Nintendo ds--trouble connecting with TimeCapsule

We just bought a TimeCapsule and have it connected with our multiple wireless devices (including Wii) but cannot seem to connect our Nintendo DS Lite devices to it. We get the following message:
"Connected to the access point but unable to connect to the server. Confirm connection settings and internet availability. For help call...."
The error code is 52101.
We'll call the phone number provided but I suspect someone else has had this problem here. Thanks in advance for any help.

Guest network is designed using http protocol. After a device has connected to it, if you try to get online, you have to input the guest password first. After inputting the guest password, that's the time that the device can get online/access any websites. It would really be a problem if the device that you want to work with the guest network doesn't have a guest network. For more info about guest network, check out this link: Guest Network Frequently Asked Questions.

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    Have you installed the certificate on the client computer? If you designate a certificate that is not installed on client computers, authentication will fail. For more detailed information about EAP, you can view the link blow.
    Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Settings for Network Access
    Hope this helps.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

  • Only 1 mac can connect with TimeCapsule

    Hi everybody,
    I'm havin' a rather irritating problem with my timecapsule ...
    I have a MacBook Pro and an new iMac... I set u a network with the timecapsule and normally the 2 mac's can connect on the internet trough the Timecapsule ... Now something changed and when i connect with my macbook, my imac get's trown of the network and loses his connection .. it's like my macbook is prior and gets al the speed... when i try to connect with iMac, i have connectivity for about 5 sec and then the connectivity drops ... Very strange ..
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    *_Can Only Connect to Network With One Mac at a Time_*
    Forgive the size of this post, but the following suggestions have worked for others experiencing connectivity issues like yours. Consider each topic separately. if one does not resolve your issue, then move on the next one.
    *Multicast Rate / Transmit Power*
    Launch Airport Utility.
    Select your Time Capsule on the left.
    Click "Manual Setup".
    Select "Airport" from the toolbar at the top.
    Click the "Wireless" tab.
    Click the "Wireless Options..." button.
    Check the setting for "Multicast Rate".
    This setting controls the range at which you allow devices to access your network. Lower is better if you want access throughout the house. But this setting won't improve speed. Tesserax has a nice explanation of this setting in the following quote:
    +"The Multicast Rate option sets the threshold throughput level a wireless client must obtain in order to be "accepted" by the base station. The lower this value, theoretically, the greater number of clients that can connect, especially those at greater distances from the base station. At the opposite end, the higher this number, only those wireless clients that can achieve the higher throughput value will be able to connect.+ []
    Next, verify that your "Transmit Power: is set to 100%.
    *Interference Robustness / Use Wide Channels*
    Finally, ensure that "Interference Robustness" is checked (For certain network configurations this setting will say "Use Wide Channels. Verify that it is checked nonetheless.)
    Help Doc states: +"You may experience network performance problems if a microwave oven or other source of interference is used frequently near your base station or Time Capsule. To help minimize interference, turn on interference robustness."+
    Click “Done”.
    Click “Update” in the lower right.
    Wait for the Airport device to restart (about 60 seconds).
    Then close Airport Utility.
    *Adjust Firewall Settings* #
    Go to System Preferences --> Security.
    Click the Firewall tab.
    Change setting to “Set access for specific services and applications”.
    The System will now ask you when each process wants to penetrate the firewall. Once you click “Allow” each time you are asked, it will be saved in the pane at the bottom of this window and it should never ask you again.
    One poster observed, “Since I made this change, my wireless has been strong and Time Machine works like a champ and the impact on my network performance is minimal. I speculate that the change in performance is due to security protocols or services that run in the 'allow all incoming connections' and 'allow only essential services' modes. Whatever the reason this fix has worked for me for over 2 months without resetting my airport connection or time capsule.” []
    *Wireless Security Issue*
    Launch Airport Utility.
    Select the TC on the left.
    Click "Manual Setup".
    Click the "Wireless" tab.
    Now for "Wireless Security" select "None".
    Click "Update".
    Now try accessing the internet with all each of your Macs. Does the problem still exist? If not then you may need to clear out your previous security settings.
    First, change "Wireless Security" back on using "WPA2 Personal".
    Create a new password in the 2 fields below.
    Uncheck and recheck "Remember this password in my keychain".
    Click "Update".
    Next, on each of the 3 Macs add the new password in the Network Preferences and click "Apply".
    Finally, try accessing the internet with a 3 Macs again.
    If this doesn't work, then we may need to go into Keychain and remove any old references to your Airport network.
    *Reset Time Capsule Password on Affected Mac*
    Try the following. Read and follow the steps very carefully. You may find it helpful to print this post first as you will lose network connectivity for a short time.
    On the Mac that is experiencing the network issues launch Keychain Access.
    Select "login" from the Keychains pane in the top left.
    Highlight "...Passwords" in the Category pane from the lower left.
    Sort all the items by “Kind”.
    Note everything labeled "Airport...". How many do you have listed? There should only be one "Airport base station password" for each base station that you have active, and there should only be one "Airport network password" for each network you have created.
    Delete the “Airport network password” entry for the network in question.
    Close Keychain Access.
    Now go to System Preferences.
    Select “Network” Preferences.
    Highlight “AirPort” in the services pane on the left.
    Click “Advanced…”.
    Click the “Airport” tab.
    Highlight the network in question.
    Delete the network using the tiny “-” button.
    Verify that “Remember any network this computer has joined” is checked.
    Click “OK”.
    Click “Apply”.
    Click “Turn Airport Off”. Wait 10 seconds.
    Click “Turn Airport On”.
    In the “Network Name” menu select the network in question.
    Enter the network password.
    Check “Remember this network”.
    Click “OK”.
    Click “Apply”.
    Reboot your computer.
    After login you may be presented with a window stating “None of your preferred networks are available”.
    Select your network.
    Ensure that “Remember this network” is checked.
    If you wish, you can check “Show password” for verification.
    Click “Join”.
    If you go back into Network Prefs and click “Advanced…” your network should have returned to the “Preferred Networks” list. Drag it to the top of the list so it has precedence. If you have done so, click “OK” and then click “Apply”.
    Now see if network connectivity has improved for the affected Mac. Let us know if the above was helpful.

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    Hi and Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    You are not doing anything wrong. There are compatibility issues with the way Pidgin and iChat Leopard communicate. Your options are to use another windows client (PSI for instance) or make some changes to the configuration of the ichat server (namely set the server up to use the non SSL port 5222 and plain text log in).

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    Have you tried clearing out any saved WiFi networks from your Network Preferences?  Is it not connecting?  Is not showing up in the WiFi menu? 
    What steps have you taken to trouble shoot this issue so far? 
    Please provide more details, and then we can better help you.

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    ibis8i =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ibis.[company_domain_here])(PORT = 1555))
    (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = oracle))
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    iPhone charging port is faulty or dirty. Clean charging port with clean toothbrush and small amount of Isopropyl Alcohol.

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    Eduardo Arias wrote:
    Hi, look I tried fordwarding various ports of my wifi router. Yesterday it worked perfectly, I used facetime with my girlfriend for over 20 minutes without a problem and then another 15 minutes with a friend. Today I arrived home and tried dialing my girlfriend but nothing happened, then she dialed me back but the only thing it happened was an announcement that said "connecting", nothing more. I loved the app. just as I saw it working but I'm starting to hate it due to all the problems I'm having to connect with other iPods. Is there anything else that I can do?
    Hello Eduardo
    If you have a computer or another connected device, is its browser working? If not, shut down everything for about a minute and then restart the modem, router, and computer. Be sure to let each device's self-test finish before you restart the next. Then check to see if FaceTime is working properly.
    If you do not notice problems with any other devices or apps, intermittent AV problems may be due to intermittent interruptions in your internet service. Call your ISP and ask if they might be experiencing intermittent interruptions.
    The problem might also be at your GF's end. Next time you experience the problem, go to a different wi-fi location and call her from there. If your results are the same as at your normal location, go home and ask your GF to call you from a different wi-fi. By moving only one of you at a time, you should be able to tell which of you is the source of the problem.
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz Mac OS X (10.6.4); MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.4)
    LED Cinema Display; G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11); iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9); External iSight; iPod touch 4.1

  • HT4628 trouble connecting with airport

    Having trouble connected via airport. Have done it day in day out for a year. Nothing has changed.
    Now it won't recognize my password. It recognizes everyone else in the office. Just not my machine anymore.
    I can get internet via tethering to an iphone but not my machine.
    Any thoughts?
    Yes, I've restarted...

    I'm curious, is the router over there an apple router or third party? Are they using WEP encryption or WPA?
    You may want to start by removing all your 'airportnetwork passwords' from you keychain.

  • Macbook trouble connecting to timecapsule

    silly issue. In my workplace my Macbook Pro connects via Ethernet to the Network for surfing. I also have a Timecapsule in my office which i wanto back up to wirelessly.
    Problem; The Airport always tries to connect to a different Wireless network which is provided by a close by hotspot. The wireless network it tries to connect to on the hotspot was never used; its called "beta". The Timecapsule is called "capsule". If I select "capsule" explicitly it works until after restart, when the Airport again tries to connect to "beta" and gets stuck as he doesnt have a password for that of course.
    How can I get the macbook to remember to go to the timecapsule by default?
    Should I change the name of the Timecapsule to "Alpha"?
    The Wumpus

    Heres Homer Simpson saying a big loud: DUH!
    Ill try that right away.
    Evidently it was much too simple for my huge brain. It just couldnt cope!
    Thank you!

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    I  have purchased a WRT150N Linksys wireless router. I am able to connect to it most of the time, however, it loses connection MANY times. The connection seems unstable, because it can never stay connected for an extended period of time. Is there any way to stabalize the connection?

    I have the exact same problem. It loses connection after about an hour. It's doing this right out of the box.
    Also, I have logs enabled but they do not seem to work. They are all blank with the exception of the DHCP Client log, which reads:
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:04 received REQUEST from 00:0F:EA:0F:95:AD
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:04 sending NAK to 00:0F:EA:0F:95:AD
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:04 received REQUEST from 00:11:2F:E0:766
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:04 sending NAK to 00:11:2F:E0:766
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:05 received DISCOVER from 00:0F:EA:0F:95:AD
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:06 sending OFFER to with
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:06 received DISCOVER from 00:11:2F:E0:766
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:07 sending OFFER to with
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:07 received REQUEST from 00:0F:EA:0F:95:AD
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:07 sending ACK to
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:07 received DISCOVER from 00:16:B6:5E:80:33
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:08 sending OFFER to with
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:08 received REQUEST from 00:11:2F:E0:766
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:08 sending ACK to
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:08 received REQUEST from 00:16:B6:5E:80:33
    Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:08 sending ACK to
    I'm not sure if thats significant, but it seems strange.
    Message Edited by gila77 on 12-17-2007 09:23 AM

  • I have tried resetting my photostream several times on three different computers only to get the error message that it can not be reset because of trouble connecting with the servers.  It says the same thing on a sync about contact conflicts.

    I cannot reset my photo stream.  The error message "cannot connect to servers" comes up.  I have the same problem with syncing contact conflicts.  I have logged in on three different computer & networks on three different occasions.  What's the deal?

    Carolyn Samit wrote:
    According to Apple, all services are online >
    Pure Propaganda to make it look good. Icloud Servers  are having issues since days but today it is definately broken and also for me everything is offline, without having changed one setting.
    Look at hundreds of server failures, photostream fails, mail not working..  only recent posts.

  • Trouble Connecting with Secure Linksys Wireless

    I decided to enable WEP on my linksys wireless router and now i cannot get my airport express to connect. I have tried entering the default gateway ip address for the router and password on the airport utility but cant connect. I dont have any options on the utility page that seem to work. I have read quite a few other posts that point to this page as teh solution to enter teh WEP key.
    Dell   Windows XP  

    Use an ethernet cable to connect one of your computers to the AE to set the WEP key. WPA will not work if you have it set up as a WDS. If I am understanding correctly, you had a working network, turned on WEP and now can't make any changes to the AE?
    You actually have a few other options to get the configuration utility to work. Here are all your options.
    1. Temporarily connect AE to a computer using an ethernet cable.
    2. Temporarily connect AE to your router if there are any free wired connections.
    3. Turn off WEP on the main router and when you AE's reappear, you can then turn WEP on for them with the key that you want to use. Once they reboot, they will again not be accessible from your main router until you turn WEP back on, but when you do turn it back on, they will show up providing you get the keys all the same.
    4. Hold the reset button down on AE's and re-enter your entire configuration once they have rebooted with factory default settings.
    1 and 2 are by far the less fussy solution, providing you've got an ethernet cable handy, which you should.

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