Nike + iPod Sport Kit

I own a video iPod and I was wondering if anyone knows if I could use the sport kit on my video? if not they should make an update for all fith gen ipods that lets you use the sport kit, because I like to run alot.
Dell Inspiron 6000   Windows XP   It's SLOW!

Sorry! The sport kit is only made for ipod nanos. You can still run with your video though!

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    Will an iPod Classic work for the Nike + iPod Sport Kit?
    Why does the Nike + iPod Sport Kit only work for iPod Nano and iPod Touch?
    Only those iPods contain the firmware needed to use it, likely because iPods with a hard drive such as the iPod classic are much more vulnerable to drops and other hard impacts than iPods which use flash media.

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    I dont doubt your claim of 55-75 hours of usage
    solely on running since january. Even though you say
    that it has died prematurely with the range of hours
    you give since the time you purchased the sensor.
    I must ask if you were concious of turning off
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    hitting that little button on the sensor itself to
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    never remembered to turn off this sensor then. Your
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    has been on 24/7 since you purchased it in january.
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    after each run then it might have died prematurely.
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    Umm, no: From the FAQ
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    Hey SeanW89,
    Thanks for the question. The iPod nano 7th generation has bluetooth functionality that can connect to the Nike+ sensor. You do not need to purchase the USB kit, but rather just the sensor itself:
    Nike + iPod Sensor - Apple Store (U.S.)
    iPod nano (7th generation): Frequently used features
    Connect to Bluetooth accessories
    You can connect your iPod nano to compatible Bluetooth headsets and other accessories, including some hands-free systems in newer cars. You can also connect to a Nike+ sensor or a Bluetooth heart-rate monitor. iPod nano supports A2DP for audio streaming and AVRCP for controlling playback on Bluetooth devices.
    Note: FM radio will not play through a Bluetooth accessory.
    Matt M.

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    I can speak for a new iPod touch and tell you that you only need the sensor. That's what I have and I love it. I'm really enjoying Nike's website and the history it builds.
    From what I understand about the new nano, it has some sort of pedometer built right in so you can get a calculation of steps all by itself. You can also add the nike sensor to get more information on your walk/run, I'm just not certain if its the whole kit you need or just the sensor in that instance.

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    I can add to what Lyssa said--as I have a Nike sensor as well.
    I bought a little pouchlike thing that attaches to the top of my shoe. The sensor rides around on that. You can find it here:
    Best of luck--

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    It might be worth it once I can get it to work ....
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    PC   Windows XP   iPod Nano

    Do you have to embed the sensor into the
    insole of your shoe or can you somehow attach it to
    the laces on top?
    Much discussed topic on the forum. Go to this thread:
    Until I get my Nike+ shoes, I have cut a slit on the inside of the tongue on my Asics (just above where the tongue attaches to the shoe). Works just fine. You need to experiment.

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    Any suggestions?

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    PC   Windows 2000  

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    Thanks GFF. I have followed the instructions on the link you provided. I was then able to download the voice kit but it doesn't get installed correctly on the nano. Each time I connect the nano to my iMac, ITunes keeps popping the installation message and there's no French voices on the nano when using the Nike + iPod kit.
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