I really hate youtube new app i want to downgrade to ios 5 but i think is not possible or at least a way to get the old youtube app that came with the iphone because i hate adds and videos know take longer to load than before

There is no YouTube application as part of iOS 6. If you don't like Google's YouTube application, you should let them know. There are quite a number of apps for viewing YouTube videos available in the App Store. Perhaps another one would suit you better.

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    To the best of my knowledge, you can not do what you want with either the iPad 2 or the new iPad 3.  If it could be done, you would need an App to manage it.
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    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after the iPad shuts down, then press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds).

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    You need to leave the YouTube app first. Once you're on your home screen, double tap the home button. The multitasking menu will come up. press down on an app for two seconds. Then hit the red - to kill the app. Your YouTube will work normally now.

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    YouTube has been eliminated in IOS 6. You can download the new iPad YouTube app for free in the App Store.
    Check Settings>General>Restrictions and see if you restricted the other apps, as they cannot be deleted.
    Swipe from screen to screen to look for them as well.
    You can also reset the home screen layout and the icon will reappear - but the home screen will return to the way that it looked when you first activated your iPad.
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset Home Screen Layout.
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    As far as I know the Toshiba Controls were tested and designed only for Microsoft Media Player and WinDVD. How this topic says:
    I dont have any experience with WinAmp but I found useful info in this forum about this theme:
    Check this.

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    Not built-in with iOS 6 no. You will either need to try one of the YouTube apps from the store (there is an iPhone optimised app from google, and other people have said that they are working on an iPad version), or try accessing the mobile version via Safari : (you can create a home screen shortcut for the site)

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    No YouTube licence has expired, so it will not be 1st party app anymore..
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    Open the Camera app. Swipe the screen up or down to change the mode.

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    No more posts from you then.

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