New MacPro  with Nehalem 2.93 Quad core

Has anyone used this with FCP? I'm just interested to learn what improvement in rendering and real time performance will be compared to my 2007 Dual 2.66G MacPro. Any advice welcome.
Thanks in advance,
Geoff has some pretty interesting tests.
also remember that the video card is a critical factor. Many are purchasing the ATI 4870 to improve FXPlug performance.

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    GTX 570 2.5GB VRAM $320 from MacVidCards is one way to go, even GTX 680 (but that does require 10.8.x)
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    Yes, they are all backward-compatible.
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    Seems to me that your hard drive is gonna fail soon, trying running hard drive diagnostics from the BIOS.
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    Tom H

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    any thoughts?
    thanks in advance.

    yeah, short term test deems keeping both cards in.
    So, here are the results: Notes: I have 2 monitors, an Apple 30" and Apple 23". The 30" can only be used in the dual link dvi port and NOT the Mini Display port. Second: The ATI 4870 seems to have an issue with the Mini Display port, it does not work, alone or in tandem with the dual link dvi port being used. Apple is replacing the card (heretofore, I had no cause to use the Mini Display port on the 4870 at all) Third: Only Photoshop CS4 extended was used to see if the card was detected and if it had enabled Open GL
    ATI 4870 - dual link used, Mini Display NOT used: Photoshop sees the card and enables Open GL
    ATI 4870 - dual link used, MIni Display used: didn't test because Mini Display port did not work.
    ATI 4870 - dual link NOT used, Mini Display used: didn't test because Mini Display port did not work
    Nvidia GT120 - dual link used, Mini Display NOT used: Photoshop sees the card and enables Open GL
    Nvidia GT120 - dual link used, Mini Display used: Photoshop does not see the card and thus Open GL is NOT enabled.
    Nvidia GT120 - dual link NOT used, Mini Display used: Photoshop does see the card and Open GL is enabled
    ATI 4870 Dual link used,  Nvidia GT120 Mini Display used: Photoshop does not see a card and Open GL is NOT enabled.
    ATI 4870 Mini Display used, Nvidia GT120 dual link used: did not test because ATI Mini Display port did not work

  • No increase in speed with parallel processing on quad-core

    I'm using the NI Vision vi "IMAQ correct calibrated image" on quite a large image.  This takes about 0,09 seconds to complete, and only uses 1 core of my computer.  (25% cpu time)   I always need to correct two images, so I made two parallel execution lines, expecting that I would get 50% cpu usage (i.e. two cpu's used), and still 0,09 seconds to complete.
    However, it takes 0,18 seconds to complete, with 25% cpu usage.  It seems the code is not executing in parallel...
    I checked the Vision vi, and it's simply a wrapper to a DLL call.   I think I remember hearing once that dll calls are single-threaded...   Is that the reason why I don't see any increase in speed?   Is there a way around this?  
    Thanks in advance.

    This is no good news then.
    But maybe you can introduce parallelism on your own?
    Depending on the algorithm, you are using, you CAN split up the image on your own and make calls on the algorithm for each fraction and then put the (altered) fractions together to a new image again. I have not tried something like this, so in the worst case, it does even slow things down.
    Nevertheless, if the image is large enough (so "split up" and "merging" overhead is negligible) AND the DLL itself can be called parallel (not sure if this works), you could possibly see some performance increase...
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

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    software. If there is a way, exactly how do I do it? I am new to Mac and cannot seem to make anything work.
    Thank you,

    Install Windows either with BootCamp or virtualization software
    Otherwise a Mac is not able to run Windows software

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    I couldn't find Lion requirements. Sorry to post the question.
    In About this Mac it also says:
    1.33 bus speed
    8 GB RAM
    1.5 TB hard drive
    Currently on OSX 10.6.8

    Lion Specs:

  • Two display problems with my new MacPro! :/

    I recently bought a new MacPro to replace my PowerPC, and am having some odd video problems I did not have with the old computer (yes, using same display). Here's some quick stats I think are important.
    1. 30 inch Apple HD display (used on both computers.)
    2. Old video card = Radeon X1900 - NEW video card = Geforce 8800 GT (came factory installed)
    3. Old OS = 10.4.11 Tiger New OS = Leopard (with all current updates. Also factory installed)
    4. Quicktime Pro on both systems fully updated
    5. Both Machines had all updates installed at the time of this problem (which is since i got the new machine)
    Here's the two problems...(btw NEITHER of these happen when the display is hooked up to the old computer. only the new MacPro with a different video card and OS)
    1.) When I play back video (sometimes in FCP (all types of files), sometimes in QT (.mov), and sometimes even on youtube and vimeo (so those are .flv files!) only SOMETIMES do I get these odd vertical refresh-looking lines. It makes the video somewhat flicker and you can see them crawl upwards kind of. The odd thing tho, is if I play that art of the video over and over, at times it will happen, and at other times it will not. same file, same part. I also noticed it does NOT stay on the file when exported from FCP and burned to DVD, so I'm thinking it is purely playback.
    2.) Some files when played back in quicktime will get extremely choppy. (Locally played files). I will then click the desktop to make finder the front most selected program...and the files will then play smooth. if I select the QT window again, it will get choppy and flicker again.
    I feel like I have a refresh rate problem, or maybe even a driver problem. The thing is, of course the drivers are not updated outside of auto updates, and I have installed everything available there.
    When I open up my display settings, the refresh rate box is grayed changing the rate isn't possible. Also, with my old computer/video card, I had an ATI control panel...the geforce does not have one...only the build in OSX display control panel.
    Has anyone heard of this? I have posted in a few different places, and have received absolutely no replies. It's really frustrating, and sitting on the phone for hours with apple support to have them say "never heard of that problem" or have me lug the **** thing into a apple store and be without my computer and unable to work doesn't sound fun either.
    it's not stopping me from doing's just annoying and frustrating cause I can't make it stop. I'm thinking it might be a problem with the leopard drivers that hasn't been addressed yet? I dunno.
    Any suggestions?
    thanks in advance,

    UPDATE ::
    In reading an old solution on how to get rid of the dancing pixels I get every once in a long while on this display, I downloaded SwitchResX and am using the demo to test and see if switching the refresh rate to 58khz will help in the line problem...and lo and kinda does. it is now only noticeable on fast moving action when put into full screen mode.
    The QT flicker problem has NOT gone away...but I'm expecting that the horizontal lines running vertical are a refresh rate problem as I had thought.
    My question, anyone know if apple is aware/working on this?
    Also, why is the refresh rate not changeable with the 20 inch HD display settings in the display control panel??
    I'd much rather use OSX to control my display than a 3rd party application! :/

  • Finder eating 50%+ CPU on Quad-Core MacBook Pro?!

    Ever since I installed Lion on my new MacBook Pro, I've occasionally found Finder eating 50% or more of my CPU time in Activity Monitor,
    When this happens Finder is usually in thumbnail view arranged by date modified or created.
    Anyone know a fix for this?

    I had it too, that AppleFileServer Process killed ths server with high CPU load!!
    in my case was the problem in the SCSI chain ore the combination of ATTO UL5D PCIe SCSI + MacPro +RAID
    the hardware it was involved:
    MacPro 2 x 2.8GHz Quad-core Intel Xeon with 8GB RAM installed. all the Share are stored on a RAID Level 6 connected over an ATTO UL5D PCIe SCSI card.
    since I'm build the shares on a internal 3TB striped volume, I haven't any crashes
    in this forum :

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