New SAP GUI Patches

a couple of new patches were posted to :
- SAP GUI for Windows 6.40 Patch 15
- SAP BW 3.5 AddOn Patch 7
- SAP GUI 6.40 - ECL Viewer Patch 2
Best regards,

Hi John,
short update: I talked to the service market place team, and unfortunately the software corner is not a standard SMP site, so the nice features you know from other pages are not available, and won't be in the near future.
I will post news about new patches here, but as mentioned this is not part of the official workflow and may not always happen, for example when I'm on vacation
Best regards,

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    Can anyone let me know what are the major updates in the SAP GUI 730.
    Any note that says this..The release note with each patch is too grainy and i cannot consolidate what are the major updates.
    We are currently on patch level 1 and SAP GUI have patch 8 released?
    Can someone kindly assist in identifying the major updates in SAP GUI 730?
    Deep Desai

    You can see in the info section what are the new notes added in that patch.
    Please see the below screenshot for your reference.
    Sudhir Sadhu

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    After upgrading MS IE to release 7.0 some HTML-Controls did not work
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    Actual Version is as folllows:
    640 Final Release
    File-Version sapfront.dll: 6405.5.18.301
    Build: 819511
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    You can download the patch from
    Click SAP Support portal, enter creditials,  now click downloads,  SAP SUpport Packages,  from the left, click Entry by Application Group,  now on the right,  SAP Frontend Components,  Now click SAP GUI for Windows, SAP Gui For Windows 6.40,  again SAP Gui for windows 6.40,  Win32.   Now in the table below you need to download the following.
    First run the setup patch, then the gui patch.
    Rich Heilman

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    Hi Martin
    Thanks for answering my queries.
    Reason for going back to patch 5 is to maintain all client of production system at one level.
    Certainly using higer patch level will also includes all functionalities of lower level.
    But, did someone try to load patch 5 on patch 7, does it work?
    Becoz, I am in production, so not in very good position to take this risk.
    What you ppl say?
    There should be some way to restore your GUI to back date, is it!, like one we do to restore our windows machine.

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    Yes, Rolf is right.
    For every patch run there is a sapsetup<n>.log.
    Look at the file timestamp for the sequence.
    But what you see is a very indirect clue what you have installed.
    You see a very verbose installation protocol which is obviously targeted to developers of SAPGUI to troubleshoot installation issues...
    What they forgot to trace is the name of the patch file...
    The clues for the versions involved are texts like
      File version of source file is: 6405.5.24.1016
      File version of target file is: 6405.5.23.1016
    In this case I have updated 6.40 GUI Patch 23 to Patch 24
    HTH, Rudi

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    Hi Laura,
    there shouldn't be very much difference. The [Sizing Guide "Front-End network requirements for SAP Business Solutions"|] doesn't mention any version dependent values.

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    How do I have to configure the client?
    Best regards

    for performing that activity in SPRO, SAP NetWeaver, SAP Web Application Server, System administration, Change & Transport System, Configure clients the following parameter must be set as follows:
    - Changes and Transports for Client-Specific Objects = different from No changes allowed;
    - Cross-Client Object Changes = Changes to Repository and cross-client customizing allowed;
    - Protection: Client Copier and Comparison Tool = Protection Level 0: No restriction.
    Best regards

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    We finally came up with a work around as follows:
    The issue with the SAPPhone on Windows 7 is a u201Csecurityu201D issue having UAC enabled. Windows 7 would not let SAP u201CAddu201D the SAPPhone registry key under HKLM\Software\SAP. This resulted in SAP saving the registry entries in the User section of the registry. No problem for the first/setup user but forced each additional  user to re-run the setup.
    We included a utility u201Cregini.exeu201D and a configuration file  u201Csapphone.iniu201D  to grant Local Administrators full rights to the SAPPhone registry key structure. This will allow the keys to be created in the common section of the registry available to all users on the workstation.
    We have a Customer Message open on this as well.  Microsoft does not recommend deactiviating UAC so once again Microsoft and SAP are not the same sheet of music.  We hope SAP will come out with a long term solution other than deactivationg UAC.

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    Latest is SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 patch 8
    > Software Downloads
    > Installations and Upgrade
    > Browse our Download Catalog
    > SAP Frontend Components
    > Installation
    > gui720_8-10007878.exe SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 patch 8
    The NetWeaver 7.x BW/BI Front-End Patch Delivery Schedule can be checked
    via note 1085218.

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    yes I have done it on our company for years.
    once new released or new patch of SAPGUI is launched, I will ask my SAP Functional, ABAP and BASIS mates to try it for a month with various report and transaction variation for standard and Z-tcodes, for dialog and background processing, printing, and export and import data.
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    hope it help you.
    Alfonsus Guritno

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    Has anyone seen this issue before and know how to fix it?

    Another classic SAP problem where the solution involves patting your head while simultaneously scratching your nuts and jumping up and down.
    Follow these steps:
    1. open SAP Login Pad.
    2. open up a client and click on the 'Customise Local Layout' icon (Alt + F12).
    3. Select 'Options...'
    4. Select the ironically named 'Enjoy Theme'.
    5. Click 'Apply'
    6. Click on 'Ok' and close the client windows and the SAP Logon Pad. Note: you must close restart the SAP Login Pad for the them changes to take effect.
    7. open the SAP Login Pad.
    8. open up a client and click on the 'Customise Local Layout' icon (Alt + F12).
    9. Select 'Options...'
    10. click on 'Colors in System'
    11. select your favourite colour and click on 'Apply'.
    12. click on 'Ok'.
    If this post can stop even one person from going insane it will have been worth it.

  • SAP GUI 7.20 Security Rules - How to 'Always Allow' Everything?

    The SAP GUI 7.20 comes with a list of security rules.
    What is the best way to allow all access so that user's wont get any security prompts?

    @Sven, section 2.5 refers to 'Central Repository for Security Configuration'. Like Michael, I have a large number of users and we package and distribute software using non-SAP software. We can't have a central repository that all users can connect to so the 'Location' registry entry wouldn't work for us.
    > Under the SAP GUI Configuration / Security / Security Settings you can change the default of "Customized" to Disabled.
    Do you mean 'Default Action = Allow'? Mine is set to that, but I still get pop-up prompts.
    Would setting 'SecurityLevel = 0' result in the SAP GUI have the required result?
    I realise that this process would need to be followed:
    - Administrator should install a new version of the SAP GUI 7.20 onto a PC
    - Administrator should edit the registry values using the rule editor in the 'Security' node of the SAP GUI options dialogue
    - A saprules.xml file will then be generated
    - The saprules.xml file should then be copied from the %APPDATA%\SAP\Common folder to the location specified in the registry value 'Location' (maybe make Location a folder on the PC? and put the saprules.xml file into there?)
    - The saprules.xml file in the location specified in the registry value 'Location' will not be overwritten by SAP GUI patches or new installations, however it may need to be updated to include new features
    - Registry values are stored in different places for 32 bit and 64 bit PC's

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    I want to run SAP GUI logon systems in another laptop. After installing a new SAP GUI client. Instead of re-add the logon system properties, is that a way I can export and import from another laptop? Say I have 10 logon system properties (some with application server and some with logon groups), how do I pick the 8 of 10, and export to another SAP GUI in another laptop?

    Hello Kent,
    for SAP GUI for Windows 6.20 or 6.40, please have a look at [SAP note 512040|], for SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 refer to [SAP note 1035560|] and for SAP GUI for Java please read chapter 7 of the manual included in the SAP GUI for Java installation.
    Best regards

  • SAP Gui 730 issue with crobu theme

    Hello Frineds, Our developer team is facing some strange issue. They are able using corbu theme in SAP GUI 720. but after the new SAP GUI 730 implementaion, they are not able to use this theme. Checked all the notes etc, but its not clear on themes part.  Any one faced this kind of issue or any suggestions. Thanks in advance. Regards Munish

    Hi Munish,
    Can you raise this in ABAP community ?
    Also, to help you further can you drill down to some more relevant information ?
    As far as one can understand, it's a rendering problem with SAP GUI 730.
    This can also be compatibility issue with your kernel and application.
    I would suggested you to check all above options.

  • SAP GUI 710 installation with BW 3.5 addon - BW Browser has disappeared

    Dear all,
    I hope someone can help with a BW 3.50 add-on problem following SAP GUI patching.
    I'm doing a local installation of SAP GUI 710 Compilation 3.
    I have selected the following three options:
    1. SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 (Compilation 3)
    2. BW 3.50 Add-On for SAP GUI 7.10
    3. Business Explorer
    (We require both BW add-ons for version reasons.)
    Following this I have applied the SAP GUI Level 13 Patch (gui710_13-10002995.exe).
    Up to this point, everything works as expected and I can still see the BW Browser at Start --> Programs --> Business Explorer --> Business Explorer (SAP BW 3.x) --> Browser (SAP BW 3.x)
    However, when I apply the BW 3.50 Add-On Level 6 Patch (bw350gui710_6-10004473.exe) the Browser disappears from the menu and I can't locate it anywhere. A reboot wasn't required although I did this anyway with no visible effect.
    I did try uninstalling everything and attempted the same process, but with SAP GUI Patch Level 12, and combinations with BW 3.50 Add-On Patch Level 4 but with the same result.
    Has anyone else come across this issue, or know what has happened?

    We have a similar setup, utilizing all 3 as you do.
    Since we are currently at Browser patch 4, eventually headed to patch 6, I threw your situation into our VM enviroment and tested the installation of Browser patch 6.  Interesting enough, a clean install of Windows XP, Office 2003, and then GUI 7.10 with patch 13 and Browser 3.5 sp4 works as normal.  Once I applied SP6 for the Browser, I still have the icon under the Start menu but the wdbbapp.exe is gone. 
    Thanks to the VM test enviroment, I was able to recreate the scenario in a few moments and this time prior to installing the patch 6 for the Browser, I set it up to catch all the changes the SAP installer makes when applying sp6.
    The installation performed the following activity:
    13 files added
    4 files deleted
    141 files updated
    363 registry entries added
    522 registry entries deleted
    129 registry entries updated
    Of the 4 files deleted, one of them is the BEx Browser (wdbbapp.exe) - which is why my shortcut won't work
    Of the 13 added, none of them are the file being replaced. 
    Of the 141 modified, none are this file either.
    I am still going through the log but have not seen anywhere it will make a difference if the file is not there.
    Again, I am not saying there is a problem, perhaps they changed the way it is accessed, I am not fully up on the process of the BEx Browser.  SAP may have something mentioned about it on their GUI/BEx site or a note, this is just my preliminary findings.

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