Newbie's DNGs are all really small

This may be a FAQ (I couldn't find an answer however) but my DNGs (which are from my Canon 20D, a supported camera) are all showing up as tiny images (256x171). If I open them in an external editor, they're still tiny.
I'm running version 1.1.1 (no change in DNG behavior from 1.1)
Any ideas?

I started DNG-ing all my NEF files when CS2 and Bridge came out. I am not certain if I will continue with that workflow or not. Converting the file to DNG doesn't make it into a universaly usable RAW as I mistakenly thought. I have been experimenting with NEF vs. compressed DNG files to see if there is a performance difference and the results are not clear on my small test batches.
For an Aperture based workflow the only advantage to a DNG file is that it can be compressed (losslessly) to about 60% of original size. It would be great for workflow reasons if this RAW to compressed DNG conversion could be done after importing to Aperture. To speed up workflow I could bypass the DNG conversion at import time and start editing my images right away; later I'd convert batches of RAW files to DNG during idle times when there is not much going on (while I'm sleeping).

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    Finder>View>Show View Options.

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    Just got the newest edition of LR, 4.4
    4.4 is not the newest edition of LR
    We don't want to know that it said "something similar", we want to know the exact wording. In fact, you ought to state the exact problem you are having, in detail, instead of saying you are having the same problem.

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