NI Report Convert CVI Table

I have a problem with the NIReport_ConvertCVITable function:
while converting the Column widths are wrong , I saw at the help that there is a limitation for "Column widths might not correspond"is there any way to bypass it and control the width ?
Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

Nevermind. I went back and tried this. You can't modify the table after NIReport_ConvertCVITable because it closes the table before exiting the function. You would have to implement your own verson of ConvertCVITable.
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer

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  • Crystal Reports 2008 - Changing Table Locations

    we have several reports which we use by different customers. The customers use different name spaces (table locations) for the same data. To use the same reports with different table locations, we wrote a piece of software replacing the connection strings and table locations. 
    A report should be used in a test environment as well as in a production environment:
      The original SQL is (using a DB2 database on a AS400):
        SELECT FROM as400.production.users alias
      The modified SQL looks like:
        SELECT FROM as400.test.users alias
    Up to now we used Crystal XI and developed using RDC. We solved the above described problem by reading the report SQL string, replacing the table location in this string and assigned it back to the report object. Modifying the SQL string has the advantage that it works fine also for reports which contain a SQL command.
    Since Crystal Reports 2008 this is not possible anymore (no RDC, no direct way to modify the report SQL string).
    My first approach was to use the CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table object. First I just wanted to see what really was the content of the Location and Name property:
    for (int i = 0; i < rdReport.Database.Tables.Count; ++i)
      Table rt = rdReport.Database.Tables<i>;
      Console.WriteLine("Table Nr : {0}", i);                   
      Console.WriteLine("  Table Loc  : {0}", rt.Location);
      Console.WriteLine("  Table Name : {0}", rt.Name);
    My problem with this is that the output for the report with the SQL in the above example is:
    Table Nr: 0
      Table Loc : users
      Table Name: alias
    So obviously not the real table location and table name is returned, but instead the table name for the table location and the alias for the table name. Unsurprisingly setting the location had not the originally desired effect.
    Furthermore if the report was designed using a SQL command, the location and in the name property contain the string COMMAND. Therefore the table object doesn't seems to be the solution to my problem.
    Thanks to the help of a user in this forum here, I figured out how to read the SQL string of a report. Unfortunately I did not found a way to assign it back to the report.
    Has anybody here an idea how to solve my problem? I'm open for every kind of hint.
    Thanks in advance,

    My solution looks like this:
    ReportDocument rdReport = new ReportDocument();                   
    rdReport.Load(sReportName, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy);
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ISCDReportClientDocument rcDocument = rdReport.ReportClientDocument;                   
    for (int i = 0; i < rdReport.Database.Tables.Count; ++i)
        CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ISCRTable rctTable = rcDocument.DataDefController.Database.Tables<i>;
        if (rctTable.ClassName == "CrystalReports.CommandTable")
            Console.WriteLine("Processing CommandTable {0}",rctTable.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("  Old Qualified Name: {0}", rctTable.QualifiedName);
            Console.WriteLine("  Old Alias:          {0}\n" , rctTable.Alias);
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.CommandTable tbOldCmd = (CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.CommandTable) rctTable;
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.CommandTable tbNewCmd = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.CommandTable();
            tbNewCmd.Name = tbOldCmd.Name;
            tbNewCmd.Alias = tbOldCmd.Alias;
            tbNewCmd.CommandText = sNewSql;
            tbNewCmd.ConnectionInfo = tbOldCmd.ConnectionInfo.Clone(true);
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.PropertyBag pbAttr = tbNewCmd.ConnectionInfo.Attributes;
            // set dlls
            pbAttr["Database DLL"] = "crdb_ado.dll";
            pbAttr["QE_DatabaseName"] = "NL67S021OUD";
            pbAttr["QE_DatabaseType"] = "OLE DB (ADO)";
            pbAttr["QE_ServerDescription"] = "";
            pbAttr["QE_SQLDB"] = "True";
            pbAttr["SSO Enabled"] = "False";
            // set connection string                  
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.PropertyBag pbLogOnProp = (CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.PropertyBag)pbAttr[sAttrLogOnProp];
            // strangely comma seperated values instead of semicolon seperated values are needed here
            pbLogOnProp.FromString("Provider=IBMDA400,Data Source=" + sServerName + ",Initial Catalog=" + sDBName + ",User ID=" + sUserId + ",Password=" + sPwd + ",Convert Date Time To Char=TRUE,Catalog Library List=,Cursor Sensitivity=3");
            tbNewCmd.ConnectionInfo.UserName = sUserId;
            tbNewCmd.ConnectionInfo.Password = sPwd;
            rcDocument.DatabaseController.SetTableLocation(tbOldCmd, tbNewCmd);                           
            Console.WriteLine("Processing Table {0}",rctTable.Name);                           
            Console.WriteLine("  Old Qualified Name: {0}", rctTable.QualifiedName);
            Console.WriteLine("  Old Alias:          {0}\n", rctTable.Alias);
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ISCRTable rctNew = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table();
            rctNew.Name = rctTable.Name;
            rctNew.Alias = rctTable.Alias;
            rctNew.QualifiedName = sDBName + ".V41TSTDBF.CRGUOPF";
            rctNew.ConnectionInfo = rctTable.ConnectionInfo.Clone(true);
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.PropertyBag pbAttr = rctNew.ConnectionInfo.Attributes;
            // set dlls
            pbAttr["Database DLL"] = "crdb_ado.dll";
            pbAttr["QE_DatabaseName"] = "NL67S021OUD";
            pbAttr["QE_DatabaseType"] = "OLE DB (ADO)";
            pbAttr["QE_ServerDescription"] = "";
            pbAttr["QE_SQLDB"] = "True";
            pbAttr["SSO Enabled"] = "False";
            // set connection string                  
            CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.PropertyBag pbLogOnProp = (CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.PropertyBag) pbAttr[sAttrLogOnProp];
            // strangely comma seperated values instead of semicolon seperated values are needed here
            pbLogOnProp.FromString("Provider=IBMDA400,Data Source=" + sServerName + ",Initial Catalog=" + sDBName + ",User ID=" + sUserId + ",Password=" + sPwd + ",Convert Date Time To Char=TRUE,Catalog Library List=,Cursor Sensitivity=3");
            rctNew.ConnectionInfo.UserName = sUserId;
            rctNew.ConnectionInfo.Password = sPwd;                         
            rcDocument.DatabaseController.SetTableLocation(rctTable, rctNew);
            Console.WriteLine("  New Qualified Name: {0}", rctTable.QualifiedName);
            Console.WriteLine("  New Alias:          {0}\n", rctTable.Alias);
    Console.WriteLine("\nSetting parameter {0} to value {1}", rdReport.ParameterFields[0].Name, iDataId);
    rdReport.SetParameterValue(0, iDataId);
    Console.WriteLine("\nShow SQL: ");
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.RowsetController rsController;
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ISCDReportClientDocument rdClient = rdReport.ReportClientDocument;
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ISCRGroupPath rdGroupPath = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.GroupPath();
    string temp;
    string sql;
    rsController = rdClient.RowsetController;
    sql = rsController.GetSQLStatement(rdGroupPath, out temp);
    PageMargins pmMargins = rdReport.PrintOptions.PageMargins;
    pmMargins.bottomMargin = 350;
    pmMargins.leftMargin = 350;
    pmMargins.rightMargin = 350;
    pmMargins.topMargin = 350;
    rdReport.PrintOptions.PrinterName = sPrinterName;
    rdReport.PrintToPrinter(1,     // copies
                            false, // collated
                            0,     // start page
                            0);   // end page

  • Form and report on a table - redirecting to report on submit

    I've created a form and a report on a table...
    in a form, one of the item is a radio group (with submit) with static list of values... I've set it up to submit as I am hiding/displaying other items based on the selection... for example, when user select the location value then only city and country fields are displayed and so on...
    my problem is that when I make a selection it saves the state and takes me back to the report... when I come back to the report then I see items (hidden/displayed based on the selection that I made before I left the form)
    any way to fix it...? please advice

    OK - we can't use a Dynamic Action but we can use Javascript to do this.
    Firstly, change the item type to an ordinary Radio button - that is, remove the Submit
    Secondly, in your page attribute's HTML Header setting, add in:
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    function submitByRadioButton()
    if ($v('P1_PKITEM') != '')
    &lt;/script&gt;Replace P1_PKITEM with the page item name for the hidden primary key and P1_RADIOITEM with the page item name of the radio button.
    Then, on the radio button item, add the following in the HTML Form Element Attributes setting:
    onclick="javascript:submitByRadioButton()"Finally, create a branch that returns to the same page - make sure that the Sequence number puts it before any Unconditional branch. Set the Condition for this to "Request = Expression 1" and enter P1_RADIOITEM (or whatever the page item name is for the radio button) into the Expression 1 setting.
    Now, when the user creates a new record, the hidden P1_PKITEM value will be blank. Clicking the radio button at this time will not trigger a submit and the function checks this. For existing records, P1_PKITEM will contain a value, so the function will allow the doSubmit to run.

  • Report using three tables on group basis

    I wish to know a clue for the follwing report among three tables either using join or sub-query or PL/SQL Script as per the below desired output.
    Top 10 games by uniques / by volume
    It should produce something like this:
    Game     Uniques     Volumes     Game Start     Game End     Mins on Air     
    Top 5 movies beginning with "D"     2734     7924     9/24/06 9:59 PM     9/24/06 10:41 PM     42     
    Top 5 One Hit Wonders     2355     6471     9/24/06 9:07 PM     9/24/06 9:48 PM     41     
    Things you find in The Kitchen     1336     3600     9/24/06 10:41 PM     9/24/06 10:59 PM     18     
    Twisted Title Men in Black     770     1435     9/24/06 9:53 PM     9/24/06 9:59 PM     6     
    Anagram Lance Armstrong     884     1350     9/24/06 9:48 PM     9/24/06 9:53 PM     5     
    A.Bucks Jack and Jill...     593     824     9/24/06 8:59 PM     9/24/06 9:04 PM     4     
    Missing link ANY101     649     815     9/24/06 9:04 PM     9/24/06 9:07 PM     3     
    Parameters should be startDate and endDate.
    This query can be obtained from using the following tables: Calls, Games, Events, Event_Types
    Calls have a timestamp.
    Every game has event, such as start game or end game (see Event_Types), with its timestamp
    Volumes: Number of calls received for each game between start game date and end date
    Uniques: Unique Number of calls received for each game between start game date and end date
    (distinct cli)
    Mins on air: differences between start call and end call
    The ID column from games table and game_id from events table is common.
    Assume if the event type id is 2 then it starts game and if 3 then game ends. Other type is irrelevant for this query.
    The id from event_type is mentioned in another table event_types as master with description. But it is not required to establish relationship with this table. As this code ( 2 or 3) is alredy availbel with event_type_id in the events table.
    Please assume the CLI number as dummy data.
    I have provided the structure and query to generate tables and populate testing data to sort out this issue at the earliest.
    I tried to perform this query but I wish to compare the result with the script given by experts as I’m not a core developer.
    1) desc calls
    Name Null? Type
    insert into values('&CLI','&call_date')
    select substr(CLI,1,10),substr(call_date,1,22) from calls
    0662740929 22-SEP-06
    0662740973 22-SEP-06
    0662740956 22-SEP-06
    0662740980 22-SEP-06
    0662740936 09-MAY-06
    0762740954 22-SEP-06
    0762740936 09-MAY-06
    0762740921 22-SEP-06
    0113456789 22-SEP-06
    0987654321 22-SEP-06
    0 22-SEP-06
    0123456789 09-MAY-06
    0112740929 22-SEP-06
    0123456789 09-MAY-06
    0044791475 24-SEP-06
    0044791475 24-SEP-06
    0123456789 24-SEP-06
    0147258369 24-SEP-06
    0852147963 24-SEP-06
    0123456789 25-SEP-06
    0683379112 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0141411683 25-SEP-06
    0141411683 25-SEP-06
    0618769562 02-JUN-06
    0123456789 02-JUN-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0141412179 25-SEP-06
    0123456789 02-JUN-06
    0607069617 02-JUN-06
    0014141168 26-SEP-06
    0618769562 25-SEP-06
    0141411683 25-SEP-06
    0607069617 25-SEP-06
    0618769562 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0141412179 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0123456789 26-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    0 25-SEP-06
    SQL> desc events
    Name Null? Type
    insert into events values ('&EVENT_TYPE_ID','&EVENT_DATE',&GAME_ID')
    SQL> select substr(event_type_id,1,10),substr(event_date,1,20),substr(game_id,1,10) from events where game_id in (1918,1919,1920,1939,1958,1979,1999,2018,2040,2041,2061)
    3 26-APR-06 1939
    4 26-APR-06 1939
    5 26-APR-06 1939
    3 09-MAY-06 1920
    4 09-MAY-06 1920
    3 12-MAY-06 1920
    4 12-MAY-06 1920
    3 12-MAY-06 1920
    4 12-MAY-06 1920
    3 12-MAY-06 1920
    4 12-MAY-06 1920
    3 26-SEP-06 1958
    4 26-SEP-06 1958
    5 01-JUN-06 1958
    3 02-JUN-06 1979
    6 02-JUN-06 1979
    4 02-JUN-06 1979
    3 02-JUN-06 1979
    4 02-JUN-06 1979
    3 02-JUN-06 1979
    4 02-JUN-06 1979
    3 14-SEP-06 1999
    4 14-SEP-06 1999
    3 14-SEP-06 1999
    4 14-SEP-06 1999
    3 22-SEP-06 2018
    4 22-SEP-06 2018
    5 22-SEP-06 2018
    4 24-SEP-06 2018
    3 24-SEP-06 2018
    3) INSERT INTO games VALUES ('&ID'.'&NAME')
    SQL> desc games
    Name Null? Type
    select substr(id,1,10),substr(name,1,25) from games;
    1918 Copy of QN27030628
    1919 Copy of Copy of QN0104061
    1920 Copy of Copy of Copy of Q
    1939 Alex Game 8
    1958 QN27030628 Lee
    1979 Copy of QN01040611 9
    1999 Ale's Game
    2018 TF1 Game test 1
    2040 Test Game TF1sarah
    2041 BTAgilemedia Game Test
    2061 Copy of Copy of QN0104060
    Your help would be highly appreciated.

    I am sending herewith SQL statement for populating data into the concern tables
    To make easier for further testing your script.
    insert into calls values (0772740929, 22-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0882740929, 22-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0772740929, 25-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0662740929, 27-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0452740929, 22-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0992740929, 24-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0992740929, 26-SEP-06
    insert into events values (3, 22-SEP-06,1918)
    insert into events values (4, 22-SEP-06,1918)
    insert into events values (3, 24-SEP-06 05.22.44,1920)
    insert into events values (4, 24-SEP-06 05.42.44,1920)
    insert into events values (3, 26-SEP-06 05.22.44,1958)
    insert into events values (4, 26-SEP-06 05.52.44,1958)
    Insert into games values (1918,’ Copy of QN27030628’)
    Insert into games values (1920,’ Test Game TF1sarah’)
    Insert into games values (1958,’ Test Car Race’)

  • How to Convert internal table data into text output and send mail in ABAP

    Hi All,
    Good Morning.
    Taking a glance at a code that converts internal table data to an Excel file in ABAP. also checked how to send this excel to mailing list as attachment.
    But thought of doing it without excel.
    I mean, I have an internal table which contains fields of all types (character,integer,date,time). Since it is only around 4 to 5 rows in it (output),why to convert it to excel. not required!!.  Instead I  want to send this output to User's mails as Normal mail body with No attachments.
    Could anybody please suggest me a way as to how to send internal table data as a mail ( not as an excel or PDF etc).
    as of now my findings are, it is quite complex to convert internal table data to email (Text) format. but i believe if there is some way of doing it.
    Best Regards
    Dileep VT

    here's something I have used in the past where we send out information about failed precalculation settings (which are stored in internal table gt_fail)
    notice we use gt_text as "mail body"
    *     -------- create persistent send request ------------------------
           gv_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    *     -------- create and set document -------------------------------
    *     create text to be sent
           wa_line = text-001.
           APPEND wa_line TO gt_text.
           CLEAR wa_line.
           APPEND wa_line TO gt_text.
           LOOP AT gt_fail ASSIGNING <fs_fail>.
             MOVE <fs_fail>-retry_count TO gv_count.
             CONCATENATE text-002
                         INTO wa_line SEPARATED BY space.
             APPEND wa_line TO gt_text.
             CLEAR wa_line.
           APPEND wa_line TO gt_text.
           wa_line = text-007.
           APPEND wa_line TO gt_text.
    *     create actual document
           gv_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                           i_type    = 'RAW'
                           i_text    = gt_text
                           i_length  = '12'
                           i_subject = 'Failed Precalculation Settings!' ).
    *     add document to send request
           CALL METHOD gv_send_request->set_document( gv_document ).
    *     --------- set sender -------------------------------------------
           gv_sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
           CALL METHOD gv_send_request->set_sender
               i_sender = gv_sender.
    *     --------- add recipient (e-mail address) -----------------------
           LOOP AT s_email INTO wa_email.
             MOVE wa_email-low TO gv_email.
             gv_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
                                               gv_email ).
             CALL METHOD gv_send_request->add_recipient
                 i_recipient = gv_recipient
                 i_express   = 'X'.
    *     ---------- set to send immediately -----------------------------
           CALL METHOD gv_send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
    *     ---------- send document ---------------------------------------
           CALL METHOD gv_send_request->send(
               i_with_error_screen = 'X'
               result              = gv_sent_to_all ).
           IF gv_sent_to_all = 'X'.
             WRITE text-004.
           COMMIT WORK.
    *   exception handling
         CATCH cx_bcs INTO gv_bcs_exception.
           WRITE: text-005.
           WRITE: text-006, gv_bcs_exception->error_type.
    with the following declarations
    * TABLES                                                               *
    * INTERNAL TABLES & WORK AREAS                                         *
       gt_fail          TYPE SORTED TABLE OF rsr_prec_sett
                             WITH UNIQUE KEY setting_id run_date,
       gt_text          TYPE bcsy_text,
       wa_fail          LIKE LINE OF gt_fail,
       wa_line(90)      TYPE c.
       <fs_fail>        LIKE LINE OF gt_fail.
    * VARIABLES                                                            *
       gv_count(4)      TYPE n,
       gv_send_request  TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
       gv_document      TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
       gv_sender        TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs,
       gv_recipient     TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
       gv_email         TYPE adr6-smtp_addr,
       gv_bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs,
       gv_sent_to_all   TYPE os_boolean.
    * SELECTION-SCREEN                                                     *
       s_email          FOR adr6-smtp_addr NO INTERVALS MODIF ID sel.
       wa_email         LIKE LINE OF s_email.

  • The online conversion of my pdf file to word did not correctly convert the tables and certain other formatting.  I wish to obtain a refund.

    The online conversion of my pdf file to word did not correctly convert the tables and certain other formatting.  I wish to obtain a refund.

    Hi yammyamm,
    I'm sorry that your conversion didn't work out for you. Please contact Adobe Customer Support via phone or chat, and an agent will be able to process that cancellation/refund for you. Here is the contact information: Contact Customer Care

  • Converting a table back into text used to be easy in pages, not any more.  Any suggestions?

    Used to be able to convert a table that came from a windows document into text only.  Now I cannot find where to do this within the new pages.  Have they dropped this useful tool or do I need to look further?

    Gone. Unfortunately.
    Best bet is to stay with Pages '09, and send feedback to Apple.

  • For output display report is final_internal table or structure in wd ABAP?

    Hi all,
    for output display report is final_internal table or structure in wd ABAP?
    in wd java output display report -.> CALLING rfc and that RFC OUTPUT table
    finally in internal table is assigned to STRUCTURE .Same procdure?

    Dear Madhu,
    thanks for guidence!
    its showing popup tht this BADI ( ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB_CUS ) is only use for "SAP Internal  use".

  • FM or Class to convert Internal table to Xstring.

       I have used the following code to convert internal table in to Xstring but it is giving syntax error.
    DATA: lt_person TYPE TABLE OF <your_type>,
    ls_person TYPE <your_type>,
    xstring TYPE XSTRING.
    LOOP AT it_person.
    IF sy-index = 1.
    CONCATENATE ls_person INTO xstring
    INTO xstring.
    Kindly help me out. My requirment is i have to convert internal table into XString and later i will use cl_wd_runtime_services=>attach_file_to_response method to download the file.
    Thanks and regards,
    dhinesh kumar.J

    Hi Dhinesh,
    Please find the Below Link

  • Report on a table from another schema

    i have a table PROJECTS in schema CSALE when i create a report in APPEXP application (persing via user TESTER2) it gives me the error table does not found while TESTER2 has full writes on PROJECTS table.
    select project_id ID, Project_name DESC from SCALE.PROJECTS;
    when i run this query from SQL PLUS it works fine.
    I have used synonym it giving me the error
    ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of TESTER2.PROJECTS
    ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
    Please help me how can i create a report on the table of other schema.

    In your schema CSALE (SCALE you stated as well)
    GRANT SELECT ON projects TO tester2In your schema TESTER2
    CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM projects FOR csale.projectsnow
    SELECT project_id ID, project_name description
      FROM projects;should work for you.
    Please note:
    You were using a reserved word in your query (DESC) for column alias for Project_name.
    Denes Kubicek

  • To find which reports uses the tables MKFP & MSEG

    Hi Experts,
    I have a list predeof reports. I just want to know if these reports uses the table MKFP & MSEG. Is there any predefined function or report available in order to find this one?
    Valuable answers will be rewarded.

    user for
    MKFP  header masater document
    mseg  docu segment material
    Billing Document not released to accounting / Accounts determination:
    To resolve the error, you can analyze account determination in the billing document. Process:
    Goto T.Code: VF02 & Enter Invoice number
    Next (On the top most strip) goto Environment
    Next (Select Environment) go to Account determination
    Next (In Account Determination) select Revenue Account Determination (first option)
    This will list all the condition types in the Billing document & analyze each condition & check for which G/L accounts is not determined.
    Possible errors:
    1. VKOA not maintained for required combination
    Solution: Maintain the combination in VKOA.
    2. Account Assignment of Customer / material not maintained in Customer / Material Master (If maintained in combination in VKOA).
    Option 1 (Standard solution):
    step 1: Cancel Billing Document --> Reverse PGI --> cancel Delivery --> Cancel Sales Order
    step 2: Maintain Customer master / Material Master correctly.
    step 3: Recreate sales Order --> Delivery --> PGI --> Invoicing.
    Option 2:
    Force the Account Assignment Group of Customer / Material through Debug in change mode of Billing document, which will release Billing Document to Accounting.
    3. Account Key not maintained in Pricing Procedure:
    Impact: This may create accounting document, but if condition type, which are to be posted to account, but do not have account key maintained in pricing procedure, it will not be post the relevant condition type to G/L account.
    4. Billing Document not being released to accounting --
    In Material Master, there is some link between Profit Centre & MRP Type. If one of it is not maintained, erratically few documents get stuck while releasing Billing Document to accounting. Few of course get posted.
    Solution1: Cancel Billing Document --> Reverse PGI --> Cancel Delivery --> Block the sales Order & Create new sales Cycle all over again after rectifying Material master.
    Solution 2: (Temporary Solution) In Debug mode in Billing, force the Profit Center in Billing Document with the help of Abaper. But ensure Material master is rectified.
    From FI Side, you require to check that all the G/L account has been maintained through T.Code: FS00. G/L account being Master data has to be created in each client to upload through LSMW / SCATT / BDC.
    In Billing Document in change mode (in the first screen where we enter Billing Document number), on the top most left hand corner, take a dropdown on Billing Document & select Release to accounting. Here you can get the under mentioned possible message:
    1. G/L account not found
    2. Cost Element not maintained for G/L account.
    In both the above cases, FI consultant requires to take corrective action.
    This is very specific & differs from client to client & may also differ based on scenario.
    Write-up on Pricing -
    In SD, Pricing Procedure is determined based on Sales Area (Sales Organization + Distribution Centre + Division) + Customer Pricing Procedure + Document Pricing Procedure. Sales Area is determined in Sales Order Header Level. Customer Pricing Procedure is determined from Customer Master. Document Pricing Procedure is determined from Sales Document Type / Billing Type (if configured). Once the pricing procedure is determined, Condition records are fetched. If appropriate condition records are found, the price is determined. If Mandatory pricing condition is missing, system will through an error message.
    In SD, the steps to configure Pricing procedure are as under:
    Step 1:
    Condition table: If existing condition table meets the requirement, we need not create a new condition table. Considering the requirement for new condition table, the configuration will be done in spro as follows: IMG --> Sales & Distribution --> Basic Function --> Pricing Control --> Condition Table (select the required fields combination, which will store condition record).
    Step 2:
    Access Sequence: If existing access sequence meets the requirement, we need not create a new access sequence. Considering the requirement for new sequence, the configuration will be done in spro as follows: IMG --> Sales & Distribution --> Basic Function --> Pricing Control --> Access Sequence (Access sequence is made up of Accesses (Tables) & the order of priority in which it is to be accessed. Here we assign the condition table to access sequence.
    Step 3:
    Condition Type: If existing condition type meets the requirement, we need not create a new condition type. Considering the requirement for new condition type, the configuration will be done in spro as follows: IMG --> Sales & Distribution --> Basic Function --> Pricing Control --> Condition Type. It is always recommended to copy an existing similar condition type & make the necessary changes. Here we assign Access sequence to Condition type.
    Step 4:
    a. Pricing Procedure: It is recommended to copy a similar pricing procedure & make the necessary changes in new pricing procedure. Pricing Procedure is a set of condition type & arranged in the sequence in which it has to perform the calculation. Considering the requirement for new Pricing Procedure, the configuration will be done in spro as follows: IMG --> Sales & Distribution --> Basic Function --> Pricing Control --> Pricing Procedure --> Maintain Pricing Procedure.
    b. Pricing Procedure: After maintaining the pricing procedure the next step will be determination of pricing procedure. Configuration for determining pricing procedure in SPRO is as follows: IMG --> Sales & Distribution --> Basic Function --> Pricing Control --> Pricing Procedure --> Determine Pricing Procedure.
    5. Condition record: Condition record is a master data, which is required to be maintained by Core team / person responsible from the client. During new implementation, the condition records can be uploaded using tools like SCAT, LSMW, etc.
    It is assumed that document pricing procedure, customer pricing procedure , ... are in place.
    Sales Document not assigned to Sales Area:
    SPRO --> Sales & Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document Header --> Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types --> Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas (do ensure to maintain combined Sales organization, combined Distribution channel & combined division. for eg: Sales org 1000 & sales org 1000, Sales org 2000 & sales org 2000, & so on ....
    similarly for distribution channel & Division, so that the Sales area combination is available for assignment to Sales Document Type.)
    Issues related to Customer Master data:
    1. what is the impact of leaving customer pricing procedure & customer statistic group blank in customer master --> sales area data --> sales tab:
    If Customer Pricing Procedure is left blank, Pricing will not be determined.
    If customer statistic group is left blank, then data will not flow to standard reports.
    2. Who maintains reconciliation account in customer master?
    Ideally, reconciliation account is maintained by FI person, but if SD person is authorized & has the knowledge of which reconciliation account to be maintained, then even SD person can maintain the same.
    3. Terms of payment appear in Company Code Data & sales Area Data. What is the impact of each? why is it not populated automatically, once it is maintained at either field?
    Terms of payment from company code data is for reporting purpose & it is from sales area data that it flows to sales order.
    It is a standard feature of SAP that it is not populated automatically if maintained at either of the field, but it is a must in sales area data & can be skipped in company code data.
    4. Unable to select Sales Area for Customer Master Creation?
    Most Probably either sales area is not defined or customization not done for common Sales Org & Common Distribution Channel. To maintain this configuration: SPRO --> Sales & Distribution --> Master Data --> Define Common Distribution Channels / Define Common Divisions

  • Convert the Tables in se14  for cube

    I have the requirement to convert the table for the cube since we have changed the Group and Legal Costs stored in BW as currencies to  6 decimal places.  The two objects  changed to  floating point numbers . Now I am asked to covert the tables for the cube how should i go about this
    first I will go to se14 and give the cube name like /BIC/FZINV_C09 Then what should i do to convert the tables or should i follow some thing else in se14 please clarify me soon. i am asked to do this as per tech document.
    Conversion of all the tables used in Info cubes & ODS objects, in Development Systems

    Hi Dinesh and Anil, You both are genius, but please help me what it means by changing the data for legal and group cost directly in data base should i go to se11 and type /bic/fzcobmc01 and select databasetable and now change under "field tab" the data type to floating point and length 16. and also should i change the values by going display table values do i change them manually all 100 values since dinesh pointed the right thing so here is my approach
    proceed as below
    1. change the key figures data type and decimal places AND CTIVATE THE KEY FIGURE

  • DESKI Report using Temp tables in MS- SQL server 2005

    I am trying to create a Free hand SQL DESKI report using temp tables in MS SQL Server-2005, I am using ODBC connection.
    When I run the report, I am getting the error
    u201CConnection or SQL sentence error (DA0005) No column or data to fetchu201D
    Select *
    into #t1
    from region
    select * from #t1
    drop table #t1
    Please help.

    Pratik, the SQL does not seem right. BTW you can only retreive data via Deski Free hand SQL. Also try to use OLE DB connection.

  • Fatch data in ALV Reports from multiple Tables

    Respected Sir,
    How to fatch data in ALV Grid report from selected Field and selected Table.
    Please Help and My require Field and Table is :
    sono LIKE vbak-vbeln,
           sodat LIKE vbak-erdat,
           cust LIKE kna1-name1,
           pono LIKE vbkd-bstkd,
           podat LIKE vbkd-bstdk,
           item_no LIKE vbap-posnr,
           item_des LIKE vbap-arktx,
           name LIKE vbak-kunnr,
           pdate LIKE vbak-bstdk,
           acdel LIKE lips-lgmng,
           netweight LIKE likp-ntgew,
           ordval LIKE VBRP-netwr,
           order_qty LIKE vbap-kwmeng,
           desp_qty(5) TYPE p DECIMALS 2, "LIKE lips-lfimg,
           balance(5) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
           delv_no LIKE likp-vbeln,
           delv_dat LIKE likp-bldat,
           invoice LIKE vbrk-vbeln,
           exnum like J_1IEXCHDR-exnum,
           invoice_dat LIKE vbrk-fkdat,
           invoice_val LIKE konv-kwert,
           END OF it_out.
    *Please Refere the following code and if u wnt to change at ur own ieda u can change and reply me back.*
    *Thnaks In ADVANCE.*
    *Please Do  need full it.*
    *Bhavesh Panchal*
    Also I Make Reports For SO : full coding is.
    *& Report  Z_NEW1
    TABLES : vbak,    "Sales Document: Header Data
             vbkd,    "Sales Document: Business Data
             likp,    "SD Document: Delivery Header Data
             vbrk,    "Billing Document: Header Data
             konv,    "Conditions (Transaction Data)
             lips,    "SD document: Delivery: Item data
             vbap,    "Sales Document: Item Data
             vbrp,    "Billing Document: Item Data
             kna1,    "General Data in Customer Master
    DATA : it_vbkd LIKE vbkd OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_likp LIKE likp OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbrk LIKE vbrk OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_konv LIKE konv OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_lips LIKE lips OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbap LIKE vbap OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbrp LIKE vbrp OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_kna1 LIKE kna1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbrp1 LIKE vbrp OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_temp LIKE lips OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_lips1 LIKE lips OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_lips2 LIKE lips OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_lips3 LIKE lips OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbak1 LIKE vbak OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbak2 LIKE vbak OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_vbap1 LIKE vbap OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : it_posnv LIKE zdelprt OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_out OCCURS 10,
           sono LIKE vbak-vbeln,
           sodat LIKE vbak-erdat,
           cust LIKE kna1-name1,
           pono LIKE vbkd-bstkd,
           podat LIKE vbkd-bstdk,
           item_no LIKE vbap-posnr,
           item_des LIKE vbap-arktx,
           name LIKE vbak-kunnr,
           pdate LIKE vbak-bstdk,
           acdel LIKE lips-lgmng,
           netweight LIKE likp-ntgew,
           ordval LIKE VBRP-netwr,
           order_qty LIKE vbap-kwmeng,
           desp_qty(5) TYPE p DECIMALS 2, "LIKE lips-lfimg,
           balance(5) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
           delv_no LIKE likp-vbeln,
           delv_dat LIKE likp-bldat,
           invoice LIKE vbrk-vbeln,
           exnum like J_1IEXCHDR-exnum,
           invoice_dat LIKE vbrk-fkdat,
           invoice_val LIKE konv-kwert,
           END OF it_out.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: sono FOR vbak-vbeln.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: customer FOR vbak-kunnr.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: d_date FOR likp-bldat.
       LOOP AT it_OUT.
       select * into table i_vbak from vbak
       where vbeln IN sono.
       sono = vbak-vbeln.
       append it_out.
       modify it_out.
    LOOP AT it_out.
          SELECT single vbeln netwr FROM vbak
              INTO (it_out-pono,it_out-podat)
              WHERE vbeln = it_out-sono.
         append it_out.
        select * into table i_vbak from vbak
        where vbeln IN sono.
        call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
        i_structure_name = 'VBAK'
        I_grid_title     = 'Bhavesh Panchal'
        t_outtab = i_vbak
        t_outtab = it_out
         others = 1.

    Hi Bhavesh Panchal  ,
    You have to create another internal table with fields which you would like to display in the ALV output.
    once you fetch the data from different tables into respective internal tables.  loop those internal tables and insert the field values to internal table which you want to display in ALV output.
    Create  field catalog for the internal table created for  ALV  output.
    Hope it shall be useful.
    Santosh Kumaar.M

  • [Trouble] The Report has no tables

    Hi there,
    i have trouble in using Crystal Reports for .NET 2.0.
    I load a CSV file via JetDB Provider as Text database and try to use it as DataSource for my report.
    But it crashes all time, with a error like this "report has no tables".
    Actually i dont really know Crystal Reports well, i got the project from an ex-employment from our Company.
    Of course i readed the PDF documentations "Reporting Off ADO.NET Datasets", "Crystal Reports Guide To ADO.NET", "Connecting the Report Designer Component to a Data Source" but that didnt help me at all.
    So i hope you guys can help me,
    here are the code:
    with best regards,
    Torsten Sailer

    So if I understand correctly, you are loading data from a CSV file into a DataSet object and passing the DataSet to a report that you have loaded using the ReportDocument object?  Are you using the SetDataSource() method to pass the DataSet to the report?  
    Make sure that the schema of the DataSet isn't changing from when you designed the report.  The report's schema must match the DataSet schema when passing the DataSet to the report. 
    The best way to troubleshoot the issue is when the error occurs, write out the DataSet to an .xml file (with the schema) and then in a simple Windows app, load the same report, and the xml schema/data into a DataSet object (rather than the CSV) and see if the same error occurs.  If it does, open the report in design and do a "Set Database Location" to your xml file and see if it picks up any changes.  If it does, then that might be the reason why it errors....the schemas are not matching and you need you find out why.

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