New Quicktime error in SL

I just upgraded my hard drive and so installed Snow Leopard from scratch instead of as an upgrade. Whereas before when I was running SL as an upgrade to 10.5, I had no problems running Quicktime. Not so anymore.
With fresh install of SL but applications from old mac transfered to this one via time machine, I get the following Quicktime error ONLY WHEN I LAUNCH SOME OF MY HOME MOVIES (i.e., not with downloaded video files):
You can't use this version of the application Quicktime with this version of Mac OS X.
You have Quicktime 7.6.
The weird thing is when I launch other movie files, it is Quicktime Player 10 that launches. What is up with this? My Applications folder only shows one copy of Quicktime!

Install QuickTime Player version 7.6.3 from the Snow Leopard DVD Optional Installs package.

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    I wanted to install the new Quicktime but than it came an error. I started iTunes but it came just:
    QuickTime failed to initialize (error -2095)
    QuickTime is required to run iTunes. Please uninstall iTunes, then install iTunes again.
    but I don't wanna uninstall it. Will be my Database be away?
    Can somebody help me please?!
    Thanks forward.

    Hey Jack- Where did you find QuicTime 7.7 for Windows download?  I can't find v7.7, all Apple website links lead me to QT 7.6.9 as I noted here:

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    The cabinet file ""required is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, and error reading from the CD Rom or a problem with this package.
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    After comprehensive net search I resolved the problem by downloading itunes/quicktime in IE. I had been using mozilla and it was a simple as this!

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    OK since we are talking about 2 PC's, We'll tackle hte one with Quicktime issues now, then tackle the ipod issue later using one of the PCs.
    Now on the PC with quicktime issues, goto control panel>add & remove and uninstall iTUnes AND quicktime. Then disable antivirus and any security programs and download the latest iTunes from and install it. If during the install you get any error messages post the error here.
    Once this is done we'll decide which PC you mainly use with the iPod and fix it

  • Quicktime error -2048 when trying to files.

    I have been frustrated this weekend trying to find a solution to a problem that has only recently occurred accessing some digitised VCR tapes that had been archived on an external HDD. These are files that played back fine on my Quicksilver after I had recorded them, but now give a "Movie Not Available" message in Quicktime. However when opened in VLC I get a debug message box with the following information posted below. Any clues as to what might be the problem?
    I recorded the files from my VCR using an ADVC-100 DA converter over firewire into BTV Pro which created .mov files (DV-PAL). When I try to open the files in BTV Pro, I get a message box "There was an error opening the movie. No Movie found. Error code 20,-2048" Did a search for this error and -2048 appears to be a Quicktime error, so am wondering if there is a problem with my installation of Quicktime. I have got all the usual suspects in stalled, Flip4Mac, Perian, VLC. Mpeg Streamclip but can't get the file to open. The external HDD is Mac formatted but I found some info about problems with missing resource forks in older .mov files causing problems if copied to NTFS HDD's.
    Any ideas as to where to look next will be appreciated.
    +main debug: CPU has capabilities AltiVec FPU+
    +main debug: looking for memcpy module: 2 candidates+
    +main debug: using memcpy module "memcpyaltivec"+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26421248 (Interaction control) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interaction.c:382)+
    +main debug: Creating an input for 'Media Library'+
    +main debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options+
    +main debug: `file/xspf-open:///Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: creating access 'file' path='/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates+
    +access_file debug: opening file `/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: using access module "access_file"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 26.549 ms - Total 26.549 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 26.549 ms)+
    +main debug: Using AStream*Stream+
    +main debug: pre-buffering...+
    +main debug: received first data for our buffer+
    +main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate+
    +playlist debug: using XSPF playlist reader+
    +main debug: using demux module "playlist"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 19.485 ms - Total 19.485 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 19.485 ms)+
    +main debug: `file/xspf-open:///Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf' successfully opened+
    +main debug: looking for xml module: 2 candidates+
    +main debug: using xml module "xml"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 99.281 ms - Total 99.281 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 99.281 ms)+
    +playlist debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully+
    +main debug: removing module "xml"+
    +main debug: EOF reached+
    +main debug: control type=1+
    +main debug: removing module "playlist"+
    +main debug: removing module "access_file"+
    +main debug: TIMER input launching for 'Media Library' : 71.406 ms - Total 71.406 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 71.406 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: thread 25213440 (preparser) created at priority 0 (../../src/playlist/thread.c:79)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: thread 26413056 (fetcher) created at priority 0 (../../src/playlist/thread.c:108)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist+
    +main debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1+
    +main debug: thread 26417152 (playlist) created at priority 0 (../../src/playlist/thread.c:117)+
    +main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate+
    +main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 48.316 ms - Total 48.316 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 48.316 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 25212416 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)+
    +main debug: looking for interface module: 17 candidates+
    +main debug: using interface module "signals"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 34.354 ms - Total 34.354 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 34.354 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26470400 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)+
    +main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.+
    +main debug: looking for interface module: 4 candidates+
    +main debug: using interface module "macosx"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 511.368 ms - Total 511.368 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 511.368 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26482176 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:148)+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+
    +main debug: adding item `' ( /Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/ )+
    +main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist+
    +main debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1+
    +main debug: starting new item+
    +main debug: processing request item node Playlist skip 0+
    +main debug: resyncing on
    +main debug: is at 0+
    +main debug: creating new input thread+
    +main debug: Creating an input for ''+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26771456 (input) created at priority 22 (../../src/input/input.c:370)+
    +main debug: `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/' gives access `' demux `' path `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +main debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+
    +macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface+
    +macosx debug: notification received in VLC with name VLCOSXGUIInit and object VLCEyeTVSupport+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1288.828 ms - Total 1288.828 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1288.828 ms)+
    +main debug: creating access '' path='/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +main debug: looking for access module: 8 candidates+
    +vcd debug: trying .cue file: /Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.cue+
    +vcd debug: could not find .cue file+
    +access_file debug: opening file `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +main debug: using access module "access_file"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 110.747 ms - Total 110.747 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 110.747 ms)+
    +main debug: Using AStream*Stream+
    +main debug: pre-buffering...+
    +main debug: received first data for our buffer+
    +main debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 9031 kbytes/s+
    +main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +main debug: looking for demux module: 59 candidates+
    +mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 32+
    +mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"+
    +mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 18891508192+
    +mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"+
    +mp4 debug: dumping root Box "root"+
    +mp4 debug: | + mdat size 32+
    +mp4 debug: | + mdat size 1711639008+
    +mp4 debug: file type box missing (assuming ISO Media file)+
    +mp4 error: MP4 plugin discarded (no moov box)+
    +avformat debug: detected format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2+
    +avformat error: avopen_inputstream failed+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/lua/playlist+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC ƒ/
    +ps error: cannot peek+
    +vobsub debug: could not read vobsub IDX file+
    +dummy error: unknown command `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +subtitle debug: subtitle demux discarded+
    +main warning: no demux module matching "mp4" could be loaded+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1954.294 ms - Total 1954.294 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1954.294 ms)+
    +main error: no suitable demux module for `/:///Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/'+
    +main debug: finished input+
    +main debug: dying input+
    +main debug: removing module "access_file"+
    +main debug: thread ended+
    +macosx debug: input has stopped, refreshing interface+
    +macosx debug: addition to non-blocking error panel received+
    +main debug: dead input+
    +main debug: thread 26771456 joined (../../src/playlist/engine.c:244)+
    +main debug: TIMER input launching for '' : 3573.150 ms - Total 3573.150 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3573.150 ms)+
    +main debug: starting new item+
    +main debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)+
    +main debug: nothing to play+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+

    Well it used to work fine so I think so. When I try and run the installer you linked to I get a message saying that a later version is already installed- isn't it built into the latest QT releases? One thing I thought of- the original files I think were made on a mac so there were some resource fork files of 4K size. I deleted these as I kept trying to open them by mistake, but then after this trouble I dragged them back out the trash to the original location but it didn't fix the problem- could that have caused some sort of association problem?

  • In attempt to burn blu-ray, I get QuickTime error 0.  Takes hours to export a 7 minute movie from timeline, then get notice it fails.  What's going on here?

    New problem just started 24 hours ago.  When I try to export from the time line to create a QuickTime file, a 7 minute movie on time line takes 3 hours to export and then the export fails, where as a few days ago, that export would take about 10 minutes at most.  I get the same failure notice when I try to share to blu-ray, DVD, or Vimeo.  Tried to use compressor, no such luck as compressor failed to make a .mov file.  I get QuickTime error 0 message about 5 minutes into trying to share to Blu-Ray now.   Does anyone know what is going on here?  I'm running latest update of Snow Leopard on an intel Mac Pro and the latest update to Final Cut Pro X.  I've also installed QT 7.6.6 to use in creating time lapse movie files.

    Same problem here, too. Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3 on OS 10.6.8. However, it is only doing it on ONE of my projects. A 4-second test project burned successfully.
    I'm  actually going to use iDVD to burn copies for a few people, so I only need the movie file from FCPX.
    Would someone please post best export settings for use on a DVD? In FCPX, the project is  in HD (1080p) with all media optimized to ProRes 442. I know it will have to be down-sampled to DVD resolution, but I've always been curious to know what settings will result produce the best possible quality in DVD resolution.
    Thank you!

  • New Quicktime 7.6.6 (1671) won't export WAV files

    HELP! - New Quicktime 7.6.6 (1671) won't export WAV files. I just did the automatic upgrade to the new version of Quicktime and now I can't export WAV files from a CAF file. The original .CAF file plays perfectly but when I attempt to export it the exported file is corrupted and won't play. I have another computer with the previous version of Quicktime and it exports the same file flawlessly. Anyone know what's going on with the new version? THANKS!

    +Error writing to the file: C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesMiniPlayer.Resources\nb.lproj\iTunesMiniPlayerLocalized.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory.+
    More often than not, that sort of message indicates file damage rather than a privileges issue on the file.
    If you've got Windows XP, try doing a chkdsk over your C drive, as per:
    How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    If you've got Vista, try the following procedure. Go "Start > Computer". Right-click on "Local Disk C:" and select "properties". Click the "Tools" tab. Click the "Check now" button in the "Error correction" section.
    Do the disk checks find/repair any damage? If so, does an install go through properly afterwards?

  • Compressor 2.3 - Quicktime error:0

    HI All
    This morning I wake up with this new thing.
    Im using FCP 5.1.1 and a 15minutes DV Pal sequence, already converted in the past. This morning I've tried to re-encode the sequence using DVD 90 min. High quality and I've got this new message : Quicktime error:0
    According to Apple , this erro coul appear just in HD sequences with less 1Gb ram. In my case, I've got 1.5Gb RAM and a 720x576 PAL DVcam format.
    I've done just a small test. I've esported the sequence (using export/qt/) and compressor does his job! Any idea? What I could to re-export directly from FCp?Thanks in advance!
    G5 MPP 2Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   Panasonic P2 Camera and Fcp 5.1.1 - 1tera Discs

    I am going to attempt both of those options.   In the meantime, I made an H264 version of the file for Blu Ray using a Matrox setting.

  • Failed Quicktime Error -2045

    FCP X and Compressor 4 will no longer generate a movie file when I submit it.  I cannot get a movie to generate from FCP X either.  Instead, I get an error after submitting that says Failed: QuickTime Error: -2045. 
    I have uninstall and reinstall FCP X, Compressor and Motion.  Until Saturday I was able to generate movies without a problem. 
    Does anyone know what this error means and how I can correct? 

    I found my answer for this.  Not sure if it will help everyone, but I was getting Failed with a zero code and with -2045 code.  I did the uninstall and reinstall of FCP X and Compressor to no avail.  But I also was running FX Factory from Noise Industries.  When I deleted it (have to use the Uninstall Button on their menu and not just drag it to trash bin) then my error went away. It seems that one of the filters it put in added an invalid plug in to Quicktime and that was causing the error.
    The Apple help guy had me create a new user account and run the same routine there.  Since I had no error on the new user, the logic was that it was a plug in issue for my main account.  So once I uninstalled the FX Factory app and its plug ins, then I was back in business.  I am going to try to reinstall FX Factory later to see if I can get my Phyx filters back, but at least I am transcoding movie files again.

  • Itunes + quicktime error message - service 'ipod service' (ipod service) fa

    Help! Got new iPod Nano for Christmas and I STILL cannot get it to show up in iTunes - it has showed up in my device manager - with an over the icon - "The drivers for this device are not installed (code 28) To reinstall the drivers for this device, click Reinstall Drivers. - Then another error - Wizard cannot find the software to instal -(my iPod did not come with a disk!!!) I have done the "R's" several times! Downloaded and installed and uninstalled several x's from iTunes. Changed USB locations - I have three to choose from. Now - I am 'repairing' the latest installation from iTunes and I get this "itunes + quicktime error message - service 'ipod service' (ipod service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services". Any ideas??? I'm not a computer genious....but I'm not a complete newbie, either! I am so FRUSTRATED!!!! This should be that difficult - I added additional RAM and it was a breeze and successful! This is just ridiculous! Any one have any other ideas???? I have read so much - even emptied the battery and recharged!!! HELP! Please! I just wanna hear some music!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Thanks - I got it to install by going into 'run' to get to permissions, etc. So that seems OK - but my computer is still not acknowledging iPod software and for some reason iTunes is now showing 'the URL could not be opened' when I go into Help for iPod. It's still not showing up in Itunes, either

  • Quicktime error 2093 windows xp need help

    can not unload quciktime or get to load new quicktime can not run on windows xp I get error code 2093.
    went to open the quicktime exe folder and running as me do not see how to over ride or check adminiatrator box

    Can you check something for me please? (This isn't a cure in itself but may give us a heads-up as to the source of the problem.)
    Create a new Windows User account with full administrative rights. Log out of your normal account and log into the new account. (Don't use Fast User switching to move between accounts.)
    In the new user account, try opening the QuickTime Player. Do you still get a 2093 in there? Or does it launch properly for you?

  • QuickTime Error: -120

    Haven't seen this error in the searches (QuickTime Error: -120), but got it this morning trying to export an H.264 video from FCS. Using QT 7.3 and FCS 1. Compressor fails after submitting the batch...the cluster is This Computer. Haven't done any upgrades recently. It worked on Friday.
    Any thoughts?

    Thanks for the updated posts... the old thread fixed my problem. I don't know where this error -120 is coming from because I had already compressed this material yesterday, I just made some tweaks to the project and was compressing the new version. It's mysterious, but the Reset Background Processing cured my ills.

  • Quicktime error stops video recording

    I am receiving a Quicktime Error:
    "recording stopped because the maximum duration for the file has been reached" Try continuing recording in a new file.
    Then it shuts the camcorder off.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    I am also having this same issue. I get the error in Quicktime Pro: "Recording stopped because the maximum duration for the file has been reached. Try continuing recording in a new file."
    I called Apple support and they were not able to help but in talking with them I figured out what might be the problem. Often there are some breaks in the data being transmitted across firewire because there was a drop out in the tape. I believe that this is the problem because I would keep getting the error in the same part of the tape. There is no timecode break so if I capture in Final Cut Pro, I get two files instead of one but I at least can record the whole thing without stopping. The reason I want to use Quicktime is to record at a smaller screen size.
    My work around is buy better tapes! Or to play the video past the problem area (this may mean losing some video) and start a new recording. Alternatively, use final cut pro to do your recording. If you use iMovie and want to adjust the volume, you may need to use a mixer and a digital converter box to do it all in one shot. Doing it this way you may lose some video quality as well.
    Good luck everyone. I hope this helps.

  • Export To YouTube - Quicktime Error -50

    While I have exported this project for YouTube via Share, I had to make some additional edits = Re-shooting two smalls pieces of footage. Now when I try to export via the Share option in FCP-7, somewhere in the conversion, the exporting stops and I get the following Quicktime Error:
    Share Failure
    Quicktime Error -50
    The YouTube conversion stops at that point. I did upgrade to 10.6.8. I have never come across this error before. Anyone have an idea what is going on??

    Thanks!! As it turns out, after reading many comments on the Creative Cow, I tried a couple things first before trying your suggestion (which was also recommended on the Creative Cow site). Since I had just updated to 10.6.8 I repaired permissions. I also checked all the clips in the sequence since I did a lot of coping and pasting. Turns out the two new clips I added i accidently pasted some filters two or three times. After deleting the duplicate filers, the was able to export just fine. I suspect the added filters caused the issue with Quicktime.
    Thanks again for your help!!

  • The Share Operation has failed: QuickTime Error: -50

    I just updated to FCP X 10.0.8 and all of the sudden I am getting share errors when I attempt to export.  I have tried sharing to youtube and sharing for apple devices at 1280px X 720px using H.264 codec.  Each time I get a quicktime error: -50.
    I am editing on a Mac Mini 2.7 GHZ Intel i7.  8GB memmory OS 10.8.3.  The video files are AVCHD 1920x1080 24fps and live on an external 6 tb GTech Raid external hard drive.
    So far, I have tried deleting both my project file's render files and event render files.  I have copied the project to a new project and re-rendered.  Each time, I am seeing that several tiny little segments are showing as un-rendered (orange bars above clip on timeline).   I'm guessing that this might have something to do with the error?
    I am not using any images and the music I am using is an AIFF file.  I re-timed some of the clips for slow motion.
    When I try to share as "export file" > Video and Audio > Apple Pro Res 422 at 1920 x 1080 I get "The share operation Export File has failed" The operation could not be completed because an error occurred when creating frame 1403 (error - 1).  But I'm not sure how to view frame numbers.
    Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

    I've tried deleting all the render files several times and it doesn't work. 
    Interestingly enough, when I copy the bad clips individually to a new project and then export them, they export just fine.  They do not have the weird orange render bars. 
    Check out this link to see a screenshot of my timeline.
    I'm not sure if my clips are optimized.  My import preferences have the "create optimized media" checkbox checked, but when I actually imported the files, I did not check the "create optimized media" checkbox.  Although, on my hard drive there is a folder for transcoded media > high quality media and it has some clips in there, including the bad clips.  So I guess it created optimized media?  Is there another way to tell if a clip has been optimized.
    Here is a screenshot of my preferences.
    Here are my project properties.

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