New Ajax-related tags and CF Mappings

We have an application that is used by multiple clients but has a shared codebase. The way this works is that client's web site gets a virtual directory set up to the application's web root in IIS, so they'd each get where /neatApp is a single directory that issues various calls to CFCs for page layouts. Within the CFC that handles the page layout is a single <cfinclude> who 'template' argument is passed from the file in /neatApp, and which exists in the 'codebase' directory - the real guts of the app. The /codebase directory is not a virtual directory under IIS but is set up as a Coldfusion mapping (i.e. /codebase points to c:\blahblahblah\codebase\).
<cfinclude> properly looks for a coldfusion mapping and this has served us well for a while.
We're now updating parts of the app to use some of the swanky new CF8 pieces, and the biggest problem we've encountered so far is that, when using things like <cflayout> with a 'source' attribute, or a <cfdiv>, they seem to disregard the CF server mappings - while <cfinclude> will find a file located in /codebase/someDirectory/myfile.cfm, a form action of that same URL in a cflayout tab or in a cfdiv will come up with a file not found: /codebase/someDirectory/myfile.cfm.
I'm sure this must be covered somewhere but none of the search terms I could divine seemed to illuminate the subject any. We've got things working just by putting the code we need in the IIS-mapped /neatApp virtual directory, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having all the secure code in a different place that isn't exposed to the public web.
Any tips?

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    -- Grant/Revoke object privileges
    grant select, insert, update, delete on DCWEB.USER_PLAN_PREFERENCE to HIGGIB1;
    Stored Procedure Definition:
    procedure setUserPlanPref (
    userid in varchar2,
    prod_cd in varchar2,
    plan_cd in varchar2,
    state_lst in varchar2,
    state_nm in varchar2
    currentTimestamp timestamp := current_timestamp;
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    values (upper(userid), upper(prod_cd), upper(plan_cd), upper(state_lst), upper(state_nm), currentTimestamp);
    when dup_val_on_index then
    update user_plan_preference up set
    up.userid = upper(userid),
    up.prod_cd = upper(prod_cd),
    up.plan_cd = upper(plan_cd),
    up.state_lst = upper(state_lst),
    up.state_nm = upper(state_nm),
    up.lst_update_ts = currentTimestamp
    where up.userid = upper(userid)
    and up.prod_cd = upper(prod_cd)
    and up.plan_cd = upper(plan_cd);
    when others then
    when others then
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    938319 wrote:
    I am new to using OracleWelcome to the forum: please read the FAQ and forum sticky threads (if you haven't done so already), and ensure you've updated your profile with a real handle instead of "938319".
    You'll get a faster, more effective response to your questions by including as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s)
    With APEX we're fortunate to have a great resource in where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproducing things there is the best way to troubleshoot most issues, especially those relating to layout and visual formatting. If you expect a detailed answer then it's appropriate for you to take on a significant part of the effort by getting as far as possible with an example of the problem on before asking for assistance with specific issues, which we can then see at first hand.
    Thanks for posting the complete code, it makes it so much easier to understand the problem, but always post code wrapped in tags<tt>\...\</tt> tags to preserve formatting and special characters.
    and I am trying to create an add/insert stored procedure for a table.Does this have anything to do with APEX, for which this is the forum? General SQL &amp PL/SQL matters should be directed to the {forum:id=75} forum.
    The PROD_CD and PLAN_CD fields in my table can have no value (empty or null) Can you please check my code and let me know what I am doing wrong?This:
    when others then
    when others then
    rollback;Remove it all.
    Commits should be issued by end user/client software on completion of a transaction. This means <tt>commit;</tt> should almost never appear in PL/SQL code. The main exception to this is in <tt>dbms_job/secheduler</tt> scheduled processes that have no client or UI. If this code is executed from APEX, then APEX issues more than enough commits anyway.
    exceptions are just a way of ensuring your code is buggy.<tt>when others</tt> exceptions are just a way of ensuring your code is buggy.
    I am unable to insert a record calling the stored procedure with values: DCWEB4578, , 2P, CA, CALIFORNIA but when I change to the string "NULL", the insert succeeds. When I try to call the stored procedure to update the inserted record with values: DCWEB4578, "NULL", 2P, CO, COLORODO the update does not happen since I still see the original record in the table. Please advise. Thanks in advance for your help.With the <tt>commit</tt>s and <tt>when others...</tt> removed from the code you'll have a chance of seeing what's actually happening. Note that the entire procedure can be simplified by writing as a MERGE</tt> statement.

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    Name Null? Type
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    "Combining XML Documents and Data Using Views
    Finally, if you have a combination of structured and unstructured XML data, but still want to view and operate on it as a whole, you can use Oracle8i views. Views enable you to construct an object on the "fly" by combining XML data stored in a variety of ways. So, you can store structured data (such as employee data, customer data, and so on) in one location within object -relational tables, and store related unstructured data (such as descriptions and comments) within a CLOB. When you need to retrieve the data as a whole, you simply construct the structure from the various pieces of data with the use of type constructors in the view's select statement. The XML SQL Utility then enables retrieving the constructed data from the view as a single XML document."
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    2) Can I change the basic tags (Artist, Album, Genre and even Track #) using Create MediaSource Organizer, or should I download a decent/free ID3 tag program recommended on various guru FAQs?
    3) Here's my real question: Once I alter the tag on a track I've already loaded onto the player, I will want to replace it with the updated tags. If I re-transfer, will it overlay the tracks with the updated ones -- or will it create duplicates? Do I need to delete the album or tracks from my player before sending them back over?

    zmulls wrote:I figured the PC was easier to change tags. Just for the typing (!)
    Well you can only edit tags using the PC. I meant with respect to which data source you use, the player itself (when connected to the PC) or the files on the PC's hard dri've.
    The "move" would be just taking a subfolder ("album") and moving under a different "artist" folder -- in Explorer. I figured also that I'd still have to change the tags (the ripping program reads the tags and creates the directories, but I assumed the intelligence doesn't go another way).
    Ah right. Yes, you have to change the tags themselves. It doesn't automatically realise the folder has changed, although you can get many programs which will use folder and filename data to generate the tag.
    So I should grab a tagging program, and plan to "Delete From Player" and "Re-Transfer From PC." Not as bad as it sounds, as I can delete whole albums at once from the Player.
    It's certainly the method I use. It really depends on what approach suits you.
    I saw the list of tag programs on your FAQ -- are the "free" ones good enough? Is there a real advantage in the shareware or paid programs (other than the one you cite on Nomadsync).
    I've never bought a tag editing program, and have used 2 or 3. I prefer overall though, but some don't like the UI. Best to check some out.
    Nomadsync is listed in the programs to copy files. Remember that Nomadsync is not a tag editor, it's a program for copying files.

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    Sorry, something went wrong --- I got an error message after a new webapp was built and a new site collection was created.
    This in SharePoint 2013 Farm.
    What should I do?
    1- I did a DisableLoopBack and set the value to "1".
    For hostname do I have to do : (sample) and serversp2013?
    P.S. I fixed this issue once, long time ago and I forgot how it ... be done.

    For troubleshooting your issue, please take steps as below:
    1.Go to IIS, make sure the web application is actived.
    2.Go to IIS -> Applicaiton Pools, make sure the application pool related to your web application is started.
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Where do I begin to troubleshoot this?
    Printer is connected directly to computer via USB.

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    Office 2011 is not compatbile with Exchange 2003.
    I suggest you post further Office related questions on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac software:

Maybe you are looking for