New GL BCS extraction

What is the NEWGL table, data source and BI/BCS  to used for detailed extraction for BCS consolidaiton.
Your inputs will be appreciated/awarded with points.

I already answered the similar question, but cannot find the link.
Ok, in general:
Since this DS allows you to get all required data for almost all cases of anlytics in consolidation, there is no predefined cube. Contsruct it by yourself:
Replicate the 0SEM-BCS_10 datasource in your SEM/BW system.
Create an infosource according your needs and DS.
Create the transfer rules or DTP from DS to IS.
Since there is no delta from 0SEM-BCS-10 datasource, create an ODS with the appropriate key fields.
Create the similar structure infocube and using the datamart interface create update rules for the cube.
So, the cube structure completely depends on your needs.
If you have no BW knowledge, you'd better either get it, or invite a BW specialist.

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    Hi ,
    if the data soource is belongs to LO extraction
    Option 1- Enhance in LBWE
    1. check in LBWE- Maintenance -> check if your required field is available in pool (right hand side).
    2. If it is available then send it to left hand side.
    3. Save and you will find the new field as part of your extract structure.
    4. In LBWE go to datasource maintenance and uncheck the Hide check box for newly added fields and Save the data source.
    5. No need to write user exit code for these fields.
    after this replicate the data source
    and activate the transfer rules using RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL
    Hope you are clear now!!!!!!!!

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    Hi Venkat,
    Please look at OSS Note 852971. It contains a lot of info.
    And yes, the New GL is a very good for consolidation.

  • Urgent: Problems in Generic Extraction by Function Module

    Hi BW Gurus,
    I am new to SDN and also new to generic extraction using function module. My requirement is to extract long text(142 char) from CRM to BW as the text is not stored in database table I used function module read_text with in another ZXXX function module copy of (RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE). In my extract structure I used GUID(char,32), Langu, long text(142 char) and 2 placeholders. Text can be extracted by passing STXH table fields(Tdname, Tdid, Tdobject, Tdspars) to read_text as parameters and i also need to use CRMD_ORDERADM_H field GUID(32 char) to compare 1st 32 chars of tdname(70 char) with Guid to select Guids and loop thru this Guids and for each Guid i need to append lines of text to e_t_data but as i donot know ABAP i unable to write the code for this. Through my friends help i wrote code when i check in RSA3 it is displaying the text but when i replicate into BW and load into data target in monitor the status is red with records initially but afterwards it will be red status again with 0 from 0 records for initial load again.when i check on job logs the errors i have are:
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    MY Function Module is:
    ""Local Interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      NO_MORE_DATA
      Tables: CRMD_ORDERADM_H, STXH.
    Auxiliary Selection criteria structure
    data: l_s_select type srsc_s_select.
    Maximum number of lines for DB table
      Statics: s_s_if type srsc_s_if_simple,
             s_counter_datapakid like sy-tabix,
             s_cursor type cursor.
    data: i_crmtext type standard table of TLINE .
      types: begin of xsreph ,
              GUID type CRMD_ORDERADM_H-guid,
            end of xsreph.
       data: i_guid type standard table of xsreph.
      data: I_TEXT type STXH-TDNAME.
      data: xempl like  YCRM_TEXT_STR occurs 0 with header line.
      data: t_tab like dd03l-tabname.
    Select ranges
      ranges: l_r_guid for CRMD_ORDERADM_H-guid.
             l_r_connid  for sflight-connid.
    Initialization mode (first call by SAPI) or data transfer mode
    (following calls) ?
      if i_initflag = sbiwa_c_flag_on.
    Initialization: check input parameters
                    buffer input parameters
                    prepare data selection
    Check DataSource validity
        case i_dsource.
          when 'yCRM_TEXT'.  " for S_SREPH1
          when others.
            if 1 = 2. message e009(r3). endif.
    this is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this
            log_write 'E'                  "message type
                      'R3'                 "message class
                      '009'                "message number
                    i_dsource   "message variable 1
                      ' '.                 "message variable 2
            raise error_passed_to_mess_handler.
       append lines of i_t_select to s_s_if-t_select.
    Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls
        s_s_if-requnr    = i_requnr.
        s_s_if-dsource = i_dsource.
        s_s_if-maxsize   = i_maxsize.
    Fill field list table for an optimized select statement
    (in case that there is no 1:1 relation between InfoSource fields
    and database table fields this may be far from beeing trivial)
       append lines of i_t_fields to s_s_if-t_fields.
    we will do our selection based on what is in the p table for the
      else.                 "Initialization mode or data extraction ?
    Data transfer: First Call      OPEN CURSOR + FETCH
                   Following Calls FETCH only
    First data package -> OPEN CURSOR
        if s_counter_datapakid = 0.
    Fill range tables BW will only pass down simple selection criteria
    of the type SIGN = 'I' and OPTION = 'EQ' or OPTION = 'BT'.
            APPEND L_R_GUID.
          case i_dsource.
            when 'YCRM_TEXT'.  " for S_SREPH1
              t_tab = 'CRMD_ORDERADM_H'.
          select GUID
          from (t_tab)
          into table i_guid where   PROCESS_TYPE = 'ZACI'  and ( OBJECT_ID < '0000000042').
         select tdname from stxh into i_text where tdobject = 'TEXT'.
         if sy-subrc ne 0.
           message e009(r3).
    this is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this
           log_write 'E'                  "message type
                     'R3'                 "message class
                     '009'                "message number
                     i_dsource   "message variable 1
                     'No master data found'.           "message variable 2
           raise error_passed_to_mess_handler.
    Determine number of database records to be read per FETCH statement
    from input parameter I_MAXSIZE. If there is a one to one relation
    between DataSource table lines and database entries, this is trivial.
    In other cases, it may be impossible and some estimated value has to
    be determined.
         open cursor with hold s_cursor for
         select (s_s_if-t_fields) from CRMD_ORDERADM_H
                                  where GUID in L_R_GUID .
    Fetch records into interface table.
      named E_T_'Name of extract structure'.
       fetch next cursor s_cursor
                  appending corresponding fields
                  of table e_t_data
                  package size s_s_if-maxsize.
        IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    as we are doing this only once can use the select statement.
    ***data: crmtext like tline occurs 0 with header line.
    **data: i_crmtext type standard table of TLINE.
    **data: i_guid type standard table of xsreph.
    data: l_guid type THEAD-TDNAME.
    data: st_guid type xsreph.
    data: st_crmtext type TLINE.
    data: lan type THEAD-TDSPRAS.
    lan = 'E'.
    loop at i_guid into st_guid.
    l_guid = st_guid-guid.
       CLIENT                        = SY-MANDT
         ID                            = 'A002'
         LANGUAGE                      = lan
         NAME                          = l_guid
         OBJECT                        = 'CRM_ORDERH'
       ARCHIVE_HANDLE                = 0
       LOCAL_CAT                     = ' '
       HEADER                        =
         LINES                         = i_crmtext.
       ID                            = 1
       LANGUAGE                      = 2
       NAME                          = 3
       NOT_FOUND                     = 4
       OBJECT                        = 5
       REFERENCE_CHECK               = 6
       WRONG_ACCESS_TO_ARCHIVE       = 7
       OTHERS                        = 8
    e_t_data-guid = l_guid.
    loop at i_crmtext into st_crmtext.
    move lan to e_t_data-langu.
    move st_crmtext-tdline to e_t_data-description.
    append e_t_data.
    clear: st_guid,l_guid.
    refresh: i_crmtext.
    please Gurus as I donot know ABAP i appreciate if anyone would write a FM based on requirement and send me that will be really great this is my request. I gurantee of award points for good answers.

    The statement <b>RAISE NO_MORE_DATA</b> should be active (uncommented) in your code. Otherwise, the infinte loop occurs.
    See also, the Siggi's blog:
    BTW, was it your thread here:
    Re: Urgent: problems in extracting Long Text
    Best regards,

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    1)     Create For loop for source doc.
    2)     Create FOR loop for new doc
    3)     Analyze page in source doc
    4)     IF source page has any comments or highlighting THEN somehow note that page and increment "new doc" counter
    5)     Increment source doc counter
    6)     Repeat 3-5 until all pages in source doc have been analyzed
    7)     Create new file
    8)     Extract pages noted during step 4 to new file.
    If someone could help me create the above script, I would probably be smart enough to get it to meet my needs.  What I'd really like are two versions of that script.  If asking for the community to simply provide me with code is not a cool thing to do, could someone link me to a good tutorial and/or existing scripts so I could try and figure it out myself?
    1)     One that extracts only pages with text comments (using the typewriter tool).
    2)     One that extracts pages with highlights or text comments.

    In the second to last line of my OP I meant "using the 'Add text comment' tool" not "using the typewriter tool".

  • Using new oEhP3 FI or old FI datasources

    Hi all,
    At the moment i am inventarizing for a SAP BI implementation how we want to set up our FI dataflows. I came to notice that since EhP3 there is a new way of extracting FI-GL, FI-AP and FI-AR data.
    I tried to search on SDN on some more information but couldn't find really the information i needed.
    My questions are:
    - If you have SAP ECC 6.0 EhP 3 or higher, is it required to use the new datasources?
    - What are the main differences between the new and the old flows?
    - Can you use them simultanously?
    Please let me know!
    Thanks in advance for your reply.
    Best regards,
    Freek Geldof

    - If you have SAP ECC 6.0 EhP 3 or higher, is it required to use the new datasources?
    It is not a requirement to use the New GL Reporting DataSources, per se. If your FI functional consultant(s) haven't configured your environment to use this new functionality, there won't be any data to extract using the new DataSources and therefore the old DataSources would still be pertinent.
    - What are the main differences between the new and the old flows?
    The New GL Reporting functionality in ECC6 EHP3 and beyond provides for the posting of not only business financial transactions (as it always has) but also provides for settlement of internal document postings associated with managerial accounting concepts. It also provides the ability to manage multiple ledgers for different accounting principles, integrates financial and managerial accounting reporting (as eluded to previously), provides for segemented reporting to meet requirements for International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Cost of Goods Sold accounting.
    - Can you use them simultanously?
    I'm not sure that there's any process that would preclude you from executing both the New GL Reporting DataSources and the older ones, but if your ECC environment is configured for the New GL Reporting, I'm not sure that you'd want to execute the old DataSources (not sure if you'd get duplication of data or something worse if you tried).

  • Extract the Pending Proposal which is not posted but not deleted F110

    Dear Friends,
    User has raised new requirement to extract the Pending proposal in F110 which is pending for final run but not deleted by user. 
    Please advice how can I extract the pending proposal which is pending for final run in F110.
    Thanks in an advance.

    Hello Pankaj,
    There are two mthods, first one is F110 > Edit > Proposal > Proposal List. Another way is SE16 > REGUH > input X selection criteria in input field REGUH-XVORL (Indicator: Only Proposal Run?)  to list proposal pending for final payment.
    Kind regards,
    John Chin

  • Do we need to fill setup table if we change extract structure of D/S

    Hello Experts,
    as we are in need of adding new filed to existing delta enable Datasources.
    Do we need to fill the setup table if we change the Extract structure of Data source which is already loading Delta data to bw system?
    case 1) we are planning to add new field directly in maintain structure in TCode LBWE.
    case 2) adding new field to Extract structure and writing relavent code in CMOD.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Ravi,
    If you are adding new field to a structure, even though you do not need historical data in the new fields it is a mandate that you have to replicate the datasource and then reinitialize the datasource, in both the cases you have mentioned. The reason for this is, the RSA7 contains your existing structure, as you are changing it, a new replica needs to be created in RSA7. You have to run a INIT without datatransfer, dont need to refill the setup tables for the INIT without data transfer.
    After you activate the new fields and poppulate it using CMOD. First transfer all the records in SMQ1 to RSA7, using a V3 update. Then run a delta in BW, by this way you will load all the existing records from source system to BW. Then replicate the datasource and create the required InfoObject and mapping in BW (Please note that without deleting data, you wont be able to change the DataTarget structure unless you are using remodelling in BI 7.0). Delete the datasource entry in RSA7. Runa INIT without datatransfer.
    Please let me know if you need any more information.

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    hi rakesh,
        in your first select single * statement you have given WHERE BUKRS = T001K-BUKRS..but at the point of execution, what will be the value stored in t001k-bukrs...i doubt it will be,  store bukrs in a variable or hardcode it.....
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    "error occurred while connecting to the database"
    I've followed these steps:
    1. Create a blank MS Access database (.mdb format)
    2. Create an .UDL file which connects to MS Access database:
          - Provider: Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider
          - Connection: Linked to the .mdb database created in step 1.
          - Give "ReadWrite" permissions.
    3. Test .UDL file connection successfully.
    4. Create DNS with Extended Analytics DNS Configuration tool.
    5. In Extended Analytics (HFM), once selected the new DNS and extract it displays the error commented before.
    ¿Do you know how i can solve this issue?
    Thank you in advance,
    Best regards,

    Hello Anjum Ara,
    Thank you for your response.
    I don't understand how to add my database SID to tnsnames.ora. (I already found the file but i don't know how to add new database SID)
    I have created one MS Access database in "C:\TEST.mdb" and i want to connect Extended Analytics to it.
    How i have to add this database into tnsnames.ora file?
    Thank you in advance,
    Kind regards

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