New group up for students

i just started a group for students, im going to have my page up and running soon, i only work on it a little each day or two, if you want to join email me on my .mac account [email protected] or if you have a website and want to link up and put links on each others pages.

Hi Shane, power down.
If 10.7.0 or later...
Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partition & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Repair Permissions.
Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
(Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)

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    Hopefully you will no longer need this as Apple Discussions performance has improved greatly, but I will point out that you can create RSS feeds from search queries.
    Unfortunately there has never been enough requests for newsgroup access for us to invest it. We get about one request per year.
    Kind regards,
    Apple Discussions

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    If this is just OIM Groups we are talking about then why reach up to the Access Policies
    - Create membership rules via Design Console -> Rule Designer as follows:
    - Name=Sample Membership, Type=General, Description=Sample
    Role == Part-Time
    - Go to your group in OIM and add this to Membership Rules drop-down
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    Thank you for posting the screen shots I have been unsuccessful in determining exactly where the problem is coming from. Would it be possible for you to post the actual VI so that I can work with it so see if I can reproduce this issue using your code? In regard to your questions:
    1.    You are correct 1000 samples read should write 1000 samples to the table
    2.    I believe the discrepancy is due to amount of manipulation done between the read and the file write but I cannot be certain, without the code to work with.
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    Jayantkumar Joshi
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    Mobile: 91-9885430724
    [email protected]

    Hi Jayantkumar Joshi,
    Posting a request for a new forum in this, the Suggestion Forum, is the proper place for such a request.  Thanks for taking the time to do so.
    Creating a new forum usually is done under the following conditions:
    1) There is a critical mass of content in a particular area and the collaboration team sees that the creation of a new fourm would best service discussions of that area. (by critical mass, we mean hundreds of references to a topic)
    2) There are requests from a number of community members with some very clear justifications around why such a new forum would be of value to the community.
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    3) The collaboration team sees a new direction or subject evolving and provides a forum for discussing it or a subject becomes so large that it would be better to subdivide it into subcategories. (these requests are trends and we try to avoid creating new forums without being sure there will be active conversation to populate them)
    4) The product management gives us moderation support or there is enough subject matter expertise in the community to create a community led moderation of an area.
    A user can do a search on forums to see examples of such critical mass that warrants its own space.  For example, when subdividing the ABAP forum we searched for key words that were appearing hundreds of times in the general forum and began to create the ability to move discussions to subareas of the ABAP topic for Enhancements, Data Transfer, Dictionary, Form Printing.  Although we did so, people still persist in posting to the ABAP general forum
    We also got community help and support from a number of top contributors in an area as to what topics were constantly recurring.  And lastly and importantly, we turned to subject matter experts internally to get feedback, definition, advice.
    All that being said, we would ask our community to consider:
    1) Is there enough interest in Service Management to create a separate group around this?
    2) Is there enough existing conversation around this topic to move it to such a new area
    3) Is it clear under exactly which catergory this falls: SCM, CRM, PM and how to know exactly what is meant by Service Management (I did a search in and wasn't really sure)
    Each forum needs a contract that states what kind of content we wish to have discussed there.  That is a prerequisite.
    In light of all these comments, please see if your idea meets the criteria: critical mass, clear definition of what is to be discussed, interest of the community.

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    Thanks in advance.

    When you create a new material you have to specify the material types like finished goods or raw material like that in the initial screen
    For this new material types can be defined in
    SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Material Type ->Define attribute of material Type
    T code OMS2
    After specifying the material type and giving organizational data like plant, storage location,sales org etc we go on to create the material
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    this can be defined in
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    SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Setting for Key Field -> Define Material Group
    T .Code: OMSF
    I beleive this is what you are asking about

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    Group#     Members
    1              2
    2              2
    3             2
    4             2
    5             2
    6             2
    7             2
    8             2
    9             2
    10           2
    If So, The following statment is correct? or nto
    ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE GROUP 1 ('D:\Databases\epprod\StandbyRedoLog\REDO01.LOG',D:\Databases\epprod\StandbyRedoLog\REDO01_1.LOG');
    please correct me if am doin mistake
    becuase when I issue the statment I getting error message sayin the group is already created.

    Thanks John
    I just find the answer
    Yes, it's recomeded to add new group , for instnace If I have 10 group from 1 to 10 then the standby shoudl be from 11 to 20
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    Define permission to the system that you have created.
    right click on hte system that you have ccreated  - > in properties dropdown go to permissions -> search the group/ user for which you want to map this system - > and give permission as enduser.
    this will make your system accessible while user mapping.

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    Cancel what you have and buy new
    -or by telephone
    Adobe Education... Start here
    Education Plan
    One Year Intro Price
    ID Proof

  • Create new group for texting

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    The only way to create groups for messaging is by sending a message to everyone in the group, and as long as you never erase the messages from the chaat it will always appear in your conversations in the messages app. Unfortuneatly there is no way to organize contacts into groups in any iOS as of now. They will add many new group chat features in iOS8, but you will not be able to upgrade to it when it does come out because you are using an iPhone 4.

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    Why are some websites that are important to many people, such as the FAFSA (federal financial aid for students) website or the Bank of New York Mellon website, not permitting access to computers running Firefox versions newer than 3.6 when Mozilla is claiming that 5.0 is more stable and secure?
    The following information was displayed in regards to this issue -
    "An Incompatible Browser Has Been Detected:
    Your Web browser is not supported by our Web site. You must use a Compliant Web Browser - Standard* to view our site properly. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version of your browser according to your Operating System.
    Supported Mozilla Firefox browsers:
    Windows XP - Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x and 3.6.x
    Windows Vista - Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x and 3.6.x
    Windows 7 - Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x and 3.6.x
    Macintosh Operating System 10.5 - Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x and 3.6.x
    Macintosh Operating System 10.4 - Mozilla Firefox 3.6
    *Compliant Web Browser - Standard
    For the past few years, every major Web browser released has been built around a set of open standards designated by the World Wide Web Consortium, a non-profit organization charged with overseeing the continuing development of the Web. What this means is that one piece of code now looks the same on every modern browser, whether it be Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, or others. The majority of our users are using these modern browsers, so we can present content which is optimized for them. "

    That is a question for those websites to answer. Firefox 4.0 was released almost 4 months ago, IMO more than enough time for those 2 websites to verify that Firefox 4 & 5 are compliant with W3C standards.
    To be able to access that FAFSA website, my advice is to install the Portable Firefox 3.6.19 version to your hard drive. It won't affect your other Firefox installation. <br />

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