New email comes in twice

Hi. After switching wedhost, my email is limping with MANY isseus to be resolved.
1. Every new email comes in twice (as 2 separate emails).
2.If I delete one of the incoming mails (of the 2 that are the same-they both vanish next time my computer "syncs" with the server. At least that is what I think is happening, but maybe I'm wrong there. Both vanishes- that much I know.
3.When I write a new email a message come up-"Error- the message could not be saved" and it isn't even though I have that box ticked under preferences.
4.The actual delivery often fails (but not always) and I get an response telling me to see:
Whatever that means?
5. I have the setting set up for IMAP as I need to be able to read mails from 2 locations. Is this ok or should I go with POP instead?
Is there anybody out there who has any help to offer. I would be very greatful!

I thought I resolved this issue for myself as I wrote in a post above; but STILL it continues. On my Panther OS and my 10.5 too (powerbook)-- it must be with the .mac account duplicating with something in Mac Mail. I have earthlink accounts forwarded to mac mail and no problems with duplicates there. I am also posting in the .mac forum too and will update for any resolves here to help others.
When I delete the duplicate, the original also disappears on re opening mac mail; so I drag one of the emails from the trash to the inbox if I need to keep it. It is quite tedious. I have had this problem from the start of my .mac account- 2 years now; and I was just so lazy of trying to resolve it; but now it has become a bother and I just got wise to this whole support forum:-) I trust we WILL resolve it TOGETHER right here on Apple. We must- I own alot of stock in Apple (Nasdaq AAPL) and we must continue to be the BEST choice in a personal computer/software ever!!!

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    Off the top of my head there are two ways:
    1. Use the ENS service to notify when messages arrive - filter out the ones you want. This is going to require some programming and a way to send the notification to the phone.
    2. Use a user-level sieve filter to send a copy of the messages you want to another email address which triggers an SMS.

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    Your Mac doesn't run Classic or Mac OS 9.  Best to post in the forum that closest resembles the e-mail client.  If it is the postage stamp e-mail program that comes with Mac OS X, pick the Mac OS X version here, after going to Apple menu -> About This Mac to find your Mac OS X version:
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    It may be that the 'popstate.dat' file has gone awol.
    Popstate.dat keeps a record of what has been downloaded, so that it does not download them again, but if has got confused then errors could occur.
    You can delete this popstate.dat file and Thunderbird will create a new one.
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    Move all mail out the Inbox to other suitable folders.
    Delete what you do not want.
    When Inbox is empty, right click on Inbox and select 'Compact'.
    Make hidden folders visible;
    In Thunderbird
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information
    * Click on 'Show folder' button - A window will open showing your Profile folder.
    * '''Close Thunderbird now - this is important'''
    * Click on 'Mail' folder
    * click on 'mail account name'
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    * Close window - top right X
    * Restart Thunderbird.
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    Empty and compact the Junk and the Deleted folder.

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    Hi Henry,
    Truly Outlook does not provide any kind of an easy way for this, so you could apply an email alert on the additional email account. Outlook email alerts only works on the new email of Inbox but with the help of
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    Feel free to respond back for further back for further assistance!!
    Clark Kent

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    Im a mac user also and love hearing those notifications on both mac & iPhone
    ok so there are a few things you can check on you mac sys preferences, also this link may help
    Mac Basics: Notifications keep you informed - Apple Support
    * Click on sys preferences-> Notifications -> select Mail
    * Check if Banners is selected
    * then check the other listed items have a tick
    * last item in the list "Play Sound For Notifications"
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    If deleting the email accounts and setting them back up again as allan suggested does not work, there might be an issue with the software on the iphone.
    You might want to try the reset and/or restore if necessary.
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    hope this is in the right category. I apologize if not.
    Using Outlook 2010, I have the primary account setup and everything working properly.
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    ex: -inbox (1)
    recently ive noticed that new emails coming to a secondary email account inbox, do not show the notification unless I have that secondary inbox selected.
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    Based on the description, you've configured two accounts in Outlook 2010 and the for the Gmail account, it doesn't play a Desktop Alert when the account is not selected. Is my understanding correct?
    As ahuibers mentioned it's by design, while it can be resolved easily by creating a rule, which applies on messages you receive, with the condition "through the specified account" and the action "display a Desktop Alert", make the Gmail
    account the specified account and it will always display a Desktop Alert no matter the account is selected or not.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Thank you.

    The same way you'd change any notifications: Settings>Notifications>Mail. Change it to "Banner" or "None".

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