commandButton id="confirmar" immediate="true" image="images/confirmar_1.gif" actionListener="#{UserBean.processAction}">
                          <f:param id="itemId" name="id" value="#{item.nome}" />
    </h:dataTable>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    public void processAction(ActionEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
        /* Find the UIParameter component by expression */
       UIParameter component = (UIParameter) event.getComponent().findComponent("itemId");
       /* param itemId - Wrong (use Debug to see) */

  • Jsf 2 nested datatable rerender issue

    Hi All,
    I'm struggling with a nested datatable rerender issue, which I can't seem to solve.
    Here's the situation: I have this datatable which iterates over serverinstances. For each serverinstance, I then iterate over it's urls. This all works fine.
    Now I want to add a new url for that serverinstance, so under the datatable, there's an input form.
    When submitted, the url is added to the serverinstance and updated (via backing bean).
    The only problem is, that the (nested) datatable is not rerendered. I can see the update working fine, because the url is added in the database.
    If I do the same thing in a one-level, unnested datatable, it works fine. I suppose the nesting is the problem here.
    Here's the (simplified) code:
              <h:form id="appurlform">
    <h:dataTable var="serverinstance" value="#{}" >
    <h:dataTable var="_appurl" value="#{serverinstance.appUrl}">
    <h:column><h:outputText value="#{_appurl.appurl}"/></h:column>
    <h:form id="newappurlform" prependId="false">
    <h3><h:outputText value="New Monitored Url"/></h3>
    <td>Url: </td>
    <h:inputText id="newappurl_url" value="#{_AddUrls.newAppUrl.appurl}"/>
    <h:commandButton id="submitappurl" value="Add Url"
    onclick="jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
    render:'appurlform'}); return false;"

    Hi All,
    I'm struggling with a nested datatable rerender issue, which I can't seem to solve.
    Here's the situation: I have this datatable which iterates over serverinstances. For each serverinstance, I then iterate over it's urls. This all works fine.
    Now I want to add a new url for that serverinstance, so under the datatable, there's an input form.
    When submitted, the url is added to the serverinstance and updated (via backing bean).
    The only problem is, that the (nested) datatable is not rerendered. I can see the update working fine, because the url is added in the database.
    If I do the same thing in a one-level, unnested datatable, it works fine. I suppose the nesting is the problem here.
    Here's the (simplified) code:
              <h:form id="appurlform">
    <h:dataTable var="serverinstance" value="#{}" >
    <h:dataTable var="_appurl" value="#{serverinstance.appUrl}">
    <h:column><h:outputText value="#{_appurl.appurl}"/></h:column>
    <h:form id="newappurlform" prependId="false">
    <h3><h:outputText value="New Monitored Url"/></h3>
    <td>Url: </td>
    <h:inputText id="newappurl_url" value="#{_AddUrls.newAppUrl.appurl}"/>
    <h:commandButton id="submitappurl" value="Add Url"
    onclick="jsf.ajax.request(this, event,
    render:'appurlform'}); return false;"

  • JSF Nested Datatable , ValueExpression

    Hi, I'm working on an application which is going to use a nested datatable.
    basically I generate 1 datatable which consist of 7 columns , 5 rowsItems and for each column I generate a datatable to handle the data.
    I make a List from RowItems and bind it to my datatable by wrapping it in a datamodel
    the rowItem class consist of 7 List for each column which will be binded to each nested datatable using ValueExpression
    So now the problem is:
    I couldnt get the name for each display, I'm getting error message could not find property "name" for class String.
    output_name.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{}", String.class));but I can get the working unit displayed correctly
    output_workingunit.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.workingtime}", String.class));can someone help me on this problem?
    Thanks in advance
    my code
    package demo;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.el.ValueExpression;
    import javax.faces.component.UIOutput;
    import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
    import org.richfaces.component.*;
    import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataTable;
    import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumn;
    public class Calendar
         // Table Properties
         private String[] days = {"Working Time","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Freiday","Saturday","Sunday"};
         private String[] workingunit = {"8:00-8:45","8:45-9:30","9:30-10:15","10:15-11:00","11:00-11:45"};
         private int column; // number of columns
         private int row; // number of rows
         // Main List to store the values
         private ArrayList<RowItems> RowItemList;
         // Datatable backing bean Component
         private UIDataTable calendarDatatable;
         // Constructor
         public Calendar()
              // Initializing row and column
              column = 7;
              row = 5;
              // Initializing Datatable
              calendarDatatable = new HtmlDataTable();
              // Creating List of RowItems
              RowItemList = new ArrayList<RowItems>();
              // Adding rows to the List
              for(int i = 0;i<row;i++)
                   RowItemList.add(new RowItems(workingunit,column,i));
              // Creating creating 7 columns for each day + name column
              for(int i = 0; i <column+1; i++)
                   UIColumn column = new HtmlColumn();
                   UIOutput header = new HtmlOutputText();
                   // Initializing column and header
                   // the first column doesn't need a datatable
                   if(i == 0)
                        // Display data
                        HtmlOutputText output_workingunit = new HtmlOutputText();
                        output_workingunit.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.workingtime}", String.class));
                        // Create datatable for each column
                        UIDataTable datatable_nested = new HtmlDataTable();
                        UIColumn column_for_nestedDT = new HtmlColumn();
                        // Display data
                        HtmlOutputText output_name = new HtmlOutputText();
                        output_name.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{}", String.class)); // <- it wont just find the property
                        // add outputtext for each column in nested datatable
                        // Add a column for each nested datatable
                        * the expression value is correct I checked through println
                             case 1: datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col1}", String.class));
                             case 2:     datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col2}", String.class));
                             case 3:     datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col3}", String.class));
                             case 4:     datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col4}", String.class));
                             case 5:     datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col5}", String.class));
                             case 6: datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col6}", String.class));
                             case 7:     datatable_nested.setValueExpression("value", createValueExpression("#{RowItemsVar.displaylist_col7}", String.class));
                        // Add the nested datatable to each column
                   // Adding each column to highest entity of datatable
                   // 7 column will be added because there is 7 datatable
              // Test data
              RowItemList.get(0).getDisplaylist_col1().add(new Display("danny",1,1));
              // Datamodel for the highest entity of datatable
              ListDataModel<RowItems>RowItemsDM = new ListDataModel<RowItems>();
              // Wrapp the data from ArrayList into DataModel object
              // Adding datamodel to highest entity of datatable
         public UIDataTable getCalendarDatatable() {
              return calendarDatatable;
         public void setCalendarDatatable(UIDataTable calendarDatatable) {
              this.calendarDatatable = calendarDatatable;
    // Methode to create a ValueExpression
    private ValueExpression createValueExpression(String valueExpression, Class<?> valueType)
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    return facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().createValueExpression(
    facesContext.getELContext(), valueExpression, valueType);
    package demo;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    * Class to represent each column
    public class RowItems
         private String workingtime;
         private int col;
         private int index;
         // List of list for each column     
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col1 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col2 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col3 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col4 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col5 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col6 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         private ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col7 = new ArrayList<Display>();
         // Constructor
         public RowItems (String workingtime, int col, int index)
              this.workingtime = workingtime;
              this.col = col;
              this.index = index;
         // Getter & Setter
         public String getWorkingtime() {
              return workingtime;
         public void setWorkingtime(String workingtime) {
              this.workingtime = workingtime;
         public int getCol() {
              return col;
         public void setCol(int col) {
              this.col = col;
         public void setIndex(int index) {
              this.index = index;
         public int getIndex() {
              return index;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col1() {
              return displaylist_col1;
         public void setDisplaylist_col1(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col1) {
              this.displaylist_col1 = displaylist_col1;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col2() {
              return displaylist_col2;
         public void setDisplaylist_col2(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col2) {
              this.displaylist_col2 = displaylist_col2;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col3() {
              return displaylist_col3;
         public void setDisplaylist_col3(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col3) {
              this.displaylist_col3 = displaylist_col3;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col4() {
              return displaylist_col4;
         public void setDisplaylist_col4(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col4) {
              this.displaylist_col4 = displaylist_col4;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col5() {
              return displaylist_col5;
         public void setDisplaylist_col5(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col5) {
              this.displaylist_col5 = displaylist_col5;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col6() {
              return displaylist_col6;
         public void setDisplaylist_col6(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col6) {
              this.displaylist_col6 = displaylist_col6;
         public ArrayList<Display> getDisplaylist_col7() {
              return displaylist_col7;
         public void setDisplaylist_col7(ArrayList<Display> displaylist_col7) {
              this.displaylist_col7 = displaylist_col7;
    package demo;
    public class Display
         private Person person;
         private String name;
         private int x;
         private int y;
         public Display(String name, int x, int y)
              this.person = new Person(name);
     = name;
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
         public String getName() {
              return name;
         public void setName(String name) {
     = name;
         public Person getPerson() {
              return person;
         public void setPerson(Person person) {
              this.person = person;
         public int getX() {
              return x;
         public void setX(int x) {
              this.x = x;
         public int getY() {
              return y;
         public void setY(int y) {
              this.y = y;

  • Nested Datatables and checkbox trouble

    i am having a datatable with 3 rows mapping to a column in the database i have another datatable inside the previous datatable mapping to another column in the database.... i am able to fetch the values from the database and populate in the 2 first datatable has one column and it is a component second datatable has 4 columns..a select many checkboxes,a component label,and 2 text fields.
    Now the problem comes when i need to save the values that are being entered in the do i get the values of the checkbox and the textfields and update in the database.and remember i need to get the values of all the components in both the datatables and update in the JSP code and the backing bean codes are as follows.......pls help me with this problem
    JSP Code:
    <h:dataTable binding="#{AttributeSelection.uiTable2}" id="dataTable2" rowClasses="form"
    value="#{AttributeSelection.arrayDataModel}" var="currentRow1">
    <h:column binding="#{AttributeSelection.column5}" id="column5">
    <h:outputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.outputText1}" id="outputText1" value=""/>
    <f:facet name="header"/>
    <h:dataTable binding="#{AttributeSelection.uiTable1}" border="1" headerClass="form_bold"
    id="dataTable1" rowClasses="form" value="#{currentRow1['attributes']}" var="currentRow">
    <h:column binding="#{AttributeSelection.column1}" id="column1">
    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{AttributeSelection.checkbox1}" id="checkbox1" value="#{currentRow.checkbox1}"/>
    <f:facet name="header"/>
    <h:column binding="#{AttributeSelection.column2}" id="column2">
    <h:outputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.outputText3}" id="outputText3" value="#{currentRow['name']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.outputText4}" id="outputText4"
    style="height: 23px; width: 50%" styleClass="form_bold" value="#{currentRow1['category']}"/>
    <h:column binding="#{AttributeSelection.column3}" id="column3">
    <h:inputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.textField1}" id="textField1"
    style="height: 24px; width: 65%" styleClass="input" value="#{currentRow['defaultMin']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.outputText8}" id="outputText8" value="Min"/>
    <h:column binding="#{AttributeSelection.column4}" id="column4">
    <h:inputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.textField2}" id="textField2"
    style="height: 24px; width: 65%" styleClass="input" value="#{currentRow['defaultMax']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{AttributeSelection.outputText9}" id="outputText9" style="" value="Max"/>
    Backing Bean Code:
    * Created on January 23, 2006, 10:46 AM
    * Copyright Sidharth_Mohan
    package tpalt;
    import com.equifax.ems.tpalt.order.dao.OrderDataDAO;
    import javax.faces.*;
    import javax.faces.component.html.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.faces.component.*;
    import javax.faces.model.ArrayDataModel;
    import com.equifax.ems.tpalt.order.model.OrderAttribute;
    import com.equifax.ems.tpalt.order.model.OrderCategory;
    import com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.faces.application.Application;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.el.MethodBinding;
    public class AttributeSelection extends AbstractPageBean {
    * Bean initialization.
    // </editor-fold>
    public AttributeSelection() {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    log("AttributeSelection Initialization Failure", e);
    throw e instanceof javax.faces.FacesException ? (FacesException) e : new FacesException(e);
    // </editor-fold>
    // Additional user provided initialization code
    protected tpalt.ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
    return (tpalt.ApplicationBean1)getBean("ApplicationBean1");
    protected tpalt.SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
    return (tpalt.SessionBean1)getBean("SessionBean1");
    // </editor-fold>
    * Bean cleanup.
    protected void afterRenderResponse() {
    }private int __placeholder;
    private HtmlForm form1 = new HtmlForm();
    public HtmlForm getForm1() {
    return form1;
    public void setForm1(HtmlForm hf) {
    this.form1 = hf;
    public UIData uiTable1 = new UIData();
    * Getter for property uiTable.
    * @return Value of property uiTable.
    public UIData getUiTable1() {
    return uiTable1;
    * Setter for property uiTable.
    * @param uiTable New value of property uiTable.
    public void setUiTable1(UIData uiTable1) {
    this.uiTable1 = uiTable1;
    private UIColumn column1 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn1() {
    return column1;
    public void setColumn1(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column1 = uic;
    private UIColumn column5 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn5() {
    return column5;
    public void setColumn5(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column5 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText1 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText1() {
    return outputText1;
    public void setOutputText1(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText1 = hot;
    public UIData uiTable2 = new UIData();
    * Getter for property uiTable.
    * @return Value of property uiTable.
    public UIData getUiTable2() {
    return uiTable2;
    * Setter for property uiTable.
    * @param uiTable New value of property uiTable.
    public void setUiTable2(UIData uiTable2) {
    this.uiTable2 = uiTable2;
    private ArrayDataModel arrayDataModel = new ArrayDataModel();
    public ArrayDataModel getArrayDataModel() {
    ArrayList orderList =new ArrayList();
    OrderDataDAO orderData =new OrderDataDAO();
    ArrayList orderCategories = new ArrayList();
    orderList = (ArrayList) orderData.getAllAttributes();
    for (int i =0;i<orderList.size();i++)
    OrderAttribute or =(OrderAttribute)orderList.get(i);
    String category = (String)or.getCategory();
    OrderCategory orderCategory = new OrderCategory();
    ArrayList attributesforCategory = new ArrayList();
    for (int j = i;j<orderList.size();j++){
    OrderAttribute ora =(OrderAttribute)orderList.get(j);
    if (category.equals(ora.getCategory())){
    j = i;
    arrayDataModel = new ArrayDataModel(orderCategories.toArray());
    catch (Exception ex) {
    return arrayDataModel;
    public void setArrayDataModel(ArrayDataModel dtdm) {
    this.arrayDataModel = dtdm;
    private UIColumn column2 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn2() {
    return column2;
    public void setColumn2(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column2 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText3 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText3() {
    return outputText3;
    public void setOutputText3(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText3 = hot;
    private UIColumn column3 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn3() {
    return column3;
    public void setColumn3(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column3 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText4 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText4() {
    return outputText4;
    public void setOutputText4(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText4 = hot;
    private UIColumn column4 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn4() {
    return column4;
    public void setColumn4(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column4 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText8 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText8() {
    return outputText8;
    public void setOutputText8(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText8 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText9 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText9() {
    return outputText9;
    public void setOutputText9(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText9 = hot;
    public UIInput textField1 = new UIInput();
    public UIInput getTextField1() {
    return textField1;
    public void setTextField1(UIInput hit) {
    this.textField1 = hit;
    public UIInput textField2 = new UIInput();
    public UIInput getTextField2() {
    return textField2;
    public void setTextField2(UIInput hit) {
    this.textField2 = hit;
    public UISelectBoolean checkbox1 = new UISelectBoolean();
    public UISelectBoolean getCheckbox1() {
    return checkbox1;
    public void setCheckbox1(UISelectBoolean hsbc) {
    this.checkbox1 = hsbc;
    public String save_action() {
    java.lang.System.out.println("><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Button Came><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>");
    java.lang.System.out.println("====================Welcome to the Button action======================");
    int firstIndex = uiTable2.getFirst();
    int rows = uiTable2.getRowCount();
    java.lang.System.out.println("----------------------FIRST INDEX-----------------------"+firstIndex);
    ArrayList orderAttribs = orderCat.getAttributes();
    Iterator it = orderAttribs.iterator();
    OrderAttribute currentAttribute = (OrderAttribute);
    java.lang.System.out.println("==================String Value===================" + currentAttribute.getCheckbox1());
    java.lang.System.out.println("==================String Value===================" + currentAttribute.getName());
    java.lang.System.out.println("==================String Value===================" + currentAttribute.getDefaultMin());
    java.lang.System.out.println("==================String Value===================" + currentAttribute.getDefaultMax());
    catch (Exception e) {
    return "Test";
    private HtmlCommandButton save = new HtmlCommandButton();
    public HtmlCommandButton getSave() {
    return save;
    public void setSave(HtmlCommandButton hcb) { = hcb;
    Please Reply me with this solution soon.............

    Hi Tabitha,
    You have mentioned extraction of data from two database tables. Can those two tables be joined to put the data in one single table component?

  • Show HashMap in Datatable. UIColumn with embedded Datatable. Help Needed

    I am trying to display a HashMap in a datatable where the values for each key is an ArrayList e.g.
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            HashMap hm = new HashMap();
            hm.put("ONE", al);
            ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
            hm.put("TWO", al2);Now I have a Datatable with two columns. First column shows the key and the second column I again have
    a datatable to show the ArrayList. So I will have one row with a key and the values again shown in a
    datatable. So far I no luck and need some help on how to achieve this. Here is the index2.jsp code I have:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
                content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
        <body><h:form binding="#{backing_index2.form1}" id="form1">
        <h:dataTable value="#{backing_index2.entrySet}" var="var1"
                         binding="#{backing_index2.dataTable1}" id="dataTable1" border="1">         
                <f:facet name="header">
                  <h:outputText value="Keys"/>
                <h:outputText value="#{var1.key}"/>
                  <f:facet name="header">
                      <h:outputText value="Values"/>
                  <h:dataTable value="#{backing_index2.entrySet}" var="var2"
                             binding="#{backing_index2.dataTable2}" id="dataTable2">             
                      <h:column id="col2">
                        <h:outputText id="out3" value="#{var2.value}"/>
    </f:view>And here is the backing bean I have:
    package project1.backing;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable;
    import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm;
    public class Index2 {
        private HtmlForm form1;
        private HtmlDataTable dataTable1;
        private HtmlDataTable dataTable2;
        private List entrySet;
        private HashMap hm;
        public Index2() {
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            hm = new HashMap();
            hm.put("ONE", al);
            ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
            hm.put("TWO", al2);
            entrySet = new java.util.ArrayList(hm.entrySet());
         //here it only prints two rows as i have two keys but on the output it
         //does not come up fine
            for (int i = 0; i < entrySet.size(); i++) {
                System.out.println("==== " + entrySet.get(i));
        public void setForm1(HtmlForm form1) {
            this.form1 = form1;
        public HtmlForm getForm1() {
            return form1;
        public void setDataTable1(HtmlDataTable dataTable1) {
            this.dataTable1 = dataTable1;
        public HtmlDataTable getDataTable1() {
            return dataTable1;
        public void setDataTable2(HtmlDataTable dataTable2) {
            this.dataTable2 = dataTable2;
        public HtmlDataTable getDataTable2() {
            return dataTable2;
        public void setEntrySet(List entrySet) {
            this.entrySet = entrySet;
        public List getEntrySet() {
            return entrySet;
        public void setHm(HashMap hm) {
   = hm;
        public HashMap getHm() {
            return hm;
    }Now when I run this application the keys are shown in the respective column but values are coming up as
    [AA2, BB2, CC2] in one row rather in a separate Row as I am using a Datatable inside UIColumn to show the values.
    Here is what I see in the output:
    keys        Values
    TWO         [AA2, BB2, CC2]
                [AA, BB, CC]
    ONE         [AA2, BB2, CC2]
                [AA, BB, CC] As above output is not correct as it shows both list values in front of each key rather than what those
    keys are tied to. I wanted the following output:
    keys        Values
    ONE         AA
    TWO         AA2
             CC2So I can do sorting pagination on the values datatable. But currently the output is not shown correctly. Any help
    is really appreciated. My hashmap will be populated dynamically so wants to show the key and values in separate column
    but also need to show the values in an embedded datatable as the list can be huge.

    Rather use a Collection of DTO's. See for some insights. There is also a section "Nesting datatables".

  • Delete a Row from a Nested Data Table

    Hi... Good day...
    I have a dataTable nested within another DataTable.
    I want to delete a Row from the nested DataTable on clicking a remove Button at the Last column of the Nested DataTable, Jus in the browser.
    How to accomplish this using JavaScript?
    Here is my Code Snippet..
    <h:dataTable value="#{myListBean.rpts}" binding="#{myListBean.parent}" var="item" headerClass ="header" rowClasses = "whiteRow,grayRow" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border = "0"  id = "dataTable">
         <h:graphicImage id="expand" value="static/images/plus.gif" onclick="showNested(this);" rendered="#{item.schedImgurl=='static/images/scheduled.gif'}"/>
          <div id="#{item.rptId}">
          <h:dataTable id="orderLines" binding="#{myListBean.child}"  value="#{item.scheduleList}" var="schedItem" style="display: none;">
           <h:outputText value="#{schedItem.scheduleID}" style="display:none;" />
             <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Scheduled Criteria"/>
             <h:outputText value="#{schedItem.scheduleCriteriaName}" />
             <span onMouseOver="JavaScript:showScheduleTooltip(event,'#{schedItem.toolTipCriteraia}')" onMouseOut="JavaScript:hideTooltip()">...</span>
           <f:facet name="header" >
          <h:outputText value="Frequency"/>
           <h:outputText value="#{schedItem.scheduleFrequency}" />
           <f:facet name="header" >
           <h:outputText value="On"/>
           <h:outputText value="#{schedItem.scheduleStartDate}" />
            <input type="button" value="Remove"onclick=" Remove();"/>
    </h:dataTable>Whatz that I need to do inside the Remove() JavaScript Function ?

    Ram_J2EE_JSF wrote:
    How to accomplish this using JavaScript?Using Javascript? Well, you know, Javascript runs at the client side and intercepts on the HTML DOM tree only. The JSF code is completely irrelevant. Open your JSF page in your favourite webbrowser and view the generated HTML source. Finally just base your Javascript function on it.

  • Setting id's for the datatables.

    I have a datatable "A" in which another datatable "B" is nested. I need to hide/unhide "B" from the onclick event of an item on the datatable "A". But i can't seem to set the id of the datatable "B". How can i achieve this?

    <h:dataTable border="0" rowClasses="" value="#{Version2$}" var="var" width="100%">
                                    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox rendered="#{not var.hasChild}"/>
                                    <f:facet name="header">
                                        <h:outputText style="font-weight: bold" value="Purpose of Registration"/>
                                    <h:outputLabel value="#{}" onclick="ShowHide2('#{var.eventKeyword}')"/>
                                    <h:dataTable value="#{var.children}" var="childVar" id="...">
                                            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox rendered="#{not childVar.hasChild}"/>
                                            <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                                    </h:dataTable>I need to set the appropriate id for the nested datatable so that it can be given as an argument to the javascript in the main table. I use Sun JSF 1.1

  • DataTable in dataTable fix details (JSF 1.1)

    I posted a message yesterday indicating that some of the problems with nested dataTables had not been fixed in the JSF 1.1 release. Since that posting, I have done some more research, and have more specific information regarding the remaining problems and a way to fix them. The remaining problems are:
    1) Values from inputText fields in the inner dataTable are ignored on submit (except for the last row of the table). The problem is that processDecodes is called on the inner table component multiple times (once per row of the outer table), and the "saved = new HashMap();" statement effectively wipes out any values that were decoded from the previous row, so that at the end of the process, the only decoded values that remain are those from the last row. My suggested fix for that problem is:
    a) to create a "boolean isOuterTable()" method on UIData that determines whether or not this table is the outermost table (i.e. go up through the parent chain and see if there are any UIData ancestors).
    b) create a "clearSaved" method on UIData as follows:
    protected void clearSaved() {
        saved = new HashMap();
    }c) create a "clearDescendants" method on UIData that goes visits all of the UIData's descendants (i.e. facets and children, and their facets and children, recursively), and calls clearSaved on any UIData components that are found
    d) in the processDecodes method for UIData, replace:
    saved = new HashMap();with
    if (isOuterTable()) {
    }2) When a commandButton in the inner dataTable is clicked, actions are fired for all rows of the outer dataTable. This is one case of a larger problem. The implementation of getClientId in UIComponentBase uses a cached value, if the ID has been computed previously. For components within dataTables, this is a problem because these components are referenced multiple times for different rows of the outer table, and the row number of the outer table is part of the client ID. To fix this, I suggest the following (maybe overkill, but it works):
    a) Create a "clearCachedValues" method on UIData, which visits all of the UIData's descendants, and sets their clientId to null. A hack to do this is:
    descendant.setId(descendant.getId())It would be better to have a method on UIComponent for this. NOTE: I have also found that if I come across a descendant that is a UIData, I also need to set that component's "model" attribute to null, because the calculation of this model refers to that dataTable's value valueBinding, which may be defined in terms of the current row of the outer table.
    b) Add a call to clearCachedValues to the end of the setRowIndex method on UIData.
    There may be other, better ways to fix these problems, but I thought it might be helpful to describe my fixes in detail, so that whoever is responsible for fixing the reference implementation can at least have the benefit of my research.
    I would like to see a bug opened for these problems, and I would like to be able to see the descriptions of known JSF bugs. Before JSF 1.1 came out I was worried that the nested dataTables bug (C026) description (which I was unable to find) might not be complete, and that as a result, the problems with nested dataTables would not be completely fixed in JSF 1.1. As it turned out my worries were not unfounded.

    JD> 2) When a commandButton in the inner dataTable is clicked, actions
    JD> are fired for all rows of the outer dataTable. This is one case of a
    JD> larger problem. The implementation of getClientId in UIComponentBase
    JD> uses a cached value, if the ID has been computed previously. For
    JD> components within dataTables, this is a problem because these
    JD> components are referenced multiple times for different rows of the
    JD> outer table, and the row number of the outer table is part of the
    JD> client ID. To fix this, I suggest the following (maybe overkill, but
    JD> it works):
    I've fixed part 1). I've essentially done as you suggested.
    I can't reproduce part 2). I've posted the webapp where I try to do
    this at
    Please put the JSF 1.1 jars in common lib, or WEB-INF/lib in this war
    and then visit
    Click on the outer buttons, you'll see that the outer listener fires
    Click on the inner buttons, you'll see that the inner listener once.
    Can you please help me reproduce this?

  • Rowspan and h:datatable

    I've a little problem with datatable,
    I want to make table like this
    A |________
    B |________
    How to do this table using h:datatable.
    I think, that I must use h:datatable within h:datatable, but it's difficult.
    Is there any simple way, or better to wait for JSF2.0?

    I've tried to get correct working nested datatable
    with commandbutton in innertable.
    To view nested table are good, but events in don't
    work correctly.UICommand elements in datatables are tricky. Keep in mind that the data should be available all the time, during all JSF phases, so that JSF knows which row was involved in the ActionEvent. A simple prove: if the managed bean which takes care of the data is set in request scope, change it to session scope. Big chance that it should work.
    Does anybody know, how to get simple walkaround in
    this problem, or it's better to use 1 table, delete
    unnecessary data or/and try to make rowspan?
    Thanks for help:)Deleting unnecessary data so that you get empty cells in the right rows is easy to implement. Just compare with the former row in a loop. If you want to create rowspans, then go for another datatable component, like I mentioned earlier. Tomahawk or RISB.

  • A data table in one column of a dynamic data table

    Hi , I have to design a dynamic data table(with dynamic columns and data) which looks as the following
    15     MATHS     SURESH     15     10     A
    20     SCIENCE                    
    25     ENGLISH     
    15     MATHS     SURESH     15     10     A
    20     SCIENCE                    
    25     ENGLISH          
    The data in the column 'DETAILS' should have inner table. The data in this inner table should have hyper links. If there is no inner table infor mation there shold be an image with hyperlink. This data table should also have pagination and sorting features. Please send me some example code for this. Please help me out as i have client demo on monday

    You may find this example useful: [].
    To toggle between a nested datatable and a hyperlink with image just use the rendered attribute. E.g.
            <h:dataTable rendered="#{!empty dataItem.innerList}">
            <h:commandLink rendered="#{empty dataItem.innerList}">

  • Control IDs

    This falls into the "there has to be a way to do this":
    I've got a page constructed by nesting dataTables - something along the line of this minimal example:
    <h:dataTable value="#{Bean.reportProxies}" var="proxy">
    ..<h:dataTable value="#{proxy.fragments}" var="fragment">
    ....<h:selectOneMenu value="#{fragment.selectParameterValue}">
    ......<f:selectItems value="#{fragment.allowableValues}" />
    .... <h:inputText value="#{fragment.inputParameterValue}" />
    Works fine. Now I want to add some javascript to the selectOneMenu so that when it changes, the inputText is updated. Can't figure out how to do that without getting the inputText control ID, and don't see how to do that.
    Any suggestions?

         Unfortunately it seems that you're using a .NET dll published by the camera manufacturer, so questions about the functionality of their code would likely be better answered by them.

  • Dyamic validator attributes not working

    hello. I am trying to do the following:
    <h:dataTable value="#{beanList}" var="bean">
       Enter a value between <h:outputText value="#{bean.max}"/> and <h:outputText value="#{bean.min}"/>:
       <h:inputText value="#{bean.value}">
          <f:validateDoubleRange minimum="#{bean.min}" maximum="#{bean.max}"/>
    </h:dataTable>No matter what I enter in the form, I get the message: "Specified attribute is not between the expected values of 0 and 0", which is what you get if you do not specify a minimum or maximum for validateDoubleRange. bean.min and bean.max are clearly set, because they display correctly in the prompt, as part of h:outputText. can validateDoubleRange not take dymanic EL parameters?

    Success!!! (I think)
    The form is validating exactly as I want using this method. But I am concerned about what is going on under the hood. The snippet I posted in my first post is actually a datatable nested inside another table; which, in turn, is nested inside an outermost datatable :-/
    Just as a commando technique, I added the validator as specified here, having all of my innermost datatables bound to the same backing bean HtmlDataTable property. It seems like it's working, but technically, each one is it's own datatable, correct?
    Is there a way to do this? (I have struggled with this problem on other dynamically generated forms). I would like to do:
    //assume a manager/employee hierarchical relationship
    <h:databable value="#{myFormBean.managers}" var="manager">
          <h:dataTable value="#{manager.employees}" var="employee" binding="#{myFormBean.dataTableMap[manager.Id]}">
                <h:inputText value="#{employee.someDataValue}"/>
    </h:datatable>But this is impossible, because EL is resolved literally, correct? meaning, i cannot put 'variables' in an EL expression.
    (like #{myFormBean.dataTableMap[manager.Id]})
    Also, if anyone has a good strategy for building forms from hierarchical data without nested datatables, I'd be very interested to hear it. I have tried using core forEach tags to loop over the constructs, but then I get "component id already in view" exceptions whenever there is more than one table to be rendered.
    Message was edited by:

  • Data table vanishing on reload

    I have in the jsp a table populated by arraylist. The bean used is request scope and cannot be kept as session scope. When I view the page for the first time the list comes properly. But subsequent operation on the same page the list doesnt appears. On subsequent opertaion I dont repopulate because I think jsf should do the same for me.
    Could anyone help me on this?

    I have seen similar behavior when nested collections are used to populate nested datatables and the bean had a scope of request. Outside those nested cases, I did not experience the behavior you are describing with request bean. I think it is a bug. Use session scope as a workaround. Unfortunately you will need to manually remove from session scope in case needed for performance reasons, ...etc

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