Newer Phones (specially N series such as N79 and N...

Hi to all.
I want from Nokia that to not give N Series cell phones production Licence to CHINA.
Becouse where i live, people and specially I, not buy nokia N78 & N96 becouse their origin were CHINA. however everyone knows that it is under license of nokia.
i guess in other countries should be this conditions and people dont have a good point of view to CHINA products.
I hearty reguest from NOKIA to product at least newer phones such as N79 and N85 by own (would be MADE IN FINLAND)
thanks and sorry for my bad english.
Nokia N79 4GB
SW Version: 32.001 RM-348 MEA

from your name i can see we live in same part of the world , and i know the "made in china " carries a little stigma around here.
but look at it this way, a lot of phone manufacturers are now making their phones in china, sometimes , ALL their units come from china. strange enough it's only nokia's china units we try to avoid , Why is that??? i trully can't see the difference if the same standards apply all over nokia manufacturing facilities.
sometimes, we are perfectly satisfied with the phone, but when we turn it around and read where it's made, or the fact being pointed by someone else, it suddenly feels Awkward and we can't stand the phone anymore, still can't understand why??
if it's good, if's working as it should , if you're personally happy with it, it's made in a good factory and that's it. try to enjoy it.
Fear not those who argue but those who dodge

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    Sorry to hear of your luck, the following actions need to be taken as quickly as possible.
    First, contact Verizon support, do not speak with an agent, immediately request a supervisor. Explain to them the situation (again), be sure to include the hurdles of the tickets being open and you not being contacted by the supervisor you spoke to last time as promised. Next, inform them because you did not receive the phone you will not be paying for the phone, and that you will be disputing the charges, and demand to have your contract extension date reversed as you did not receive the phone you requested as a term of extending your contract. Be sure to tell him or her that you are planning on filing in small claims court.
    He probably will not like being told all of that. If he does what you asked (reversing the contract extension, and refunding the money, or agreeing to send out a new phone of the same model) then you are good, just be sure you receive shipping confirmation.
    Odds are, you will not get what you are asking for, and the demands will fall on deaf ears. That's OK though.
    When you get the bill, immediately send via certified mail with receipt that you are disputing the charges for the phone ($199.99, $30 upgrade fee, and any applicable sales taxes and shipping  costs). This now being in dispute cannot be put on a credit report (yet).
    Finally, do not delay, file a  case for small claims court, for the full amount you paid for the phone, plus taxes and shipping fees (if applicable) plus filing fees. Make sure you keep all your documents (shipping information, etc..) organized, be sure to bring the empty box and such as well as that may be needed.
    At this point it will be up to Verizon to get any stolen material back from FedEx as you never received the goods, therefore you are not responsible.
    Good luck!

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