Network daemon hangs

so i'm not sure what happened, but I rebooted my system this morning, and the network daemon hangs and does not get an ip.....
any thoughts?

i cleared the logs thinking i would let them start fresh, so far I can't find anything network related showing up
I had to boot from a cd and chroot it to disable everything to get it to boot, so right now the only daemon loading is syslog
i tried booting from the cd to chroot again and run updates
if i try to start the network daemon it just hangs and says busy, nothing really happens
i've now tried downgrading the kernel, and dhcpcd and so far nothing
I can set an ip manually using ifconfig but then if i try to add a route, i still have issues, not sure whats happening, but im not happy at the moment
i have a feeling there might be something corrupted somewhere
Last edited by ssl6 (2012-04-01 18:32:09)

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    Last edited by 10098 (2010-05-16 12:35:54)

    Maybe try Backgrounding it by adding a @ in front of it within /etc/rc.conf.
    Yes it's generally safe to background it in most cases unless you have a good reason not to do so.
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    [ 5.616800] ieee8011 phy0: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: qos enabled: false (implement)
    [ 5.620882] ieee8011 phy0: brcms_ops_config: change power-save mode: false (implement)
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    Best regards.
    Last edited by zacariaz (2012-08-22 16:51:35)

    They won't disappear by changing the network daemon, as they're printed when the brcmsmac driver loads. Which is done by udev. That the messages appear right after the network daemon loads is pure coincidence. I don't think the messages indicate a problem, it's just the brcmsmac driver being a bit too chatty. Try adding loglevel=3 to the kernel line in the grub config (or the append line if you use syslinux or lilo).
    Last edited by Gusar (2012-08-22 17:08:05)

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    Last edited by tony5429 (2010-05-20 02:47:59)

    Hrm.. maybe I didn't explain myself well enough. The machine is not using DHCP. Instead it tries to take the static IP on the LAN, for which ports 80 and 22 are forwarded through the router so I can access it remotely. My concern is this: Whenever I turn on the machine with the router turned off, when Arch Linux gets to starting up the network daemon it will time out. So I worry that if the power goes out on both the router and the server and the power returns, if the Linux box tries to connect to the network before the network is ready, it could give up too fast and then I would not be able to access it remotely when the router actually did boot back up. So I'm just looking for a way to disable the network daemon's timeout option so that it tries forever until the network is available, regardless of how long that takes. Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the help!

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    pa -> pf
    q0 -> q9
    qa -> qf
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    This is the Exited process.crash.log
    Host Name: myserver
    Date/Time: 2006-05-04 16:42:29.238 +0100
    OS Version: 10.4.6 (Build 8I127)
    Report Version: 4
    Command: Exited process
    Path: Exited process
    Parent: kernel_task [0]
    Version: ??? (???)
    PID: 1213
    Thread: Unknown
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNINVALIDADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x5f353233
    Unknown thread crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
    srr0: 0x0000000000098618 srr1: 0x100000000200f030 vrsave: 0x0000000000000000
    cr: 0x48000242 xer: 0x0000000000000000 lr: 0x000000000008e70c ctr: 0x00000000000985fc
    r0: 0x0000000000000001 r1: 0x00000000f0182480 r2: 0x00000000014bf0d4 r3: 0x0000000000000000
    r4: 0x0000000000000048 r5: 0x0000000000000054 r6: 0xffffffffffffffff r7: 0x000000000000001e
    r8: 0x00000000000985fc r9: 0x000000005f353237 r10: 0x00000000014bf0dc r11: 0x00000000f018248c
    r12: 0x0000000090008aa0 r13: 0x00000000015e9004 r14: 0x00000000014bf0d8 r15: 0x00000000014bf0bc
    r16: 0x00000001015e8f10 r17: 0x00000000018676ac r18: 0x00000000014bf0d4 r19: 0x00000000015e8f5c
    r20: 0x0000000000000000 r21: 0x0000000000000000 r22: 0x0000000000000000 r23: 0x0000000000000000
    r24: 0x0000000000000000 r25: 0x0000000001867778 r26: 0x0000000000000000 r27: 0x00000000015e9004
    r28: 0x00000000015e9004 r29: 0x0000000000118000 r30: 0x00000000015e9004 r31: 0x000000000008c914

    This has brought up a point of interest regarding the Wiki and how it can accommodate these kinds of tutorials and guides.
    Much like the "commonly used applications", would it be wise to create a page simply linking to these Guides/How-To's?
    So essentially you've got a "Guide" section, with categories, e.g.
    ***NOTE: These guides can become outdated rapidly, use at your peril.****
    > Installation
    * Setting up GPT tables with LVM and GRUB2
    > Networking
    * Setting up Port Knocking with the SSH Daemon and IPTables
    * MAC Address Spoofing
    * IPv6 - Tunnel Broker Setup
    > Wine
    * Installing Office 2007 (Out of Date)
    > Misc
    * iproute2 vs ifconfig commands and reference guide
    Essentially so it can act as a central source for all these guides (as personally I haven't come across them unless deliberately looking) (edit: In fact, I still can't find that iproute2 vs ifconfig reference guide)
    Stephen2 wrote:Not comfortable contributing to the Wiki just yet
    Have a gander over at the ArchWiki Cheatsheet which has links to a Sandbox. See how the others have built their pages and copy
    Last edited by Earnestly (2012-03-22 11:19:30)

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    Does anyone have any suggestions? I have installed PC Companion but see no options for WiFi pairing.

    Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
    I suggest that you download our program PC Companion:
    In PC Companion press at "How to connect" and then select "Wi-Fi connection" and follow the instruction that appears to see if you can pair your phone with your PC.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Plz: Replication 9i Job Network Problem Hang

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    I hope somebody will help me now:
    I have a hang problem in 9i
    We are using bidirectional Replication (Materialized View Replication)
    and when mview refresh group is being refreshed if there happens a network problem( on the VPN) then our refresh job seems to hang, it will never end (once we waited a week but nothing happened) and the materialized views remain locked
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    somebody help me please

    Personally, I've never seen this behavior. If other reports of the same problem in the forum haven't been answered, it's likely because none of the folks that answer questions here have seen this behavior elsewhere.
    Have you logged a TAR in Metalink? It certainly sounds like a bug. Have you tried upgrading to the latest patchset?

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    Thanks Much!

    Are you doing this via screen sharing?
    On the MacBook Pro
    Try a restart.
    Do a backup, using either Time Machine or a cloning program, to ensure files/data can be recovered. Two backups are better than one.
    Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later.
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    If the problem is still there, try booting into the Safe Mode.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application uninstaller. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About
    General information.
    Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Troubleshooting Permission Issues
    Step by Step to Fix Your Mac

  • Opening a .mov file on a Mac across a Windows network causes hang

    QuickTime player hangs when I try to open a .mov file on a networked Mac OSX machine from my Windows XP machine. This happens 80-90% of the time; that is, not every time, but most of the time.
    I've tried this from 2-3 different machines, and get the same result.
    Interesting thing is that, if I'm viewing the directory that the .mov file comes from in Windows Explorer, Windows Explorer also hangs - so it looks like something bad in going on in the Windows networking layer.
    File opens fine when I open it locally or on another Windows machine on the network.
    We're actually accessing the QT SDK from an app we're developing. We first noticed this behavior in our app, and decided to see if we could repro the problem in QT player. Sure enough, we could.
    Is there somewhere else I can log this message so that it will come to the attention of the SDK group? This a major problem for our app that I need to resolve one way or another.

    A MOV. file can be anything.
    I would suggest you download and install Perian from
    You should read this support page in case you need to delete older codecs.

  • Network daemon is slow to start and netfs fails, why?

    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond sshd alsa)
    If I have a network filesystem that needs the network (duh) to initialize
    during netfs, it will fail.   Why?  Because network is taking a while
    to actually create the network, and it is doing it asychronously.  What I mean is that
    the network script completes and the boot process then continues to netfs, but
    in actual fact, the network isn't up yet! 
    If I put code in the network script to make it wait for a few seconds before completing,
    in order to allow the actual network to come up, I can get the network to come up
    and be ready before netfs runs.  And netfs then runs fine and starts it's file systems.
    But, why is networking taking so long (like 6 seconds) to start, and why
    doesn't it block during the init process, so dependancies will be assured
    to have it when they run?
    I'm somewhat new to ARCH.  Came from Gentoo, don't remember this being an
    issue over there.

    It's wired, and static IP.
    However, I forgot to mention that I'm bringing up a bridged interface.
    br0="br0 netmask broadcast"
    eth0="eth0 promisc"
    INTERFACES=(lo br0 eth0)
    Perhaps herein is the problem.....
    Last edited by ristretto (2007-07-24 20:19:02)

  • Unavailable mapped network drive hangs file explorer

    I am using Windows 8.1 Pro (x64) and I have this problem from beginning.
    I have mapped two network drives, one is my home NAS and second is shared network storage in our office.
    When I open some application which is loading directories (XnView for example) in my computer OR I want open some file in any application
    OR, especially, I want to save some new document by "Save as" button (in Notepad, MS Word for example), application hangs for about 30 seconds and I can not work with it. Other applications are working fine during this freeze.
    The problem occurs when I am at home and the network storage in office is not available (or I am in the office and home NAS is not available of course), but Windows
    doesn't show unavailable drive as disconnected.
    When I connect my computer to the office VPN (and both network storages are available) OR I unmap unavailable network drive, everything works perfectly... but it is really not comfortable.
    I have tried stop Indexing and disable Windows Defender as I read on some forums but without any solution.
    Any hints how to solve this issue?

    This isn't one I've seen personally, and I can really test whether this would work, however...
    On each of your network drives, try selecting something (doesn't matter what, but probably something small is better), right clicking on the folder and selecting "Always available offline" so your machine maintains a local copy of that information.
    My logic being, by doing that on both network drives, each of them contains some information which is available regardless of the resource itself being visible. In this situation Windows will continue to show those network drives as available and accessible,
    even if you're no longer connected to either network. Since those folders are available the network drives will also be available, and if you're no connected to the resource itself, Windows will still see that drive as connected, will still be able to list
    it, and the apps you're seeing this issue with should no longer have any problems (provided they're not trying to access information on one of those drives that isn't available obviously!).

  • Network Service hanging on boot

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    If anyone can point me to the configuration file I need to look at it would be greatly appreciated.

    Awesome! Works great, and probably a better solution anyway

  • Word 2010 32bit connecting to network printer hangs

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    Notes: There is another network printer (HP Printer) and a local HP Printer setup along with the ususal Fax, Microsoft XPS Document Writer, OneNote 2010. The default printer is the local HP Printer. When selecting the other network printer printer (HP Printer)
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    PC Info - Lenovo T410 running Windows 7 32bit and Office 2010 Professional 32bit.
    Our other users who are running the same setup but with Windows 7 64bit and Office 2010 Standard does not have the same hang up. If there is any other information that I am missing, please ask me.
    I have also tried a couple of other possible solutions, like disk clean and repairing Office to no success.
    Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.
        - GSXRSIX

    User has issues when trying to print from Word or Excel 2010 32bit. In word once the user clicks print, there is a drop down menu to select a printer. When the user selects the network printer (a Ricoh MP C6501), underneath the printer drop down it says
    "connecting to printer". Word will hang and then show up as "not responding".
    Notes: There is another network printer (HP Printer) and a local HP Printer setup along with the ususal Fax, Microsoft XPS Document Writer, OneNote 2010. The default printer is the local HP Printer. When selecting the other network printer printer (HP Printer)
    there is no hang or lag. From research I have found that it could be that the driver resides on the Print Server which is why it was taking so long to connect. So I directly connected to the printer by IP address bypassing the Print Server with an updated
    32bit driver and it still comes up with the same results.
    PC Info - Lenovo T410 running Windows 7 32bit and Office 2010 Professional 32bit.
    Our other users who are running the same setup but with Windows 7 64bit and Office 2010 Standard does not have the same hang up. If there is any other information that I am missing, please ask me.
    I have also tried a couple of other possible solutions, like disk clean and repairing Office to no success.
    Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.
        - GSXRSIX
    hi Jaynet. I have exactly the same problem, just that my pc is running Windows 7 pro 32 bit and Office 2010, and it is a network printer ( HP Color Laserjet 5550 ). I have checked the
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS folder and it is empty. I need your assistance please.  

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