New Display = Permenent Error Message?

I baught a 23in cinema display. Plugged in my printer's USB, and a wireless mouse's adapter to the back of it. Worked fine. Few days later, plugged in my iSight's firewire - when I plugged the display's Firewire cable into the computer, it gives me the error message described below. Now, no matter what I plug in, whether through the display or directly to the computer (my printer's USB to the computer, my iSight's firewire to the computer) I get the same message. Which is maddening because it will not allow me to click "OK" for some reason, and it remains on top of all other open window until I restart. Driving me NUTTS. Any suggestions?
The Message: (Verbatim) (also, there is the Image of a Camera within a puzzle piece imbedded in the error messages window: remember, same message even when plugging printer in directly to USB...)
Failed to connect to the device.
-Check the I/F cable connection between the device and your computer.
-Please turn OFF the device once, and then turn ON the device again.
Then try again.

Hi, kstat.
A Google search found this topic on another forum concerning the exact same message.
Is your printer is also a Brother printer like those who reported the same error message? If so, that may be the culprit.
If you have a Brother printer, as FYI see also Mac OS X 10.4: Applications may unexpectedly quit when printing to some Brother printers."
Good luck!
Dr. Smoke
Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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    NewUser7 wrote:
    Please correct me if I am wrong
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    Hello friend,
    I think this link will help you much more clear on the coloring of the ALV concepts.
    Sri Hari

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    -Go to My Computer
    -Find your iPod's drive letter (ie. G:)
    -Right-click on it and select Properties
    -Go to Tools Tab >Error-checking and select Check Now
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    Hey ermides,
    Thanks for the question. The following resource provides information if you are receiving a -50 error message when syncing:
    iTunes displays -50 error message when syncing iPod on Windows XP - Apple Support
    Matt M.

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    Hey ermides,
    Thanks for the question. The following resource provides information if you are receiving a -50 error message when syncing:
    iTunes displays -50 error message when syncing iPod on Windows XP - Apple Support
    Matt M.

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    If you include the UI, it will display at the top of the screen..
    Please see below how to create a message in the message editor.
    and this is how you access the error message in the application ti display it to the end user
    Ganesh N

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