New Deployments of 8.1 showing multiple TAP adapters

I just installed 8.1 on about 20 computers with the Microsoft VLSC disc and joined them to the domain. after about 2 restarts I started noticing the TAP-Windows Adapters showing up out of no where (About 6 of them so far). the DC's are running 2012 with
all updates and do not have any TAP adapters showing up. Does anyone have any ideas why these could be showing up ?
Also, I did not install open VPN on these computers.

Regarding this issue, I noticed that the IP address is
Th reason is that this pc cannot be obtained the IP address.
Please check your network first.
I think it is related to your network.For example:your switch ports,your DHCP driver,network policy and physical link.
Kelvin Xu
TechNet Community Support
the Ethernet card is getting an address and is online. each computer has one Ethernet card and all 20 of them are receiving a valid IP but these TAP adapters keep showing up out of no where.

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    I'm not joking.
    In BIOS (press F1 key when you see turn on the computer and see the Thinkpad screen) you can select the different graphics mode of the machine.  As you are keenly aware, the machine does have 2 graphics processors.
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    Selcting Optimus allows software or the user to determine which graphics processor to use "on the fly" so that power budget and GPU performance are balanced for the workload.

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    Unfortunately no. But I think I found a pattern in regards to this: it seems the current assigned to user is always the one listed the last.
    I guess this is because the stored procedure behind the AssignedToUserDim doesn't filter if the relationship is still active. This is quite easy to "reproduce" via PowerShell.
    Lets say you have an IR with ID IR1234 which has been re-assigned multiple times.
    If you run this small query now in PowerShell you'll see that all the AssignedToUser relationships still exists, but only one of them has the property "IsDeleted" set to False.
    Import-Module SMlets
    $IRO = Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass System.WorkItem.Incident$) -Filter "Id -eq IR1234"
    Get-SCSMRelationshipObject -BySource $IRO | where {$_.RelationshipID -eq "15e577a3-6bf9-6713-4eac-ba5a5b7c4722"}
    So, in the DB those AssignedToUser relationships (actually it applies to all relationships) won't be "overwritten" or the old one deleted as soon as you re-assign an incident for example. Instead, new relationshipobjects will be generated and the old ones
    changes the "IsDeleted" attribute to True.
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    display the current Assigned To User. I haven't tested this though, probably it's more complex than I assume :)

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      public MyDCErrorHandler()
      public void reportException(DCBindingContainer pDCBindingContainer,
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        if (pException instanceof JboException)
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          reportException(pDCBindingContainer, new Exception(vOneMessage));
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    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

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    Please anybody let me know that how to do use multiple tape drive for single client.
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    2. Backup Soucre :      /data1  (500GB)
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    If direcotry struceture has a sub-direcotry like( /data1/aaa, /data1/bbb ), Is it availble to use multiple tape drives?
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    Thank you.

    You would have to create a different dataset for each sub-folder. If you only have files at the top level folder then even the NEW_STREAM option couldn't be used to split the job.
    Organise it into folders and then create datasets in a client folder such as :
    Then in the schedule you just specify the Linux folder. In each dataset you list the hostname and the folder name, such as :
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    Hi Eskimo Boy,
    I have he *EXACT* same issue. I even reinstalled Mavericks completely from scratch and tried TONS of other things.
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    Set up new user and tried to update => failed.MAS consistently crashes when launched under the new user. => no solution but rather an additional problem => failed.
    Tried to update in safe mode => failed.
    Tried to reinstall Mavericks => failed.
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    Tried PRAM reset => failed.
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    Cheers, Paul

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    My take:
    1) keep everything at highest quality through editing - this means keeping the interlace.
    2) When you're locked, nest the sequence and apply Smart De-Interlacer to the nest. This will only de-interlace the parts of the image that will show artifacts (i.e. fast motion). It is very adjustable and you will want to experiment, but this effectively keeps the bulk of your original vertical resolution while removing the artifacts from web/computer display.
    3) Unless of course you are halving the image anyway in the end, in which case you might as well use a regular / more destructive deinterlace option in Compressor or elsewhere.
    4) On the fly option: if you're in control of production, and really truly have no use for NTSC or PAL, then set the cameras to shoot progressive. If there is no such option, you can get there by simply setting shutter speed to 1/30.

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    We had one report called PO Status report it is fetching data from ME23N from ECC,when i am checking the report in BW the report PO showing multiple values for different different invoices which should not be the case it should be same,please help me to fix the issue.can i change something in reporting level
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hello All,
    Thanks for the reply i had cheked by putting PO number and Invoice number next to next in the report but the total amount of the value is coming more than the line items in the Purchase order in ECC.I would like to give example of the issue like for X PO there are 3 line items and 5 invoices the total sum of the line items for the PO is for ex 3000 with  5 invoices.Expected results in BW is the sum of the line items=(PO Amount),but in report it is taking the invoices value and PO value for each invoices and adding all the invoices PO amount as in our case 15000 which is incorrect.Please help
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Data in the cube is showing multiple entries when compared with ODS

    Hello BW Gurus,
    We have a waste report in production planning on Cube and ODS separately. The same info package loads both targets (which means same infosource) but when we run a report on Cube, the records are showing multiple entries (i.e. Key Figures are not matching when compared to ODS) where as the ODS records are showing correctly as it was in R/3. There are totally 6 key figures out of which 4 pulled from R/3 and 2 are populated in BW.
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    There is a Start routine to the ODS and also to the cube. I am not good at ABAP so requesting your Help.
    Here is the ODS Code:
    tables: /BI0/PPRODORDER.
    loop at data_package.
    select single COORD_TYPE
    from /BI0/PPRODORDER
    where PRODORDER = data_package-PRODORDER
    and OBJVERS = 'A'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    data_package-PRODVERS = space.
    if data_package-calday = space
    or data_package-calday = '00000000'.
    if data_package-TGTCONSQTY NE 0.
    data_package-calday = data_package-ACTRELDATE.
    modify data_package.
    Here is Cube Code:
    tables: /BI0/PPRODORDER,
    BEGIN OF ys_mat_unit,
    material TYPE /bi0/oimaterial,
    mat_unit TYPE /bi0/oimat_unit,
    numerator TYPE /bi0/oinumerator,
    denomintr TYPE /bi0/oidenomintr,
    END OF ys_mat_unit.
    l_s_mat_unit TYPE ys_mat_unit,
    e_factor type p decimals 5.
    loop at data_package.
    select single COORD_TYPE
    from /BI0/PPRODORDER
    where PRODORDER = data_package-PRODORDER
    and OBJVERS = 'A'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    data_package-PRODVERS = space.
    if data_package-calday = space
    or data_package-calday = '00000000'.
    if data_package-TGTCONSQTY NE 0.
    data_package-calday = data_package-ACTRELDATE.
    data_package-agsu = 'GSU'.
    data_package-agsu_qty = 0.
    select single gr_qty
    into (/BIC/ODS-gr_qty,
    from /BIC/ODS
    where prodorder = data_package-prodorder
    and material = data_package-material.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    if /BIC/ODS-base_uom = 'GSU'.
    data_package-agsu_qty = /BIC/ODS-gr_qty.
    SELECT SINGLE * FROM /bi0/pmat_unit
    WHERE material = data_package-material
    AND mat_unit = 'GSU'
    AND objvers = 'A'.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    IF l_s_mat_unit-denomintr <> 0.
    e_factor = l_s_mat_unit-denomintr /
    multiply /BIC/ODS-gr_qty by e_factor.
    data_package-agsu_qty = /BIC/ODS-gr_qty.
    INPUT = /BIC/ODS-gr_qty
    ROUND_SIGN = ' '
    UNIT_IN = /BIC/ODS-base_uom
    UNIT_OUT = 'GSU'
    OVERFLOW = 5
    OTHERS = 10.
    modify data_package.
    some how the AGSU qyt is not populating in the cube and when I dbug the code, I could see a clean record in the internal table but not in the cube.
    your suggestion and solutions would be highly appreciated.

    Hi Swathi
    In ODs we have option of overwriting and addition however in Cube we have only adition.Thats why you are getting multiple enteries.
    If you are running daily full load on the cube then please delete the earlier requests.
    So at one point of time there should be only one full load request in cube. Hope this will solve your problem.

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    purchased adobe 10 and 7 -- 2012 and 2013 -- trying to install on new computer. old one crashed. shows i need serial number. where do i get it. only have 6 discs.

    Adobe is a company... what does "Adobe 10" and "Adobe 7" mean?
    If you bought those on disc I don't think they are part of the Cloud
    The serial number is usually on a sticker on the disc holder inside the box
    If you lost your serial number check for your registered products
    When you figure out what programs you have, you might check the specific forums
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right to open the drop down list and scroll

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    Have you managed to solve this problem? if yes, please highlight how you solved it...i'm facing same problem with my new Iphone 5S but udner Windows, thanks.

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    iTunes 11.2.1 (1)
    IOS 7.1.1

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    I gotta tell you, using multiple images for rollover effects is going to be a big challenge in your dynamic scenario. 
    If this were my product page, I would use thumbnails with a bit of CSS opacity or filters to desaturate and make them full opacity/color on mouse over.  Nice effect with much less bandwidth. Easily done globally with CSS code.
    Two examples:
    Nancy O.

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