New Hard drives

I currently have a macbook with an 80GB hard drive in. The apple website says that the macbooks can take 200GB at a maximum but people seem to have used what is the biggest hard drive i can their a limit?
Also....i found these two which seem to be a lot cheaper..will they work in the macbook?
They seem a lot cheaper than all the others i'd seen.
Thanks in advance,

Well, Fujitsu claim to have the world's first 300Gb 2.5" SATA drive:
But I believe that has a rotational speed of 4,200RPM which is somewhat slow. You'd want at least 5,400RPM these days. 7,200RPM drives are available (up to around the 160Gb mark, I believe) but these drain the battery faster if you're running the Macbook away from a mains supply.
The current leaders in capacity and performance are Hitachi and Western Digital with their 250Gb models. I'm currently using a Western Digital Scorpio 250Gb drive and it was incredibly easy to install. Price-wise it's around $249, but given time that'll drop down a fair bit.

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  • Have Old Hard drive and want to move old data onto new hard drive in imac.

    I am trying to get my files off of an old hard drive. I have it hooked up through a sata drive. I am able to access all the programs but for whatever reason I am unable to access any of the files, i.e- 1,00's of pictures, videos, music, and documents. Is there something else I need to do in order to get the files, or is it possible that all the programs could still be on it but the files are just missing? In the current Sata it only has two plugs but on my hard drive it looks like there is another place to plug something in.

    Hello again Shadow,
    The way I do this is to:
    1) Install your new hard drive into your iBook
    2) Get your iBook reassembeled
    3) Place your old hard drive in your firewire enclosure
    4) Insert your install DVD into your iBook and restart with the C key held down. When the installer launches, select your language in the first pane, click 'continue' and in the upper dropdown menu in the next page select Utilities > Disk Utility. After DU is open, select your hard drive from the list of volumes on the left (the very top one), and then click the 'Partition' tab to the right. Then select 1 partition (normal) and make sure that you have 'Mac OS Extended (journled)' selected in the lower section. Then click 'partition'
    5)Quit disc utility, which brings you back to the installer. continue with your installation of OS X. In one of the first steps you will see a button on the lower left which says 'options' click on that and make sure that the option 'Installs OS X for the first time' is selected. It will normally be selected by default with a new drive.
    6) After the installation, the Migration Assistant will ask if you would like to transfer your information from another mac. click yes then follow the instructions. but instead of using another mac, connect a firewire cable from your enclosure with your old hard drive installed. The installer will think that this is another mac and will transfer all of your account information and user files (everything!)from your old drive to your iBook's new drive. Just diconnect when it says to and complete the installation sequence.
    You're done!
    Check back again if anything is unclear.
    Message was edited by: DesertSage

  • New Hard Drive

    After installing Leopard on my new hard drive (Western Digital Caviar Blue) I used Migration Assistant to transfer everything from the original hard drive that was still in the computer. It ran into some issues with 2 iTunes music files and transfer stopped. So I selected the option of continuing to set up. Not sure if I messed up there. After that was complete I trashed the files in question and ran Migration Assistant again, but it completely skipped iTunes and went onto Applications, where once again it ran into problems with Application Support Files from Adobe/InDesign Templates, etc.
    Now I'm not sure what to do. The new HD is the 10.5.6 version (didn't run Software Update because I assumed Migration would automatically update everything) and of course the original HD is the 10.5.8. Should I run Software Update first on that followed by Repair Permissions then attempt to transfer everything again? Or should I start from scratch - erase and reinstall then run Migration again?
    Also, with having a very large iTunes library is this the best way to transfer those files?

    Sorry, I may have been a bit obscure....
    To be precise, one should boot to the OS X install disc and use Disk Utility to repair the original hard drive and permissions.
    You can't repair the boot drive while started to it.
    Permissions, yes, but not directory repair.
    After that, restart to the usual boot drive, download and install SD!, let SD! do it's thing.
    SD! will erase the target drive for the new clone, so using Disk Utility again isn't necessary.
    Once SD! is done, you can open System Preferences/Startup drive, and select the new clone as Startup volume.
    Restart, and check that all is as it should be (there is no reason that it shouldn't, but DO check).
    Once the clone has been verified for function and content, you're all done.
    A full clone of a large drive can take a while, so don't do this when you're in a rush.
    Maybe start SuperDuper! and go have dinner or something......

  • Have found multiple iTunes Library.xml files. Moved Library to new Hard Drive and it needs to be completely rebuilt?

    Hello. I have a Mac Mini operating Mac OS X 10.7.2. I recently had to move my iTunes Library to a new hard drive. I followed the directions on how to move the library and refind everything yet when I do so what comes up is a mere skeleton of what I had. I have had to hunt down my purchased Apps, Music and Movies and re-add them to the library. I also noticed in doing this I have multiple iTunes Library.xml files ... shouldn't there only be one?  If so how do I clean this up without doing any accidental damage (i.e. how do I find the one that is being used and delete the rest?)?  If I delete the others is there any risk of losing purchased content? Lastly syncing my iPads has become a nightmare as I get the "This iPad is currently synced to another iTunes library" message. Obviously something

    It's hard for me to picture the exact situation. It sounds like you still have your library file on the internal but some files on the external, and maybe some on the internal, some of which are in the library and others not...  By re-adding things after consolidating it may have made things into a hodge-podge. Yes, that article you referenced says: "iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder"with Media Folder being the emphasis.  You probably should have just moved your whole iTunes folder.  Still, moving the media folder as instructed should not have messed up the library.  Did you make the mistake of starting up iTunes before the external drive had mounted fully and it then told you it couldn't find many files?  How you proceed to sort it out will depend upon how much time you want to spend and how important things such as ratings and playcount are to you.  I have not actually used the consolidate feature across different drives myself (and don't feel inclined to do so here to test ).
    If you are in the USA you can download some previous purhcases with iCloud, but not all.
    Here's a bit on what an iTunes folder should look like:
    What are the iTunes library files? - []
    More on iTunes library files and what they do - []
    Library files with graphic and explanation of different iTunes versions -
    Once you get iTunes working off the external drive it should just put new media to the external when you add it.
    I have almost no experience with synching (I synched my neice's iPod, once, about 4 years ago).

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    You should probably disable the autosync functionality first by going to Edit -> Preferences, clicking the Devices tab, and enabilng the prevent iPods,iPhones, and iPads from automatically syncing option.
    Next, authorize the new computer with your iTunes Account.  In iTunes, choose Store -> Authorize This Computer and enter in the correct credentials.
    If possible, either copy a backup file from your old computer to your new one or create a new backup of your iPod in iTunes before letting it sync.  To do this, right->click on your iPod Touch from under the Devices section in the left hand pane of iTunes and choose Backup. You might also want to take a look at this article to see what it all included in the backup.
    Now onto synced content such as music, videos, photos, etc.  For iTunes purchases you can copy them back into iTunes by choosing File -> Transfer Purchases.  For all other nonpurchased iTunes content, see this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering different software availbable to assist you with this task.
    Once the backup has been made and all other synced content such as music, videos, and photos are back in your iTunes library, restore your iPod from that backup you made earlier.  Here is more on backing up and restoring your iPod.

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    Step 1: Buy a new Hard drive that can be installed in your MacBook Pro later, and an External enclose to place it in for now.
    The MacBook Pro before 2010 can not contain the stand-alone firmware to go to the Internet and get a fresh copy of Mac OS X and install it.
    You will need a working Recovery_HD, or to drop back to a 10.6 DVD (if it will Boot on your Mac).
    There may be a functioning Recovery_HD on your existing Boot Drive. If you were running 10.7.4 or later and Time Machine, there may be a Recovery_HD on the Time Machine Volume.
    To check:
    Hold down the Alt/Option key as you restart. This will slowly draw a gray screen and then add an Icon (over several minutes) for each potentially-bootable volume. If any Recovery_HD shows up, take it, and you will be able to get to Internet Recovery and re-download some version of Mac OS X that can be installed on a new drive.
    It is generally far quicker to set up a new drive and install Mac OS X than to struggle with only the primitive tools available only on a DVD or a Recovery_HD. Once you get any version of Mac OS X running, you can get some work done and attempt to salvage first your data, then your drive (if either will be possible).
    By NOT trying to Boot from and use the possibly-damaged drive, you improve your chances of being able to salvage some files off it, since blocks will not be over-written by running Mac OS X from it.

  • I have a G5 with a brand new hard drive,when I try and install the os I get a panic we are hanging error. What can I do to load the os

    I Get a panic we are hanging error when trying to install the os on a new hard drive on a G5

    Yes, the hard drive needs to be formatted and OS X must then be installed.
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Boot from your OS X Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    7. Quit Disk Utility and return to the installer. Proceed with the OS X installation.
    It's only a lost cause when nothing else works.

  • I got new hard driver for my MacBook I don't have the cd but I do have flash drive that has the software I need help because when I turn on my laptop it shows me a file with question mark how can I install the software from the flash driver?

    I got new hard driver for my MacBook I don't have the cd but I do have flash drive that has the software I need help because when I turn on my laptop it shows me a file with question mark how can I install the software from the flash driver?

    Hold down the Option key while you boot your Mac. Then, it should show you a selection of devices. Click your flash drive and it will boot from that.

  • Do I need a new hard drive & can I use Leopard?

    I have a PowerBook G4 17" 1.5Ghz with OS X 10.3.9 on the original 80GB hard drive, I've been getting a lot of problems with the computer acting very slowly and getting 'hung up' with the color wheel spinning endlessly, during which nothing responds, I can't force quit, the only thing I can do is force a shut by holding down the power key. Sometimes it takes a long time to start up. I've tried re-installing the OS but still the same problems. I ran the Apple Hardware Test which gave this error code "2STF/4/3:ATA-100 ata-6-MASTER".
    Does this all mean that my hard drive is going down and I need a new one?
    Can I use any size hard drive e.g. a 250GB one?
    Also - If I put a new hard drive in can I then install Leopard?
    All info received with many thanks.

    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    That code means there are problems with your hard drive. If you look at Disk utility (on your hard disk in applications/utilities) you may see that the S.M.A.R.T. status shows a problem. Or if you have SMARTreporter installed, it may not be green.
    You can certainly use up to a 160GB hard drive. There was a discussion recently suggesting a BIOS (basic input output services) limit to 160GB ... I don't know if that's real or not.
    If you do replace your hard drive, you might consider the slight price premium for a 7200rpm drive. You'll appreciate the extra snapiness in response time. And yes, you can install Leopard on it. After installing the new hard drive, boot from the DVD drive and use disk utility to format the hard drive in mac os extended (journaled) format. Then you can install Leopard.

  • I need to replace my laptop Hard drive.  How do I get my iTunes off the old hard drive to an external so I can put it back on the new hard drive?

    I need to replace my laptop Hard drive.  How do I get my iTunes off the old hard drive to an external so I can put it back on the new hard drive?

    Type move itunes library into the google serach bar.
    It has always been very basic to always maintain  abackup copy of your computer.  Do you not have a backup copy?

  • Cannot Install OS 8.1 on new hard drive, 233 G3 Powerbook

    Ok, so here's the deal.
    I have an old Powerbook G3 Wallstreet. 233 Mhz 13" screen.
    I recently ran into a problem where I booted up, and the hard drive (original 2GB) was erased. Completely reinstalled, and as soon as it rebooted after the install, the hard drive was empty again. Weird.
    So, I decide to reinstall OS8 on a new hard drive. I have an older 20 GB drive from a compaq Armada M700, which I had replaced with a newer 120 GB drive, so I used that in the Powerbook.
    Anyway, I've tried lots of things. Fully empty nonpartitioned drive, single 8GB partition by using MacDisk in windows, multiple 8GB partions, what have you. Disk Setup does not see any hard drive I place in the powerbook. I tried both the 120 and the 20 GB.
    Any suggestions? I only have a Windows machine to work with, as the G3 is my only Mac. (Well, I have a graphite iMac, but it's suffering from the screen shrinking/power down problem common to those units, so I can't really do anything with it.)

    When you have installed the OS and restarted, did you get the blinking '?' alternating with a folder? If so, try resetting the PRAM to possibly correct this issue.
    Will the Wallstreet boot to the MacOS 8.1 CD? If so, try Drive Setup on the 8.1 CD again after resetting the PRAM.
    The original Wallstreet shipped with a special OS 8.1 CD (green label) since the retail MacOS 8.1 CD will not have the necessary Powerbook G3 enabler file.
    You do not have to partition the HD, but just make sure you are have formatted as HFS Extended although HFS Standard will work. However, on a large drive like the 120GB, you will have a lot of wasted space due to the block size.
    If still having problems, install the original 2GB HD > boot to the 8.1 CD > open the utilities folder on the CD > Drive Setup and select 'zero all data' when you initialize; now run the Test Disk test and see if it passes. If it fails, zero/test one more time.

  • I have adobe CS6 on my old hard drive and i wish to transfer it over to my new hard drive. I no longer have the disc which it came on. How do I do this? also i have only ever put a single copy on a laptop and it is alowed 2........if that matters.

    I have adobe CS6 on my old hard drive and i wish to transfer it over to my new hard drive. I no longer have the disc which it came on. How do I do this? also i have only ever put a single copy on a laptop and it is alowed 2........if that matters.

    deactivate (help>deactivate) on your old hd.
    then install using the installation file(s) and your serial number.
    Downloadable installation files available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4, CS4 Web Standard | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.7.1| 5 | 4 | 3 | 2.7(win),2.7(mac)
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.
    window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • PC hard drive died and I have replaced it.  Need to import the music on my iPod, but get a message that it's synced with another library (old hard drive).  How do I import the music onto new hard drive? Senuti's just for macs.No old hard drive to copy.

    My PC hard drive died and I have replaced it.  Need to import the music on my classic iPod, but get a message that it's synced with another library (old hard drive).  How do I import the music onto the new hard drive? Senuti (one respondent's suggestion) is just for macs. I have no old hard drive to copy to the new hard drive (another respondent's suggestion.)

    See this older thread from another forum member Zevoneer on different ways to copy music from your iPod back to your PC.

  • Moving Data from old hard drive to new hard drive

    I'm posting this question in this category , I hope it's the right place.  Here's my situation and general information. I have a Toshiba L35 S2161 laptop, it's about 5 yrs old, running WinXP Service Pack 3.   just got the blue screen, wouldn't boot, tried everything and I only have the factory provided "recovery" disc that will wipe my drive and lose all my data if I use it.  I hadn't been doing regular backups, so I want to save as much if not all of my data as I can.  I don't want to spend time here going over everything I've tried (boot disc like Knoppix, etc) which didn't work, just need to get to the bottom line and make sure I'm doing the next steps correctly.
    Here's my plan:
    l.  Remove old hard drive from laptop
    2.  purchase new hard drive  - I've been told any drive will work, it doesn't have to be designed for a Toshiba.  I've been looking at best prices, etc. mainly Western Digital.  I may purchase a larger drive to at least get more memory , although I really didn't have that much on my old drive, but had a lot of apparent memory-related problems, freezes, etc.
    3.  Install new blank drive into laptop, using the Toshiba factory recovery disc to reformat the disc and get it ready to receive the data.
    4.  Insert the recovery disc into the drive, turn on the computer and HOPE that it boots it up and installs a fresh install on the new drive.  Not sure what the screen willl show at this point - I've never installed a new drive in a laptop, so will be somewhat nervous at this point to see what happens.
    5.  Assuming the new drive is recognized by the recovery disc and installs a clean version of WIN XP (I'm assuming that's what's on the recovery disc that came with my computer, because it had WIN XP pre-installed), I will now be ready to transfer data from the old drive.
    6.  This is the step I'm not sure what or how to do next.  I would like to clone my entire old drive onto the new drive but I'm afraid if I do that it might load damaged files that would mess up my new install.  I purchased a disc enclosure with a USB cable (haven't received it yet), and was going to use that somehow.  I presume I will plug it in and it will show up as an external drive and I can access that drive and transfer my priority files or data first and then try to transfer as much more as I can....
    I need further help and information about this last step...the critical data transfer method.  There are cloning kits that are plug and play and would transfer my entire system as it was before the blue screen, but again, I'm concerned about transferring everything onto a clean install and finding myself with a computer that won't boot again because it transferred a bad file.  Also, would it overwrite or interfere with the clean install on the new drive?   I'm stuck at this point....hopefully someone out there can walk me through this final step with the best option for transfer.  I'm trying to avoid purchasing pricey software like Acronis (which I looked at online and it seemed difficult to use, to figure out what to transfer). 
    My laptop is obviously out of warranty, being five years old, and I am not interested in taking it in to repair tech, I want to do this myself and I think I can with a few helpful tips.  Thanks for any help asap...

    The error message I received on the blue screen was "unmountable boot volume" which leads me to believe i have a corrupted MBR.  This fiasco happened when I turned off my computer when it was running a program (I know, bad thing to do).
    I'm waiting on a new hard drive with a 120 GB (my old drive was 80GB).  I was told not to go above 120 or I'd have partition problems. 
    The SATA drive enclosure powers up the old drive (I can hear the disc spinning) so the disc isn't dead.  If I''d have the full retail vesion of WinXP I would of course have used the recovery console, but I only had the toshiba recovery disc that came with my system.  Also, I couldn't burn a CD boot disc...didn't have access to another computer nor would a tech friend do it for me as he apparently made a disc for someone and their system crashed so I had no choice but to buy a new drive and try to transfer the data via the SATA external drive/usb cable.
    My big question now is:  Will the Toshiba recovery disc actually reformat my new drive?  Someone on another forum with a Toshiba laptop had purchased a new drive, used the recovery disc and the cd just went into a constant loop and never went into a full install.  I'm thinking that maybe on a new drive there isn't enough knowledge base there for the recovery disc to install and reformat a new disc.  That would be a bummer because then I'd have no choice but to purchase a retail version of WinXP which I was hoping not to have to do.  Thats' getting into some $$ when added to all the other thing I've tried to get this laptop up and running .  (A Knoppix live CD boot disc didn't work either).
    I don't know what service pack was on the old disc...possibly SP2, but if it was only SP1, I fear it's not going to have the ability to format a new disc.  The disc does have drivers, etc. but the question is, are they able to install the OS.  I was running XP3 when it crashed, so I know i would have to download that again.  I just want to get the darned system back up and running with my new drive and restore disc.  IF I can do that, then I'll try to transfer the data from the old drive via the external drive enclosure.
    I also decided against the clone....I was afraid I'd be cloning a bad disc or errors onto a new drive, and didnt' want to stress a possibly wonky drive even more than it possibly is. 
    So, that's where I'm at now!  Thanks so much for any further insight into this....something tells me the recovery disc isn't going to format my new drive but fingers crossed...more thoughts/feedback appreciated!

  • I got a flashing folder with a question mark. I got a new hard drive and upgraded to 4 gigs and can't open anything or reload the operating system? Help?

    I got a flashing folder with a question mark. I got a new hard drive and upgraded to 4 gigs and can't open anything or reload the operating system? Help? FYI: I have been using boot camp with windows 7 and started getting a kernal_data_Page_error and it would reboot windows, i was trying to do a chkdsk on the next reboot, but thats when i started getting this issue. I have put in a new hard drive and went from 2 gigs to 4. I can not get the computer to do anything, even the monitor does not show anything now????

    Prep your new drive:
    Drive Preparation
    1. Boot from your OS X Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID (for Intel Macs) or APM (for PPC Macs,) then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    After formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer. Install OS X.

  • Playlists Missing After Install New Hard Drive and Upgrade to Win 7

    My computer needed a new hard drive and I upgraded from Win Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Home Premium.
    I am trying to get my Playlists back for my iTunes in my "Administrator" user account, after reinstalling iTunes and putting my music libraries back onto my computer.
    (I had installed 32-bit Win7 OS myself, computer worked OK for about 1 day, then would not boot up; I took computer to shop, they said I needed new Hard Drive, and I gave them my new Win7 OS computer disks)
    I am confused over whether I have 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS. They recommended installing 32-bit OS, I agreed, and believed that I had 32-bit OS installed; however, Computer / System Properties state "System type: 64-bit Operating System"
    Prior to my installing Win7, I backed up the following onto my Western Digital "My Passport Essential Portable Hard Drive:"
    ("My Administrative Account"): Users / Owner / My Music
    ("My User Account"): Users / Yank / My Music
    My "Administrative" and "User" user accounts contain different songs in iTunes.
    If helpful, I could describe what is in each of these 2 backed-up music folders.
    To get started, I copied both my "Owner" and "Yank" user folders in the C: User folder; however now I have "Owner," "Yank," and "Yank.Owner-Toshiba" folders in the C: User folder. I think I did this by creating a new Yank user account by creating a new account, not by my copying a folder into C: User folder. The Owner folder has a picture of a lock on the folder icon.
    Because I had trouble merging My Music folders in the Owner folder, and I was confused, I copied everything that was in the Owner folder into a new folder in the Owner folder, "NEW OWNER FOLDER." I also copied my Owner Music folder into several places in my Users / Owner folder.
    I also ended up changing the "iTunes Media folder location" several times, using iTunes "Edit / Preferences / Advanced tab / change "iTunes Media folder location". When I chose "Reset," it shows "C:\Users\Owner\NEW OWNER FOLDER\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media"
    I've also played around with "Edit / Preferences / Advanced tab / 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized' "
    When I open my iTunes, I have no playlists.
    However, when I went to my "Yank" user account and opened iTunes for the first time, the playlists associated with that account were visible.
    How do I get my playlists back on my Administrative Account, which is my main song collection and had many, many playlists?
    Thank you.

    I didn't try shift-start of iTunes, but I DID GET MY PLAYLISTS BACK BY FOLLOWING YOUR OTHER ADVICE:
    I went to my external hard drive, went to my backup at Users / Owner / My Music / iTunes / and searched for library.itl
    Four files with that name were found, with different dates.
    I chose the most recent, dated just a few days before I made my backup to the external hard drive.
    I copied it to my computer's hard drive into the following location:
    C:\Users\Owner\NEW OWNER FOLDER\Music\iTunes
    which overwrote the file which was located there.
    CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW DISAPPOINTED I FELT WHEN I BELIEVED THAT I HAD LOST ALL OF THE PLAYLISTS WHICH I HAD CREATED OVER THE YEARS? Many of my playlists were composed of whole albums whose songs I had added to iTunes.

Maybe you are looking for