Neuer Computer mit Windows 8

ich habe einen neuen Computer mit Windows8 bekommen, besitze aber Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 für Windows 7. Ich arbeite viel mit Photoshop und möchte das auch weiterhin machen. Aber es wäre mir als Studentin eigentlich zu teuer eine neuere Version zu kaufen, gerade nach der Neuanschaffung des Computers. Weiß jemand etwas anderes das ich machen könnte oder komme ich um einen Neu-Kauf nicht herum?

Warum? Funzt dein PSE 8 nicht auf Win 8 oder was ist jetzt as Problem?

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    Hallo Community,
    ich hatte mich sehr auf mein neues TP W540 gefreut. Gestern kam es dann endlich und nun bin ich doch ziemlich enttäuscht über die mangelnden Infos dazu die ich von Lenovo mit erhalte...
    Ich habe die größere Version mit 256SSD und 1TB im Bay, also ohne DVD-Laufwerk.
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    Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir hier kurzfristig weiterhelfen!
    Vielen Dank schon mal!
    Gehe zu Lösung.

    Das Gerät wurde mit Windows 7 installiert durch Microsoft Downgrade-Rechte ausgeliefert, das heisst dass es keinen Lizenz Aukleber gibt da das Windows 8.1 Lizenz ins BIOS eingebettet ist.
    Das 20BG0043GE ist ein vor-konfiguriertes Gerät (auch als TopSeller bekannt) das meistens bei Bestellung über Lenovo Vertriebspartner sofort lieferbar ist; sie haben es ab Lager. Soweit ich sehen kann wird das Gerät ohne Windows 8.1 Wiederhestellungsdatenträger oder "Voucher" ausgeliefert, sollte einen der Vertriebspartner Kunden eine Möglichkeit das Gerät anders zu konfigurieren ist das eine Entscheidung des Vertriebspartners.  Ob das Gerät über Digital River bestellt werden kann muss ich nachprüfen.
    Besitzern von solche Geräte konnen die Wiederherstellungsdatenträger, (Versand und Verwaltungsgebühren werden berrechnet), über den folgenden Link bestellen;
      Deutsche Community     Comunidad en Español    English Community Русскоязычное Сообщество

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    novo menu
    Normal Startup
    BIOS Setup
    Boot Menu
    System Recovery
    Berühren des Menu Punktes System Recovery
    Startet das Tablet die Wiederherstellungsumgebung 
    mit kurzen Lade Hinweis ...
    nach ein paar Sekunden wird der Bildschirm blau , zeigt ein weitere Auswahl Menu an :
    Choose an option
    Wähle den nächsten Schritt
    Continue  (Exit and continue to Windows 8.1) 
    Weiter ,verlässt das Menu und lädt das vorhandene Windows 8.1
    Use a device (Use a USB drive , network connection or Windows recovery DVD)
    Benutze ein Gerät  Es kann ein beliebiges USB-Gerät , Netzwerk Verbindung oder Windows DVD sein.
    Troubleshoot (Refresh or reset your PC , or use advanced tools)
    Fehlerbehebung Wiederherstellen oder zurücksetzen deines Tablet , oder Wahl weiterführende Hilfsmittel
    Turn off your PC
    Schaltet das Tablet aus
    Da kommen wir mit dem Troubleshoot Menu weiter, also ein beherztes Berühren des Menupunktes Troubleshoot ist hier die richtige Auswahl
    Als nächstes öffnet sich der Unterpunkt Troubleshoot...
    Refresh your PC
    If your PC isnt running well, you can refresh it without loosing your files
    Auffrischen des PC (Tablet)
    Falls das Tablet nicht zufriedenstellend läuft, kann hier ohne Verlust der eigenen Daten das Tablet aufgefrischt werden
    Reset your PC
    If you want to remove all of your files
    you can reset your PC completely
    Zurücksetzen deines PC (Tablet)
    Wenn alle deine Daten gelöscht werden sollen , kann hiermit das komplette Tablet zurückgesetzt werden...
    Advanced options
    Weiterführende Auswahl
    Da wir nichts mehr wichtiges auf dem Tablet haben und alle Daten vorher gesichert worden sind...
    Das kann man auf eine Micro SDHC oder mittels Auslagerung in die Cloud erledigen.
    berühren wir den Menupunkt
    Reset your PC
    Zur Bestätigung  kommt nochmal ein Bildschirm ..
    Reset your PC (Tablet)
    Here´s what will happen
    * All your personal files and applications will be removed
    * Your PC settings will be restored to their defaults
    Was jetzt geschieht.
    Alle persönlichen Dateien und Programme werden entfernt
    Die PC (Tablet) Werte werden auf die ursprünglichen zurückgesetzt.
    Antippen auf Next (Weiter)  ... startet dann nach einer letzten Frage auf Weiter oder Abbruch ..
    ..den Wiederherstellungsvorgang...
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    Ideas Centre A520 ,Yoga 2 256GB SSD,Yoga 2 tablet @ Win 8.1

    Hallo loco1991,
    ich habe hierzu eine Lösung im englischen Forum gefunden:
    Hier findest du die aktuellten Lenovo-Treiber aus dem Support-Bereich:
    - Intel Video Driver for Windows 8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit) – Lenovo G410, G510
    - AMD Video Driver
    → Wenn Du eine Lösung auf Deine Frage erhalten hast, markiere diese bitte als gelöst - Hilfreiche Beiträge verdienen Kudos. Zögere nicht Kudos zu vergeben.   

  • Neuer computer

    habe einen neuen Computer, kann ich aus dem Netz  Elements 11 erneut runterladen und meinen alten Zugangscode nutzen

    thanks i will try it
    Gesendet von Windows Mail
    Von: Little_Pale_Face
    Gesendet: Montag, 1. Dezember 2014 10:24
    An: Jörg Wilhelmy
    neuer computer
    created by Little_Pale_Face in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion 
    Each serial number is allowed 2 activated systems.
    To download PSE 11 see here Where can I download older versions of PSE?
    If you are not going to use your old system again, it is best to deactivate that copy of PSE - in the editor, go to the Help menu and select Deactivate.
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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    Tut mir leid das ich erst so spät Antworte. Beim Wechsel des Betriebsystems gab es etwas Schwierigkeit. Ich musste alles neu installieren. Nach der Neuinstallation von Photoshop funktioniert alles ohne Probleme. Das Problem hat sich somit erledigt.
    Vielen Dank

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    All my purchased song from iTunes are not playing complete (iPod and computer with Windows Vista), unexpectedly stops and continues with next song. What am I doing wrong?

    Are the songs playing whole in iTunes? if not download them again.
    else read this Apple Support Article on your problem
    Have a nice day!

  • I would like to transfer all data from my iPod classic to my new computer with windows 8.1. My old computer's cpu died. Utilizing iTunes which only allows iTunes albums purchased at iTunes store. The cd's were loaded via iTunes originally.

    I would like to transfer all data from my iPod classic to my new computer with windows 8.1. My old computer's cpu died. Utilizing iTunes which only allows iTunes albums purchased at iTunes store. The cd's were loaded via iTunes originally.

    Install disk drive from old computer in an external enclosure.
    Then copy the complete iTunes library from the disk drive to the disk drive in the new computer.

  • I'm trying to install iTunes on my computer running Windows 7 Home Premium.. I'm not sure if iTunes is compatible with it because when I try to install it, it says the installation is complete but it says there was an error so I can't get it! Please help!

    Hellooo Apple Community!
    I'm trying to install iTunes on my computer running Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm not sure if iTunes is compatible with my computer operating system because when I try to install it, it says the installation is completed but it says there was an error so it won't let me get itunes! Can someone please tell me if iTunes can be downloaded and installed on "Windows 7 Home Premium" and if so, how?! I need iTunes asap, I have an iphone 4 running ios 6.1.3. Please get back to mee!!
    Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

    I just tried running the Lenovo Hard Drive Quick Test both in normal mode and in safe mode.  Both times it indicated a failed read test on the HDD. The last two tests also failed.  I forget what those tests were called.
    I am really beginning to think I have a bad HDD and the problem just happens to be in the reserved partition where my factory system software resides.

  • Shared file from computer with Windows 7 slow to open and save on computer with Windows 8.1

    I have three computers in homegroup. They can see each other and sharing files is not a problem. Main computer, where I have all my data on uses Windows 7 Home premium, and Office 2007. Both other computers use latest version Windows 8.1, Office 2010. I
    use these two computers to access files on main computer (word, excel). I have problems, because when I try to open word and excel files on these two other computers, files open very slow (green bar is showing, although word has no text inside), and also saves
    very slow - empty word file takes 1 minute for saving.
    One of computers with 8.1 had 8 before updating and I managed to solve this problem with running this protocol (smb.bat) - this solved the problem, although I do not really understand why:
    sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi
    sc config mrxsmb20 start= disabled
    So it seems it is really something to do with the version of windows since the same computer had windows 8 and this protocol and worked well, but when updated to 8.1 it works slowly (I tried this protocol, but it is not working)
    Please see if there is any solution (updated protocol?) because I really cannot wait for word file to open 1 minute.
    Thank you for help!

    First, You can leave the homegroup and join again to see the result.
    To leave a homegroup:
    1.Open HomeGroup by typing homegroup in the search box, and then clicking HomeGroup.
    2.Click Leave the homegroup.
    3.Click Leave the homegroup, and then click Finish.
    You can also join the homegroup in the way accordingly.
    Besides, this happens after a upgrade to Windows 8.1, this also might be caused by service conflict, I suggest to perform a clean boot to solve this:
    1.Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search.
    2.Type msconfig in the search box, and then tap or click msconfig.
    3.On the Services tab of the System Configuration dialog box, tap or click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then tap or click Disable all.
    4.On the Startup tab of the System Configuration dialog box, tap or click Open Task Manager.
    5.On the Startup tab in Task Manager, for each startup item, select the item and then click Disable.
    Details as the article below:
    Wade Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can anyone please tell me why the "Do you want to restart your computer now" window keeps popping up every two minutes? Please help! Its driving me nuts?

    Hi all.
    I need some help. I have recently installed a new Hard Drive in my Macbook and have re-installed Snow Leopard. Since doing so there have been a few things that haven't been quite the same.
    1) Certain buttons decided they didnt want to work anymore. These being the Space Bar, the Tab key, all four arrow keys, Caps lock, Volume up, Eject, and a few others.
    After putting up with this for a couple of weeks and looking at numerous forums, they all of a sudden came back to life (Hence why I'm actually able to type this message) THEN, they packed up again. Then started again, then packed again, and so on. They seem to have a mind of their own.
    Please... does anyone know whats going on? Is it a hardware prob? Is it something to do with the way Ive installed the Hard Drive? Have I forgotten to do something?
    2) Ever since my buttons initially came back to life, the "Do you want to restart you computer?" window keeps popping up every couple of minutes.
    It's the window that says "Restart, Sleep, Cancel, Shut Down"
    It's driving me insane and I can't help but think that the two probs are related.
    If anyone out there has any ideas at all, they would be most welcome.
    Many thanks in advance

    Have you tried reinstalling the original drive? Same symptoms with it?

  • I have a new Dell computer running windows 7 and am unable to download itunes. The message I recieve after trying to run the download is: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it.   Any ideas

    I have a new Dell computer running windows 7 and am unable to download itunes. The message I recieve after trying to run the download is: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it.   Any ideas?

    Hello tcampbell1549,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Have a nice day,

  • Can I have 2 different itunes accounts on one computer ueing windows?

    can I have 2 different itunes accounts on one computer ueing windows?

    Yes. Create a new Windows user account.

  • Using 2 ipods on one computer with Windows XP

    Is it possible to have two iTunes accounts on one computer with Windows XP? My brother already had an iTunes account on this computer and then I got an iPod too. I just loaded his music onto my iPod at the time, but I want to delete all of the music he gave me and start over. I want my own iTunes account so I can load my own songs. He's afraid that if I erase all of the songs from my iPod and reload from his iTunes it will mess up his iPod as well. What should I do?

    The following link should help you out & explain all of your options.

  • How do I upload my music from my iPhone 3G to my iTunes account on a computer with Windows 7?

    How do I upload my music from my iPhone 4 to my iTunes account on a computer operting Windows 7 (computer A)?  All of my music is in my iTunes account on another computer operating Windows 7 (computer b), but I can't seem to get my iTunes account on computer a to recognize the music on computer b (it is the same shared iTunes account), nor can I figure out how to get all of that music, which also is on my iPhone, transferred from my iPhone to computer a.

    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive

  • Can I use iTunes 10.7 and iTunes 11.1.3 on the same computer running Windows 7?

    Can I use iTunes 10.7 and iTunes 11.1.3 on the same computer running Windows 7 (64-bit)?

    Yes, but it needs to have at least two copies of Windows installed.

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