New $10 data plan

I have a samsung reality phone with a $10 data plan that I thought was for 25mb when I got the phone
today I got an email that said a $10 data plan is available with 75mb + unlimited VZ Navigator
has my plan already been changed and can I just download the VZ Nav and see no new charges??
also are there any stock quote apps available for my phone?
thank you

Thank you to the community for your responses.
No you don't need to go to the store. You can change you plan online at Did you get your data plan changed? If not I would be glad to help. There are several stock applications available for our devices

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    Your friend can use the old SIM card.

  • New tiered data plans suck

    I just wanted to vent my feelings about this ridiculous change.  I filed a complaint with the FCC as well and urging any VZW users I know to do the same.  This has got to stop at some point and I've about taken all the crap I can from big business.
    I feel I need to mention that I average way less than 1GB of usage per month.  The problems with your "tiered" data are that:
     It doesn't cost us any less and there aren't any cheaper options.  In fact, it's a price increase in disguise.  It's hard to swallow when the price of bandwidth and transport costs continue to decline yet we are shafted with price increases.
     If you are going to charge me for 2GB of data then give me my 2GB.  If I only use 1GB then roll the other 1GB over.  After all, I did pay for that bandwidth.  Your 2GB tier over the course of a year is 24GB.  If I average just 12GB but went over the 2GB for just one month, I will get hit with an overage charge.  I am just not sure how this is fair to me as a consumer and how anyone can even justifty this.
    If you want to do away with "unlimited" plans then just charge for what is actually used.  But then, of course, I'll only be paying for the data that I use and not donating money for the data I don't use.  I don't understand why Verizon thinks it's OK to rip off customers like that.
    I used to have nothing but praise for "Big Red".  Lately though, I've had nothing good to say.  You guys have done away with the New Every 2 loyalty perks, introduced garbage tiered data plans that aren't even competive and various other things.  The excuse to justify all of this is something along the lines of "Everyone else is doing it".  Assuming that point is valid (I don't believe it is), you should leave well enough alone to keep yourselves distinguished from everyone else.  Instead you're lowering yourselves to the same subpar standard as the others.

    BigPete wrote:
    I just wanted to vent my feelings about this ridiculous change.  I filed a complaint with the FCC as well and urging any VZW users I know to do the same.  This has got to stop at some point and I've about taken all the crap I can from big business.
    I feel I need to mention that I average way less than 1GB of usage per month.  The problems with your "tiered" data are that:
     It doesn't cost us any less and there aren't any cheaper options.  In fact, it's a price increase in disguise.  It's hard to swallow when the price of bandwidth and transport costs continue to decline yet we are shafted with price increases.This may be true on a per MB charge, but even if the cost per MB drops, that doesn't mean that the total cost of data is dropping. If the cost per MB drops by 50%, but you then use a 5 times as much data, the total cost of the data has in fact increased 2 and a half times. I'm not saying this is the actual decrease in cost per MB or the actual increase in the amount of data for the average user, but ALL reports for data usage have said they are increasing at the same time that the cost per MB is decreasing. This is just to show that the TOTAL cost of the data isn't necessarily decreasing.
     If you are going to charge me for 2GB of data then give me my 2GB.  If I only use 1GB then roll the other 1GB over.  After all, I did pay for that bandwidth.  Your 2GB tier over the course of a year is 24GB.  If I average just 12GB but went over the 2GB for just one month, I will get hit with an overage charge.  I am just not sure how this is fair to me as a consumer and how anyone can even justifty this.They don't give you roll-over minutes, I doubt they will start giving you roll-over data. Especially when the company that DOES give you roll-over minutes DOES NOT give you roll-over data.
    If you want to do away with "unlimited" plans then just charge for what is actually used.  But then, of course, I'll only be paying for the data that I use and not donating money for the data I don't use.  I don't understand why Verizon thinks it's OK to rip off customers like that.This is exactly what the tiered data plans are doing, they just are doing it in a way similar to the minutes levels. There are 3 levels on data plans. With the minute plans there are 3 levels and an additional level for unlimited.
    I used to have nothing but praise for "Big Red".  Lately though, I've had nothing good to say.  You guys have done away with the New Every 2 loyalty perks, introduced garbage tiered data plans that aren't even competive and various other things.  The excuse to justify all of this is something along the lines of "Everyone else is doing it".  Assuming that point is valid (I don't believe it is), you should leave well enough alone to keep yourselves distinguished from everyone else.  Instead you're lowering yourselves to the same subpar standard as the others.

  • Can I switch to the new 150MB Data Plan?

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    Will I ever be able to switch?

    Yes you can switch. You may have to call in though,

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    Ordering online usually doesn't allow for more than one change to the account at a time. You have to complete the upgrade in one step. Then once that is finalized in the account, then you can change to the Share Everything plans.
    You might be able to complete both changes at same time if you ordered through customer service via phone.

  • Data plans in the new wireless world

    I see an impending collapse of many peoples internet service approaching soon and very little discussion on the topic, so I decided to write this to help inform Verizon of some of its customers needs.
           What originally attracted me to Verizon was its effort to push beyond the big markets and reach all of America. Create a country where everyone is "connected". Join Verizon and we will take care of you no matter where you live. These are the ideas Verizon has pushed onto people over the years and I commend them on doing a very good job at reaching these goals. The issue is, they have acquired such a large customer base it is now creating problems. An excellent marketing tactic of wireless service providers was always to offer up unlimited data plans to attract people to their service and this used to create very little risk for the service provider because wireless data was slower the telegraph!! Cellular providers used to sell phones, now they sell computers. Have they adjusted to this new market accordingly?
           When you had a 3G phone or even back when it was 2G or 1XX paying extra for unlimited data was pointless. As Verizon's CFO recently pointed out "Unlimited is just a word" "people don't use near the data they think they do" this is exactly why they could profit from unlimited data in the past, because this was true. Have you ever tried to stream a hi-def movie on 3G service? you were lucky if it wasn't pausing to buffer every 10 secs, what did you do every time this happened, you stopped trying to watch it!! Therefore you didn't use the data required to stream that content. Now just when wireless technology is finally becoming fast enough to be useful or enjoyable, it is being shut down.
           The new 4G LTE services have finally made it possible to reach 8-10 MB download speeds on regular basis. You can stream a full 1080 hi-def Blu-ray quality movie with 7.1 surround sound if your internet connection speed is over 5 MB. This sounds great doesn't it, finally I can watch SyFy, Hulu or Vudu with my aircard. This is the problem Verizon is facing, because that one 90 minute movie from Vudu at 1080 hi-def just sucked up 5 GB!!  No that was not a typo, full hi-def streaming video will push 4-5 GB in a couple hours. Verizon had to curtail this "excessive" data usage by reverting to tiered plans or "shared data"  so with the new data plans that was a $50 movie, at that price you would once again stop watching it and not use the data required to stream that content.
           Verizon broadband could not handle this volume of data being used when people started getting 4G internet service, so they had no choice but to end unlimited plans or be faced with the reality that they could not support there millions of customers data usage. For most people this will not create a big issue because they probably still live somewhere that they have access to other internet services such as DSL, Cable, or the best at Fiber Optic. DSL and cable will usually have a plan that creates fast enough internet speeds for streaming video but you will have to pay for a premium service.
           This however does create a step backwards, in what seemed like a step forward for the rural community. 3G unlimited aircard was a great option for rural community's, finally offering them an affordable internet service that often could still play Netflix, as well as all the normal uses such as e-mail and browsing, although it would not stream a 1080 hi-def movie it could at times stream a standard-def movie. Now with unlimited going out the window all those people that thought it was going to be so great to upgrade to a 4G aircard and finally watch movies, quickly realized that wasn't going to happen and worse Verizon is showing signs of completely eliminating all unlimited data as they course through their contracts looking for legal ways to stop honoring them, and for those that they can not stop honoring they have started to "throttle" usage when it exceeds a certain amount usually around 2 GB a month. This is perfectly legal to do, almost all ISP's will do this this when you exceed a certain amount of data, the difference is when your ISP offers 8 MB connection speeds and throttles you down to 5 MB speeds because you use a lot of data, you never really notice it unless you download media instead of streaming it and your downloads seem to take longer then normal but it doesn't effect you enough to complain. When your internet speeds are 1-2 MB as they are with 3G service, throttling brings you down to 300-600 KBPS!! They will throttle your speed down so much that you can't do much of anything except e-mail and browsing, Netflix will not work anymore, so thinking you can stay with a 3G device and just keep what you have isn't an option. They are forcing everyone into new plans. 
           In the past it was very hard to use 10 GB of data on a wireless carriers broadband because speeds were to slow to allow use of all the online media. Now it is very easy to use 60 GB a month if you like movies and online TV. (That is 60 GB without downloading any media just streaming it) Perhaps if we are lucky Verizon will once again return to the table and look for ways to help their rural customers without taking are internet away from us. If I could pay for DSL from my local phone company I would, but I do not even have a phone line tied to my house, and if I decided to get one it still would not have internet access. But due to Verizon's efforts in expanding there 4G service across the country as quickly as possible I do have excellent 4G wireless service available in my home. Just as I thought it was time to get a Verizon aircard and start watching movies again, they told me you will never be able to afford it. 
          If Verizon can create a rural community data plan for users that have no other means to access the internet and and it doesn't cost $600 a month then I will happily buy it, and also understand that it cannot cost $30 a month either, but if people could get, Phone, Internet (with say 50 GB limit), TV (by tv I don't mean Verizon TV that I agree should be an addition to the bill, i mean the free hulu, syfy and payed netflix accounts that are accessible with any internet connection fast enough to stream), Movie Store in their living room (Vudu) all in one package I think that $200 a month is a reasonable price.
         Now all I can do is wait and see who calls first. If Verizon creates a new data plan that allows media streaming at a reasonable price ill buy it. If my Local phone company offers me high speed internet and phone first, ill buy that instead and throw my current $140 month Verizon bill in the trash when I end the contract. I will not have 2 phones, I only have a Verizon phone because I have no Land line in my home. So I guess the race is on to see who can maintain the rural community's business.

    What about Via Sat Exede satellite? 12 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up
    25GB $130
    Free data midnight to 5 am
    Hook up VoIP phone and you got close to what you are asking, depending if you are a night owl or not.

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    pervoskia wrote:
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    Copy the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder from old computer to new computer.

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    Unfortunately downloads larger than 20mbps require wifi due to most carriers having data limits. This "requirement" keeps people who are not familiar with data and what takes up a lot of data from going over.

  • Changing To New AT&T Data Plan, Breaks Voice Mail

    Sorry, but I'm posting this in several iPhone Hardware Discussions, since I think it applies to all versions of iPhones.
    I'm also sorry if this has been posted before, but I'm not looking for help or answers, I'm providing them.
    I have been on the $30 per month unlimited data plan with AT&T. Today I decided to change to one of the lower cost, lower monthly data rate plans. I called up AT&T and they made the change.
    What I didn't realize is that making this change broke my voice mail. Well, more specifically, it broke the voice mail on all 5 phones in our Family Plan.
    By breaking voice mail I mean that people can no longer leave you voice mail messages. If they call you, they will get the standard message that this person does not have a voice mail box and you cannot leave them a message.
    Unfortunately, you don't realize it's broke. Since no one can leave you a voice mail, you don't get any voice mail notifications. AT&T doesn't send you a message stating that they just broke your voice mail. Your voice mail is broke and you don't know it.
    It was my wife who figured it out. She had several missed call notifications, but no voice mail notifications, which seemed odd. When she clicked on the voice mail icon, she was prompted to Set Up Your Voice Mail. There was no list of her existing voice mail messages. Just a button to click to start the set up process. Which she did. She was asked to enter her PIN and record an outgoing message, even though she had done this the first time she set up her voice mail. She entered both her PIN and outgoing prompt. But when she clicked Save she got an error message stating that she could not set up voice mail. Her voice mail needed to be set up, but it wouldn't let her. There was no suggestion in the prompt telling her what to do or why it was suddenly broken.
    So, I called AT&T. The person I spoke said I needed to power down the phone, which I did. After powering the phone back up, voice mail was still broke. I was then transferred to AT&T tech support. That person told me power down the phone. Which I did, but with some skepticism. After powering the phone back up I was told to go back into voice mail, which was still asking me to set up my voice mail. I followed the prompts and entered my PIN and recorded my greeting. This time it worked. Not only did I get voice working again, but I could see all the old voice mails I had. Unfortunately, I cannot get any voice mail messages during the several hours it was broken because none could be recorded.
    Technical support person did fix the problem. However, I had to contact all family members and we had to go through this same procedure (power off, wait, power on, re-enter a new PIN and greeting) for each and every phone. This took somewhere close to an hour of my time.
    The AT&T technical support person explained to me that since I changed my data plan (from unlimited to 200 MB) new "configuration" data needed to be sent to the phone. To get this data to your phone, you have to turn the phone off so they can send the data. Then you have to renter all your voice mail data.
    So, as I said, I'm not looking for help or answers. But I thought posting what I went through might be helpful to anyone else who might change their data plan.
    Changing data plans = Broken voice mail .... Which requires a long phone call to technical support and reentering your voice mail data.

    I've been a cell phone user since the early days of analog cellular. Back in the days of brick phones, of which I was a user.
    I've been a customer of of Cellular One, Ameritech, Verizon, T Mobile, Cingular and AT&T.
    I've never experienced loosing my voice mail as I did today.
    I considered my voice mail broken since I could not access my visual voice mail on my phone, I could not reset my voice mail on my phone (following the prompts on my phone) and no one could leave me a voice mail message if they called me. I called AT&T customer support and they could not get my voice mail working. I'm not sure what more could be broken, but I would classify my voice mail as broken.
    You may find it acceptable to have your voice mail broken (or perhaps cut off) if you change your data plan, but I don't think that's acceptable.
    I don't see how I made a major change to my account. I didn't make any changes to the types of data I can send or receive. The only change I made was to opt for a lower cost plan that delivers all the same data. That change resulted in all 5 members of my family plan to loose their voice mail.
    You may be correct that all this needed was for it to be reset. But, I can't reset it. The customer service person could not reset it. It took the tech support person to be able to reset it. All of which was about an hour on the phone.
    I don't think this experience should be typical. Maybe it isn't. Maybe for some strange reason, in my circumstance something more went wrong. But, that's not what AT&T told me. They told me what I experienced is typical.
    So, I thought I would post this for people that might experience this issue, or think about changing their data plan so that they would know what to do.
    But, perhaps I was wrong in using this Discussion site to post what I thought might be helpful.
    I'm sorry. I will (as I told a previous poster) delete this post. As soon I as I figure out how.

  • Can I use the same plan that I have for my iphone 4s with my new ipad? or do I have to buy a new data plan for my new ipad?  I would love to use my new ipad away from home but not sure how to use it?

    Can I use the same plan that I have for my iphone 4s with my new ipad? or do I have to buy a new data plan for my new ipad?  I would love to use my new ipad away from home but not sure how to use it?  I am on Telus mobility with my iphone 4s.

    See the answer on the same question you asked a few minutes ago.

  • This isn't a question but rather a warning to anyone using the new OS for iphone 4.  The imessage uses up your data plan like crazy.  I called Apple about it and they said no it's not doing it.  I called AT

    The new OS is burning through my data plan like crazy and here's why.  Imessage uses your data plan and not your texting plan.  So every time you send a text message to someone with an iphone it uses imessage and it uses your data, not your text plan.  I couldn't figure out why I was burning through so much of my data plan so quickly.  I called Apple and they said, no it's not the data plan doing it.  I called AT&T and they said, yes, the imessage uses data instead of your texting plan if you are texting to another iphone.  Also, the new OS runs your apps all the time, even when you aren't using them.  So if you are not near wifi your apps are running and burning your data plan.  The AT&T guy took me through the steps to turn off the apps.  You can still use them but they won't be running constantly.  Seriously Apple, you should let people know this.  It does say it in the fine print on the website "data rates may apply" under imessage but most people will never read this.  So my data plan started on October 10th and it's already at 175 megabytes and I only have a 200 megabyte plan.  I've never used more than 50 to 75 megabytes in a month.  Apple get it together and be honest with people and tell them.  Quit denying the problem.  Most people have probably not even discovered this yet.  Wait till you get your bill.

    kimmie92592 wrote:
    It's not really common knowledge because I've talked to several people today and none of them knew about it.  Also, when I called Apple they said no the new OS is not using data.  Totally wrong answer.  You'd think they'd know about it and at least tell people.  The people who are going to be hit by this are people like me with the 200mb plans.  I just think it's best to spread the word so people can know what's happening.  I still don't know how I went through so much data in such a short period of time.  It's not happening anymore though, not since I fixed everything up last night. 
    If you are using a free wifi connection, there are no data charges with iMessage.  But in an area where you did NOT have a wifi connection, of course it used 3G and of course you got charged for it (or had it count against your plan limits).
    I'll ask again - without a wifi connection, just what did you think was happening?  How did you think your iPhone was able to magically send a message WITHOUT using any data connection?  A little bit of rational thought would have made you realize that there was no way, over a 3G connection (which is a service provided by your cellular service provider, NOT Apple), that you can send or receive ANYTHING without your service provider's plan picking it up.
    Nothing abut iMessage has ever hinted that it can, in any way, bypass your service provider when NOT using a wifi connection.

  • I need a new phone and ipod, would I be able to use an iPhone as a phone and iPod only and not have to buy the internet data plan?

    I need a new phone and iPod, would I be able to use an iPhone as a phone and iPod, without having to purchase the internet date plan?

    You cannot do this.  iPhones have to be activated with a service plan before any of the features, including the iPod features can be used.

  • Unlimited data plan and discount dispute on new phone

    Problem #1
    Before the unlimited data plan was discontinued earlier this month, I added it to my current plan (phone is an LG EnV3)
    On Monday, 7/18, I became eligible for a new phone upgrade, and wanted to purchase the Driod Incredible 2.
    While on the website, I noticed that it would not let me keep the unlimited plan while upgrading, so I contacted an online service rep.
    A screen capture of the conversation can be found here -->
    The online service rep, Logan W, told me that I could keep it, all I would have to do is contact customer service afterwards and have them make sure that my current package stays.
    Flash forward to today, I called customer service when I recieved my new phone, and was told that what your online service rep told me doesn't matter, that you can't keep the unlimited data plan if you move from a "feature phone" to a "smart phone."
    I told her that is not what I was told prior to purchasing the phone, and she basically said she didn't care, she would send a ticket to some department to see if I could keep the unlimited data plan, but it was up to them, and that I would get a call back with their decision in 24 to 48 hours.
    Problem #2
    On Monday, 7/18, the Driod Incredible 2 was shown on the Verizon Website as $159.99 - $50 online discount = $109.99
    A screen capture of the webpage -->
    When I added it to the website's cart, it took off $30 for my loyalty discount, resulting in a price of
    $159.99 - $50 online discount - $30 loyalty discount = $79.99
    But when I reached the final page of check out, the price went back up to $109.99.  I asked your online customer service rep about this (as seen in the above transcript) , and he said that all I would have to do is call customer service after the sale and they would credit my account for the missing loyalty discount.  I then purchased the phone for $109.99 + $8.80 tax = $118.79
    Back to today, after I inquired about the unlimited data plan, I asked the customer service rep about this credit.  After checking it out, she would not believe me that the starting price was $159.99.
    She at first said the phone price was $199.99 and I did get my loyalty dscount, but $199.99- $50 online discount - $30 loyalty discount = $119.99 + tax.  When I told her that wasn't the case because that was more than the $118.79 I was billed, she told me that "somehow I get a better deal and should have been charged $10 more"
    I tried to tell her that her pricing does not line up with the facts (my screen capture, my order email).  She then told me that my phone was somehow actually $$139.99 and I got my loyalty discount which brought it to $109.99.  It was like she was trying to fudge the numbers so they came out to the right price.
    This is a direct copy & paste from the first email I recieved from [email protected], that again shows the original price was $159.99 with a $50 online discount.
    Due Now
    Equipment Upgrade:
    1   HTC DROID INCREDIBLE 2 -regularly $159.99         $109.99*
    Due now:  detail of total charges to be billed to credit card
    Shipping: Free
    Subtotal: $109.99
    Taxes, Governmental Surcharges & Fees: $8.80
        NY Local Sales Tax* $4.40
        NY State Sales Tax* $4.40
    Total charges to be billed to credit card: $118.79
    Your customer service rep would not budge, she told me if I didn't like the price that I could send the phone back within 14 days.
    I am amazed at how I was told one thing by your online service rep previous to purchasing a new phone and agreeing to a 2 year contract, but after I get the phone, I am told something completely different by your customer service rep.  I feel this is totally dishonest and a great way to make people hate your company.
    All I want is VW to honor what I was told previous to purchasing this new phone.  If I can not keep the unlimited data plan I will be returning the new phone and moving on to another phone provider.

    unclebrady wrote:
    Reply to your first point:
    I was unaware of this *exception* to the rule when I ordered my new phone and agreed to another 2 year contract.  I did my due dilligence by asking a verizon online service rep to confirm that my unlimited data plan would transfer *BEFORE* I ordered.  I did not know of these forums until after my most recent call when I searched google for "verizon complaint forum."   I didn't read your "transcripts" because it's a moot point - that is Verizon's policy plain and simple, and although I agree it does suck, and it's TERRIBLE that they didn't warn customers properly, the Verizon reps did not know any of the details of the new plans until they were put into affect. (Also, online reps will do ANYTHING to make a sale/commission... Just be warned for next time. I had a 2 hour conversation with one when I wasn't even eligible, who was trying to get me to pay full price but make it sound like it was discounted.)
    Read the transcript.  Logan W. didn't say "maybe it will" or "probably it will" he said ""As long as you contact customer service when you get the phone to have them activate it for you they will make sure that you're current plan stays." 
    Also, it really is none of my concern, as a customer, about the inner workings of verizon, if the unlimited data plan is broken up to 2 different codes, 4 codes, 8 codes, etc, I'm sure if I was the CEO's brother, they'd get it straightened out in about 5 minutes.  As is, I'm just a 7 year customer, which appearently means very little. But clearly it is of your concern, when this is the reason you are not getting your data plan, isn't it? You're MAKING it your concern.
    Reply to your second point:
    Again, I was not aware of these forums until after I ordered the phone.  I have a screenshot showing the original price ($159), the online discount ($50), and the price after ($109).  Verizon's customer service people should be able to see that I was also eligible for my $30 loyalty discount on that date.  But, the customer service rep I talked to stated she didn't care if I had a screenshot or not, that if I didn't like the price of $109 then I could return the phone. That was just that specific rep. You'll learn that each rep has their own way of doing things. Some are more sympathetic than others. Just keep calling until you find a rep that will take your screenshot. There have been numerous people on here that have done this, and have gotten their discount. Just like certain reps will move your upgrade date up, and others won't.
    And that's the sad part of all of this.  Her attitude wasn't "how can we make this right?" it was "if you don't like it, then send the phone back"  You'd think Verizon wouldn't be so hard headed when I'm trying to give them my business, but appearently what I'm getting is a "if you don't like it then leave" attitude. Like I said, each individual rep. Not everyone in one company has the same attitude/demeanor.

  • In order to take advantage of the iPhone trade in, do I need to have met my upgrade eldigbility date, or do I just need to re-sign up for a new 2 year plan with the new iPhone 6?

    In order to take advantage of the iPhone trade in, do I need to have met my upgrade eldigbility date, or do I just need to re-sign up for a new 2 year plan with the new iPhone 6?

    thanks, a HUGE suggestion for you:  Please add that to the restrictions of the trade-in details online, it mentions that nowhere and is VERY deceptive.  Since at least 90% of 5c and 5s users are under a 2 year contract and both phones have been out just a year, there will be a majority of bitter customers who fell for the ad and will be taking advantage of the buy out options the other carriers are offering.

  • The new podcast app is using up my data plan

    The new "podcast app" is using up my data plan like crazy! Its costing me much much more money now to listen to my podcast. They want donations to keep them "free" but this is much much futher from free. What is going on! I want it to go back to the way it was. Please dont tell me about them being free on WIFI I know that. I dont live in the city so the only WIFI is never where I can get it when I use them. Even driving down the road , if I loose service the podcast stops and my bill is over the top! What can I do to make it stop!!!!!??? This is a very bad move.
    Also what is the yellow "other" on my itunes sync thing that show how much of what is using up the space on my phone? I have taken almost everything off of the phone and almost half of the space is the yellow other. I can not wipe my phone and start over I have legal text messages I have to keep for court on my phone.
    Im very unhappy with this move of Apples and others are unhappy with it too or havent caught on to it yet.
    Please change it or let us know what to do to end this issue.
    thank you
    PS, I will be contacting the the podcasts to let them know that the donations will now be going to pay for the NO LONGER FREE PODCASTS.

    This has been really frustrating me too!  I made sure the 'use data' was turned off in settings, and yet when I was listening to a podcast, it went from one that I had downloaded to one that I hadn't downloaded without stopping, so I used up a ton of data!  It was because I was 'subscribed' to that podcast, which meant every darn episode ever was appearing in my list of podcasts - you can set it to download them automatically, but I don't want to download every single podcast for some, and there's no way to easily pick and choose like there used to be (with the 'get more podcasts' button).  In the end, I've just unsubscribed from all my podcasts, and I'll go find them one by one - it's really annoying, but it seems like it's all (downloading every possible episode, which for some is a lot weekly) or downloading manually by going to the catalogue.  I miss the old podcasts.  Also, I don't think it's cooler that it's not merged with my other music anymore.  Why was that necessary?

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