NI: Get to grips with Fundamental LV Shortcomings.

I am not new to software. Having done my fair share of traditional, and, for the last 15 years, OO development I have used quite a few tools and
programming languages: C, C++, Smalltalk, Java, Eiffel, C# and also written my own programming langauge. The most professional Programming
Environment I have ever seen is Eclipse (Java Programming Environment) ( which again has inherited it's  powerful ideas and tools from
Smalltalk envrioments.
I have used LabView for shorter periods in several of its incarnations.  I recently finished a fairly large Realtime Control Project  using version 8.2 and the
State Diagram Toolkit. (see this thread:
LabView is a very powerful environment, but like most environments it has its shortcomings. And now we are getting closer to what this thread is all about:
** Navigating Source Code ** (Search & Replace  / Find References to objects / Instances)
Fundamental Search
The problem is: Many of these issues are ** fundamental ** and easy to fix, but nothing seems to be done about them! I recently upgraded to version 8.5,
and expected the ** fundamental ** lack of the ability to search for references to my Shared Variables to be fixed. But I was terribly dissapointed, and to be
If a developer cannot Navigate his / hers code, she / he is not in controll of the developed software!
I have never before seen a programming enviroment that has no feature whatsoever to find References to Variables used in a Program! Unnecssary to say,
this is an absolutley fundamental tool for any programmer: In text based languages you of course have text bases searches, which are crude, but it does the
job. In Eclipse you can even search for where variables are Assigned to, or Read from! (The search is actually searching the Parse Tree).
However, there is not even a Text Based search for Shared Variables in LabView 8.0 to 8.5 and all its intermediate upgrades!
I have spent countless hours using the extremely crude, cumbersome and time waisting method of deleting the Shared Variable and thereby getting a
compliler error showing me where the variable is used: Then I have to close my project withouts saving,  reopen the project again and get back to where I
was working. None of this time can be billed to my clients.
Yes, I know LabView in the meantime has received a host of powerful features. But this is fundamental feature would take any of NI's highly qualified
developers a few hours or a day or two to fix.
So why isn't it implemented? I bet NI's developers miss it as much as the next guy.
I guess this fundamental feature does not look so good on the Marketing Peoples brochures, so they figure NI's developers should spend their time on new
features that they can promote and use to get us to upgrade: Guess what: I will wait a very long time until I ugprade again.
The LabView Search Dialog
The Search Dialog miss one important feature: The ability to Point at any VI / object in a Block Diagra, to say "this is the type I want to search for".
Often I cannot find the type I want to search for in the lists the Search Dialog is presenting.
Other times I simply do not know what the type is, and where to find it, but I am looking at it in an open Block Diagram!
Enter the StateChart Module
As I said, we used the StateDiagram Toolkit to develop our Control System: 9 Processes each running their separate State Diagram on a cFP 2120 system.
The StateDiagram Toolkit is very basic: Not able to resize any state circles or even move more than one at a time: It has been like this for  more than two
years. However, we are in control of the generated code, and could find references to my VIs in the generated code.
The StateChart Module is an implementation of the UML StateChart Implementation. Going through the Tutorial I was quite impressed.
However, yet again the lack of the ability to search for References to important Resources lets the product down:
a) Not possible to Find references to where in the Diagram any Trigger is used.
b) Not possible to Search for any used instance / object within a Diagram: Objects / Instances used within the Diagram does not even show up under the
"VIs by Name list"
c) Text Searches possible, but matches are found in generated code and ** not ** in the Diagram.
    The generated code has no link whatsoever back to the Diagram.
I will post another thread with the shortcomings I have found in the StateChart Module and some ways to circumvent these shortcomings.
Upgrades: What about Tools Developers used in previous versions?
It is very important for developers to know what happens to the tools they are already using when upgrading to a new version.
We used the State Diagram Toolkit for thje project we just finished. However, I could not find any words about what happened to this Toolkit in version
8.5! Developers cannot upgrade without knowing that tools they are using are still working.
We did not upgrade to version 8.5 during our project, but stayed with version 8.2. And I am glad we did: After the project ended, I moved the source code
to version 8.5. Everything worked and the cFP 2120 code was also running: However, the performance had deteriorated with > 33%. See this link:
Question: What about the Next LabView Release?
It has taken Natioanl two decades to produce a very capable development system. However, it only takes the introduction of a few more features where the
Programmers do not have Navigation Control (ability to search & find / replace) to bring the productivity of this product down to its knees.
I certainly hope that NI in the next LabView Release concentrates on fixing these and other Naviagion shortcomings (rather than introducing features) to bring
LabView up to the Speed an Productivity that it is capable of: NI got the engineers to do it: Give just give them the time to fix the problems!
Can we please have NI's dedication to fix these easy to fix issues and thereby give back Navigational Control to us, the Developers ?
Please, I do want to continue to impress my clients with what LabView can do, in a short amount of time !
Geir Ove

Most of the "shortcomings" that LV exhibits arise from NI trying to placate people such as yourself who have no idea about how to go about creating a good LV-based application. In terms of specific responses I truly don't know where to begin with your points. To begin with, its clear that despite your years of experience working in other languages you don't know squat about developing in LV. For example, you start with the assumption that using dozens of named variables is a good thing! Did it ever occur to you that if you are having this hard a time with maintaining an application that there might be something fundamentally flawed in your design - no of course not - it's easier to blame the tool.
LV is an ideal environment to develop very large applications - as has been shown time and again. However, you must keep it straight that there is no correlation between complex code and complex functionality. Unfortunately, most people thing there is. They believe that to have complex functionality they need really complex code. As a result they write an incredibly bad implementation of something that is essentially a simple process. Starting from this faulty example they then try to extrapolate what it would take to create a large application and immediately assume that LV is only for "small" projects.
Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion
"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
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    <style type="text/css">
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    <div id="description">
        <p>We are a leading gym in the local area for people trying to improve their strength, <br>
          and overall physical condition. Whether you are a bodybuilder, powerlifter, athlete or<br>
          simply interested in health and fitness. We can accomodate a wide range of fitness <br>
          objectives at either end of the training spectrum, from beginner to advanced.</p>
        <p> </p>
        <p>POWERHOUSE GYM CHORLEY offers non – contractual memberships, <br>
          no ******** induction fees and pay per session training. We also take great pride in <br>
        offering a friendly, ego free and sociable atmosphere.</p>
    The CSS style sheet is -
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    As you can see my knowledge of coding is abysmal, i'm definitely more of a designer than a developer. Can any one of you benevolent, intelligent and hopefully patient individuals please offer me some help and advice on how to progress, and also how to clean this cluster f*ck of a nightmare coding up. So that i can transform this into a decent desktop/mobile website. Do i have to create a whole new mobile website. and some how link to it? So that a device trying to view this on a smaller resolution automatically accesses the mobile version. How would i proceed with this?
    Thanks again for any help you can offer me, it's most appreciated

    Hi & welcome to the Dreamweaver Forums!
    Illustrator or Photoshop are OK for making images and design comps.  But don't use them to generate code.  The code is hopelessly rigid and unstable; not suitable for use on real web sites.
    You'll be doing yourself a huge favor if you close DW for about a week and learn everything you can about HTML, CSS and web design theory.  Without a working knowledge of fundamentals, DW is going to be a frustratingly steep learning curve.   If you come to grips with code first, DW is fairly easy to learn.
    Tutorials sites:
    #1 Don't paint yourself into a box.  Web pages need to be flexible to work in different displays and devices. 
    #2 Page height is determined by content; not explicit values.  Your CSS layout needs to be built in such a way as to accommodate both long and short pages.  Otherwise it will fall apart when visitors change their browser settings. 
    #3 Positioning (APDivs or Layers) are pure poison in primary layouts.  98% of what you do requires no positioning whatsoever.  Learn to use CSS floats and margins to align elements.
    #4 Start with one of the pre-built CSS Layouts in DW.  Go to File > New > Blank page > HTML.  Choose a layout from the 3rd panel and hit the Create Button.  SaveAs index.html.  Add your own images, text and CSS backgrounds.  Examine the HTML & CSS code in Split View to learn how the page is structured.
    Feel free to post back if your run into any problems.
    Good luck!
    Nancy O.

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    maddysams wrote:
    Does Apple provide a free course for new Macbookpro users?  In Dubai?
    I have downloaded files on to the hard drive and cannot move them on to an external drive.  I have now lost my document folder from the status bar, although I can see it in finder.  How do I get my 'document' file back and in place on the status bar.  I tried to drag and drop it into the external drive - but failed and lost it to what appears to be space!  Please help - many thanks.  Maddy
    Hi Maddy,
    Here's some Online Help for Getting you Started using your MBP
    Mac 101     Switching from PC
    MBP Support
    Apple Videos

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    No flash is the my only gripe with the ipad, is there an app to get round this major issue?

    You could try an app like Skyfire, but the reviews are mixed. Some websites (especially news sites) have their own apps in the App Store so you could try looking there. But if you are expecting flash to be supported then you'll probably have a long wait : . Personally I havn't noticed that it's not there.

  • My personal gripes with the N8

    Hi guys. I've owned my N8 for around 2 months now, and having used it extensively, I just wanted to share my own gripes with this device.
    The N8 is Nokia's flagship device. The device that was supposed to rejuvenate Nokia's ever declining stance in the smartphone arena. Delayed multiple times until released just a few short months ago. Like most of you guys here, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this smartphone and the constant delays were killing me. I've always been really fond of Nokia and Symbian, ever since owning an N-Gage many years ago. Nokia have always been ahead of the times, and knew that phones were far more capable than just making calls. I've owned many smartphones from most all manufacturers but always seem to find my way back to Symbian.
    So with the ongoing delay of the N8, I was thinking to myself because they're taking so long to iron out all of the problems, it's going to be amazing! And so I thought when I first opened the box. But as time has gone by, like all of the Symbian devices I've owned, I've just found more and more about this device to complain about than to actually enjoy.
    First let me start with the marketing campaign for this device. It was nice to see the N8 being heavily marketed. It was on almost every billboard I could see, every bus stop I could see, and in most every magazine and newspaper. But then I saw the TV adverts once the device was released..... they sucked. They had barely any emphasis on what the phone could actually do in everyday use, or even how to do it. It had a general emphasis on what people could do with their smartphones. It was a mediocre attempt and they sure didn't draw my attention to the N8. It was as if Nokia was saying "Hey, we've released this new smartphone called the N8.... now look what you can do with phones these days". Anyway, on to the phone itself....
    The Hardware
    I have hardly any complaints about the hardware. The phone looks fantastic and feels great in the hand. The screen is crisp, vivid and looks outstanding (one of the best I've seen on a mobile device). The gorilla glass really does live up to its name. The device is solidly built, as usual Nokia style. Buttons are well placed (with the exception of the menu button, which I would have preferred to be in the centre. It's not so great pressing the menu button left-handed with your thumb). The addition of HDMI and USB OTG make for a powerful and feature-rich device. I can't say any more about the camera than what's already been said. It's the best, and it lives up to the hype. My only other minor niggle apart from the menu button is the non-replaceable battery, but it's not really much of an issue considering the build style of the device. I suppose it makes more sense having it the way it is. The only major problem I can think of is its underpowered processor, which means further software optimisation, which means more time is wasted. If applications are developed for other platforms that have better processors, that means developers have to spend more time optimising their software for less powered hardware, which ultimately means shoddy ports. A prime example being Asphalt 5.
    The Symbian^3 OS
    Now this is where it starts to become fun. After reading and watching many reviews, I had a brief idea of what to expect. The OS didn't look perfect, but it looked like a big improvement from S60 v5, and already being fond of Nokia and Symbian, I decided to take the plunge and give this device the chance I thought it deserved.
    Inconsistent UI
    The user interface is extremely inconsistent. The clock, connectivity and notifications jump from the top of the screen to the bottom on screen rotation, and the clock doesn't appear at all on the homescreen except via a widget. Furthermore, there are 3 buttons on the homescreen at the bottom, but 2 in the menus. There are 3 when you rotate the screen. It looks a mess.
    The notification bar at the top of the screen is fairly slim on the homescreen, but increases in size in the menus and applications. Why can't it stay the same size throughout?
    Screen real-estate - When in the calendar, in text messages, in most applications.... most of the screen real estate is consumed by the large notification bar at the top, and 2 layers of buttons at the bottom, altogether consuming about 1/3 of the screen's real estate.
    Kinetic scrolling - When browsing the Ovi store, the kinetic scrolling is as smooth as butter. As is the photo album, it scrolls through like a dream. Absolutely nothing to complain about in that respect. But in other places such as contacts, text messages, the web browser and Social Networking client, KS can be very choppy. Why is this? Why can't they use the same KS algorithm throughout the device? Is there a lack of communication at Symbian/Nokia?
    Text messages consist of a tone, and an on-screen notification which is non-obtrusive and is very well done. Mail notifications consist of a tone, and that's it. No on-screen notification. Why couldn't this be integrated the same way as text messages?
    The ability to click the camera button to view a search bar in the file manager was a great idea. Why couldn't this have been implemented throughout the OS?
    Integrated applications such as the Ovi Store and Social Networks client have their own themes which change the colour of the menu buttons. Why? Why not leave them the same colour as the theme you have chosen? It means that the application has to consume more time and resources changing the theme.
    Most menus will draw up from the bottom of the screen to display options, but then you have menus like the Ovi store which display in the centre.
    When scrolling though album arts in the Music Player, why is there a full screen button which shows menu buttons that don't even get in the way? It's not necessary. Furthermore, why are the menu buttons not in big boxes like everywhere else in the OS?
    The homescreen you have chosen is the active one. The others seem to stay in some sort of freeze-state until you scroll to them, which means widgets don't update until you select the home screen they're on. This is stupid.
    The menu buttons at the bottom change in size depending on screen orientation. They're a little slimmer in landscape mode.
    There are probably many more inconsistencies to be found, but all-in-all, they make the OS feel unprofessional, user-unfriendly, and generally a frustrating experience having to jump all around the screen to access the same thing dependent upon where you are in the phone.
    As already mentioned, the Ovi Store's KS is very smooth, but then you have the top and menu buttons which can become unresponsive and can take multiple presses for them to respond. This seems to be a recurring theme throughout the entire device.
    Screen rotation can be a pain. It just feels as though there is some sort of struggle to rotate the screen. It's not fluid, and there's a minor delay.
    Typing on the keypad can be also be a pain. Using regular text entry, there's no auto-correction, no space between keys, and just no improvement from its predecessor. It looks aged and can be a struggle to use with even fairly small fingers. Not forgetting the fact that text entry consumes the entire screen.
    Sometimes, when just locking and unlocking the device, it feels as though there's some delay. Sometimes I'll have to do it multiple times for it to respond.
    There's absolutely no excuse for this unresponsiveness. It existed in S60 v5, and still exists to this day. The N8 was delayed long enough for all of this to have been straightened out. A massive let down.
    Bugs and crashing
    A few days ago I was playing around with my N8. I went to lock the device, but the screen refused to turn itself off. I restarted my phone multiple times but to no avail. After about 15 minutes it decided I was frustrated enough and turned itself off.
    The web browser still does the same as it has always done on Symbian. It just randomly closes. I don't want to go too much into the browser since there is an update due, but this is now, and this is what we have now. But this also seems to be a recurring theme throughout the device. There are many applications that will just randomly close.
    My N8 has automatically restarted itself a few times since I've owned it. Sometimes it feels like it's running slow, and a restart usually cures it. However that just leads me to believe there's some sort of memory leak, or poor memory management in the Symbian OS.
    Again, absolutely unacceptable, for the same reasons I've mentioned. Except these problems are more frustrating when taking into consideration how much time Nokia have had to straighten all of this out, and the seriousness of these flaws.
    Lack of interest
    The Ovi store simply sucks. There are no two ways about it. Developer support is abysmal. There are a few good games on there, of which most are pooly ported. It feels as if the Ovi Store has stagnated, for example, I've seen just 2 Web TV applications added since I've owned the phone. Everytime I visit the Ovi Store it feels as if I see nothing new, just rehashes of the same old applications found on S60 v5.
    Symbian doesn't have that "Ooooooh" factor. I previously owned a Palm Pre, and the UI just blew my mind. It's outstanding. Symbian just doesn't have that.
    When I show my friends my phone, they like it, but nothing about it makes them want to run to the store and buy one. There's nothing about the user experience that's unique, or done well enough for people to feel they could spend long periods of time using.
    Nokia apparently had 400,000 new developers jump on board over the past year. Then where on earth are they?
    People might think that I'm just nitpicking, but having paid outright for this device, with the ongoing delays, and with the ever increasing and bettering competition, I feel that I have the right to complain.
    I acknowledge that no device is perfect, but if even half of the problems I've listed didn't exist, I'd accept the device for what it is. I know that improvements are on their way, but why should we wait any longer? We waited long enough for the phone to be released, let alone wait longer for it to be of the same standard that competing smartphones were at 12 months ago. Symbian itself is many years old. Nokia should be masters at it, yet every time a new phone is released, the OS feels extremely immature.
    Nokia's development roadmap might as well not exist. They are extremely unreliable with release dates. Their development takes far too long. They're falling further and further behind.
    Most of the time, I find myself just constantly checking the device updates, in hope of something. I'm sure many of you guys do that too. That's a bad sign. It just shows that what's already in place is not adequate. We want more. We deserve more. We should have had more when the device was released.
    The emphasis of this phone seems to be solely on the camera, USB OTG, Bluetooth 3.0 and HDMI. If I wanted a feature phone I wouldn't have paid half of what I paid for this phone. A smartphone needs to add more to the table than solely features. If the UX was improved, I'd be happy to sacrifice any of the mentioned features. The UI is something I use every day - USB OTG is something I've used once.
    My personal opinion and credibility of Nokia is forever declining. The market seems to feel that way too. Time is ticking. The competition is becoming more dominant, making it harder to break into an already over-saturated market. The market seems to be shifting to tablets. Nokia can't even get their phone OS right, let alone think about releasing a tablet. Another potential market that Nokia will struggle to enter if they so desire.
    If the next update doesn't iron out most of these problems, I'm going to be getting rid of my N8. I wouldn't recommend this device to the average consumer. There are better alternatives out there.

    crazyfan wrote:
    People might think that I'm just nitpicking, but having paid outright for this device, with the ongoing delays, and with the ever increasing and bettering competition, I feel that I have the right to complain.
    Actually, I'm sorry to say that what I've highlighted in bold there is exactly the words that occurred to me when I was reading your entire section entitled "Inconsistant UI" - absolutely none of what you raise in there is a bug. It is natural that the screen usage varies according the the activity currently being undertaken and screen orientation. Most people who have criticised the home screen are upset that it isn't as customisable as they'd like - you are the only person I've suggesting it should be much more strictly regimented.
    I've used S^3 in N8 and C7 models, and I haven't noticed the issues that you describe with scrolling and rotating.
    The Ovi Store UI being different is not an issue with the phone, it is something that is increasingly common in many Nokias - Nokia seem to have divided their development of devices and services into two separate organisations, which is why the separate services (Ovi Store apps for all phones are created by the Ovi people, not the same ones who design the phone UI); so where they really ought to be issuing the direction to stay in line is in the Ovi department. As for this app changing the theme, it doesn't - it simply has (for better or for worse) its own UI distinct fromp the phones, just as any software written for a PC may have its own look-and-feel distinct from the PC's OS.
    crazyfan wrote:
    Typing on the keypad can be also be a pain. Using regular text entry, there's no auto-correction, no space between keys, and just no improvement from its predecessor. It looks aged and can be a struggle to use with even fairly small fingers. Not forgetting the fact that text entry consumes the entire screen.
    I'm no fan of virtual qwerty (or in my usual case azerty) keyboards on touch-screen phones because I have never yet found any that I really like to use.
    One issue that I do have here is that the availability of accented characters varies according to the phone language, which isn't very helpful to those of us who have cause to write in several languages. I much prefer to type on portrait mode on the traditional phone keypad, because you always have access to all accented and special characters. I have even been able to type messages using the portrait keypad quicker than I can using a normal physical keypad, which impressed me a lot.
    I've been using N8 and C7 models through work, I have just got my own N8 which I bought whilst travelling because it is still quite hard to find (and therefore more expensive than it needs to be) in my own country - consequently I don't even have one of my two primary languages in the phone, but whist I can't access some necessary characters at all through the landscape qwerty I can get absolutely everything in the portrait keypad. Definitely room for some improvement there.
    crazyfan wrote:
    Lack of interest
    The Ovi store simply sucks. There are no two ways about it. Developer support is abysmal. There are a few good games on there, of which most are pooly ported. It feels as if the Ovi Store has stagnated, for example, I've seen just 2 Web TV applications added since I've owned the phone. Everytime I visit the Ovi Store it feels as if I see nothing new, just rehashes of the same old applications found on S60 v5.
    This is a consequence of the fact that Nokia is in the midst of a change in OS support, S60 will (I imagine) not be much longer for this world as S^3 is phased in, and Maemo development stalled when Nokia got into bed with Intel to develop MeeGo (which would otherwise have been Maemo 6) which still hasn't made it to the market. These delays getting the new operating system established is affecting app development because the developers are caught in a catch-22 whereby there is no point developing extensively for the 'almost obsolete' S60 and Maemo 5, but there isn't likewise much to gain in developing for S^3 or MeeGo because one is only just launched and one not even here yet. None of  this is a fault of the N8, and unlike certain fruit-flavoured devices we would mention, with the N8 at least you have the choice to shop for apps elsewhere.

  • How to I get a link with a "Mail to" address to open up a Compose window in my Yahoo mail, rather than in the Mail progrom on my Mac. I do not use the Mac Mail program.

    How to I get a link with a "Mail to" address to open up a Compose window in my Yahoo mail, rather than in the Mail progrom on my Mac. I do not use the Mac Mail program.
    == This happened ==
    Not sure how often
    == always

    Thank you, "the-edmeister" -- You render a great service, one that lifts my spirits.
    Your answer also taught me to be a little more persistent, as I had started looking at Preferences, and just didn't notice the icons (including Applications) at the top of that window that would have led me to my answer.

  • I bought the wrong Elements 13:-(. Need to get in contact with some support?

    Hello! I have just bought elements 13 and I did it wrong . I have a Mac and i bought for windows. How can i get in contact with someone who could help me solve this?

    You need to start at this link:
    <Contact Customer Care>
    Good luck.

  • HT204408 My applications folder has a black question mark on it at the bottom of my screen. I do not know what error I made, but my fan effect of the previous applications has gone away. Can I get some help with this?

    One day ago I inadvertantly removed my applications folder. In it's place is a folder with a black question mark which appeared after I attempted to open up the applications file. Also, previously when I clicked on the file applications would open in a fan display. Could I please get some assistance with this?

    ...removed my applications folder.
    From where? And to where?
    If you trashed it and emptied the trash, what backup, if any, do you have? If it's still in the Trash, move it back.
    If no backup, reinstall Snow, which will give you the version as of the DVD you use, then update back to 10.6.8, and run all other needed updates, including any security updates. This should save all your third party programs, as well as settings.
    The white puff of smoke is nothing, it only means you moved it out of the Dock. If you still have it, or had it, as soon as you open it it would reappear in the Dock. The item in the Dock is only a kind of alias.

  • I'm getting really annoyed with the Mac.

    Don't mean to offend geniune Mac fans here, but I'm just getting really annoyed with the Mac.
    I purchased my Mac mini (late 2012) in May of 2013 - so it's about 4 months old. I don't have a lot of software on it, mainly the Adobe Creative Suite, and development tools (Xcode, and web development software).
    The mini has this annoyance where, every so often it just freezes. It usually happens during when the screensaver is running, or when the monitor goes into standby and I try to wake it up. First the screensaver runs for 15 minutes. Sometimes it happens (it's random) that the screensaver "stalls" and the mac freezes. If it "survives" the screensaver, then after 15 minutes my monitor goes into standby mode. Sometimes when I wake up the monitor, I get the login window, I log in, and then I find that the Mac just froze.
    A few days ago I've updated to 10.8.5. Now these freezes are happening more often. The mac freezes just whenever, regardless of screensaver or not. There was a time when I had ReadKit running, displaying an article. I went to the kitchen, when I came back the mini was frozen as ice. No other program was running (I mean program that I started).
    Other times I had Chrome open at youtube. It was not playing a video. The browser was just "parking" at youtube's home page. Same thing. I go away, come back, the mini was frozen.
    Yet just a few days ago, I had no user started application running. None. I leave the mini alone for a short while, come back, and I find the fan was running like crazy. The mac was not hot at all, but the fan went bonkers. It was loud and pumping air out for no reason.
    At these times I can't do anything. Sometimes I can move the window, or move icons on the desktop, but I cannot force quit an app, neither I can start one. So things like going to the apps folder and starting terminal or activity monitor is not possible. I cannot select menu items from the Finder (or any other application) menus, so I can't restart or shut down the mac. The only thing I can do at these times is hold the power button for a few seconds to force the mac to shut down.
    I'm coming from Windows. I built and upgraded my PC a few times in the past 7-8 years with newer and faster MOBOs, processors, memory, etc. I never had a bad component; I never had a blue screen; I never had my PC hang; I have never encountered any issues that would make my PC hang or froze or otherwise. I never had to troubleshoot software or hardware problems because they were/are just non existent. I'm not trying to start a war here about PCs and Macs. I'm completely natural.
    But here I am with this "thing" that supposed to be so great and trouble free. I have already reinstalled the OS once during this 4 month old mac, but now it seems I have to do it again because ever since 10.8.5 things has gotten worse. This is really N-O-T what I expected from a Mac. I am just really annoyed, frustrated and everything else.
    I was browsing these support forums and tried/looked at a couple of diagnostic steps, but none helped so far. I will attempt to reinstall the OS A-G-A-I-N over the weekend. If that doesn't help, then I will have to put this junk into the garbage can. (Well, figuratively speaking of course.)
    Mac mini late 2012
    OS X 10.8.5
    i7 2.6 GHz 8G
    Samsung S27B970 display via DisplayPort
    Apple extended wired keyboard
    Logitech LS1 laser mouse
    No other peripherials

    Hey thanks for the feedback woodmeister! No, I was not aware of the hardware diagnostics!
    So I have eagerly followed the isntructions, but I quickly found out what I have already experienced looking at other Apple "unhelpful" documentation. When I was referring in my OP that I've looked at other resources, the problem was that those "un-support" documents were out of date and the article indicated that Apple has retired them.
    Now as far as the link that you sent (and the same can be found in the Help section of OS X as well, wasn't helpful either. Why?
    In the document the bullets are as follows:
    If you have a new Mac (mid-2013 or later), use Apple Diagnostics, which is built into your Mac.
    If your Mac has OS X v10.8.3 or earlier, use Apple Hardware Test, which is built into your Mac.
    If you updated your Mac to OS X v10.8.4 or later, use the system software disc or USB flash drive that came with your Mac.
    Let's start with bullet #1. As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm not aware of mid-2013 Mac minis. Mine is late 2012, so I guess I don't fit into bullet #1.
    Bullet #2. I have OS X 10.8.5 so it means I don't fit into that bullet either.
    Bullet #3. Yes, I did update to 10.8.4 or later (using 10.8.5) but neither a software disc nor a USB flash drive came with the Mac mini late 2012 model.
    So what now? Another great "support" document that is confusing and/or not helpful. Nevertheless, I did give it a try. Disconnected my ethernet cable, hold down D, and rebooted. I get a "Choose Network Connection" drop down on the gray screen where I'm supposed to choose a Wi-Fi network. Why? This has not been mentioned in the docs. My Wi-Fi is disabled because I'm connecting through cable.
    So I reconnected the cable. As soon as I did that, I got the message that ... let's see... my memory is failing me... the recovery mode or reinstalling the OS will begin... or something along that line. There was NO ANY INDICATION about any hardware test or diagnostics!
    See, what I mean about frustration...?

  • My apple I'd is disable help me please I went to apple store and they told me to get in touch with u guys

    HI my name is Nancy I would like to know if u can help me with this problem every time I want to get free on apps or updates , keeps telling me that my apple I'd is disable. I went to apple store and they check and say everything is find , but keeps coming out mi I'd is disable , so they say to get in touch wit iTunes so u can restore my account.

    ... they told me to get in touch with u guys
    At least the Apple Store knows where to send you.
    Start here:
    Navigate the columns as follows:
    All Products and Services > iTunes > iTunes Store > Account Management > iTunes Store account security
    Answer the questions and if required sign in with your Apple ID and password - same one you used to log in on this support forum.

  • My shuffle ,doesnt get syncronized with itunes in my pc,getting audio and video settings error,but able to get it syncronized with my friends pc

    my shuffle ,doesnt get syncronized with itunes in my pc,getting audio and video settings error,but able to get it syncronized with my friends pc    

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • Variables of one task is getting messed up with other tasks

    I have one workflow (one subworflow is getting called by this workflow) which is using some global variables. The problem is that when more than one users are making simultaneous requests (not neccessarily at same time), values of global variables of one request are getting messed up with other's requests. Even at start of workflow I am assigning null value to these variables. I am using IdM 7.0. Can anyone provide any clue on this?
    Thanks in advance.

    I am using a variable like "comments" and assigning null at start of the workflow like
    <Variable name='comments'>
    Value of comments are cached somehow and in other request, when other user is opening the same form for making request, it is getting displayed in comment field. I have tried all the way of making null to this variable, but no luck. And it is not happening all time, it is intermittent and happens only in few cases.
    Thanks in advance,

  • How to get spool along with e-mail or FAX

    I have a requirement where i have to produce a spool even i go for e-mail or FAX option when the script is triggered.
    I am using a standard program where it is coded to have either of the option. i.e. either we have to go for a printer or e-mail or FAX.
    Could any one suggest me how to get spool along with e-mail or FAX option.
    Thanks in advance.

    check this:-[]
    hope u'll get some idea.

  • I purchased an ablum thru itunes on my phone and it says i purchased the songs on itunes but when i go on my music it says i have to repurchase all the songs how can i get the songs with out havin to pay again

    I purchased an ablum thru itunes on my phone and it says i purchased the songs on itunes but when i go on my music it says i have to repurchase all the songs how can i get the songs with out havin to pay again

    Whether you can redownload music depends upon what country that you in. If you are using your computer's iTunes then does music show in the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page (on your phone you might be able to redownload media via the Purchased tab in the iTunes store app) ? If music shows there, but not that album, then check to see if it's hidden :
    If you aren't in a country when you can redownload music and it's still on your phone then you should be able to copy it over from the phone via File > Devices > Transfer Purchases.

  • How do you get a line with MULTIPLE fields to WRAP ?

    How do you get a line with MULTIPLE fields to WRAP ?
    Good afternoon everyone...
    THE PROBLEM: Why doesn’t a line with multiple fields WRAP?
    If I have 2 fields on a line (this is now a hypothetical example and nothing to do with my actual report)….let’s call them field A and field B. And if field A has values of all ‘X’ and field B has values of all ‘Y’…then….the normal case would be (ignore dots – only for spacing):
    A……………………… B
    But what if A is too long? I would want to see B wrap onto the next line like this:
    And similarly….if B is extra long, can the line print as:
    A………………………. B
    I don’t want the case where B is long and I get:
    A………………… …B…
    I can see how you can wrap an individual field like that…but how can you WRAP a line of[b] fields within the frame so it wraps to the BEGINNING of the frame on next line?
    I have a report that I have stripped down to a simple structure for the purposes of this explanation.
    My DATA MODEL has the main QUERY (for plant family and species data). The columns of the query are divided into 2 groups. The 1st GROUP contains the family data. Below that is the rest of the species data in a 2nd GROUP.
    Linking from the 2nd species group (above) is a new QUERY to extract REGION data based on the common key field. Under this 2nd query is another group with all the REGION columns.
    The LAYOUT MODEL has a group frame (the main , base one)
    On top of this is a repeating frame based on the 1st group (family data).
    On top of this is another repeating frame for the 2nd group (species data).
    On top of this is 2 Frames on the same line line. The 1st frame contains columns from the species group .
    The 2nd frame on this line is a repeating frame. The PRINT DIRECTION for this frame is ACROSS/DOWN. It repeats details of the REGION where the species is found. These columns come from this group come from the REGION QUERY and GROUP.
    All fields on the report line have variable horizontal elasticity.
    The problem is that when there is too much data on the line, it does NOT WRAP to the 2nd line.. It TRUNCATES.
    Can the line be made to WRAP????..
    In my current report, 1 of 2 things is happening:
    1) All fields print on the line until it hits the page boundary and then it just stops. Truncated!
    2) All fields print on the current line, then Oracle Reports throws a new page to print the REMAINDER of the long, input line
    But I would like a LONG line to continue printing onto the following line of the same page.
    I have tried all combinations of the elasticity fields and the ‘ADVANCED LAYOUT’ properties.
    I have been focussing my attention with this problem on the frames .
    We are using REPORT BUILDER V
    Thankyou to anyone who may offer assistance.
    Tony Calabrese.

    you gain 1 thing, but you lose something else!
    This thing is SO frustrating!
    Hey Steve! Good afternoon.
    I've done as you suggested....I have a long text boilerplate item - the only 1 on the line...and it has all the column in it.
    So it looks like:
    &col1 &col2 &col3 &col4 &col5 etc etc etc
    And the line expands nicely to each field's requirements.
    And when it gets to the right page WRAPS to the next line! Beautiful!!!
    The only thing is that...when I had individual fields across the line I was able to create format triggers for those fields. And in doing so I was able to reduce the font and change the justification. I had to do that because some of the fields had to appear superscripted.
    So I wanted something like (ignore the dots):
    So the field of 'ppppp' appeared slightly higher on the line than the other fields...
    I can't see how I can do this with a single TEXT field containing all the &COL values.
    Have you ever come across anything like this?
    Thankyou again,
    Tony Calabrese 12/4/2007

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    in iphoto I can no longer see thumbnail pictures.  I can only see full screen pictures one at a time.  Please tell me what I need to change to get thumbnails back.  Under iphoto/view thumbnails is grayed out.

  • Changed pw in Gmail and now dont get mail in BB

    Changed my pw for Gemil and now cant send or receive mail in my BB. I accessed the email account management and its asking me for my user name and pw to access my email settings. No pw or usenames for Gmail work, neither the BB ID works. I ask for it

  • Configure Session State?

    Is there any equivalent of the "Configure Session State" page from MOSS 2007? ie. http://<server>:<adminport>/_admin/SessionStateAdmin.aspx So far trying to install our webparts on SP 2010 has failed misserably. They install fine on out of the box MO