New iOS 7, iTunes Radio or Pandora Problem

Before the new iOS 7 update, when I came into work each morning, I played Pandora and it worked fine.  I did the iOS update on my iPhone 4S and iPad 2.  Music played fine on both at home.
At work, it played one song in iTunes Radio.  After that it endlessly shuffles and never stops on a song.  This happens on both my iPhone and iPad.  Also, now Pandora won't play more than one song before it refuses to play music.
I suspect there is something in the new iOS that is conflicting with something on my office's security or server?  Before I harass my IT guy, I was wondering if anyone had an answer.

It is not just Pandora.  It happens for the new iTunes Radio, too. 
I am no IT expert, but I had my office's IT guy turn something off in our security system and the music played fine.  We can't leave it off because it would put us at risk.  However, we are switching some hardware in our security system anyway, and he feels that will solve the problem.
That said, it is clearly a conflict with the iOS, since it never happened before.  I would bet that Apple will not admit to any issues, but will quietly fix it.  For now, I am playing music at work on my data plan.  It is a bit of a hog of data, but for a few weeks, I can live with it.

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    Online (US):
    Online (UK):
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    Apple's price is $19.99, £14.00, €18.

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    PogoPossum wrote:
    Newstand really isn't an app - it's a folder to contain select apps (which is why you can't move Newstand into another folder). It works fine for what Apple wants it to do... their search would naturally take you to iTunes, because that's where the apps that go into Newstand can be found.
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