New enterprise mobility design guide

Hi, anybody knows if there's a newer enterprise mobility design guide than 4.1? Some of Cisco's WLAN new features such as CAPWAP is not included in 4.1. It's time for Cisco to prepare a new design guide.

Hi Matthew,
<a href="">Here is the guide.</a>

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    Hi Matthew,
    <a href="">Here is the guide.</a>

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    You can check the Wireless and Network Security Integration Solution Design Guide on the link below:
    Nilo Noguera Jr.
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  • Selection of a mobile framework - for enterprise mobility app.

    There have been many plethora of mobility frameworks (e.g Kony, HTML5 based  frameworks) that have same features as Cordova - write your code once and run it on multiple platforms. Some are free,others are not. Having recently implemented enterprise mobility app (integrating with ECC, CRM) using one such framework, there are a certain I would like to consider before choosing a framework:
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    From my experience, I would say it is big pain, implementing a enterprise mobility app with open framework adhering with the go live dates.
    SAP products are more easy to handle. A lot of featues comes inbuilt. Mobile apps comes as pre-packaged apps. One needs to customize it according to it needs. Product support from SAP is remarkable. Implementing and going live with such product becomes automatically easy adhering to the timelines. So is the maintenance. But of course comes the licensing price for SAP.

    Sukanta Rudra,
    I love to work with SAP products and so i m in SAP. Having worked on several other mobile applications before , i can clearly see the ease in development of Enterprise applications using SAP products portfolio.
    Often I have seem blogs in SCN, advocating for frameworks other than that of SAP. No harm
    Please mention the blogs as a reference for more understanding. I can always only see Cordova / appcelerator being the recommended platforms by SAP for cross platforms development.
    SAP Partners with Adobe-Cordova/phonegap , Appcelerator, Sencha (the three big players in cross platform development)
    Developer Announcement: Third Party Tools
    SAP Drives Openness and Choice for Millions of Mobile App Developers
    More over i have worked mostly on all the three for a while and have experienced the ease in development with cordova.
    Also the HWC (Hybrid Web Container ) - the former way for developing hybrid applications on SAP Mobile Platform till 2.x has Cordova/phonegap plugins inbuilt in it. Literally it followed the approch of Cordova and ui framework was of Jquery Mobile .
    But Now with the release of SMP 3.X things are completely under the control of developer. There are no restrictions to use a particular framework for development and developers are free to use their choice for development (SMP 3.x highlights BYOT - Bring Your Own Tools for Developers).
    Adding to above , just would like to mention there are few products mainly focused and developed on cordova technology (KAPSEL plugins, Appbuilder, Fiori Client , River RDE in future integrating Kapsel plugins)
    SMP 3.x is all open for developers , we are free to use any platform as per our requirements and convenience now.
    PLease have a look at these videos on how SMP 3.x strategy stands for
    My experience has been using Kony-SKY framework for developing the mobility apps (not mobile web). SKY plugins has been certified by SAP, to be used for developing mobility applications. (SAP does embrace other vendors). My questions pointed out above, was out of the struggles we had while implementing the project. Many at times, I felt I was reinventing the same tools while integrating into the SAP backends.
    I am not a Kony guy, but will surely look into this and would check if i can help you.But out of my experience with Cordova /HWC/ Kapsel , it was satisfactory.
    I presume you might have used/using SAP's Fiori apps, SAPUI5, mobile architecture and would like to gather some more information very specific to SAP's environment. I have no experience now on delivering apps using SAP's products. Maybe three months from now, I would get deep with 'SAP Fiori UX and SAP Screen Personas'. Maybe you could throw some light on few more queries.
    Yeah , thanks to SAP for Fiori being out of License now and UI5 an Opensource. I have had the opportunity to also work and implement Fiori transnational applications and also develop Custom UI5 applications .
    Note : Personas is really a good product , but on the down side is n't responsive in nature , so might not be a best fit for mobile devices
    How are builds generated for different platforms? (Android uses.apk, Blackberry uses .cod, iPhone uses .ipa)
    I can help you understand this with an Android Phone Gap project example
    Typically Native Android apps are developed using Core Java.
    Initially all the Core libraries of Android and java are loaded with import command
    import android.os.Bundle;
    Now Cordova libraries are added to existing libraries
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import org.apache.cordova.*;
    and Android uses the concept activities and layout for screen navigation and designing.
    and by default any android project should have an activity and layout for launching the application, for which the code looks something similar to this
    so , a Relative layout is initially launched as main view.
    As mentioned in the blog in  " How does it actually work section " cordova loads web views instead of the native layouts /activities
    How Does it actually work ?
    Technically the User Interface of a Cordova Application is effectively a WebView that occupies the complete screen and runs in the native Container. So , it is the same web view that is used by the Native  Operating systems. This purely means that only the Native Containers changes according to the OS and internally the web pages remain the same. (Since the browser rendering of webpages are different for each operating systems)
    For       IOS it is UIWebView class
                 Android it is in  android.webkit.webview
                 Windows it is WebViewClass and the similar goes to other OS .
    This line of code is responsible for that
    our developed web applications should reside in the above mentioned location to access as any native web view
    also few other hacks are to be done at
    public class [appname]Activity extends Activity {
    public class [appname] Activity extends DroidGap {
    and to the android manifest file accordingly to get the permissions
    Now internally the android applications works just like any native applications but accessing the web applications files in the web view. and just generates the .apk accordingly to the application.
    Say a query is executed from a mobility app, say the result set is some 1000 rows, how does the data fetch mechanism work. Do you use some delta data fetch mechanism?
    if i were to handle this , would try to filter this out to sections. Lets imagine huge PO s are resulted upon a query, i would try to create some sections/categories for Unreleased/Open/Approved /... and again try to perform some dynamic filter operations on each category selection/ or make use of pagination property to move across the items/records
    Also user would not be interested to scroll and search for his item from a huge collection of items.
    More over for handling of huge records Native approach is preferred to Hybrid/mobile web.
    When a mobility connection snaps while the user is using the app, does the app stop immediately? Or rather how is user informed about non availability of the network connection?
    Lets assume two cases here
    1) Complete Online application
    2) Online Offline Application
    1) If user is trying to access the data from the application , since this being an online application , a proper network connectivity id to be checked properly before making any request .
    for phone gap/cordova , Network Object helps us to check if network connectivity is available to make any request. else throw an alert to check the connectivity/ turn on the connectivity.
    Similarly a Connectivity manager API exists for Android . Here is an example. Same would apply for other OS also.
    2) For online - offline application . user wouldn't be able to read records from back end , but can perform other necessary operations on the device, and once the device gets connected to network, can sync with the back end . An alert should be thrown to inform the user about the loss in network connectivity and the limitations in accessing the data .
    Build/release mechanism and subsequent tracking for mobility apps for periodic release of apps  - say there would regular fixes to bugs, upgrades to framework SDK, device OSs might get upgraded - Is there a tool for tracking all these, etc
    Yes. MDM tools are perfect fit for these. Afaria and Mocana are doing well now.
    And, anything that you would like to share, related to SAPs environment, that makes implementation easier.
    SAP Mobility is really booming and will grow , dominate in enterprise mobility in future.
    For our understanding:
    Let us know for more.
    Edit :
    IG is a part of SMP 3 but not a separate component as NWG
    Message was edited by: Virinchy P

  • Second WiSM Design Guide

    Hi All,
    I have been running a WiSM successfully for months now, but our wireless network has grown quite a bit so we have purchased a second WiSM.
    Are there any best practises for implementing another one, or are there any design guides?

    Hello Michael,
    Your setup is basically going to be the same. However, you do want to make sure the virtual IP address on both WLCs on the 2nd WISM you purchased are configured the same as the other WISM if you intend to allow mobility between APs and clients. Additionally, you will also have to add your two mobility members to your existing controllers and configure them correctly on your new ones.
    If you intended to configure manual load balancing you can use the primary/secondary/tert configuration on the access points.
    All of the above is mentioned in the 4.0 configuration guide and it does cover multiple WLC implementation as well:
    I hope this helps!

  • Please help me with portfolio.I am new in graphic design.I need portfolio done immediately soon as possible otherwise my design advisor will not let me register for fall. I need 15 or 10 artworks to show.Please help me

    Please help me with portfolio.I am new in graphic design.I need portfolio done immediately soon as possible otherwise my design advisor will not let me register for fall. I need 15 or 10 artworks to show.Please help me.

    If you look at the first one, you should be able to align quite easily as follows, View>Smart Guides being your friends:
    1a) ClickDrag the top flower with the Selection Tool (black arrow) so it is clear of the pointy part;
    1b) Click an empty spot on the Artboard to deselect, then ClickDrag the top flower by its bottom Anchor Point (Smart Guides say anchor when you are close enough to grab it) down to snap to the top Anchor Point on the pointy part (Smart Guides say anchor when you are close enough);
    1c) Do the same for the boroom flower.
    If you look at the third one, to get the triangles and the hexagon sized and aligned precisely, you may, creating them with stroke and no fill:
    3a) Click with the Polygon Tool and select a suitable/chosen Radius and 6 Sides, then Object>Transform>Rotate by 30 degrees (or use the Rotate option in the Transform palette), you may Object>Transform>Reset Bounding Box to have it look nicer;
    3b) Click with the Polygon Tool and select the same Radius and 3 sides, then deselect and ClickDrag the top Anchor Point to snap to the top Anchor Point of the hexagon;
    3c) Object>Transform>Rotate by 180 degrees clicking Copy, deselect, and ClickDrag the bottom Anchor Point to snap to the bottomAnchor Point of the hexagon;
    3d) Select all and Ctrl/Cmd+G to Group (for alignment purposes, you will know why if you try without grouping, see below).
    To create full symmetry, you may use circles rather than almost circular ellipses; you may:
    3d) Click with the Ellipse Tool and select a suitable/chosen Width = height;
    3e) Object>Transform>Move a copy vertically by the Height (= Width) twice (or you may Ctrl/Cmd+D to repeat), to get three circles over one another with no gaps;
    3f) Select the topmost and bottommost ones and Object>Transform>Rotate a copy by 120 degrees twice, to have all the seven circles precisley touching one another; you may Group them, but it is not necessary.
    To have everything aligned, just:
    3g) Select everything and click Vertical Align Center and Horizontal Align Center in the Align palette; you may click the pointy group or the circles ojnce more before aligning if you want to keep it in place (that will make it the key object that the other set is aligned to).
    These ways may also help you further.
    Edit: About half an hour after midnight here. High time to attend to other duties, before the sun is up.

  • CSS Design Guides

    We recently purchased a CSS 11503 and I am tearing my hair out looking for baseline design guides. Right now, we're not even sure that it will do what we WANT it to do, in the way we want to do it.
    Basically, the CSS is going to sit between a 6509 and a server farm. Two of the servers are IMAP, two are webmail. The CSS will be handling load balancing for the IMAPs, and load balancing for the webmail. However, the webmail servers ALSO need to talk to the IMAP, and need the persistent connections offerred via the CSS.
    We're trying to figure if the webmail server, when it needs to connect to the IMAPs, can go OUT the CSS, and connect to the IMAPs via the VIP. It seems to me we would need NAT configured, and my problem is I can't seem to find how to do that. I guess it's the same issue as needing a server behind the CSS to get out to the Internet for updates/patches and what-not - how does a server INSIDE the CSS talk to the oustide world directly, when it needs to?
    I hope that made some sort of sense. Another way to look at it is the webmail servers need to be servers AND clients, but we want them behind the CSS.
    The root is this: are there any good design guides for CSS that discuss these issues? Thus far I have been unable to find any.
    Thank you!

    I reviewed the basic config guide; I actually found the NAT info right after posting this!! Thanks for the replies; I appreciate it.
    The NEW question is about the VLANing on the CSS. We're trying to figure out the best way to incorporate the management port (VLAN1, we hope) into our current VLAN architecture, which has a private network for management on VLAN1, which is trunked across the network for accessibility from multiple segments. The management port on the CSS doesn't support trunking - otherwise we'd treat it as any other box. Meanwhile, we want our VIPs in our server VLAN. We contemplated the VLAN "multi" option, but it doesn't look like we can implement it, given older version of IOS and the fact that we are already trunking.
    We'll get there....I'm sure it isn't THAT hard to untangle. But it's frustrating that the separate management interface on this box doesn't support VLAN trunking.

  • A VoWLAN Design Guide Rulebook - The Rules (Potentially)

    Hi all,
    I have just been doing some reading from the Cisco web site and would like to summarise what I saw as the important factors in the documentation in reference to some basic guidelines to providing a successful VoWLAN deployment. This is the first time I have looked at the VoWLAN deployment and there are some points I don't fully understand, and maybe some points I have completely missed out. I will need to translate all of these summary points at a later stage to a design document to start looking at a potential VoWLAN design so just thought I'd get a couple of notes down on paper. It may help some other people also, in summarising (I sure hope so, as its nice to share this stuff with you guys - if correct).
    Anyway, if you kind people would take time to read this and maybe comment on it, that would be fantastic. The points started out in order but as I write this and few points at the bottom should be near the top, but I think I need a beer and cant think about re-numbering them at the mo :))
    Opps, the post is above the 4000 chars (I can't have written that much can I) so now have attached it to a word file.
    Pls see attached word doco.
    Guys and girls, would you mind looking at points 5, and points 18. And if anyone could add anything else to this, or correct any of this information (all gleaned from the white-papers) if I have got it wrong, which is quite likely :))
    Many kind regards as always and hope all is well :)

    Hi Ken,
    Looks like a great doc so far! I wanted to send you these links to address Point #5;
    VoWLAN Call Capacity
    An important parameter in VoWLAN planning is call capacity-the number of simultaneous VoWLAN calls that can be supported in an area. This value can vary depending upon the RF environment, the VoWLAN handset features, and the WLAN system features. For example, the VoWLAN maximum capacity for a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7921G using a WLAN that provides optimized WLAN services (such as the Cisco Unified Wireless Network), the capacity is expected to be 14 simultaneous VoWLAN calls per 2.4 GHz channel and 20 simultaneous VoWLAN calls per 5 GHz channel. These capacity values are based on assuming no competing high priority WLAN traffic and normal background noise. Note that because the 5 GHz spectrum generally features less noise and interference, there can be greater capacity with the higher carrier frequency implementation. The additional non-overlapping channels available in the 5 GHz spectrum also provides a great deal more call capacity for a given area.
    Note The call capacities are quoted per non-overlapping channel because the channel capacity is the limiting factor-not the number of access points (AP). This is explained in more detail in the following section. The purpose of providing these maximum call capacity figures is general planning purposes. The call capacity specified by the actual VoWLAN handset should be used for deployment since this is the supported capacity of that handset.
    From this excellent VoWLAN SRND doc;
    Choosing Between IEEE 802.11b/g and IEEE 802.11a
    Design Principles for Voice Over WLAN
    The 802.11 wireless networking protocol uses a contention-based access algorithm. Based on this access methodology, protocol overhead, bandwidth calculations, and wireless voice network testing, Cisco has determined that with the IEEE's 11-Mbps throughput limitation on 802.11b, a single 802.11b wireless access point can support up approximately to seven active voice streams using the G.711 codec or eight active voice streams using G.729 codec and also handle a reasonable level of data traffic. An active phone session is one carrying on a conversation. A voice client that is associated with an access point and not carrying on a VoIP session (that is, conversation) is not considered active.
    For Point# 18, I didn't think Cisco Wireless deployments supported 802.11f and actually use a proprietary IAPP Protocol?
    Hope this helps and keep up the great work here!

  • Video Conferencing Design Guide

    Does any one know if there is a VC design guide.
    If so could you please point me to the link.
    Thank you

    Take a look at this thread...;jsessionid=ml3027rm61.SJ1B?page=netprof&CommCmd=MB%3Fcmd%3Ddisplay_location%26location%3D.1dd6216d
    or use the following info...
    Aug 3, 2004, 8:34am PST
    Below are links to two design guides focused on video telephony and videoconferencing. The first link is goes to the NEW Video Telephony guide while the second links to the existing Videoconferencing guide that has been referenced before in a previous thread.
    Cisco Video Telephony Solution Reference Network Design (SRND):
    IP Videoconferencing Solution Reference Network Design (SRND):

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    Register here:

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  • Design guides for Ironport Web Security

    Hi All,
    I am looking for a proxy solution for our enterprise network, and considering Ironport WebSecurity S370 appliance.
    I am just curious if there is any good design guides on how to properly implement Ironport on the network.
    I need best practices documents, i.e.  can I place two units with one virtual IP address and so on.

    WSA's don't cluster, with a shared virtual IP, how you handle mulitple WSA boxes is a function of how you're redirecting traffic to them.
         WCCP - you just add them as multiple WCCP destinations
         PAC file - you add seperate entries and the browser/app figures out which one is available.
         Policy Based Routing (eg. no Cisco router) - I'm not sure, as I've never done it.
    You might be able to use a load balancer, but my feeling is that gets too complicated.
    I used this to set up one box using WCCP
    There's a caveat when you use WCCP for 2 boxes, you need to tweak the ACL so that you don't get loops:!!&p_li=cF91c2VyaWQ9MXJvblAwcnQmcF9wYXNzd2Q9Zm8wQmE1&p_topview=1

  • Q about flexpod design guide 5.0

    Hi all,
    In the design guide when you setup the vswitch you only specify one network adapter for the vswitch.  I added a second one in failover and reversed them depending on the order of the Vnics.
    Is this correct or should I put it back to one?
    I don't see how it would failover if I do.
    Also I only see two veth interfaces in the port channel as this is a vic 1420 shouldn't there be 4 per fabric?

    Nexus 1000v Essential Edition is now free of charge to acquire.
    For vSwitch implemention, i would have to let someone else step in to discuss their experiences with this setup.  The N1K implementation is using mac-pinning which would be an active-active configuration.  For vSwitch, you probably can have both nics active with 'Virtual Port ID' or 'Source MAC Hash' for load balancing.  'IP Hash' is a port channel and not supported on servers/blades within UCSM.
    33. Type port-profile type ethernet system-uplink.
    34. Type vmware port-group.
    35. Type switchport mode trunk.
    36. Type switchport trunk native vlan .
    37. Type switchport  trunk allowed vlan , ,  , , .
    >>>>>>  38. Type channel-group auto mode on mac-pinning.   <<<<<<<
    39. Type no shutdown.
    40. Type system  vlan , , , , .
    41. Type system mtu 9000.
    42. Type state enabled.
    Thank You,
    Dan Laden
    Cisco PDI Data Center
    Want to know more about how PDI can assist you?

  • Cannot log in the BAM Enterprise Link Design Studio

    Hi, all,
    I installed a BAM in Windows 2003 SP1 server. And I cannot log in the BAM Enterprise Link Design Studio with the following errors:
    [SERVERERROR] Error from Server: ORA-00942: table or view does not exit
    Information from server:
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  SA -- 0x1, RW -- 0x5]
    Unable to locate the repository.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  RP -- 0x11, RP -- 0x102]
    Unable to connect to the Repository.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  IS -- 0x7, IS -- 0x19]
    Thanks in advance for your ideas and suggestions.
    Best Regards,

    Self Answer: reinstall the BAM, and only check the repository install, don't move the data service and it works.

  • Enterprise link design studio start up error.

    Hi ,
    I have installed BAM on XP and working on it.
    When i try opening Enterprise link design studio i am getting TNS listener error.
    A tns entry is there in the tnsnames.ora file.
    I was using the studio previously and was working fine.
    What is going wrong.

    I have reinstalled Enterprise Link and now i am able to open design studio.
    But BAM user was not created during the installation i created it manually.
    I created a plan when i try updating the plan i am getting the following error
    Unable to connect to ADC server "Main" as user: "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM":
    Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.
    Parameter name: ticks
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  0x75 -- 0x1, 0x75 -- 0xB]
    Error while beginning the execution for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Update of Plan "myBPELOrderBookingPlan" failed.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  PlanMgr -- 0x1, PlanMgr -- 0xD5]

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